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CHAPTER 3: THE CHANGING social media and television.

AMERICAN SOCIETY: VALUES Voluntary simplicity is a

consumers effort to reduce
their reliance on consumption
§ Cultural values is a widely held and material possessions. Minor
beliefs that affirm what is life adjustment and reduce
desirable. Changes in value tend spending to drastic lifestyle
to occur slowly and unevenly adjustments are the example on
across individuals and groups. voluntary simplicity. However
§ There are three types of values this is a conscious and
especially in the American voluntary decision.
society such as self-oriented § Hard work or leisure: avergae
values, environment-oriented weekly hours worked is around
values, and other-oriented 34 hours, longer than employees
values. in other Group of Seven (G7)
§ Religious or secular: America is countries. Americans work long
basically a secular society. A hours for many reasons such as
religious group does not their material orientation and
control the educational system, simply because they think that
government, or political their work is meaningful and
process and most people daily valuable. This opens up
behaviour. Many Americans for opportunities for marketers
whom religion is especially who can deliver convenience.
important are conservative in § Active or passive: americans
their beliefs and quite active continue to value an active
politically. The religious group approach to life. Most
attempts to regulate various americans take an active
marketing activities and their approach to both leisure and
consumption patterns include problem-solving activities.
both positive consumption § Environment-oriented value
(purchasing religious object and prescribe a society relationship
books) and negative with its economic,technical, and
consumption (avoiding or physical environments
boycotting products and § Cleanliness: american have long
companies). Advertising to this valued cleanliness. They may
certain group requires a accept messier homes but they
nuanced approach in which are not happy about them thus
advertisers cannot simply put a it presents marketing
religious symbol on all products opportunities. Personal hygiene
and think that it will have a remains very important to
positive effect. most Americans.
§ Sensual gratification or § Tradition or change: new has
abstinence: in America, sensual traditionally been taken to
gratification became more mean improved. However they
acceptable and become a trend. are now less receptive to
However some brand change for its own shake, the
remembered as a brand with energy required to keep pace
sexual appeal ads but their with rapid technological
intention to buy the brand in changes are some of the
the ad does not change. One of reasons for this shift. Creative
the biggest value shifts in US is class inclueds those who work in
the greater importance placed such professions (architecture,
on fun and excitement. science, engineering, health
§ Postponed or immediate care, etc) which engage in
gratification: Americans seem complex problem solving.
unwilling to delay pleasures, § Risk taking or security: there
even in the face of discomfort was an increased emphasis on
over spending levels and debt. security during the period from
§ Material or nonmaterial: 1930 through the mid 1980s.
outcome of America focus on the currently seems to be a
materialism is a consumption- greater emphasis on security,
driven society. Factors found driven at leas in part by the
to influence materialism are recent economic recession. The
short-term focus on security models might generate a more
may give once again to risk positive reactions.
taking as the economy § Competition or cooperation:
recovers. american society, like most
§ Problem solving or fatalistic: others has reflected a
americans believe that virtually masculine orientation for a
anything can be fixed given long time. Although American
sufficient time and effort. society is becoming less
§ Admire or overcome nature: masculine oriented, it still leans
traditionally nature was viewed clearly in that direction.
as an obstacle. § Green marketing generally
Environmentalism is a concern involve developing products
for the environment and it whose producton, use, or
remains strong in the society. disposal is less harmful to the
Enviropreneurial marketing is environment than the
an environmentally friendly traditional versions of the
marketing pratices, strategies, product; developing products
and tactics initiated by a fim that have a positive impact on
to achieve a competitive the environment; and trying
differenciation. the purchase of product to an
§ Performance or status: environmental ogranisatin or
americans are shifting back to event. Environmental concern
a focus on performance rather do not guarantee purchase of
than status. green products. Green
§ Other oriented values reflect a consumers can be detrimental
society view of the appropriate to the purchase of these
relationship between individuals products, as users are often
and groups within that society. seen-negatively-as greenies or
§ Individual or collective: a tree huggers. The FTC shares
strong emphasis on consumer skepticism about
individualism is one of the green claims.
defining characteristics of § Eco-friendly appear to be
American society. They believe misleading to consumers who
in doing your own thing. believe that such products have
§ Diversity or uniformity: far-reaching benefits in almost
