WBQOTD - List of Questions

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WBQOTDWBQOTD: The Complete List of

Questions in Chronological Order

Last Update: June 7th 2022
[Will be updated periodically]

[1.] What animal is considered to be the most dangerous in your setting? The Nightbrand
[2.] Does magic exist in your setting? Do the majority of people believe it exists?
1.[3.] What is considered ‘famine food’ in your setting?
2.[4.] How many sentient species exist in your world? Do they recognise each other as being
[5.] What materials are used to make clothing in your setting?55
3.[6.] What was the worst massacre in your setting’s history? Why did it happen? Who was
4.[7.] How is a cold, or your species's equivalent of it, treated in your setting?
5.[8.] How are dead bodies disposed of?
6.[9.] Does your setting have any ‘folk heroes’ or ‘national heroes’? Why are they famous?
7.[10.] What kinds of ranged weapons are used in your setting? Are some weapons only used
by certain groups of people?
8.[11.] What forms of contraception, if any, exist in your setting?
9.[12.] What herbs and spices are readily available in your setting?
10.[13.] What sort of national holidays or regional festivals does your world have?
11.[14.] What is considered your setting’s greatest technological achievement?
12.[15.] Who was the most influential leader of your world’s history?
13.[16.] Do people in your world believe animals, plants and other living things have souls?
14.[17.] How many planets exist in your world’s solar system? How many of these do the
inhabitants of your world know about?
15.[18.] If a person in your setting wanted to make themselves look more attractive, how would
they achieve this?
16.[19.] What is the most popular alcoholic drink in your setting?
17.[20.] Does your setting have any schools or universities? Who attends them? Who funds
18.[21.] What are the three most common bird species found in your setting?
19.[22.] When was your setting’s last epidemic or pandemic? What was the infection rate? What
was the fatality rate?
20.[23.] How are waste materials (household trash, faeces and urine) disposed of in your
21.[24.] What kinds of melee weapons are used in your setting? Are some weapons only
available to certain types of people?
22.[25.] What textile dyes are available in your setting?
23.[26.] How many genders does your society officially recognise?
24.[27.] What kind of ceremony does your world use to mourn the dead?
25.[28.] What are some “Rites of Passages” in your world? What do they entail and are they
gender-specific or all-inclusive?
26.[29.] Does your world have any major criminal/s? If so, are they related to the main
character/s in any way?
27.[30.] What is the most common metal found in your world? What is the least common?
28.[31.] How is time measured in your setting?
29.[32.] What terms of endearment are typically used in your setting?
30.[33.] Does your setting have any ancient ruins? How did they get there? How do your current
population think they got there?
31.[34.] What farming tools and agricultural machinery are used in your setting?
32.[35.] Who is allowed to join your setting’s military? Are some groups (e.g. women, elves, the
elderly, etc) restricted to certain units or roles?
33.[36.] Are there any foods or drinks that are considered taboo in your setting?
34.[37.] How are people with mental illnesses viewed and treated in your setting? Does it
depend on the specific illness?
35.[38.] How does a child become an adult in your setting?
36.[39.] Assuming your setting has magic, where does it come from? Where do people believe it
comes from?
37.[40.] What is widely regarded as the worst crime a person can commit in your setting?
38.[41.] What does your setting smell like?
39.[42.] What materials are beds and bedding typically made from in your setting?
40.[43.] What forms of body modification exist in your setting? Who modifies their body this
way and why?
41.[44.] What percentage of your population are atheists or non-religious?
42.[45.] Who decides whether someone accused of a crime is innocent or guilty?
43.[46.] What was your setting like 50 years before the start of your story?
44.[47.] What recreational drugs are used in your setting?
45.[48.] Can people in your setting use magic, and if so, how do they activate it? (Chants, hand
motions, runes, etc.)
46.[49.] What kinds of animals are kept as pets in your setting?
47.[50.] How old does someone have to be to get married in your setting?
48.[51.] Where do the people of your setting think diseases come from? Are they right?
49.[52.] How is clothing fastened in your world?
50.[53.] What natural disasters occur in your setting? How long ago was the last one?
51.[54.] Is sex work legal in your setting?
52.[55.] How do people in your setting typically greet each other? Does it depend on who they’re
53.[56.] Does your setting have military conscription? If yes, is anyone exempt and why?
54.[57.] What are common goodbyes in your story? What are common threats or curses?
55.[58.] If someone in your setting had to travel 100 miles, what would be the fastest way they
could do this and how long would it take?
56.[59.] What is your setting’s staple food? Does it vary seasonally?
57.[60.] What is the leading cause of death in your setting?
58.[61.] What kinds of makeup exist in your setting? Who wears what?
59.[62.] How are thieves punished in your setting? Does it depend on what they stole, who they
stole it from or whether they’ve done it before?
60.[63.] What are the three most common types of trees found in your setting?
61.[64.] How many children do a couple have on average? How many of these are likely to
survive to adulthood?
62.[65.] Are any locations in your setting regarded as ‘haunted’ by your population? How did they
gain this reputation?
63.[66.] What musical instruments are found in your setting?
64.[67.] Are birthdays celebrated in your world? If they are, how are they celebrated?
65.[68.] What toys do children in your setting typically play with?
66.[69.] What percentage of your population are bilingual? How many are trilingual?
Quadrilingual or more?
67.[70.] How often do people bathe in your setting? Where and how do they bathe?
68.[71.] Are there any circumstances in which killing someone is lawful, in your setting?
69.[72.] What is the most famous monument in your setting? Why is it famous?
70.[73.] How do religious figures dress in your setting?
71.[74.] What is the most dangerous plant found in your setting?
72.[75.] How would someone in your setting swear an oath?
73.[76.] When was your setting’s most recent war? Who fought in it and why?
74.[77.] What is the most popular hot drink in your setting?
75.[78.] How do people in your setting typically dress and style their hair? Does it vary according
to age, gender, marital status, and/or social class?
76.[79.] What do the people of your world do to prevent the spread of disease? Does it work?
77.[80.] How is knowledge preserved and passed onto future generations in your setting?
78.[81.] What materials are houses typically made from in your setting?
79.[82.] Is infanticide practised in your setting? If so, under what circumstances?
80.[83.] What kind of person would stand out in a crowd in your setting?
81.[84.] What is the most common language spoken in your world?
82.[85.] Describe the style(s) of dance popular in your setting.
83.[86.] What forms of public transport exist in your setting?
84.[87.] Is same sex marriage legalised in your setting?
85.[88.] Do children in your setting dress any differently to adults?
86.[89.] Does your setting have any hospitals, hospices, care homes or other formal healthcare
87.[90.] What eating utensils are available in your setting?
88.[91.] Does your world have the concept of water balloon fights?
89.[92.] What crimes, if any, are punishable by death in your setting? How are the culprits
90.[93.] What do people in your world use to cook food?
91.[94.] Who is the head of your setting’s government? Do they have any actual power or is it in
name only?
92.[95.] How would the inhabitants of your setting deal with abnormally cold weather?
[96.] What types of performingpreforming arts are popular in your setting?
93.[97.] Do the majority of people in your setting know how to swim?
94.[98.] How are intersex people viewed and treated in your setting?
95.[99.] Does your setting conduct a census? If so, what kind of information is collected and
96.[100.] Is there any period in your setting’s history that current inhabitants look back on as a
‘golden age’?
97.[101.] Does your setting have a flag or other emblem to represent it? If it does, describe it.
98.[102.] What percentage of your population is literate? Is literacy limited to people of a certain
class, race or gender?
99.[103.] How is food stored and preserved in your setting?
100.[104.] What types of slavery, if any, occur in your setting? Is it legal or illegal?
101.[105.] Assuming your setting has magic… How are magic users treated in comparison to
non-magic users?
102.[106.] Who provides medical care to the people in your setting? How much training do they
103.[107.] Does your setting have seasons? If so, how many and how long do they last?
104.[108.] What was your setting like 10 years before the start of your story?
105.[109.] How is menstruation dealt with in your setting?
106.[110.] What kinds of food can be eaten “on the go” in your setting?
107.[111.] What energy sources are utilised in your setting?
108.[112.] Does your setting have any laws or rules that only apply in times of armed conflict?
109.[113.] What kind of people are deemed untrustworthy or unscrupulous by your society?
110.[114.] What is the average life expectancy in your setting?
111.[115.] What kind of monuments are there in your world for great men and women that died?
How do the people in your world’s civilisations honour their greatest leaders and heroes who
have passed away?
112.[116.] How do your world’s inhabitants predict (or attempt to predict) the weather?
113.[117.] What does your setting sound like?
114.[118.] Is there anything people in your setting are expected to carry on them when they
leave the house?
115.[119.] What pack animals can be found in your setting?
116.[120.] How are laws enforced in you r setting?
117.[121.] What kind of items are likely to be counterfeited in your setting?
118.[122.] How is pain treated and managed in your setting? Does it depend on the type, cause
or severity of the pain?
119.[123.] What materials are roads and paths made from in your setting?
120.[124.] How, if at all, does your world’s atmosphere differ from Earth’s?
121.[125.] How are interracial relationships viewed in your setting?
122.[126.] What sports are popular in your setting?
123.[127.] How large is your setting’s homeless population?
124.[128.] How many meals a day do most people eat in your setting? When are they typically
125.[129.] Does your setting have any fictional currencies?
126.[130.] What are wedding ceremonies like in your world?
[131.] Describe the style(s) of music popular in your setting.
[132.] Does your setting have any unique sayings or proverbs?
[133.] What animals are considered pests in your setting?
[134.] When, if at all, are children expected to leave home in your setting?
[135.] What religion has the largest following in your setting?
[136.] If your setting has a military, is it divided into separate branches? E.g. A Navy? An Air
Force? Military Police?
127.[137.] How is water made safe to drink/use in your setting?
128.[138.] What materials are public buildings typically made from in your setting?
129.[139.] How are people with disabilities viewed and treated in your setting? Does it depend
on the specific disability?Describe the style(s) of music popular in your setting.
130. Does your setting have any unique sayings or proverbs?
131. What animals are considered pests in your setting?
132. When, if at all, are children expected to leave home in your setting?
133. What religion has the largest following in your setting?
135.[140.] What percentage of your population are vegetarian, vegan or pescetarian?
136.[141.] Does divorce exist in your setting? If so, under what circumstances can a married
couple get divorced?
137.[142.] How would the inhabitants of your setting deal with abnormally hot weather?
138.[143.] Does your setting have a black market? What kind of goods and services are sold
through it?
139.[144.] How are children named in your setting?
140.[145.] What do the inhabitants of your setting believe happens to a person’s
soul/spirit/consciousness after they die?
141.[146.] Do the laws of physics that apply to our world also apply to your fictional world?
142.[147.] What are the top five most common occupations in your setting?
143.[148.] Are there any places in your setting that were formerly inhabited but have now been
abandoned? Why were they abandoned?
144.[149.] How popular are blood sports in your setting? Are these sports legal?
145.[150.] What kind of armour is available in your setting? Is it readily available?
146.[151.] How are medicines made in your setting? Who makes them?
147.[152.] What inspired you to create your world?
148.[153.] Do building regulations exist in your setting? If so, what rules are in place? E.G.
Houses must be earthquake proof, made from non-flammable materials, no more than six
stories tall, with no more than 20 residents, etc.
149.[154.] How are magical abilities and knowledge passed onto future generations?
150.[155.] Does your world have any creation myths? If so, tell them.
151.[156.] Do the people in your setting ever fast? If they do, why and for how long?
152.[157.] If a child is orphaned in your setting, who typically looks after them?
153.[158.] Does your world have any moons? What are they called? What do they look like?
154.[159.] What visual art styles and movements are popular in your setting?
155.[160.] Do the people of your setting pay a dowry or bride price when they get married?
156.[161.] Which occupations are looked down upon in your setting and why?
157.[162.] How many continents does your fictional world have? What are they called?
158.[163.] Who are the fashion trendsetters of your world?
159.[164.] What type of economic system does your setting have?
160.[165.] How does news spread in your setting? E.G. Through town criers? Newspapers?
Radio? Television? The internet? Telepathy?
161.[166.] How is polyamory viewed and treated in your setting?
162.[167.] What is the terrain like in your setting?
163.[168.] Does your setting have freedom of speech or similar? If not (or if there are
exceptions) what kinds of things could someone say to get arrested, fined or otherwise
164.[169.] How is an engagement or betrothal celebrated or marked in your world?
165.[170.] Describe a typical breakfast in your setting. Does it vary seasonally?
166.[171.] Are there any laws in place to protect animals? If yes, which animals are protected?
167.[172.] What kind of calendar is used in your setting?
168.[173.] Would you want to live in your world if you could? Why or why not?
169.[174.] How has fashion changed over the last 100 years in your world?
