9 - IAS 7 Summary

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Financial Accounting and Reporting I

Ahmed Raza Mir, FCA

IAS 7 - Statement of Cashflows

Summary: IAS 7

Indirect Method
ABC Company
Statement of Cash Flows
For The Year Ended December 31, 2019
Cash Flows From Operating Activities
Profit after tax xxx
Add: Tax expense xxx
Profit before tax i xxx
Add: Depreciation expense xxx
Add: Impairment expense xxx
Add: Loss on disposal of PPE xxx
Add: Interest expense xxx
Add: FV Loss on revaluation of IP xxx
Add: Reversal of grant income xxx
Add: Revaluation loss (P&L) on PPE xxx
Increase/(Decrease) in provision for D. Debts xxx/(xxx)
Less: FV Gain on revaluation of IP (xxx)
Less: Gain on disposal of PPE (xxx)
Less: Interest income (xxx)
Less: Dividend income (xxx)
Less: Grant income (xxx)
Less: Reversal of impairment (xxx)
Less: Investment / dividend income (from non-current investment) (xxx)
Less: Reversal of revaluation loss (P&L) on PPE (xxx)
Add: Investment loss (from non-current investment) xxx
ii xxx
Working capital changes
(Increase)/Decrease in stock in hand (xxx)/xxx
(Increase)/Decrease in Debtors (xxx)/xxx
(Increase)/Decrease in Prepayments (xxx)/xxx
(Increase)/Decrease in other current assets (xxx)/xxx
Increase/(Decrease) in Creditors xxx/(xxx)
Increase/(Decrease) in Accruals xxx/(xxx)
Increase/(Decrease) in Expenses payable xxx/(xxx)
Increase/(Decrease) in other current liabilities xxx/(xxx)
iii (xxx)
Cash generated from operations i+ii+iii xxx
Less: Interest paid (xxx)
Less: Tax paid (xxx)
Cash Flow from Operating Activities A xxx
Financial Accounting and Reporting I
Ahmed Raza Mir, FCA
IAS 7 - Statement of Cashflows

Cash Flow From Investing Activities

Less: Purchase of PPE (xxx)
Less: Purchase of Intangibles (xxx)
Less: Purchase of other non-current assets (xxx)
Add: Sale proceeds of disposal of PPE xxx
Add: Sale proceeds of disposal of Intangibles xxx
Add: Sale proceeds of disposal of other non-current assets xxx
Add: Dividend incomes received xxx
Add: Interest income received from non-current investments xxx
Cash Flow from Investing Activities B xxx

Cash Flow From Financing Activities

Add: Shares issued at cash (Par value + Premium) xxx
Less: Cash dividends paid (xxx)
Add: Cash received from acquiring long term loan xxx
Add: Cash received from government grant xxx
Less: Cash repayment of grant (xxx)
Less: Payment of long-term loan (xxx)
Cash Flow from Financing Activities C xxx
Net cash flows A+B+C xxx
Opening cash and cash equivalent ① xxx
Closing cash and cash equivalent ① xxx

Direct Method (Only cash flow from operating activities are changed)
Cash Flows From Operating Activities
Add: Cash received from costumers (Debtors and Cash/Bank) xxx
Add: Cash received from other income xxx
Less: Cash paid to suppliers (Creditors and Inventory) (xxx)
Less: Cash paid to employees (xxx)
Less: Cash paid for other expenses (xxx)
Less: Interest paid (xxx)
Less: Tax paid (xxx)
Cash Flow From Operating Activities xxx

① Cash and Cash Equivalent Opening Closing

Add: Cash in hand xxx xxx
Add: Cash in bank xxx xxx
Less: Bank over drafts / running finance (xxx) (xxx)
Add Short term investments xxx xxx
Cash and cash equivalent xxx xxx

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