Tugas Bahasa Inggris David Ben Genesis 1-11

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Name : David Benyamin.

Task : Writing Down “The Creation Era” from Genesis 1-11

Creation (Genesis 1-2)

According to Genesis 1, God created the entire universe in six days. As for the first day,
God made light. Then, God created the horizon which is often known as the sky and all the
vegetation on the second and third day. On the fourth day, God created objects of light to
separate day from night, namely the sun, moon and stars. After that, God created the animals in
the air and the animals in the sea on the fifth day. On the sixth day, God created the land animals
and the creation period closed with God created human who is in the image and likeness of Him.
Then, God put the first man, namely Adam, in the garden of Eden and took one of his ribs to
create Eve who became his wife. Adam and Eve lived their lives in the garden of Eden with a
command from God, that is, they are free to eat the fruit of all trees except from the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, because if they eat it they will die.

Fall (Genesis 3)

One day Eve was successfully seduced by a snake so that she broke God's command by
ate the fruit that God had forbidden them to eat. In fact, she also gave the fruit to her husband,
Adam. This is what became the first fall of man. Finally, the Lord God cursed them because of
this incident. God cursed the snake so that it had to walk on its stomach. God also cursed Eve so
that she had to experience pain during childbirth. Meanwhile, Adam was cursed, so he had to
work hard to find sustenance. Apart from that, God also expelled Adam and Eve from the garden
of Eden. Even though they were punished by God, God still loved them by weared clothes made
of animal cloth on them before they came out of there.

Flood (Genesis 6-10)

The more the days, the more crimes committed by mankind. This made God's heart feel
so sad that He wanted to destroy mankind from the face of the earth through the flood. But there
was someone who found grace in God's eyes, namely Noah. Noah was given an order by God to
make a big ark so that he and his family would escape God's punishment. Apart from them, God
also commanded Noah to put one pair of each type of animal into the ark to continue their
descent on this earth. After Noah had done what God had commanded, God sent down a
downpour of rain over the earth for forty days and forty nights to destroy all living things,
namely the animals and mankind. After forty days and forty nights, the pouring rain finally
stopped, but the water had not receded from the top of the earth for a hundred and fifty days.
Finally the ark stopped in the mountains of Ararat. After the flood, God promised Noah that
there would be no more floods that would destroy the earth. God also confirmed His promise by
giving a sign, namely placing His bow on the cloud which we now call the rainbow. In addition,
God also blessed Noah and his family so that from them the nations of this earth emerged.

Tower of Babel (Genesis 11)

After the flood, there was one event that became the history of the emergence of various
languages on this earth. Initially mankind had one language and one accent. One day, they set
out for the land of Sinear and settled there. Then, they planned to make a city with a tower that
topped to the sky. The tower they build will become a monument of pride that they think will
continue to unite humanity. The tower is known as the Tower of Babel. Then the Lord came
down to see the city and the tower erected by the children of men. Then He said that human
beings who have the unity of language and nation can do whatever they want, including pride
like the building of the Tower of Babel and other crimes. Finally, God decided to confused their
language so that they could not understand each other and God also scattered them all over the
surface of the earth so that the construction of the city was stopped.

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