170.[175.] What is one myth, folktale or legend just about everyone in your setting has heard?
171.[176.] How are illegitimate children and pregnancy outside of wedlock treated in your
172.[177.] Describe your world’s pantheon(s).
173.[178.] What desserts or confectionery are popular in your setting?
174.[179.] Which academic disciplines are held in high esteem in your setting?
175.[180.] What kind of clothes, if any, do the people in your setting typically sleep in?
176.[181.] How are gay and lesbian people viewed and treated in your setting?
177.[182.] What are the three most first common names found in your setting?
178.[183.] Do people dress differently depending on their age or marital status?
179.[184.] What is the largest city/settlement in your world? How big is it?
180.[185.] Does your setting have any criminal gangs? How much power do they have?
181.[186.] What do the people of your setting consider to be the ideal number of children?
182.[187.] When do the people of your setting exchange gifts? What gifts are typically
183.[188.] Do banks and other financial institutions exist in your setting?
184.[189.] Are there any plants or animals in your setting that are considered to be invasive by
the local population? If so, how did they get there and are the locals doing anything about it?
185.[190.] What’s the quickest way to offend someone in your setting?
186.[191.] If someone from your setting were to make a list of ‘the seven wonders of the world’,
what places would be on it and why?
187.[192.] What is the sweetest smell found in your setting?
188.[193.] Has your world had any uprisings or rebellions? What did the rebels want to achieve?
Were they successful?
189.[194.] What forms of long-distance communication exist in your setting?
190.[195.] Does it ever rain anything other than water in your world? E.G. Acid, Diamonds or
191.[196.] What are your setting’s main exports? Where are they exported to?
192.[197.] What are some of the most valuable items in your setting? How much do they sell for?
193.[198.] What acts are considered treasonous in your setting? What is the punishment for
committing such acts?
194.[199.] Who is the most feared person in your setting?
195.[200.] What personality traits are valued in your setting?
196.[201.] What are your cultures’ attitudes towards sex?
197.[202.] What is considered a ‘fate worse than death’ in your setting?
198.[203.] What does the sky look like in your setting?
199.[204.] What are the three most common types of fish found in your setting?
200.[205.] What food or drink is only served on special occasions?
201.[206.] What types of families are popular in your setting?
202.[207.] What biome classification(s) does your setting fall under?
203.[208.] Is torture legal in your setting? What forms of torture are most common?
204.[209.] What is considered formal wear in your setting?
205.[210.] How much does it snow in your setting?
206.[211.] What was your setting like 100 years before the start of your story?
207.[212.] If a couple divorces/separates who typically gets custody of the children?
208.[213.] What dog breeds are popular in your setting?
209.[214.] How involved is the ordinary citizen in politics? Would they have ever met a
government official, for instance?
210.[215.] Are there any laws in your setting that apply to children but not to adults?
211.[216.] What do the people of your setting consider to be luxuries?
212.[217.] How long is a year on your world?
213.[218.] How are homeless people viewed and treated in your setting?
214.[219.] If someone in your setting needed to borrow a large sum of money who would they go
215.[220.] What are the most common hair/fur, skin/scale and eye colours in your setting?
216.[221.] How old is your world? How old do the inhabitants of your setting believe their world
217.[222.] What are the three most common surnames in your setting, if any?
218.[223.] How involved are the gods of your world with mortal affairs?
219.[224.] What fruit and vegetables are cultivated in your setting?
220.[225.] What are some common names for pets in your setting?
221.[226.] Is your setting home to any technology that doesn’t (yet) exist in our world?
222.[227.] Are there any popular holiday/vacation destinations in your setting?
223.[228.] Which occupations are held in high esteem in your setting and why?
224.[229.] Where do the people in your setting typically go to the toilet?
225.[230.] How are bisexual, pansexual and polysexual viewed and treated in your setting?
226.[231.] How much has technology changed in the last 50 years, in your setting?
227.[232.] Is your setting home to any cults?
228.[233.] What are some of the most prestigious awards given in your setting?
229.[234.] Are there any culture-wide comfort foods in your setting?
230.[235.] What are the consequences of using magic in your world?
231.[236.] How is adultery viewed in your setting? What acts are classed as adultery?
232.[237.] What is the largest economic sector (e.g. agriculture, manufacturing, government,
finance, etc) in your setting?
233.[238.] Is your world’s main religion monotheist, polytheist, pantheist or something else?
234.[239.] What are some constellations that can be seen from your world? Are there any stories
behind the naming or origin of these constellations?
235.[240.] Are any animals used as messengers in your setting?
236.[241.] What games do children play in your setting?
237.[242.] How are nonbinary people viewed and treated in your setting?
238.[243.] What are the three most common metals in your world?
239.[244.] How would the people of your setting handle a blizzard?
240.[245.] When a couple marry in your setting, who do they typically live with or near to? The
groom’s family? The bride’s family? Neither? Both? Another option?
241.[246.] Is romantic love valued in your setting?
242.[247.] If you’re creating a fictional language, how many personal pronouns does your
language have?
243.[248.] What would the people of your setting consider their greatest invention to be?
244.[249.] What are your setting’s major exports?
245.[250.] What do places of worship look like in your world?
246.[251.] How important is personal hygiene in your setting?
247.[252.] How large is your planet? Is it smaller or larger than Earth?
248.[253.] What’s the worst thing about living in your setting?
249.[254.] What sort of body language is considered rude in your setting?
250.[255.] How many outfits does a wealthy person typically own? How about a poorer person?
251.[256.] How common are maps in your setting? How accurate are they?
252.[257.] Who is the wealthiest individual in your world? How did they obtain their wealth?
253.[258.] What is your society’s attitude towards nature?
254.[259.] What personal qualities or traits are regarded as the worst qualities a person can
process in your setting? E.G. Greediness, disloyalty, lecherousness, etc.
255.[260.] Can people in your setting move between different social classes or castes? How?
256.[261.] How, if at all, do the people of your setting control or attempt to control the weather?
257.[262.] Who is responsible for building and maintaining roads, paths and bridges in your
258.[263.] How are seasonal changes marked or celebrated in your world?
259.[264.] What are some romantic gestures typical of your setting?
260.[265.] Which art forms are held in high esteem?
261.[266.] What time of year is the rainiest in your setting?
262.[267.] Are there any mythological or legendary objects (e.g. Excalibur) that exist in your
263.[268.] What do houses look like in your setting?
264.[269.] What is your society’s attitude towards domestic abuse? Does it depend on the type
of abuse?
265.[270.] What are some items that can be found in every household in your setting, regardless
of the household’s wealth?
266.[271.] What kind of people are celebrities in your world?
267.[272.] Do the people of your setting have freedom of religion?
268.[273.] What goods need to be imported into your setting because they can’t be produced
269.[274.] What are some famous conspiracy theories in your world? Is there any truth behind
270.[275.] What kind of footwear is popular in your setting?
271.[276.] What do your nations’ borders look like?
272.[277.] What social inequalities exist in your setting?
273.[278.] How did your world’s leaders gain power?
274.[279.] How common are books in your setting?
275.[280.] What are some common religious symbols in your setting?
276.[281.] Is hair dye or bleach common in your setting? What colours are most popular?
277.[282.] Is polygamy legal in your setting? If it is, what’s more common polygyny, polyandry
or group marriage?
278.[283.] Does your society have a standing army?
279.[284.] What’s the strangest thing that’s ever happened in your world?
280.[285.] Are there any pilgrimage sites in your world? If there are, what makes these sites
281.[286.] What kind of clothing would the people of your setting wear to a wedding?
282.[287.] What type of star(s) can be found in your world’s solar system?
283.[288.] Is any type or use of magic illegal in your world?
284.[289.] What are some national stereotypes in your world?
285.[290.] Is your setting culturally diverse or culturally homogeneous?
286.[291.] What physical traits are considered attractive in your world?
287.[292.] How clean is the air and water in your setting? Do the people of your setting do
anything to protect themselves from pollutants in the air/water?
288.[293.] How has architecture changed over time in your world?
289.[294.] If your setting has a formal education system, what subjects are compulsory?
290.[295.] What dangers is a traveller likely to come across while exploring your world?
291.[296.] What food or drink is associated with wealth in your setting?
292.[297.] Are there any ceremonies in your world to welcome a new baby into the family or
community? If so, describe them.
293.[298.] Is your setting home to any charitable organisations? What do the most popular ones
294.[299.] How many names do most people in your world have?
295.[300.] In your setting, is time divided into months? If so, how many months are there in a
year, how long are they and what are they called?
296.[301.] Are there any libraries in your world? Who runs them? Are they public or private?
297.[302.] For writers who have created multiple worlds: What do your worlds have in common?
Do you have any patterns when it comes to world building?
298.[303.] What do the children of your setting typically call their parents and grandparents?
299.[304.] How is infertility viewed and treated in your setting?
300.[305.] What does a typical residential garden look like in your setting (if there are any)?
301.[306.] Does your setting have any jails or prisons? How big are they? What are the
conditions like inside them?
302.[307.] What stories do people in your setting tell to explain bad weather and natural
303.[308.] Does social media exist in your setting? If it does, describe the most popular ones.
304.[309.] What are inheritance laws like in your setting?
305.[310.] Describe the ceremonies or celebrations that take place when a new leader comes
into power.
306.[311.] Is your setting based on a real place? If so, where?
307.[312.] What was the deadliest conflict in your world’s history? Why did it happen?
308.[313.] How common is bribery in your setting?
309.[314.] Is there a plant or animal that represents or is associated with your setting?
310.[315.] Does your setting practice capital punishment? If so, what methods of execution do
they use?
311.[316.] What kind of contests are popular in your world?
312.[317.] Describe the relationship between the sentient species of your world.
313.[318.] If someone in your setting had to transport a large object over a large distance, how
would they go about doing that?
314.[319.] How common is hair removal in your setting? Which parts of the body do people
remove hair from? What methods of hair removal do they use?
315.[320.] Can same sex couples legally adopt children in your setting?
316.[321.] Are any activities age restricted in your setting? How old do you have to be to do
them? How is this enforced?
317.[322.] How would the people of your setting cope with / recover from a famine?
318.[323.] Is education mandatory in your world? If so, for what ages?
319.[324.] How do the different religions of your world interact?
320.[325.] What do gender roles look like in your setting? How are people who don’t fit them
321.[326.] Describe your setting in under 10 words.
322.[327.] What are prosthesis (prosthetics) like in your setting?
323.[328.] Do people in your world pay taxes? What kind?
324.[329.] What, if any, recreational drugs are legal in your setting?
325.[330.] Are hats and head coverings popular in your setting? What do they look like? Are
there any particular people or circumstances which require hats?
326.[331.] What hobbies are popular in your setting?
327.[332.] What’s a lie the majority of people in your setting believe in? Why? What’s it like to
know the truth?
328.[333.] How large of an area does your story span? A small town? A country? Several
continents? A planet? A galaxy? A multiverse?
329.[334.] What, if any, methods of fortune telling are popular in your setting? Do they work?
Do the majority of people believe they work?
330.[335.] Are any religions banned in your setting?
331.[336.] How would someone go about getting a job in your setting? Is there generally an
interview process to go through? Are people assigned jobs? Or do you have to know the
right people?
332.[337.] What role do artists play in your world’s cultures?
333.[338.] What technology, medicine or magic is available in your setting to help relieve gender
334.[339.] Is your setting home to any secret societies?
335.[340.] What ‘urban legends’ do the inhabitants of your setting tell about the place they live?
336.[341.] What does the ideal family look like in your setting?
337.[342.] What happens to someone who can’t pay off their debts in your setting?
338.[343.] Does your setting have any technology or magic that can help people with poor vision
or hearing?
339.[344.] What kind of lighting is used in your setting?
340.[345.] If magic exists in your setting: What can’t magic do? What limits does it have?
341.[346.] What’s your culture’s general attitude towards violence?
342.[347.] Do people in your setting spend more time inside or outside?
343.[348.] Does your setting’s government provide welfare to its citizens? If yes, what kind of
systems are in place?
344.[349.] How does your setting contribute to or reflect the overall tone and themes of your
345.[350.] What are some common topics for small talk in your world?
346.[351.] Are interfaith relationships common in your world? What are some of the problems
these couples might face?
347.[352.] What role does science and scientific thinking play in your world?
348.[353.] How is pregnancy viewed and treated in your world? Are pregnant people expected to
behave any differently to people who aren’t pregnant?
349.[354.] Is international (foreign) aid a thing that exists in your world? Who helps who, and
350.[355.] What measures are in place to prevent famine in your setting?
351.[356.] Does your world’s language have a writing system? What kind? Is it read left to right?
Right to left? Top to bottom? Bottom to top? In a spiral?
352.[357.] Is bathing a solitary or communal activity in your setting?
353.[358.] What is your world’s greatest tragedy?
