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CHAPTER ONE Introduction of the Study

______________________________________________________ Introduction
The entrepreneurship is one of vital requirement for development a country economy. This never is possible to industrialize a country without developing entrepreneur. The study of the topic gives us idea about factor which effect on entrepreneur. Based on the analysis of these factors, the paper provides many significant policy implications on how to improve entrepreneurship development in Bangladesh.

Rationale of the Study

To remove the poverty entrepreneurship is very important for the country as like Bangladesh. To accelerate the business of the country developing entrepreneur is necessary. So from this study we can understand that what actually required developing entrepreneur. It develops our knowledge and skill to success in our future career. This report also can be use for academic purpose in faculty of business administration to enhance the knowledge of students.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

In this study we try to cover the entire scenario of entrepreneur in Bangladesh. The factor which encourage being an entrepreneur and the barrier of entrepreneurship also. But the time duration of our study is not enough for this study. So we select very small size sample from a large number of sampling population. Its very expensive and time consuming to collect data from our study local. After that we try our level best to get an unbiased result from this study.

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Objectives of the Study

General Objective:

To find out the factor that effect on entrepreneurship development in reality.

Specific Objectives:

To find out the motivation factor of entrepreneurship development. To find out the personal barrier of entrepreneurship development. To find out the social barrier of entrepreneurship development. To find out the financial problem of entrepreneurship development.

Methodology of the Study

We select some entrepreneurs case in our country. This place will be comparable painless to collect our relevant data and information. The sample size of our study is four existing entrepreneur from our country. We conduct our study on the basis of the data which we collect from Internet and Newspaper. Finally we use Excel software for our statistical data analysis.

Study Limitations
We have tried our best to make this research as perfect as possible; still there are some limitations of this research. The limitations of this research can be The survey sample is less likely to represent the entire population as the research and survey is limited in a particular area. Lack of sufficient strategically information regarding entrepreneur is a big limitation. Lack of time and expertise are big restraints for this research. Inadequate level of professionalism may be another restriction
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CHAPTER TWO Introduction of the Report

______________________________________________________ About Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur, which can be defined as "one who undertakes innovations, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods". This may result in new organizations or may be part of revitalizing mature organizations in response to a perceived opportunity. The most obvious form of entrepreneurship is that of starting new businesses. However, in recent years, the term has been extended to include social and political forms of entrepreneurial activity. When entrepreneurship is describing activities within a firm or large organization it is referred to as intra-premiership and may include corporate venturing, when large entities spin-off organizations

Key Features of rural Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur basically, doing there activity in the small area basis. Entrepreneur they doing the lots of works like small entrepreneur, local entrepreneur. Rural entrepreneur have some feature to identify the entrepreneur. This are

It is initially small area basis doing there business. Rural entrepreneur they invest there money very less amount. Some time it will be 5000 to 30000 taka. In the rural area most of the time operate of this business poor people, also run the middle stage people, but its very few. Middle stage people they dont doing the business on the rurally basis. Most of the time they run there business SME type.

Rural entrepreneur most of the time they run there business on agriculture basis, like farming, fishing, vegetable etc.

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Most of the time the rural entrepreneur they lend there money from the different NGO, nit take loan from the banks. SME type business basically doing middle stage people and also urban areas people.

Core objectives of Entrepreneur

Core objective of the entrepreneur is the welfare of the country. In the entrepreneur have some objectives. This are

Economic development of the country. In a country the development not only depends to the urban area but also depends on the rural area. Majority person people are live in the village. May be 80% people are living. Need to develop on this amount people. Employment, one of the major objectives of entrepreneur is the employment opportunity. Increase the living standard of rural and urban people. Country internal production will be increase.

Profile of the selected organization

In our report we discus some entrepreneurs profiles in our country. In the rural area have great chance to do small business, because of that there climate, environment all are very supporting for a small entrepreneur.

Apollo fisheries
Apollo fisheries were established in chandpur district in 1998. The owners of this entrepreneurship are Mr. Masud Gazi. Mr. Masud Gazi was an unemployed person after completing his graduation from national university. But he has concentration on diverse way to do something independently for himself and others also. An entrepreneur must be need innovativeness. Mr masud Gazi was a very innovative man. He wants to do something his own.

