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Bulacan State University

City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Sarmiento Campus



LESSON 1: Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)


List down the attributes of a quality teacher

1. Learners’ awareness
2. Patient, loving and kind personality
3. Dedication to instruction
4. Engaging learners in research
5. The opportunity to build experiences with their learners


Create a poster from the information given on the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers (PPST) using your preferred medium. You can also use computer software.


Write a reflection on the importance of PPST as a guide for pre-service teachers to

become quality teachers in the future.

General Academics and Teacher Education Department

The teachers getting better in the future by improving their qualifications skills
and by increasing their levels of knowledge, practice and professional engagement.
Standards ensure better accountability – holding teachers and schools responsible for
what goes on in the classrooms. It is also helps ensure that a higher level of learning is
attained, guide teachers in the process of assessment and helps keep them on track. The
standard will support teachers in identifying their professional development needs. The
standards will also support teachers in identifying ways broaden and deepen their
expertise within their current career stages. All teachers have a professional responsibility
to be engaged in effective, sustained and relevant professional development throughout
their careers and all teachers have a contractual entitlement to effective, sustained and
relevant professional development throughout their career.


1. C.
2. E.
3. A.
4. G.
5. B
6. I
7. D
8. J
9. F.
10. H

LESSON 2: Guidelines per Program


Answer the following questions:

Why do you want to become a teacher?

During their education journey, I want to be able to help children flourish and blossom. I
want to be a teacher as well because I know how important my teachers are to me. I recognize at
in my life, they played a very important role and helped me to fulfill my full potential.

General Academics and Teacher Education Department

What do you think are the role of teachers?

A teacher's primary function is to provide instruction in the classroom that helps students
understand. Teachers must plan efficient lessons, grade student, and
work and provide input, handle materials in the classroom, navigate the
curriculum productively, and cooperate with other teachers to achieve this. Teaching is a highly
sophisticated profession which extends beyond academic on a regular basis. Teachers must also
act as parents, mentors and counselor and even near politician to ensure that students achieve
academic achievement.

What do you think are the expected attributes of a teacher?

I think the attributes of a teacher are the ability to develop relationships with their
students, patient, caring and kind personality, knowledge of learners and dedication to teaching.


Review the CMO for your respective program. Analyze it base on your past experiences in
studying the program.

My respective program is Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED), is a four year

degree program designed to prepare students for becoming high school teachers. The program
combines both theory and practice in order to teach students the necessary knowledge and skills
a high school teacher needs. The BSEd degree program aims to develop highly motivated and
competent teachers specializing in the content and pedagogy for secondary education.
In my past experience we studied about preparing secondary school teachers who are
experts in their respective fields of specialization such as: Filipino. Also the strategy of teaching.


1. Beed
2. BTLed
3. BTVTed
4. BECEed
5. BPed
6. BSed


Write how you can contribute in the achievement on the goals of your particular program.

The goal of my degree program aims to develop highly motivated and competent teachers
specializing in the content and pedagogy for secondary education. I can contribute a good at a lot
of things, like to motivate and helping my students. Also by being a person of high character and
professionalism. I will always think about what I want my students to act like as adults. Consider
some of the other adults I know who have served as inspiring examples to you. Remember that
you don’t have to cure cancer or solve poverty to change the world; just being a good, caring,

General Academics and Teacher Education Department

loving, responsible person goes a long way in the lives of those surrounding you. Whatever you
teach, wherever you teach, be there. And, let students know you are glad they are there.

LESSON 3: Deployment of Pre-service Teachers on Experiential Learning


Write in the box below your duties and responsibilities as Field Study Student.

My duties and responsibilities as a field study student will be an observer and teacher’s
assistant. I should be punctual and reliable, behave in a professional manner, communicate
regularly with my cooperating teacher, observe classroom dynamics and assist as needed and I
should be a mandated reporter and understand the limits of confidentiality and data privacy.

Write an application letter stating your intention to conduct your Field Study Course in your
chosen school.

December 02, 2020

Wilma M. Aquino
Principal IV
Sapang Palang National High School
Fatima V CSJDM Bulacan

Good day Ma’am!

General Academics and Teacher Education Department

As a 3rd year Bachelor of Secondary Education student of Bulacan State University Sarmiento
Campus. I am required to taking a Field Study Course for my subject.
I am applying in your school, as a pre-service teacher, because I believe that the experienced I
will obtain will surely improve my skills and acquire additional knowledge in the field of
We are hoping for your favorable response this matter. Thank you so much.

Very truly yours,

Princess Millen N Mendoza


1. Field Study Student

2. College Supervisors
3. Cooperating Teacher
4. College Dean
5. College Supervisor
6. Cooperating School/Principal
7. School Division Offices
8. Regional Office
9. College Dean
10. Field Study Student


As pre-service teachers, what do you do to make the Field Study experiences more meaningful,
helpful, and relevant to your training as future teachers?

As a pre-service teacher I can make the field study experiences more meaningful, helpful,
and relevant of my training as future teacher. For making learning engaging and personally
relevant, I use suspense and keep it fresh, I’ll drop hints about new learning unit before I reveal
what it might be, this can active emotional signals and keep student interest piqued. I’ll make
student directed. When student are involved in designing lesson, they better understand goal of
the lesson and become more emotionally invested in and attached to the learning. I’ll connect it
to their lives and what they already know because making cross-circular connections also helps
solidify those neural loops. I’ll provide utility value, this helps students realize the content is not
just interesting but also worth knowing. I’ll build relatedness, it helps to support relationship in
the academic side that emphasizes helping students see how current learning relates to their own
knowledge and experience and their future learning. I can help them discover that what I teach is
actually interesting and worth knowing.

General Academics and Teacher Education Department

LESSON 4: Mentoring and Coaching Pre-Service Teachers


In your own understanding define the following:

Mentoring – supporting and helping someone with less experience and help them to develop
their work.
Coaching – training for people or helping to prepare them for something.
Role – position that someone has in situation, organization, society or relationship.
Responsibilities – something that it is your duty to deal with.
Etiquette – rules that helps people understand how they should behave in particular professional

As a pre-service teacher, write a one-page reflection about coaching and mentoring in relation to
the Field Study course.

In education, the word coaching is used as an interactive process that aims to close
performance gaps, teach skills, impart knowledge and inculcate values and desirable work
behaviors to pre-service teachers by the cooperating teachers. They help pre-service teachers to
discover and maximize their own potentials. Mentoring is similar to coaching. There is general
agreement that a mentor is a guide who helps someone to learn or develop faster than they might
do alone.
Many leaders do not know how to balance this relationship. Mentoring and coaching is
about much more than just telling someone what to do. So I have some tips. Cooperating
teachers and pre-service teachers should build an authentic connection, to feel comfortable to
each other. Recognize their strengths, because as a pre-service teacher I need help of my
cooperating teacher to reach my full potential and understand and build upon my strength. And
last earn their trust, because building and trusting relationship takes time and patience.
Cooperating teachers should guide and support the pre-service teachers provides valuable
professional development for both new and veteran teachers.

General Academics and Teacher Education Department

Coaching and mentoring are great helping pre-service teachers like me in the field study
course. We have learn new skills or enhance current skills while increasing our confidence, too.
It doesn’t matter who the employee is, there’s something we can learn. It helps gaining more
knowledge, having opportunities to discuss difficulties and receiving useful feedback and also
help face our new challenges through reflective activities and professional conversations, it is
improve our teaching practices as we assume full responsibility for a class. It is commonly held
belief that coaching and mentoring relationships help to bring out the best in people.

General Academics and Teacher Education Department

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