354.[359.] How important is hospitality in your setting? How are hosts expected to treat guests?
How are guests expected to behave in return?
355.[360.] Are blood feuds common in your world? What were some of the most famous ones
356.[361.] What celestial bodies can be seen in your world’s sky with the naked eye?
357.[362.] How related do two people have to be for a sexual relationship between them to be
classed as incestuous in your setting? Could a relationship between non-blood relatives be
considered incest?
358.[363.] Is haggling commonplace in your world? Are there any rules or etiquette to follow? Is
it okay to haggle for some items and not others?
359.[364.] Are elderly people treated any differently to younger people in your world?
360.[365.] Do people ever go missing in your setting? What’s the most common reason for their
361.[366.] What plants have been domesticated in your setting?
362.[367.] What are some popular types of collectables in your setting?
363.[368.] How is poverty viewed in your setting? What do the majority of people believe is the
cause of poverty?
364.[369.] What tools are used for hunting in your world?
365.[370.] Does your world have dinosaurs? If not, did it ever have any?
366.[371.] How are birthdays celebrated in your world?
367.[372.] Is there any way to revive the dead in your setting? If there is, what are the limitations
and costs of doing so?
368.[373.] How much leisure time does the average person in your setting have?
369.[374.] What names are (or would be) used as a placeholder name in your world? I.E.
What’s your word’s equivalent of “John Doe” or “Jane Roe”?
370.[375.] In your setting, is it more common for a marriage to end by death or divorce?
371.[376.] How are age gaps in relationships viewed in your setting? Is there a hard number
which is considered too large or too small?
372.[377.] What is the tallest building in your world? How tall is it?
373.[378.] Do you have any worldbuilding ideas that you’re especially proud of and want to
374.[379.] What kind of experiments, scientific or otherwise, are considered morally questionable
or are outlawed for moral reasons in your world?
375.[380.] What kinds of things are parents responsible for teaching their children? Are mothers
and fathers responsible for teaching different things?
376.[381.] Are tattoos popular in your setting? If they are, describe the most popular designs.
377.[382.] How do the people of your setting believe the world was created?
378.[383.] What fishing techniques, if any, are practiced in your setting?
379.[384.] When someone dies, who typically inherits their property? Can there be multiple
heirs? What happens if they die without an heir?
380.[385.] How do people in your world pray, if they do pray?
381.[386.] What kinds of stories (genres and themes) are popular in your world?
382.[387.] Who cuts and styles hair in your setting? Is it done at home or in a public place?
383.[388.] Does your world have any memes? If it does, describe a few.
384.[389.] How is history recorded in your world? Are the records accurate to what actually
385.[390.] What kind of jewellery is worn in your setting?
386.[391.] If someone from the real world was magically transported into your setting what are
the first things they’d notice?
387.[392.] What role do dreams play in your setting’s culture(s)?
388.[393.] How are asexual people viewed and treated in your setting?
389.[394.] What objects are considered sacred in your world?
390.[395.] How have the inhabitants of your world shaped their environment?
391.[396.] How has your world’s environment shaped its inhabitants?
392.[397.] Does your world have any unique euphemisms? What are they?
393.[398.] When is the main meal of the day eaten in your setting?
394.[399.] What body shape(s) are idealised in your world? What lengths do people go to
achieve them?
395.[400.] How different are your world’s languages from each other? Are any mutually or
asymmetrically intelligible?
396.[401.] What places are considered sacred in your world?
397.[402.] How are the families of your world’s leaders expected to behave?
398.[403.] What are somethings considered extraordinary or unusual by our world’s standards
but are perfectly mundane in your world?
399.[404.] Does your world contain any fictional species? Tell me about them!
400.[405.] Are there any activities that your world’s religion(s) forbid? What are the
consequences of doing them?
401.[406.] Is there a song that reminds you of your world?
402.[407.] What problems does the physical environment of your world create for your main
403.[408.] What problems does the social environment of your world create for your main
404.[409.] Describe a few of the most popular dishes eaten in your setting.
405.[410.] Who’s in charge of your major world’s religion(s)?
406.[411.] How accommodating is your world to deaf and hard of hearing people? Are there any
magical, technological or social innovations to help with communication?
407.[412.] What’s the average age at marriage in your setting?
408.[413.] Are there any laws in your setting restricting hunting and fishing? E.G. Who can hunt,
when they can hunt, what they can hunt and what techniques they can use?
409.[414.] Describe the relationship between government and religion in your setting.
410.[415.] Are any individuals or groups in your world encouraged or discouraged to reproduce?
411.[416.] What skills are valued in your setting?
412.[417.] What kind of games do the people in your world build? Are they simple, or complex?
What age-groups play them? Are they wildly popular, or niche?
413.[418.] Does your world have a day/night cycle? If it does, is it any different to Earth’s?
414.[419.] What is underwear like in your setting?
415.[420.] If your setting has schools: Do students attend school during the day only, board at
the school or something else? Does it depend on the specific school?
416.[421.] Does your world have any myths or stories to explain the changing of the seasons?
417.[422.] How common is bartering in your setting? Are there any rules or etiquette surrounding
418.[423.] Does your world have any psychopomps? If yes, describe them.
419.[424.] Is adoption common in your setting? Is it a formal or informal process?
420.[425.] Does your world have a concept of a ‘workweek’ and a ‘weekend’?
421.[426.] How are people with learning difficulties viewed and treated in your setting? Does it
depend on the specific learning difficulty?
422.[427.] Does your world have naming ceremonies? At what point in a person’s life do these
take place?
423.[428.] What role do trade unions and guilds play in your setting, if any?
424.[429.] Is recycling and/or repurposing widely practised in your setting? What kind of things
are recycled/repurposed?
425.[430.] Does your world have a calendar? What is it based on?
426.[431.] Where does your setting’s water supply come from?
427.[432.] Are ‘godparents’ a part of your setting’s culture? What role do they play?
428.[433.] How are aromantic people viewed and treated in your setting?
429.[434.] If your setting has a formal education system: what electivates (non-compulsory
subjects) are taught in schools?
430.[435.] How was your world’s major religion(s) founded?
431.[436.] What kind of education and training does your setting’s military get, if any?
432.[437.] Has your world ever experienced any technological or magical disasters?
433.[438.] Who does what housework in your setting? Are chores divided by class, age or
434.[439.] Does your setting have labour laws or similar rules to protect workers?
435.[440.] What are your societies’ attitudes towards substance ab/use?
436.[441.] How has religion changed over time in your setting?
437.[442.] Does your world have any myths to explain the day/night cycle?
438.[443.] What are common foodstuffs in your world?
439.[444.] Does your world have different beauty standards than earth, if so, what are they?
440.[445.] Has your setting got any cryptids?
441.[446.] How do people in your setting keep their teeth clean and healthy?
442.[447.] What values does your society place on family?
443.[448.] How does your society treat/value other sapient species?
444.[449.] Are there any famous clubs in your setting?
445.[450.] How does your society treat those who are mentally diverse? (Aka not Neurotypical:
Autistic, ADHD, ADD etc).
446.[451.] Is healthcare free in your setting? If not, is there any financial support for people who
can’t afford it?
447.[452.] How many people in your setting are trained to fight in your setting? Are fighters
expected to belong to a certain race, gender or age group?
448.[453.] What abstract concepts (e.g. justice, mercy, loyalty, etc) does your culture value
above all others?
449.[454.] Does your setting have any systems in place to help people struggling with addiction?
450.[455.] What is your setting called? Why is it called that? Does the name have any special
451.[456.] In what ways does your society deal with criminals?
452.[457.] What kind of clothing is considered risqué in your world?
453.[458.] How does the level of magic and/or technology in your world affect the plot?
454.[459.] What are some gender stereotypes that exist in your world?
455.[460.] Is underwater diving something that’s practiced in your setting? For what purpose? Is
any special equipment used?
456.[461.] What topics of conversation are considered taboo in your setting?
457.[462.] Do your main characters have a favourite place in your world? Tell me about that
458.[463.] What qualities do the people of your world value in a leader?
459.[464.] What are some popular misconceptions believed in your world?
460.[465.] Do ghosts exist in your setting? Do the majority of people believe they exist? Where
do (people believe) they come from?
461.[466.] How large is your setting? / How much of your world do your protagonists get to
462.[467.] Is there any period in your setting’s history that current inhabitants look back on as a
‘dark age’?
463.[468.] Who enforces the law in your setting? How?
464.[469.] Do your main characters have a least favourite place in your world? Tell me about
that place!
465.[470.] What festivals and holidays occur in the autumn/fall in your world? How are they
466.[471.] Describe a typical night in your setting.
467.[472.] What are the major differences between the religions of your world?
468.[473.] What is the capital city of your setting?
469.[474.] What precious metals do your setting’s inhabitants value most? Why?
470.[475.] Are there any infamous people in your settings history, if so what are they infamous
471.[476.] What would the people of your setting (if they aren’t human) find to be the oddest
thing about human cultures?
472.[477.] What are some popular cooking methods in your world?
473.[478.] How are children treated in your society? Do they have equal rights to adults, or are
they seen as “lesser”?
474.[479.] What sort of petty crimes (Eg vandalism, minor theft, pranks) exist in your world?
What is the punishment for them?
475.[480.] If your society has a public school system, how many hours a day do the students
476.[481.] Does your world/story have any sort of historic or ancestral weapon that is passed
down the generations? Or some other type of artefact/item?
477.[482.] How are sexual habits viewed in your world? E.G. Is it something that happens behind
closed doors and is a hush-hush topic, or does your society allow speaking of sex more
478.[483.] Has your society developed space travel, if so how is it accomplished? Do they have
FTL (faster than light) capabilities?
479.[484.] What is the greatest non-lethal atrocity someone can commit to a person in your
480.[485.] Is your society more accepting of change, or are they more conservative?
481.[486.] What type(s) of climate does your setting have?
482.[487.] List five major settlements in your setting. What is each best known for?
483.[488.] What does religious worship look like in your setting?
484.[489.] What are intergenerational relationships like in your setting? How do children treat
their parents/older relatives and vice versa?
485.[490.] In your setting, is time divided into days and weeks? If so, how many days are there in
a week and what are they called?
486.[491.] Do the people of your setting have a diet high or low in any particular type of nutrient?
How does this affect their health?
487.[492.] Does your world have any laws dictating what people must/cannot wear?
488.[493.] What kind of bills and fees do the people of your setting regularly have to pay?
489.[494.] What are the three most common types of flowers found in your setting?
490.[495.] Does your world have any demigods? If so, what role do they play in your story?
491.[496.] What do the people of your setting do for fun? Does this vary according to age,
gender, class, race, etc?
492.[497.] Does your world have any extremist organisations? What are they known for?
493.[498.] What kind of humour is popular in your setting?
494.[499.] How would the people of your world deal with an incompetent leader?
495.[500.] What festivals and holidays occur in the winter in your world? How are they
496.[501.] Does your world contain any plants not found on Earth?
497.[502.] Describe the major political groups in your world.
498.[503.] When does childhood end and adulthood begin in your setting?
499.[504.] Does your world have any famous academics? If so, what are they best known for?
500.[505.] How does your world’s religion(s) affect the plot and characters?
501.[506.] How are inter-species relationships handled in your setting? Are they taboo or just
considered normal?
502.[507.] What are common gender stereotypes in your setting?
503.[508.] How do people in your setting explain where babies come from to their youth?
504.[509.] Does therapy exist in your setting?
505.[510.] How does your culture deal with killing in self-defence?
506.[511.] What are the fictional languages of your world called? What do the names of these
languages mean?
507.[512.] What are some unusual uses for magic in your world?
508.[513.] For worlds with a democracy: Who can vote in your world? Is voting restricted by age,
gender, class, race, criminal history, etc?
509.[514.] When and how is the new year celebrated in your world?
510.[515.] Does your society have sustainable fuel sources?
511.[516.] What are some racial stereotypes that exist in your world?
512.[517.] What are the rules of war in your world?
513.[518.] Is colour symbolism important in your world? What is each colour associated with?
514.[519.] Does your setting have fireworks? If so, on what occasions are they set off?
515.[520.] What architectural features are typical of your setting?
516.[521.] A town in your world has been frozen in time. Your MCs visit. What do they see?
517.[522.] What does courtship look like in your setting?
518.[523.] Could your story take place in another setting? How would changing the setting
change the plot?
519.[524.] How does your world’s government(s) affect the plot and characters?
520.[525.] Is love valued in your setting? Are some types of love valued more than others?
521.[526.] How big are sports in your setting? Are they of national significance?
522.[527.] What supernatural/mythological beings are believed to exist in your world? Is there
any truth in those myths?
523.[528.] Does your society have any sort of robotics/automations, if so, what are they for?
524.[529.] What are your cultures’ attitudes toward nudity?