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Mr Masud Gazi, he was interested in the fisheries. When he did not get the job, he decides to do fisheries. At that time Mr Masud Gazi take training and start the fisheries business. On that time Mr. Masud Gazi took a loan from a NGO. He started his fisheries with the capital of TK. 5000. Now his capital amount is near about five million and also creates more than ten employment opportunity.

We are very much great full to inform that Bibyana is a fashion house in Mirpor-12. This fashion house establishes 3 friends, which all are ex AIUB students. Initially they start there business is very few investment. Three friends invest equally 1, 00,000 taka per person. Total fund was 300000 taka. After that they rent a small house and start there business. Last two years they get popularity in the market and also they create customer loyalty. Now there have three showrooms in Dhaka city. Each person gets 30 to 35 thousand taka per month equally. But initially this amount was very less. One of the founders of this fashion house Mr. Rakib said that initially when we start this business on that time our investment was very small and also our parents are confused about our activity, we will success or not ? But now they fell happy. And we hope near future we open some other showrooms in Dhaka city in different location.

Maa poultry firm

Our final entrepreneur is Mr. Mannan. Mr Mannan is an educated person. He completes his study on the graduation levels. Mr. Mannans family are not very much poor. But he wants to do his won. He did not like to do the job under others person. Mr Mannan passed three years in overseas and works in a poultry firm in Malaysia. He doing everything on that poultry sector, and understand everything on the poultry firm system. After that when he came back in Bangladesh again he take training and start his own dream business. Some time later Mr. Mannan established a firm and tries to use his previous experience. He started his poultry firming with the capital of Tk. 200000 in the year 2005. But now a day he
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increases his profitability. And at a time he expands his business. Now his total capital amount near about TK. 2500000.

CHAPTER THREE Analysis and Discussion of Entrepreneur profile

______________________________________________________ Age level of new entrepreneur
There are many people in our country that have been dealt a heavy financial blow tot he lagging economy. But there is also an emerging movement of new entrepreneurs who are the young people. They not phased one bit by the dead beat economy economic system of city, state, or nation and they are the next generation of business owners that will run this town. In our report we find out most of the people are doing the new business on the earlier age. This age level is 25 to 39 years old. Based on our research we prepare a pie chart about the age level of the entrepreneur. This are In our analysis we find out the biggest percent of people they start there new business when there age is 25 to 28 and percent is 40%. Second age level is 28 to 32 and the percentage is 35% others 32 to 40 they take others 25%. So finally we want to say 25 to 32 this is the best time for start a new business.

Family Background
In a rural area most of the entrepreneur is come from poor family. Also some have middle stage people; here we can see the middle stage people are more advance for doing the entrepreneurship. In our research we find out some persons come from Middle family and some people come from poor family. But interesting thing is middle stage people are doing entrepreneurship for there
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dream or others, on the other hand other rural person are doing entrepreneurship for the survivable or easy life.

Process of motivation
Most of the cases a new entrepreneur have some inspiration about doing the business. In our study w find out still here some person who inspirits them. In our study we find most of the case has some relative who doing business. In our study we find out in our institutionally we dont get the inspiration and also most of the middle stage people they dont permitted to do new business. As a result the incrassating rate of entrepreneurship is affected. So here nod to give more concern about this problem.

Financial support
Each and every enterprise need financial support, when they start there business. In the village and also urban people they not have enough money to run a new business. As a result they need finance on out side. On these perspective lots of finance institution they can provide the financial support to the entrepreneur. These financial institutions are Banks, NGO. Some time finance there family or friends. In our research w find out our selected enterprise they take loan Banks and Friends or family. We find out that biggest financing institution is NGO.NGO gives 45% of total financing and second is Family they are provide 30%. Rests of others amount are provide friends and banks. In the rural area people are not like to take finance from the bank, because the banks are maintain more formalities which the rural people not comfortable.

