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Foodfair and

Openhouse with
Valentines day
As Food fair and Open house happen, with
the celebration of Valentines Day on february 14
and 15, the school became busy with full of
excitement and enthusiasm!
During the day of february 13, as a vice-
president SSLG officer in the school, we are
busy preparing the things that we need to hand
out to the students for the valentine’s day
celebration and somewhat students‘ day and
the things that we need to prepare for the food
fair, like the food stall and the products that
needed to be done.
I had experience buying and bargaining for
lower prices in the market, preparing different
products that needed to be sold, and even
facilitating the activities prepared by the SSLG
Officers. It is tiring and exhausting but as I saw
the outcome of the things that I had done, I feel
like I had accomplished something good for the
school and also for myself.
I had a great valentine’s day. I was surprised
and loved by my special person, and I became
productive in our school. It was a great memory
that I will cherish in my future years. This may
be the last celebration of hearts day in my high
school years, yet I manage to make it one of my
memorable moments.
Therefore, Dr. Principal Fernandez is right
that “Learning doesn’t always happen inside the
classroom, because sometimes, learning is not
taught by modules and lectures but through the
experiences that we do.”

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