525.[530.] Are any plants or animals of special significance to the people of your setting?
526.[531.] Do the people of your setting have any way of flying?
527.[532.] Are children in your setting treated differently depending on their gender? If yes, how
does their upbringing differ?
528.[533.] Does piracy exist in your setting? If so, how big a problem is it?
529.[534.] What constitutes ‘personal space’ in your setting and how important is it?
530.[535.] If your main characters could change one thing about the world they lived in, what
would they change?
531.[536.] Do the majority of people in your setting wear ready-to-wear, made-to-measure or
bespoke clothing?
532.[537.] How is divorce viewed in your setting?
533.[538.] What are some of the most commonly found insects in your setting?
534.[539.] How are people of different social classes expected to act around each other?
535.[540.] Are any goods mass-produced in your setting? If yes, what are they?
536.[541.] What level of intimacy is the norm for platonic relationships in your setting? Does this
vary between people of different genders, races, classes, etc?
537.[542.] What is the largest man-made structure in your world?
538.[543.] How common are books in your world?
539.[544.] How are people of different genders expected to act around each other?
540.[545.] Do the people of your setting distinguish between cross cousins and parallel cousins?
If yes, how are each treated?
541.[546.] What things are used for fuel in your setting?
542.[547.] Do the people of your world have any way of communicating with the dead?
543.[548.] What hairstyles are popular in your setting?
544.[549.] What leisure activities are associated with the upper classes of your setting? What
about the lower classes?
545.[550.] What, if any, resources are the people of your setting running short of or in danger of
running out of?
546.[551.] Describe a typical funeral in your setting.
547.[552.] How are people of different races expected to act around each other in your world?
548.[553.] What festivals and holidays occur in the spring in your world? How are they
549.[554.] What’s a worldbuilding detail from a book, video, game, movie you love? Why does it
stand out to you?
550.[555.] How, if at all, does the world end in your cultures’ mythologies?
551.[556.] What kind of relationship do the different nations of your world have with each other?
552.[557.] What, if any, fighting styles are popular in your setting?
553.[558.] What are some popular desserts in your setting?
554.[559.] How has warfare changed over time in your world?
555.[560.] How does the political climate in your world affect the plot and characters?
556.[561.] Describe or draw a food web for your setting.
557.[562.] How do the people of your setting show religious devotion?
558.[563.] What subcultures exist in your setting? How do they differ from the dominant
559.[564.] How would someone in your setting create a new identity for themselves?
560.[565.] What crafts are popular in your setting?
561.[566.] Does your world have a lingua franca? How and why did it develop?
562.[567.] Oh, you love worldbuilding? Name three songs popular in your world.
563.[568.] How do the people of your setting keep dry?
564.[569.] What are some common euphemisms in your world?
565.[570.] How would someone in your setting treat the flu?
566.[571.] What is the most famous building in your world? Why is it famous?
567.[572.] Are there any myths surrounding pregnancy in your setting? Tell me about them!
568.[573.] Is there a sexual (or gender) division of labour in your setting? What tasks are
members of each sex/gender are expected to do?
569.[574.] What’s the largest animal found in your setting?
570.[575.] Do the people of your setting have any method of creating children besides the
571.[576.] What kind of boats, if any, can be found in your setting?
572.[577.] Has your setting been home to any periods of civil unrest? What happened and why?
573.[578.] Describe the layout of a city, town or village that features in your story.
574.[579.] How do the people of your setting explain astronomical events like meteor showers
and eclipses?
575.[580.] Is the use of any symbols restricted or banned in your setting? If so, why?
576.[581.] Does your world have any sumptuary laws?
577.[582.] How do you come up with names for characters, places, items, etc?
578.[583.] Has anyone in your world ever come back from or claimed to come back from the
579.[584.] What does it feel like to use magic in your setting?
580.[585.] Who are the most celebrated artists of your world? What are their most famous
581.[586.] How, if at all, are the dead honoured in your setting?
582.[587.] What was the worst natural disaster in your world’s history?
583.[588.] How do the people of your setting typically wear their hair?
584.[589.] Do the authorities in your setting ever issue curfews? Why, under what
circumstances, and who to?
585.[590.] How do wedding ceremonies vary between people of different races and/or classes in
your world?
586.[591.] What festivals and holidays occur in the summer in your world? How are they
587.[592.] Have there ever been any famous protests / political demonstrations in your world?
What were they about?
588.[593.] How would the people of your setting deal with a fire?
589.[594.] What if the age of criminal responsibility in your setting?
590.[595.] How do funeral rites vary between people of different social classes, races, genders,
ages, etc.
591.[596.] Who are the most feared groups in your world?
592.[597.] Does your setting have price controls? What goods and/or services have their prices
controlled by the government?
593.[598.] What are some common euphemisms in your setting?
594.[599.] Are there any small worldbuilding details in your WIP you hope other people will
595.[600.] Who is responsible for arranging and paying for a wedding in your setting’s culture(s)?
596.[601.] What kind of things are equated with ‘weakness’ in your world?
597.[602.] Is your world home to any famous memorials? Who or what do they honour?
598.[603.] Has your world ever experienced or come close to experiencing an apocalypse? What
caused it?
599.[604.] Are any methods of transport reserved for the very wealthy or elite of your word?
600.[605.] Who commissions / buys art in your world?
601.[606.] What are the most consumed types of meat/fish in your setting?
602.[607.] Is kissing an activity practised in your setting? If so, who practices kissing and what
types of kisses are the norm?
603.[608.] How do the people of your setting keep cool?
604.[609.] Is gambling legal in your setting? What do people typically gamble on?
605.[610.] Describe the drainage/sewage systems of a major settlement in your world.
606.[611.] Is sacrifice a part of your setting’s culture? If so, who or what is sacrificed and why?
607.[612.] Does your world have any museums? If yes, what kind of artefacts do they house and
are they open to the public?
608.[613.] Is it more common to own or rent property in your setting?
609.[614.] What jewels are regarded as the most precious in your setting? Is there any special
cultural meaning attached to them?
610.[615.] Is abortion safe and legal in your setting?
611.[616.] How (if at all) is clothing and hair style used to express gender in your setting?
612.[617.] What’s considered ‘highbrow’ in your setting? What’s considered ‘lowbrow’?
613.[618.] Does a matriarchal society exist in your world?
614.[619.] Is it possible to freeze food in your setting?
615.[620.] What plants (if any) are grown for medical use in your world?
616.[621.] How easy is it for someone in your setting to change their name?
617.[622.] Is or was cannibalism practised by any societies in your world?
618.[623.] Do any of the religions in your world have sects or denominations?
619.[624.] What forms of poetry are popular in your world?
620.[625.] Are there any ways of capturing sound or moving images in your world?
621.[626.] What activities or ceremonies are performed in the lead-up to a wedding in your
622.[627.] Does your setting’s government ever take (or host) political hostages?
623.[628.] Have microorganisms been discovered in your world?
624.[629.] Describe the personal naming system(s) used in your world.
625.[630.] What are the three wealthiest companies in your setting?
626.[631.] Do any cultures in your world practice astrology?
627.[632.] What folktales are told in your setting to make children behave?
628.[633.] Is ageism an issue in your world?
629.[634.] Are there any proverbial phrases (folk metaphors and similes) unique to your world?
630.[635.] What are the best-known prophecies in your world?
631.[636.] List five ways the weather or landscape of your world could affect your story’s plot.
632.[637.] How are ex-convicts viewed and treated in your world?
633.[638.] What values, norms and beliefs do your main characters share with the culture(s) they
grew up in?
634.[639.] How would the people in your setting travel across a large body of water?
635.[640.] What fabrics are found in your setting? Are they made locally or imported?
636.[641.] What kind of relationship does your fictional culture have with alcohol?
637.[642.] What was the longest war in your setting and how long did it last for?
638.[643.] How is someone from your culture expected to treat a stranger?
639.[644.] What is your world’s greatest unsolved mystery?
640.[645.] Following a major battle, what etiquette is appropriate? Is the site marked under a
joint truce while the fallen are retrieved? Is the place torched? Are some battlefields left to rot
as a warning to other potential invaders?
641.[646.] A devastating plague sweeps your society. Does everything collapse? Is a divine
force blamed? Is someone else blamed? Do people try to cure it by any desperate means
necessary? Or is this just another Thursday?
642.[647.] Do you want everything in your world to be named the same so it’s understood better
or do you want the names to be creative? Is he a pilot or an aeronaut? Is it a submarine or a
dive cruiser? Is it Earth or Terra? Blowtorch or handflame? Lightning conductor or storm
needle? Battleship or ironside?
643.[648.] Are any foods/drinks strongly associated with a particular holiday in your setting?
644.[649.] Do/es your fictional species exhibit sexual dimorphism?
645.[650.] What area(s) of world building do you struggle with the most?
646.[651.] What would you personally consider the strangest aspect of your world?
647.[652.] Describe the polite way to introduce yourself to a stranger in your world. What body
language is appropriate? Is there any etiquette surrounding who speaks first? Or do you
have to wait to be introduced by a third party?
648.[653.] Does your world have any countercultures? How do their norms, values and
behaviours differ from those of mainstream society?
649.[654.] How large is each country in your world?
650.[655.] Does your culture have any gestures or phrases meant to ward off evil?
651.[656.] What kind of materials are censored and/or banned by your setting’s government?
652.[657.] How would someone in your world address a person they don’t know the name of?
653.[658.] Are ethnicities a serious factor within your society? There are humans who can’t even
handle different skin colours in the real world. How would blue skin, dove wings or flippers go
654.[659.] What values and religious attitudes do your people have? Do they try to be peaceful
or brazenly aggressive? Is nature valued or is it feared?
655.[660.] What extreme sports exist in your world?
656.[661.] What groups of people wear uniforms in your setting? What do these uniforms look
657.[662.] How does education differ between people of different races, classes and genders in
your world?
658.[663.] Describe three superstitions commonly heard in your world. How seriously are these
taken by the general population?
659.[664.] Where is the hottest place in your world? What kind of temperatures can one expect
660.[665.] What are the three most common types of birds found in your setting?
661.[666.] If your main character/s (or someone else from your world) had to write an article
called “The Most Influential People of All Time”, who would be mentioned and why?
662.[667.] What was the shortest war in your setting and how long did it last for?
663.[668.] Has anyone ever left your world’s atmosphere? How was this achieved? If it’s a
common feat, who was the first person to do so?
664.[669.] What kind of issues are considered controversial in your world?
665.[670.] Has anyone ever left your world’s atmosphere? How was this achieved? If it’s a
common feat, who was the first person to do so?
666.[671.] Are hunting and fishing primarily considered survival or leisure activities in your
667.[672.] Where is the highest point in your world? How high is it?
668.[673.] Do asteroids, comets or meteoroids ever collide with your world? If so, is this
something that happens more or less frequently than it does to present-day Earth?
669.[674.] What does a good party typically look like in your setting?
670.[675.] Have humans (or any other sentient beings) driven any species to extinction in your
671.[676.] Pick a holiday celebrated in your world. How would someone celebrating this holiday
decorate their home for the occasion?
672.[677.] If your character(s) had to describe their country’s current government in three words,
what words would they choose?
673.[678.] What technologies are considered controversial in your world and why?
674.[679.] How has magic shaped your world’s geography?
675.[680.] What’s the life of an outlaw in your setting typically like?
676.[681.] What are the three most common types of reptiles found in your setting?
677.[682.] Who is seen as having the most value in your society?
678.[683.] How do religion and politics interact in your world?
679.[684.] Imagine you’re a realtor trying to sell me a property in your setting. What would you
say to convince me that moving to this area is a good idea?
680.[685.] What kind of birth control is used in your setting?
681.[686.] What can be found orbiting your world?
682.[687.] Are there any beliefs or myths about soulmates that are prevalent in your world? If so,
tell me about them!
683.[688.] Where is the coldest place in your world?
684.[689.] Who typically prepares meals in your setting? Are certain dishes or methods of
cooking only made by certain people?
685.[690.] How has technology shaped your world’s geography?
686.[691.] Does your world have any legendary heroes who are prophesied to return?
687.[692.] What is the largest body of freshwater in your world?
688.[693.] How do the lives of the people currently alive in your setting differ from their parents’
and grandparents’ lives?
689.[694.] Who are your world’s most notorious criminals? What did they do?
690.[695.] Do the people of your setting have any way of staying underwater for long periods of
691.[696.] Describe how your setting’s system of government has changed over time.
692.[697.] How is blasphemy viewed and treated in your setting?
693.[698.] Is adult adoption something that happens in your world?
694.[699.] Does your world have any undead creatures? Even if they don’t, do they have any
stories about the undead?
695.[700.] How would the people of your setting deal with/prevent a flood?
696.[701.] What are some social norms and customs surrounding gift-giving in your world?