american has valued a degree all environmental areas without
of uniformity, particularly having any substantial
with respect to groups. Cultural drawbacks. Greenwashing
creatives are american who are whereby a firm promotoes
concern with self-actualisation environmental benefits that
spiritually and self-expression are unsubstaintiated and on
and who like things that are which they do not delover.
foreigns and exotic. Green guides are a focus on
qualifying claims so that it is
§ Limited or extended family: clear in what way the product
frequent geographic moves as is environmentally friendly and
well as differential rates of a crack down on third-party
social mobility mean that few certification and seals.
children grow up in close § Caused related marketing (CRM)
interaction with aunts, uncles, is marketing that ties a
cousins, nieces, or nephews. company and products to an
§ Youth or age: older people were issue or cause with the goal of
considered wiser than young improving sales or corporate
people and therefore were image while providing benefits
looked to as models and leaders to the cause. Social marketing
in almost all cultures. The value promotes a benefit to the
on youth continued as America world community without
became an industrial nation. sdvancing the profits or image
Age potrayal in advertising is a a commercial firm. Cause
difficult issue because people related marketing attempts to
often feel younger than their benefit a cause and to enhance
actual age. Ads using younger the image and sales of a
commercial firm. The
foundation of CRM is important avenue firms use in
marketing to consumers value approaching this market.
and it can be very effective. § Gender based marketing:
§ Consumer skepticism and apathy changes in gender roles for
remain a challenge. Skeptic women have been dramatic,
means doubt sincerity or with increased participation in
effectiveness of CRM. Balancer the workforce, increased
is when they believe CRM but wealth and purchasing power,
generally does not act and increased participation in
accordingly. Attribution active lifestyle, to name just a
oriented is when they concerned few. Sex and gender are use
about motives behind CRM. And interchangeably to refer to
socially concerned is when they whether a person is biologically
driven by desire to help. CRM a male or a female. Gender
result can be improved if identity refers to the traits of
consumers see a fit between feminity (expressive traits such
the company and the cause. as tenderness and compassion)
§ It is important to emphasise and masculinity (instrumental
that gay consumers, like traits such as agressiveness and
heterosexuals, vary in terms of dominance). Gender roles are
ethnicity, geographic, region, the behaviours considered
occupation, and age. The size appropriate for males and
of the LGBTQ market is females in a green society.
estimated to be about 4 § Ascribed role is based on an
percent in US population. A attribute over which the
recent survey found that 82 individual has little or no
percent of gay consumers are control. Achievement role which
more likely to buy from is based on performance,
companies they know are gay criteria over which the
friendly. individual has some degree of
§ The product issue in marketing control. Traditional orientation
towards LGBTQ customers are is when husband assumes the
the lifestyle of gay consumers responsibility for providing the
which do not differ family and the wife rusn the
sufficiently from those of house and takes care of the
other consumers to require children. Modern orientation is
product modifications. In the when husband and wife share
communication issues a large responsibilities.
and increasing number of § The market segmentation on
fortune 500 companies now this group of marketing target
advertise in gay media. Gay are: traditional housewives
consumers tend to be more tech (usually they feels supported
savvy and more likely to search by family and is generally
online for information. Because content with their role);
most product do not require trapped housewife (has mixed
alteration for the gay market, feeling about current status
firms may decide to approach and is concered about lost
the market by placing one of opportunities); trapped working
their standard ads in gay- (would prefer to stay at home
oriented media. It has been but works because of economic
estimated that roughlt half of necessity or social or family
the gay community rarely or pressure); career working
never read gay-oriented woman (views gome
publications and spend maintenance as a necessary evil
considerable time using and feel pressed). Modern men
standard media. The study are more focused on such
found that gays and factors as fashion, shopping,
heterosexual equality liked the and cooking.
mainstream ads. Using symbolic § Males and females process and
gay icons appear to be an respond differently to various
effective tactics. Support of communication elements
gay community event such as including sexual appeals, music,
gay pride week is another verbal style, and so forth.
Females respond more
favorably to a help-ithers type
of appeal for a charity whereas
males respond best to a self-
help appeal. Because women are
quite diverse as a group,
marketers also must consider,
such factors as ethnicity, age,
life stage, and employment
status differences when
designing marketing
communication. Being able to
have a vouce in the resulution
process is more important for
women than man.

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