Investment range
When an entrepreneur decides which business is he/she will do, on that time need investment on there proposed business. Here investment range depends on the nature of the business and also depends the financial ability. If the entrepreneur is very poor on that time they invest 5000 to
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30000 in the initial stage. On the other hand if entrepreneur are middle stage then they investment range is 50000 to 500000 in the rural area, urban area it is more300000 to 1500000 taka.

CHAPTER FOUR Findings, Recommendation & Conclusion


Problems of rural entrepreneurs in Bangladesh

In the Bangladesh perspective the entrepreneur face lots of problems and challenges in there business. Some time it is government side and also some time its in the open market

Less Financial Support: In the rural area most of the people are poor. When they want to start a new business on that time they face lots of financial problems. Most of the time they take loan from some NGO, but here NGO interest rate is very high. Thats way the rural entrepreneur they do not provide the sufficient money in there business.

Education: Another problem of entrepreneur in Bangladesh the education problems. It is the biggest problems. When some organization arranges some training about the entrepreneur or some agreement on that time most of the entrepreneurs are not know about the training and agreement, because of the education. Some education are not relevant to there education.

Training facility: Government some time arranges some program of training but this is not sufficient. When an entrepreneur wants to start some new business on that time the main lacking is to know about the business. If they dont know about the business then which way they do there business.

Communication facilities: Another very big problem is the communication. In the rural area the communication process is very poor. When a rural entrepreneur they want to sell
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there product to the urban area like Dhaka or some district area on that time they face the communication problem. When they come to sell there product to the urban area, that time there transportation cost will be very high. On the other hand Urban areas Traffic jam is the biggest problem for en entrepreneur

Electricity problem: The major problem of Bangladesh is the electricity. Not only the rural area but also the urban area. When an entrepreneur wants to produce some thing on that time they face electricity problem. Like in poultry firm need very much electricity and also the himagar where they keep there product. If on that time not have electricity then they face problem.

Government support: Also the government support is in sufficient. Like the infrastructure, fund collecting etc. lots of time we see, different NGO they give so much pressure for collecting there money on the entrepreneur, and some time the entrepreneur they sell there property for give the loan.

Interest Rate: An entrepreneur when they take loan from different NGO or other financial institution on that time they face the very high interest rate. Here the government can set the interest rate. Its will very helpful for the rural entrepreneur.

Some opportunity for the entrepreneur. This are Reduce unemployment: the biggest and also the main opportunity is to reduce the

unemployment. In Bangladesh have huge job crisis; if the people are doing the entrepreneurship then it will reduce the unemployment.

Huge Market: A new entrepreneurs there market is huge. If only they get the good communication then they do there work very well. So have the chance to take the huge market.

Growing the profit level in the market

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In the perspective of our report and our study we find out some problem. On the basis on this problem we give some solution. This are

Lending Policy: Entrepreneur must need fund without fund they do not start there business. In this situation the government can set a lending policy. Which follow the commercial banks and also the NGO. This is the only way to save the harassment on that landing. Like interest rate.

Warehousing: In the rural area there not have any warehouse to store there product. If the government to set this warehouse then it will be very helpful for the rural entrepreneurs people.

Communication System: Need a good communication system for transporting there product. Rural area to Dhaka transportation cost is very high, and also need so many times.

Avoid Middle man: In the distribution channel has some middle man. Here need to avoid this middle man. Set a proper distribution channel which will be entrepreneur to retailer or direct customer. In this way entrepreneur they get the proper price.

Confidence: An entrepreneur needs strong confidence. In there not have any hesitation or confusion. If an entrepreneur has less confidence then that entrepreneur will be dad. Electricity: Finally need the electricity. In the agricultural entrepreneur without electricity they dont produce any thing. So need to provide continues electricity.

Rural entrepreneur is a very important part of every country. Each and every country do not develop there economy without the rural development. The country government does not develop the rural area individually; they need the support to the rural people. Rural entrepreneur
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is a very big way to develop the rural area and also the rural economy. Rural entrepreneur at a time give to the employment opportunity and also give the financial support. But still rural entrepreneur face lots of problem. So immediately need some government support which help to the rural entrepreneur for properly run there business.

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