697.[702.] Are races ever held in your world? What kind? How are they organised?
698.[703.] What are the infant and child mortality rates in your setting?
699.[704.] When does the ‘day’ begin in your world? Midnight? Sunrise? Sunset? Another time?
700.[705.] What is the smallest denomination of currency in your setting?
701.[706.] How many words for colours does your culture have?
702.[707.] If your world has multiple currencies in use, what is the exchange rate like?
703.[708.] Do any authorities in your world dictate how people style their hair? If so, what styles
are allowed/required/banned?
704.[709.] What is the largest denomination of currency in your setting?
705.[710.] How do clothing styles vary between cultures and countries in your world?
706.[711.] Does your world use decimal or pre-decimal currencies?
707.[712.] What are the three most common types of amphibians found in your setting?
708.[713.] In your stories or in the world, what are some examples of family structures?
Monogamy, polygamy. Are there two people raising their biological children? Or maybe one
male with many consorts. Does the household have parents and kids or maybe
grandparents, parents, kids and grandchildren? What terminology is used? Do the people
simply call their elders grandpa? Maybe there is a robot that raises all the village kids.
709.[714.] What is the age of majority in your world?
710.[715.] Do the people of your setting ever quarantine people, animals or goods? What
conventions surround quarantine? What are the consequences if you break it?
711.[716.] Does your world have any public bathrooms/toilet facilities? Who can use them? Are
they segregated by gender, race, disability status, etc? Is there a fee to use them? What
condition are they generally in? Who’s responsible for their upkeep?
712.[717.] Are there any slang terms used to refer to specific denominations of currency or
money in general?
713.[718.] What percentage of your setting’s population consider themselves religious? And
what percentage of the population regularly attend religious worship?
714.[719.] How do fashion trends vary across generations in your world?
715.[720.] What designs feature on your setting’s coins or banknotes (if they have any)? Why
were these designs chosen?
716.[721.] Where do people give birth in your setting? Who’s typically present for the birth of a
717.[722.] How do social norms vary between people living in the cities of your world and those
living in the countryside?
718.[723.] Is education free in your world? If so, up to what level?
719.[724.] How many rooms does a typical house in your setting have?
720.[725.] Does your world have any public or private gyms? What kind of equipment can be
found there?
721.[726.] How many hours are in a day in your world?
722.[727.] Does your setting’s economy have a standard of value?
723.[728.] What measures are in place to keep the streets clean in your world?
724.[729.] How, if at all, is magic used by your country’s military?
725.[730.] Do the people of your world use tobacco? If so, in what form?
726.[731.] Are there any laws governing opening hours for business and other public places?
What time do most places open and close?
727.[732.] What uses of technology or magic are seen as lazy in your setting?
728.[733.] How would someone in your world protect themselves from supernatural influences
(whether or not those influences actually exist)?
729.[734.] Does your world have any magazines, newspapers, journals or other periodicals?
730.[735.] Who are your world’s most celebrated athletes? What sports do they compete in?
731.[736.] Do any animals migrate to and from your setting? When are they where? Are there
any beliefs related to their coming and going?
732.[737.] What are divorce rates like in your setting?
733.[738.] Do the people of your setting believe in an afterlife? If they do, describe the afterlife
they believe in. And if it does exist, tell me about how the actual afterlife differs from peoples’
734.[739.] What activities are technically illegal in your setting but are still extremely common
and rarely prosecuted?
735.[740.] Does the concept of virginity have any significance in your culture?
736.[741.] What is your setting’s nightlife like?
737.[742.] How is your fictional society organised to survive their environment?
738.[743.] What milestones in a child’s life are celebrated in your world?
739.[744.] Over what period of time does your story take place? What social or cultural events
take place during this period?
740.[745.] How do people clean clothes in your setting?
741.[746.] What tools and techniques do the police (or anyone else) use to solve crimes in your
742.[747.] How would someone in your world treat a toothache?
743.[748.] What are some common street names in your world?
744.[749.] Who, if anyone, can use magic in your world?
745.[750.] How does your setting’s education system(s) reinforce or challenge social norms and
746.[751.] What sort of erotica/pornographic works are popular in your setting?
747.[752.] Who are your world’s most celebrated writers, poets and playwrights? What works are
they most famous for?
748.[753.] How do the people of your world see gender?
749.[754.] When and where does your story begin? How could changing these affect your plot?
750.[755.] Describe a typical farm in your world.
751.[756.] Does your setting’s legal system treat people differently depending on their social
class, race, gender, age or disability status?
752.[757.] What are (or would be) the top three most popular web searches in your setting?
753.[758.] Can swimming pools be found in your world? What does a typical pool look like? Are
they generally public or private?
754.[759.] What are the most popular subjects for drawings, paintings and other visual artworks
in your setting?
755.[760.] Does your setting’s economic system treat people differently depending on their social
class, race, gender, age or disability status?
756.[761.] What kind of pottery, if any, can be found in your world?
757.[762.] What does ‘camping’ look like in your world?
758.[763.] Are there any foods that are widely hated in your setting? What are they?
759.[764.] Describe the relationship between your setting’s education system(s) and major
760.[765.] How often would someone in your setting hear music?
761.[766.] Help! I’ve magically appeared in your world and need a caffeine fix. Where do I go to
get it?
762.[767.] What are some popular pastimes that are done indoors in your setting?
763.[768.] Is ‘dieting’ something that’s ever done in your setting? If so, for what purpose? What
kind of diets are popular?
764.[769.] How do political figures gather support in your setting?
765.[770.] Who are some famous queer figures in your world? What are they famous for?
766.[771.] A harrowing scream rings out across your setting! How do the majority of people
react? What are their assumptions about the scream’s origins?
767.[772.] Do the people of your setting have a phrase that indirectly translates to ‘I love you’? If
so, what is the literal translation?
768.[773.] What does a typical kitchen look like in your setting?
769.[774.] Does your world have any exams? Who does them and why? What sort of things are
770.[775.] What kind of clothes, if any, do infants and toddlers wear in your setting?
771.[776.] How far does the average person in your world move from their birthplace?
772.[777.] Do any groups in your world have extreme political or religious beliefs? How do their
beliefs differ from mainstream views?
773.[778.] How long could you survive in your setting?
774.[779.] What kind of rights, if any, do animals have in your world? Does this apply to all
animals or just some?
775.[780.] How do people carry things around with them in your world?
776.[781.] Are there any beliefs or myths surrounding twins, triplets or other multiples in your
world? If so, tell me about them!
777.[782.] Who are your world’s most celebrated musicians and musical groups?
778.[783.] Do the people of your setting have any way of verifying a child’s paternity?
779.[784.] Does pizza or something like it exist in your world? If so, what are the most popular
toppings? If not, what would be the most popular toppings?
780.[785.] What role do animals play in your world’s mythology or religion(s)?
781.[786.] What sexual activities are considered ‘normal’ in your setting? What sexual activities
are considered ‘abnormal’? Are any outright banned?
782.[787.] What are the most common allergies and food intolerances in your world? How
are they treated?
783.[788.] What is makeup made from in your setting?
784.[789.] How are burglars deterred or prevented from breaking into people’s homes?
785.[790.] Imagine you’re a travel agent trying to convince me to travel somewhere in your
world. What would you say to sell the area to me?
786.[791.] How often do storms occur in your setting? What time of year are they most frequent?
787.[792.] What qualifications or experience, if any, does someone need to teach in your world?
788.[793.] Do the people of your world have any superstitions or rituals surrounding teeth,
hair or nail clippings?
789.[794.] What role does music play in your setting?
790.[795.] Does your world have any sign languages? If so, how widespread are they? How
easily can people speaking different sign languages/dialects understand each other?
791.[796.] How do the inhabitants of your setting keep warm?
792.[797.] Do any towns or cities in your world have a rough reputation? If so, how did it gain this
793.[798.] How do the people of your world advertise their goods and services?
794.[799.] Does your world have any zoos or aquariums? If so, what are they like?
795.[800.] How, if at all, do fashion styles vary between people of different races or ethnicities in
your world?
796.[801.] What kind of plants do the people of your setting plant in their gardens?
797.[802.] Where do people in your world go to get drugs? Asking for a friend.
798.[803.] For those writing about cultures with gender binarism:
799.[804.] What do ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ look like in your world? Does it vary from culture to
800.[805.] Does your world have nuns, monks or similar groups of people? What are their lives
801.[806.] Which regions of your world are known for their particularly strong accents?
802.[807.] What are your setting’s ‘Four Greatest Inventions’ and what impact did their creation
have on your setting’s culture?
803.[808.] What does the swimwear of your world look like?
804.[809.] Are your world’s countries divided into provinces, counties, states or other districts?
Who rules each area? How much autonomy do they have?
805.[810.] Which occupations earn the most money in your world?
806.[811.] How do the people of your world honour particularity heroic acts?
807.[812.] List three things that are considered ‘good luck’ in your world.
808.[813.] Are showers or baths more common in your world?
809.[814.] If someone in your world wanted to make a death threat what words or imagery would
they use to convey their intention?
810.[815.] What, if anything, is used as fertiliser in your setting?
811.[816.] Make a mood board with 3-12 images for your world or a specific place in it. Why did
you choose those images in particular?
812.[817.] Does your setting have a minimum wage?
813.[818.] How does the general population of your setting feel about their government?
814.[819.] Are there any beliefs or myths surrounding birthmarks in your world? If so, tell me
about them!
815.[820.] How do the majority of people in your world meet their romantic/sexual partners?
816.[821.] Do any numbers hold a special significance in your world? If so, why?
817.[822.] What types of rocks are found in the greatest abundance in your setting?
818.[823.] Describe your world’s most expensive building. Why did it cost so much to build? Who
built it and for what purpose? Who owns it now?
819.[824.] What parts of the body are sexualised in your world?
820.[825.] Does your setting ever host fairs or fêtes or similar? What kind of activities can one do
821.[826.] List three things that are considered ‘bad luck’ in your world.
822.[827.] Does your world have hotels, inns or other types of lodging for travellers? How
common are they? What kind of service do these places provide?
823.[828.] What real life cultures inspired your world?
824.[829.] Is kin punishment or any other type of collective punishment ever practised in your
setting? If so, under what circumstances?
825.[830.] How, if at all, do the people of your world protect themselves from the sun?
826.[831.] Is animal symbolism important in your world? What is each animal associated with?
827.[832.] How are widows and widowers treated in your setting?
828.[833.] What degree of affection is considered the norm between friends in your world?
829.[834.] Which places in your world have the highest levels of tourism? What sites are they
most famous for?
830.[835.] How is tea and/or coffee usually served in your setting?
831.[836.] Does your setting’s healthcare system treat people differently depending on their
social class, race, gender, age or disability status?
832.[837.] What is the average height and weight of someone in your setting?
833.[838.] How do architecture and magic interact in your world? Are there buildings designed to
amplify or protect against magic? Are magical features and tools built into buildings? Are
buildings made using magic?
834.[839.] Does your fictional language have an alphabet? If so, how many letters does it have?
835.[840.] What is the oldest city or settlement still in use in your world? How has it changed
over the years?
836.[841.] How, if at all, is a person’s lineage recorded in your world?
837.[842.] If someone were to attack your setting (whether that’s a country, city or specific
building) at what points would they attack and why? How could the people of your setting
defend those points?
838.[843.] How would someone in your world treat a headache?
839.[844.] I was thinking about currency and inflation - has money always equalled the current
value? (In my day this was only one dollar!) Have the currencies changed (the euro)? or was
there a different system (barter, credit)?
840.[845.] What degree of affection is considered the norm between parents and their children in
your world?
841.[846.] Are there any jobs that exist in your world that don’t exist in ours? If so, tell me about
842.[847.] What styles of facial hair are popular in your world?
843.[848.] What are the homicide rates like in your setting? How does this compare to other
places in your world?
844.[849.] How has magic use changed over time in your world?
845.[850.] Can the sentient species of your world interbreed? If so, what do hybrids look like?
What biological or social consequences do they experience because of their hybrid status?
846.[851.] Why do you world build?
847.[852.] How wealthy is your setting? How does this amount compare to other
cities/countries/etc in your world?
848.[853.] What emotions do you want readers (or players, viewers, etc) to feel when they first
encounter your setting?
849.[854.] Is there anyone in your world famous for their sense of humour? What kind of jokes,
pranks or quips do they make?
850.[855.] What tools, products and appliances do people in your setting use to clean their
851.[856.] What percentage of people in your setting have their own personal vehicle?
852.[857.] Do any gods of your world have a physical, tangible form?
853.[858.] How is citizenship obtained in your setting?
854.[859.] Do any of your world’s religions impose dietary restrictions on their followers? What
foods are restricted?
855.[860.] Are any people, places or objects in your setting regarded as ‘cursed’ by your
population? How did they gain this reputation?
