General Information Exercise 1.0

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Topik: Renewable Energy

Read the passage below and answer the question:

Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power
are gaining momentum as alternatives to fossil fuels. Solar power harnesses energy
from the sun using photovoltaic cells, while wind power utilizes turbines to convert wind
energy into electricity. Hydroelectric power relies on flowing water to generate electricity,
and geothermal power utilizes heat from the Earth's core. These renewable energy
sources offer environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional energy sources,
reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change.

The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses:

A. The economic viability of renewable energy projects.

B. Technological innovations in renewable energy systems.
C. Government policies promoting renewable energy adoption.
D. Challenges associated with integrating renewable energy into existing grids.

What is the author’s attitude towards the topic of the passage?

A. Concerned
B. Critical
C. Informative
D. Satisfied

What are some examples of renewable energy sources mentioned in the passage?
A. Coal and natural gas
B. Solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power
C. Nuclear energy
D. Petroleum and diesel

How does solar power harness energy from the sun, according to the passage?
A. By burning fossil fuels
B. Using wind turbines
C. Through photovoltaic cells
D. By extracting heat from the Earth's core

What is one benefit of renewable energy sources compared to fossil fuels, as

mentioned in the passage?
A. They are more expensive
B. They produce more pollution
C. They are environmentally friendly
D. They are non-renewable

Which renewable energy source relies on the heat from the Earth's core?
A. Wind power
B. Solar power
C. Hydroelectric power
D. Geothermal power

Based on the passage, what is the primary reason for the growing popularity of
renewable energy sources?
A. They are less reliable
B. They are harmful to the environment
C. They are cheaper
D. They offer environmentally friendly alternatives

What role do turbines play in the generation of wind power, according to the information
A. They convert wind energy into electricity
B. They absorb sunlight
C. They extract heat from the Earth's core
D. They generate hydroelectric power

According to the passage, what environmental problem can renewable energy sources
help mitigate?
A. Land degradation
B. Water pollution
C. Climate change
D. Noise pollution

Which renewable energy source mentioned in the passage utilizes flowing water to
generate electricity?
A. Solar power
B. Wind power
C. Hydroelectric power
D. Geothermal power

How does the passage suggest renewable energy sources can be beneficial for the
A. By increasing pollution
B. By contributing to deforestation
C. By reducing carbon emissions
D. By depleting natural resources

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