856.[861.] Say I were a citizen in your setting and I wanted to obtain a defence weapon, what
kinds would be available to purchase or trade for? Would I need one in the first place? Are
they similar or very different from a military version? And if they were outlawed, why?
857.[862.] What degree of affection is considered the norm between marriage partners in your
858.[863.] Does your world have the internet or anything remotely like it? If it does, how does it
differ from our internet?
859.[864.] How does news of impending danger pass from person to person or place to place?
860.[865.] What are the most prestigious educational establishments in your setting? Why are
they held in such high regard?
861.[866.] How do the people of your setting trim, maintain and decorate their nails? What styles
are popular?
862.[867.] Are there any stories, myths or superstitions about rainbows in your world?
863.[868.] What do sleeping arrangements look like in your world? Who typically shares a
bedroom? Who typically shares a bed?
864.[869.] What farming techniques are used in your setting?
865.[870.] How do people in your setting welcome newcomers to their community?
866.[871.] Someone in your setting wants to fact-check some information. How do they go about
doing this?
867.[872.] For those writing about artificial environments: Where do people get their oxygen,
water and light from?
868.[873.] What are some features of your world that were added purely for the
aesthetic/because it looked cool?
869.[874.] Can someone in your setting get food or drinks delivered directly to their home? If so,
what kinds? How do they arrange it?
870.[875.] How are the floors, walls and ceilings of building interiors decorated in your setting?
871.[876.] What role do myths and legends play in the present-day events of your world?
872.[877.] How are duels arranged and fought in your world? What rules are standard?
873.[878.] Are eclipses ever experienced on your world? If so, do these vary in any way from
eclipses seen on Earth?
874.[879.] What products are currently in high demand in your setting?
875.[880.] How different would your world be if your protagonist(s) had never existed?
876.[881.] What do ‘table manners’ look like in your setting?
877.[882.] Are there any stories, myths or superstitions about shadows in your world?
878.[883.] What does ‘honour’ look like in your world? How important is it to behave in an
honourable way?
879.[884.] Are ‘antiques’ valued in your setting? If so, what kind of items are held in the highest
880.[885.] How are dogs viewed and treated in your world?
881.[886.] Is it considered rude to touch a new acquaintance or stranger in your setting? If it’s
not, what types of touch are acceptable?
882.[887.] How do weather patterns vary across a typical year in your setting?
883.[888.] How easy is it to find parking in your world? Are there any rules regarding where and
when you can park (or dock)? Are there designated areas or structures for parking/docking?
884.[889.] What is the longest period of peace your setting has ever known?
885.[890.] How do the people of your world define death?
886.[891.] Where can graffiti be found in your setting? What kind of messages, imagery and
themes are commonly conveyed through this medium?
887.[892.] Are any particular weapons associated with certain classes, genders, races, etc? If
so, why?
888.[893.] What percentage of people in your world have supernatural abilities or access to
889.[894.] How would someone in your setting start a fire?
890.[895.] What kind of “knick-knacks” can be found in homes in your world?
891.[896.] Are there any stories, myths or superstitions about eclipses in your world?
892.[897.] What’s something that most people in your setting believe to be false but is actually
893.[898.] Who or what does your setting’s legal system protect?
894.[899.] Tell me a fun fact about your world’s nearest planetary neighbour. If your story takes
place across multiple worlds, tell me a fact about a planet your protagonists have heard of
but never visit.
895.[900.] How is silence viewed in your setting?
896.[901.] What ‘rest positions’ are typical of your setting? Do people tend to lean, squat, sit,
kneel, lie down or stand? What specifically do they do with their arms, legs, etc when in
these positions?
897.[902.] Tell me a joke popular in your world.
898.[903.] For those building a conlang: Does your language have any homophones or
homographs? If it does, has this ever led to any misunderstandings in your world?
899.[904.] Are people in your setting typically more expressive or more reserved with their body
language and facial expressions?
900.[905.] Where do public gatherings take place in your world?
901.[906.] What, if any, laws in your world protect nature?
902.[907.] How has the relationship between different species, races, nationalities or other
groups changed over time?
903.[908.] What kind of preventive healthcare exists in your world?
904.[909.] Your main character(s) have been granted the ability to travel back in time and
change the course of history. What time period do they go back to and why? How is your
world’s history changed as a result?
905.[910.] Where did your world and the people in it originally come from?
906.[911.] What, if any, checks are in place to hold the people in power accountable for their
907.[912.] Are there any stories, myths or superstitions about fire in your world?
908.[913.] How clean and maintained are the streets of your world?
909.[914.] Which building(s) in your setting are the most interesting, architecturally speaking?
What makes them stand out?
910.[915.] How does the cuisine of your world differ from region to region?
911.[916.] Who provides dental care to the people of your world? How much training do they
have? What tools do they have access to?
912.[917.] How common is it to write and send letters in your setting?
913.[918.] What are some of the most absurd rumours in circulation about your world’s public
914.[919.] Who are the most famous animals of your world?
915.[920.] What roles do magic and technology play in the sex lives of your setting’s people?
916.[921.] How common is glass in your setting? What types of glass can be found? What is it
used for?
917.[922.] What percentage of your population is involved in agriculture?
918.[923.] Does your world have any oceans? If so, how do these differ from the ones on our
919.[924.] What are the most popular tv shows, movies or plays in your setting?
920.[925.] Who is the most powerful deity in your world? Would everyone in your setting agree
with your answer or would there be some debate?
921.[926.] How do people react to step parents?
922.[927.] Does toilet paper exist in your setting? If not, what is used as an alternative?
923.[928.] How is asthma treated in your world?
924.[929.] What stories are the tabloids, gossip magazines and other sensationalist media
reporting in your world?
925.[930.] How many days off work or school does the typical resident of your world get per
926.[931.] What is the largest body of freshwater in your setting
927.[932.] Find a song that could be played or sung in your world and not sound out of place.
928.[933.] What laws regarding flow of traffic, right of way and road safety can be found in your
929.[934.] Are there any religions or deities who have been forgotten by the people of your
world? What physical and societal traces of them remain?
930.[935.] What is your world’s greatest atrocity?
931.[936.] What is your world’s greatest atrocity?
932.[937.] Does your world have any public gardens? If so, what kind of features and facilities
can be found in them?
933.[938.] What, if any, methods or tests are used to confirm pregnancy in your setting? How
accurate are they?
934.[939.] Who is the most famed beauty of your setting? What do they look like?
935.[940.] What do your non-human species find to be the weirdest trait humanity processes?
936.[941.] How are people of different age groups expected to act around each other?
937.[942.] Who provides medical care for the animals of your world? Is this a specialised role?
How much training do they generally have?
938.[943.] What are the three most popular grains in your setting?
939.[944.] Do people in your setting generally keep their front door locked? Are there specific
circumstances when it’s locked (such as when no one is home, at night or when strangers
come to town)?
940.[945.] Who is the most overlooked deity of your pantheon?
941.[946.] Are there any foods your non-human races can eat that humans can’t? Or any they
can’t eat that humans can?
942.[947.] What kind of clothing and accessories are worn at festivals or other holiday
943.[948.] Is there any way for the people of your world to control the sex of their offspring?
944.[949.] What is your world’s biggest misunderstanding and the consequences of it?
945.[950.] How easy is it to obtain a divorce in your setting? Do both parties have to agree to it?
Are there any other requirements that have to be met before a divorce can proceed?
946.[951.] Are there any stories, myths or superstitions about the night in your world?
947.[952.] How would most people in your world react to a group of children in costumes
knocking on their door and yelling ‘trick or treat!’
948.[953.] Does your world’s criminal justice system primarily seek to deter, incapacitate,
rehabilitate or retribute criminals? How do the punishments given out reflect this?
949.[954.] Who is the most famed genius of your world? What ideas or actions are they most
famous for?
950.[955.] How important is it in your setting to knock on a closed door before entering a room?
951.[956.] What’s the easiest way to make friends in your world?
952.[957.] How, if at all, is intelligence measured in your world?
953.[958.] I’m going to be moving into shared accommodation in your setting. What are some
things I should know about the customs of your world to ensure I get along with my new
954.[959.] How, if at all, does one propose in your world?
955.[960.] Do the holy places of your world have a dress code? How does this differ from what's
typically worn outside these places?
956.[961.] How do the people of your setting typically wash their dishes?
957.[962.] Does your world have any famous imposters? Who were they pretending to be? How
were their real identities discovered?
958.[963.] How frequent and reliable is public transport in your setting?
959.[964.] What region of your world has the highest rate of disappearances? What makes it
more dangerous than other places?
960.[965.] Do people in your world typically bathe in hot or cold water?
961.[966.] What percentage of households in your setting have domestic staff? Do they typically
live within the house they work or outside of it?
962.[967.] How important is punctuality to the people of your world?
963.[968.] What are the miscarriage and stillbirth rates like in your setting?
964.[969.] How easily can the technology of your world be hacked? What forms of hacking are
most common? Any famous examples? (Bonus Question: Can magic be hacked in any
965.[970.] Are there any stories, myths or superstitions about art or artists in your world?
966.[971.] Does your world have any playgrounds? If so, what kind of equipment or other
features would one typically have?
967.[972.] How are recipes shared in your world?
968.[973.] How do the people of your world get to one floor from another? Do buildings have
stairs, elevators, escalators, ramps, ladders, slides or something else?
969.[974.] Who are your world’s most famous missing persons?
970.[975.] How common are street animals in your setting? How does the populace tend to treat
971.[976.] Is plant symbolism important in your world? What are some of the most common
plants associated with?
972.[977.] Name a holiday celebrated in your world. Why is it celebrated when it is?
973.[978.] How does one flirt in your setting?
974.[979.] Describe a few pieces of tech which are outdated but that people of your world might
still have tucked away in a cupboard or attic.
975.[980.] How, if at all, do typical leisure activities vary between people of different genders?
976.[981.] What percentage of your setting’s population live in poverty?
977.[982.] Make a colour palette for your world or a specific place in it. Why did you choose
those colours in particular? What do they represent?
978.[983.] How does one decorate for a party in your setting?
979.[984.] Does your world have any pet shelters or other organisations that care for abandoned
or stray animals?
980.[985.] How easily available are mirrors to the general populace of your setting?
981.[986.] What’s something that is illegal in your world but legal where you live? Or vice versa?
982.[987.] How do the people of your world define poverty? What is considered essential to meet
the minimum standard of living?
983.[988.] What sounds do dogs and cats make in your world? (How are these onomatopoeic
words spelled in your conlang?)
984.[989.] When does life begin according to the people of your world?
985.[990.] What’s something someone could shout in a public place in your setting that would be
almost guaranteed to start a fight?
986.[991.] Are births and deaths events that are registered in your setting? If so, who are they
registered with and for what purpose?
987.[992.] What do bags look like in your setting? What materials are they made of? How big are
they? How are they decorated?
988.[993.] How, if at all, do typical leisure activities vary between people of different ages?
989.[994.] Are there any stories, myths or superstitions about food or cooking in your world?
990.[995.] What goods or activities are seen as luxuries in your world but aren’t considered
luxuries where you live? Or vice versa?
991.[996.] How does one politely and properly reject a suitor’s advances in your setting?
992.[997.] Do bones have a special significance in your world? If so, why? Do they have a part in
your setting’s magic, religion, medicine or technology?
993.[998.] How does healthcare received vary between different socio-economic backgrounds in
your world?
994.[999.] Design a menu for a restaurant, café, canteen, inn or other eatery in your setting.
What’s on it? How much choice do customers have?
995.[1000.] What are the three most common types of mushrooms found in your setting?
996.[1001.] Are some lives in your world valued more than others? If so, who’s are and why?
997.[1002.] What are the norms surrounding breastfeeding in your setting?
998.[1003.] Are there any stories, myths or superstitions about clouds in your world?
999.[1004.] If your protagonist(s) could change one thing about their world, what would they
change and why?
1000.[1005.] What units of measurement are used in your world?
1001.[1006.] What was the last species in your world to go extinct? What caused their
1002.[1007.] Is your fictional culture better described as having a market, barter or gift economy
or something else entirely? How does this culture interact with cultures which might have a
different type of economy?
1003.[1008.] How easy is it to cross the border from one country to another in your setting?
[1009.] Who are your world’s most eccentric personalities? What have they said or doned one to
make them (in)famous?
1004.[1010.] Are there any food or drinks which have (or are believed to have) magical
properties in your world?
1005.[1011.] If your antagonist(s) could change one thing about their world, what would they
change and why?
1006.[1012.] Who are your world’s current leaders?
1007.[1013.] Do the adults of your setting typically drink milk? If so, from what species?
1008.[1014.] How is romantic love expressed in your setting? What gestures have romantic
1009.[1015.] Are any species in your world endangered? How many are left? Is anything being
done to protect them?
1010.[1016.] How are diplomatic relations in your world built, maintained and improved upon?
1011.[1017.] Imagine one of your MCs starring in an episode of Drunk History. What historical
event or person from your world would they rant about? Write down a couple of fun facts (or
myths) they know.
1012.[1018.] How do (trends in) political attitudes vary between people of different ages, races,
genders and classes?
1013.[1019.] What is the quality of care like in your world’s care homes, hospitals and other
medical institutions?
1014.[1020.] How do your world’s religions go about gaining new members?
1015.[1021.] Which settlements in your world are most at risk of being raided or pillaged?
1016.[1022.] How do magic and technology interact and overlap in your world?
1017.[1023.] Does your setting have any ‘port of entries’? What checks are in place at these
entry places?
1018.[1024.] How have hairstyles (including facial and body hairstyles) changed over time in
your world?
1019.[1025.] How do religious beliefs, practices and duties vary between people of different
ages, races, genders and classes?
1020.[1026.] What legal responsibilities do parents have towards their offspring in your setting?
Likewise, what legal responsibilities do children have towards their parents?
1021.[1027.] What is the total population for each country in your world?
1022.[1028.] How do architectural styles in your world vary from neighbourhood to
neighbourhood, town to town or country to country?
1023.[1029.] What are some of the most common national stereotypes in your world?
1024.[1030.] How would someone in your world remove, hide or improve the appearance of a
1025.[1031.] What discoveries, inventions or places are named after people in your world?
1026.[1032.] What would your world be like if humans suddenly disappeared? Alternatively, for
worlds without humans, what would your world be like if humans suddenly (re)appeared?
1027.[1033.] Are there any stories, myths or superstitions about insects in your world?
1028.[1034.] Does your world have any individuals or organisations who communicate (or claim
to communicate) with the dead professionally? If so, how do they go about this? How
popular are their services? Why do people generally go to them for help?
1029.[1035.] What are your world’s most famous pieces of jewellery? Why are they famous?
1030.[1036.] Does blood have a special significance in your world? If so, why? Does it have any
part in your setting’s magic, religion, medicine or technology?
1031.[1037.] What behaviours in your world are generally seen as being “immoral” by your
setting’s culture?
1032.[1038.] Which settlements in your world are most at risk of being hit by a natural disaster?
1033.[1039.] Forget about what your heroes and villains want. If an ‘Average Joe’ from your
setting could change one thing about their world, what would they change and why?
1034.[1040.] How would someone in your world treat a broken bone?
1035.[1041.] How do funerals of world’s leaders different from that of an ordinary citizen?
1036.[1042.] What do the people of your setting smell like?
1037.[1043.] Where in your world is Carmen Sandiego?
1038.[1044.] Have any organisms in your world been intentionally genetically modified? If so, for
what purpose?
1039.[1045.] How has the way the people of your setting celebrate their holidays changed over
1040.[1046.] How are current fashions practical (or impractical) for your setting?
1041.[1047.] Is nationalism an ideology held by many people in your setting? What does
nationalism look like in your world?
1042.[1048.] How do weddings of the rich and famous differ from those of ordinary citizens in
your setting?
1043.[1049.] Are any awards given to artists in your world?
1044.[1050.] How do festivals, ceremonies and rites from the same religion vary between the
different regions of your world?
1045.[1051.] Are there any beliefs or myths surrounding mirrors or reflections in your setting?
1046.[1052.] What are your world’s most famous articles of clothing? Why are they famous?
1047.[1053.] Are divorce ceremonies or parties common in your setting? What rituals are
involved when someone divorces?
1048.[1054.] Is spirit possession a part of your setting's belief or magic system? If so, how does
it work?
1049.[1055.] How many generations back could the average person in your setting trace their
family tree? Is the answer the same for their maternal and paternal lines?
1050.[1056.] How has weaponry changed over time in your world?
1051.[1057.] Who makes the laws of your setting?
1052.[1058.] How much weight does the phrase ‘I love you’ carry in your setting? Is it something
said often or casually?
1053.[1059.] Is remarriage common in your world? How, if at all, does a second (or third, fourth,
etc) marriage differ from the first?
1054.[1060.] How long does the mourning period last in your world? Does it depend on how
close one was to the deceased?
1055.[1061.] Do standardised addresses exist in your world? Do buildings and roads have
numbers, names, postcodes, etc?
1056.[1062.] Are the dates of feasts and holidays of your world fixed or moveable?
1057.[1063.] What, if any, honorifics are used when speaking about the dead in your world?
1058.[1064.] Which, if any, birthdays hold a special significance to the people of your world and
1059.[1065.] Where are your world's cradles of civilization?
1060.[1066.] Does your setting have an 'allergy season'? What seasonal allergens are common
1061.[1067.] Are there any museums in your setting? If so, what types(s)?
1062.[1068.] How common are glasses in your setting? Are they generally bought with or without
a prescription?
1063.[1069.] What clothes would someone in your setting wear to a funeral or other sombre
1064.[1070.] Are animal companions a standard part of your world? If so, how is society built to
accommodate them?
1065.[1071.] What minerals and other inorganic materials can be found in the water in and
around you setting?
1066.[1072.] Are wedding anniversaries marked in your world? If so, how? Are any considered
particularly special?
1067.[1073.] What is your world's oldest known evidence for civilization?
1068.[1074.] Is ancestor worship a part of your culture's belief system? If so, how does this fit
into daily life in your setting?
1069.[1075.] Is there censorship in your world?
1070.[1076.] What poisons can be found in the average house in your setting?
1071.[1077.] Who was the first person in your world to have magic? How are they portrayed in
1072.[1078.] Which customs from neighbouring cultures do people from your setting think of as
1073.[1079.] How would someone in your setting formally address a large crowd? (Does your
world have an equivalent to "Ladies and Gentlemen"?)
1074.[1080.] What symbols are associated with government power in your world?
1075.[1081.] Tell me about your world's most famous fight or duel. Who fought who and why?
What weapons and tactics were used? What was the outcome?
1076.[1082.] What percentage of your world's population live in a rural area and what
percentage live in an urban area?
1077.[1083.] Are there any stories, myths or superstitions about music, musicians or musical
instruments in your world?
1078.[1084.] Are basements and cellars a common feature of buildings in your setting? What is
this space typically used for?
1079.[1085.] What's the most luxurious way to travel your world?
1080.[1086.] Has your world begun to run low on any of its natural resources? How has this
impacted the people who live there?
1081.[1087.] What are some of the most infamous scandals of your world?
1082.[1088.] Have any animals been breed for specific purposes in your setting? What
characteristics makes them suitable for their job?
1083.[1089.] Are any common household items in your setting made from dangerous materials?
1084.[1090.] What slang words are commonly used in your setting? What groups typically use
these words?
1085.[1091.] When was your world’s earliest recorded war? Who fought, where and why?
1086.[1092.] Are any particular food or drinks considered luxuries in your world?
1087.[1093.] Has your world ever had any legendary parties? What made them legendary? How
much of what is said to have happened actually happened?
1088.[1094.] Are 'data protection' and 'information privacy' concepts that people in your world
would recognise?
1089.[1095.] What, if any, occupations are gendered in your world?
1090.[1096.] List a few neighbourhoods for each major city in your setting? What is each area
best known for?
1091.[1097.] What legal responsibilities come with marriage in your setting?
1092.[1098.] How has the climate and terrain of your setting influenced fashion?
1093.[1099.] What childbirth positions, tools and technology are used in your setting?
1094.[1100.] How have popular music styles changed over time in your setting?
1095.[1101.] What are some popular swear words in your world?
1096.[1102.] What perfumes are popular in your setting?
1097.[1103.] If they exist at all, how accessible are registry records in your setting? Is
information about marriages, land ownership, crimes, wills, etc publicly available?
1098.[1104.] What, if any, items are buried or burnt alongside the dead?
1099.[1105.] How much does the average loaf of bread cost in your setting?
1100.[1106.] What, if any, garments are used to support or restrain breasts in your world?
1101.[1107.] How far has news of your heroes’ exploits travelled? Have any of the stories told
become larger than life? Would your heroes still recognise them?
1102.[1108.] Who are your world’s most brutal killers?
1103.[1109.] Does cosmetic surgery exist in your setting? If so, what procedures are common?
1104.[1110.] For worlds with fictional species: How would you cook or serve a dish containing
this species?
1105.[1111.] How is illiteracy viewed and treated in your setting? Is it common or uncommon?
How easily can illiterate individuals function in your world?
1106.[1112.] Have any civil wars ever been fought in your setting? When? Who fought who?
What was each side fighting for?
1107.[1113.] Are there any games or sports unique to your world? If so, tell me about them!
1108.[1114.] What is the quality of life like for those living in your setting’s prisons? What food,
hygiene, educational, medical, leisure and social facilities do prisoners have access to?
1109.[1115.] What are your world’s most famous pieces of art? Why are they famous?
1110.[1116.] Is there a standardised curriculum used across educational establishments in your
setting? If so, what subjects and standards are set?
1111.[1117.] Do the people of your world have a concept of ‘paradise’ or ‘heaven’? If so, what is
it like?
1112.[1118.] Are people in your world more likely to build their own home or move into one that’s
built by someone else?
1113.[1119.] Does hair have a special significance in your world? If so, why? Do they have a
part in your setting’s magic, religion, medicine or technology?
1114.[1120.] What historical events or social movements have influenced the fashion of your
1115.[1121.] How do government provided services (e.g. education, waste removal, policing)
vary between rural and urban areas in your world?
1116.[1122.] Does your setting have an ‘official language’? Is this language spoken by the
majority of the population? Is it indigenous to the region?
1117.[1123.] Are any countries or cities in your world notably cheaper or more expensive than
the others? If so, why?
1118.[1124.] What kind of service should a customer at the average restaurant, café, canteen,
inn or other eatery in your setting expect?
1119.[1125.] Are the citizen’s of your world expected to carry any ID? If so, what’s an acceptable
form of ID?
1120.[1126.] How much does the average first-time buyer spend on a home in your setting?
1121.[1127.] Are there any stories, myths or superstitions about stars in your world?
1122.[1128.] Where is the wettest place in your world? How much rainfall does the region get
1123.[1129.] Are any past fashion trends viewed with embarrassment by the people of your
world? If so, tell me about them!
1124.[1130.] What writing tools and technologies are available in your setting?
1125.[1131.] Are some lives valued more than others in your setting? What traits make one life
more valuable than another?
1126.[1132.] What diseases are endemic to your setting?
1127.[1133.] Where is the dryest place in your world? How much rainfall does the region get
1128.[1134.] What would a typical ‘packed lunch’ look like in your setting?
1129.[1135.] How do religious and educational institutions interact in your world?
1130.[1136.] What hunting techniques, if any, are practiced in your setting?
1131.[1137.] Are their any restrictions around what people can name their children or
themselves in your setting? Are any names banned? If so, why?
1132.[1138.] If someone in your setting got a hole in their shoe are they more likely to repair it
themselves, have a specialist repair it, or get a new pair of shoes?
1133.[1139.] Are eggs a part of your culture’s cuisine? If so, what species’ eggs are eaten?
1134.[1140.] What kind of toys, clothes and other accessories are available for pets in your
1135.[1141.] How has fashion influenced weapons and armour in your setting? How have
weapons and armour influenced fashion?
1136.[1142.] What public services does your setting’s government provide to its people?
1137.[1143.] How often, according to your world’s religious leaders, should people pray or attend
1138.[1144.] What, if any, juices are drunk in your setting?
1139.[1145.] How have your world’s country and county borders changed over time?
1140.[1146.] How do the people of your world treat bad breath?
1141.[1147.] What, if any, rituals are preformed in your world when entering or leaving a holy
1142.[1148.] Are wet nursing and cross nursing common practices in your world?
1143.[1149.] Create or tell me about the kind of propaganda one could find in your world.
1144.[1150.] How much cultural exchange goes on between the different regions of your world?
What specific aspects of each culture are often shared?
1145.[1151.] How much alcohol does the average person in your setting drink?
1146.[1152.] Does your world have any magical languages? If so, how does this language differ
grammatically from your world’s non-magical languages?
1147.[1153.] What, if any, horse breeds are popular in your setting?
1148.[1154.] Are there any historical events that the people of your world just can’t explain?
1149.[1155.] What is the maternal mortality rate in your setting?
1150.[1156.] Is there any technology or magic in your world that can help people find lost things?
1151.[1157.] Overall, how much social inequality is there in your setting?
1152.[1158.] What tools, props or ingredients does magic require to work in your world?
1153.[1159.] How quickly do fashion trends come and go in your world?
1154.[1160.] Where do the people of your setting go to gamble? What types of games and bets
are common in these places?
1155.[1161.] Is slavery a part of your world’s past or present?
1156.[1162.] Are there any stories, myths or superstitions about transport in your world?
1157.[1163.] Is circumcision practised in your world? What about FGM? If they are, why and
what percentage of people are affected by each?
1158.[1164.] Who or what is the oldest living being in your world?
1159.[1165.] Do the people of your setting have freedom of speech and/or expression? Are there
any types of speech or expression which are unprotected?
1160.[1166.] What are some of the most common worries among the people of your world?
1161.[1167.] How, if at all, does time travel work in your world?
1162.[1168.] What symbols are associated with government resistance in your world?
1163.[1169.] List your top three favourite fictional universes created by other people. Why are
they your favourites? What do they have in common?
1164.[1170.] How, if at all, are people taxed in your setting?
1165.[1171.] An idiom is an expression based on an idea or historical event, conveying a broad
modern theme. For example, “Crossing the Rubicon” means “To commit to a course if action,
giving up any chance to back out.” Does your world have any idioms? Could, for example,
“Huge, hectic congregation of people” be characterised by a famous battle?
1166.[1172.] Do any traditionally inanimate objects in your world have sentience?
1167.[1173.] Describe your world’s most famous stadiums, arenas or other locations where
organised sports take place.
1168.[1174.] What animals are considered sacred in your world?
1169.[1175.] Do the people of your setting celebrate any ‘milestone birthdays’? If so, what
makes these birthdays more special than other birthdays?
1170.[1176.] Are chaperones ever required in your world? If so, why and by who?
1171.[1177.] Which poisons are most easily obtainable by the people of your world?
1172.[1178.] How are the people of conquered nations generally treated in your setting?
1173.[1179.] Are there any illnesses in your world that don’t exist in ours? If so, tell me about
1174.[1180.] How much control does the average parent in your setting have over their
offspring’s education?
1175.[1181.] What plants are considered sacred in your world?
1176.[1182.] Where, if anywhere, do your world’s elite vacation?
1177.[1183.] What is the total population of each country in your world?
1178.[1184.] Who are your world’s most iconic fictional characters?
1179.[1185.] What, if any, voting systems are used in your world?
1180.[1186.] What are the major points of contention between the different religions or religious
sects of your world?
1181.[1187.] What, if any, rituals are performed in your world to welcome a new person into the
1182.[1188.] How many jobs will the average person in your world have during their lifetime?
1183.[1189.] What buildings are considered the most important by the people of your world?
Where do they tend to be located?
1184.[1190.] In your setting, what is the average age of sexual debut?
1185.[1191.] What techniques are used when running a political campaign in your world?
1186.[1192.] Are there any youth organisations in your world? If so, tell me about them!
1187.[1193.] What constitutes a ‘hate crime’ in your world? How are perpetrators of these acts
treated by your world’s justice system?
1188.[1194.] Are there any topics or ideas that are prohibited from being taught in schools in
your world? If so, why?
1189.[1195.] What percentage of your setting’s population has a criminal record?
1190.[1196.] Name three sports teams in your world. What sort of reputation does each one
1191.[1197.] Are there any closed communities for people of specific beliefs or lifestyles in your
world? How and why do they separate themselves from the wider population?
1192.[1198.] What mobility aids are available in your setting?
1193.[1199.] For those writing settings with magic: How easy is it to spot magic users? Are there
any tests or identifying characteristics?
1194.[1200.] Who are your world’s most famous adventurers?
1195.[1201.] What’s the average population density for your world? What areas have the highest
and lowest population densities?
1196.[1202.] Have there ever been any food crazes or fads in your setting?
1197.[1203.] What are some of the most popular scams in your world?
1198.[1204.] Is bestiality legal in your setting? If not, what punishments do people who engage in
it suffer?
1199.[1205.] What’s a song virtually everyone in your setting knows?
1200.[1206.] How common are mercenaries in your world? Are they treated any differently than
other combatants?
1201.[1207.] How advanced is forensic science in your world?
1202.[1208.] What does the composition of a typical household look like in your setting? Does
this vary between households of different castes, classes or races?
1203.[1209.] How much does the average citizen of your world trust their government?
1204.[1210.] For those writing settings with magic: How are children with magic treated? What
measures are taken to prevent them from harming themselves or others with magic?
1205.[1211.] What does a typical bedroom look like in your setting?
1206.[1212.] Where are your world’s seats of government? What do these seats look like?
1207.[1213.] What weird beliefs do little kids (or if they’re non-human and/or age differently, the
rough equivalent thereof) who live in your world have about how certain things work there?
Like how some little kids in real life believe that swallowing a seed will make a plant grow in
their tummy, teachers sleep in their classrooms, the world was literally black and white
before colour TVs were invented etc.
1208.[1214.] Describe the three most common vehicle models in your setting.
1209.[1215.] Are there any stories, myths or superstitions about the ocean in your world?
1210.[1216.] How are taxes collected in your setting?
1211.[1217.] Are marriage vows a part of any of your world’s cultures? If so, how are they
worded? What declarations and promises are usually made?
1212.[1218.] Does your world have any multi-level marketing schemes?
1213.[1219.] How is the clothing that people typically wear in your world practical (or impractical)
for your setting?
1214.[1220.] What does a typical bathroom look like in your setting?
1215.[1221.] If your world has them, what are your setting’s most popular tv, radio and web
1216.[1222.] Are any permissions or licences required for a couple to marry in your setting?
1217.[1223.] Who’s the “power behind the throne” in your world?
1218.[1224.] Does your setting have any hookah bars, opium dens, cannabis coffee shops, or
similar establishments for consuming drugs? If so, how do these businesses operate?
1219.[1225.] How do people in your world generally feel about cohabitation and how common is
1220.[1226.] Does your world have any playgrounds? If so, tell me about them!
1221.[1227.] How safe are your setting’s water bodies for people swimming or taking part in
other water-based activities?
1222.[1228.] Are there any stories, myths or superstitions about flowers in your world?
1223.[1229.] Who is normally considered to be the ‘head’ of the family in your setting?
1224.[1230.] What are the most famous lost treasures of your world and how were they lost?
1225.[1231.] How long does the average romantic relationship in your setting last?
1226.[1232.] Are most dwellings in your setting single or multi-story? If they’re multi-story, what
rooms are typically located on which floor?
1227.[1233.] Is vaccination practised in your world? If so, what diseases are vaccinated against?
1228.[1234.] Who was the longest-reigning leader in your world? Is there any reason why their
reign was so long?
1229.[1235.] Can magic in your setting be bound or trapped?
1230.[1236.] Is your world home to any famous shipwrecks? If so, tell me about them!
1231.[1237.] Who are your world’s most famous lovers?
1232.[1238.] Describe a typical bed and bedding from your setting.
1233.[1239.] Who was the shortest-reigning leader in your world? Is there any reason why their
reign was so short?
1234.[1240.] What cloth dyes are available in your world?
1235.[1241.] Are hats and shoes typically worn indoors in your setting?
1236.[1242.] Are there any stories, myths or superstitions about music in your world?
1237.[1243.] What regions of your world are uninhabited? What makes them uninhabitable?
1238.[1244.] What, if any, deodorant and perfumes are used in your setting?
1239.[1245.] Are cheques, credit cards or any other non-cash payment methods used in your
1240.[1246.] YName the three longest rivers in your world.
1241.[1247.] What are some sounds that can be heard in your setting in the middle of the night?
1242.[1248.] Are or have there ever been any bans on languages in your world?
1243.[1249.] Does your world have any stock exchanges? If so, where are they? Are they
physical or digital locations?
1244.[1250.] Are there any stories, myths or superstitions about friendship in your world?
1245.[1251.] How common are lice, bed bugs and scabies in your setting? How is an infestation
treated if it does happen?
1246. What is the unemployment rate in your setting?
1247. How would someone in your setting clean the dishes?
1248. Describe the layout of a typical residential building in your world.
1249. What are the most common crimes in your setting?
1250. Who are the most celebrated athletes of your world? What are their most famous
1251. Which individuals or groups have been vilified by the people of your world? Why? Do
they deserve the reputation they have?
1252. How do people in your world ‘network’?
1253. What material goods do the people of your world need or value? How do their trade,
transport, or politics reflect this?
1254. Are theretheir any medical treatments commonly used in your world that would be
considered unusual in our own?
1255. What can you tell me about children’s street culture in your world?
1256. Are their any occupations with a shortage of workers in your setting? What has lead
to this shortage?
1257. What are some standard family structures in your world?
1258. How, if at all, do the people of your world dress their animal companions?
1259. What are the biggest commercial brands in your setting?
1260. What animals are considered vermin in your world? How big of a problem are they?
1261. How is a census completed within your society?
1262. Does your world have an equivalent to a bachelor/stag or bachelorette/hen party?
What activities normally happen at these gatherings?
1263. How does the average height and weight vary between ethnic groups/races in your

Hey I don’t know why i have access to this doc or if this is intentional but you might want to review
who’s allowed editing privileges before some troll destroys everything.

Additional Information

1. Does your world have an education system? If so, which areas of study are the most valued?
2. What are the most undervalued jobs in your world? Who works them?
3. Which genre of music is the most popular?
4. How common is it to speak a language that is not your native one?
5. How is public intimacy regarded?
6. Does age play a role in how much respect a person gets at first glance? Why?
7. Which meals or foods are considered classics or universally loved?
8. What is that one thing that it seems like every kid does? (For example, where I live, it’s
9. Does magic play a role in your world? How important is it and under what circumstances is it
10. How are criminals punished?
11. What is considered the worst possible crime that a person could commit?
12. Do people keep pets? Which ones are the most popular?
13. What are the three most common pastimes?
14. How are people like the police regarded by the general public?
15. Are there any gender roles or stereotypes that exist? If so, what are they?
16. How are people in the LGBT+ community treated?
17. How are disabled people treated?
18. How are people of color treated?
19. What is the general lifestyle of the average person in your world?
20. Do people with mental illnesses have access to resources they might need (therapists,
medication, etc.)?
21. What are beauty standards for men and women like?
22. If any, what are the stereotypes that exist for each age group?
23. Which is valued more, the arts or the sciences?
24. What constitutes as standard intelligence?
25. Think of the biggest accomplishments or events in your world’s history. Is there a certain
theme that carries through them all?
26. Do forms of entertainment like TV, movies, and theater — or anything resembling them —
exist? How popular are they?
27. Does anything like the Internet exist? What is it most commonly used for?
28. When are kids expected to move out of their parents’ house?
29. When are people expected to get their first job? Does this standard vary depending on the
family’s financial stability?
30. Do arranged marriages exist?
31. Describe your world’s (or country’s) government in five words or less.
32. If anything, what will absolutely not be tolerated in your world?
33. What does a typical family look like, if any?
34. What happens on the home front in times of war? What do people who aren’t actively
engaged in the conflict do to try and help?
35. What role does music play in society?
36. How often do people travel? How far do they go, usually?
37. Is it common for families to live in different corners of the world?
38. How is hunting regarded?
39. Are there any endangered species? What is the punishment for threatening them?
40. If any, what are the most famous pieces of literature or most famous authors? Why are they
so well-known?
41. What is the most common form of transportation?
42. What are the current fashion trends? How are they different from the trends that one, ten,
and thirty years ago?
43. Is there anyone in your world’s history who is regarded as truly evil?
44. Does your world have a military? Are there different branches, such as the navy or marines?
How does someone enlist?
45. What are some common first date activities?
46. What do people do when they need to relax?
47. How common is it for people to go out with a group of friends versus alone?
48. How do people get their electricity/power?
49. At what age is a person considered “old”?
50. At what point is it less offensive to be considered “old” by younger people?
51. Do your workers have a minimum wage? What is it?
52. What makes it easy for a person to consider a house a home?
53. Who usually lives in a single house?
54. Is there a “standard age” for a person to reach certain milestones in life (As in getting a job,
finding a partner and getting married, having kids)?
55. How might the rich display their wealth?
56. Usually, how close are families to each other? Are they in contact with their third cousins on
the other side of the world or do they barely know how many siblings they have?
57. Which skills are considered the most important to have?
58. Which laws are the most commonly broken?
59. Does your world have any absolutely ridiculous laws? What are they/
60. Are there any career paths are considered more valuable than others? Why?
61. Is there any dedicated time of relaxation (like the weekend or a long holiday)?
62. What is your country’s relationship with the countries around it?
63. Can people easily talk about the politics of their world and keep a level head?
64. What degree of control does the government have over the lives of the people?
65. Is there a traditional process for mourning loved ones who have passed?
66. In general, how much do people gesture when they speak?
67. In general, how are people that speak with an accent regarded?
68. What does a person have to do to be considered a prodigy?
69. Have common is it to be a farmer or someone that produces food?
70. Is the majority of your world’s food produced by big businesses or by smaller farmers?


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