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Bulacan State University

City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan

Sarmiento Campus





Lesson 1: Classroom Facilities That Support Learning

Lesson Procedure:



Familiarize yourself with the numerous areas and services of the school. In order to indicate the
availability, check the column. Present a brief explanation of those that are available in the last

Facilities Available Not Available Description

Office of the ✓ The office of the
Principal principal is organized
and so many
documents, tables
and chairs.
Library ✓ So many books,
chairs and tables.
Counseling Room ✓ Clean, organized,
there so many
educational sayings.
Canteen/Cafeteria ✓ There are many
nutritious foods that
the student can
Audio Visual/Media
Reading Center ✓
Speech Laboratory ✓
General Academics and Teacher Education Department
Science Laboratory ✓ Apparatus, materials
for their experiment.
Gymnasium ✓ Their gymnasium is
two and large.
Auditorium ✓
Home Economics ✓ Very clean and
Room organize room.
Industrial Workshop
PTA Office ✓ There are chairs for
visitor and they have
table also.
Comfort Room for ✓ Clean and fragrant
Comfort Room for ✓ Clean and fragrant
Others (Please

General Academics and Teacher Education Department

Read the paragraphs below, write down your observation report on the provided space.
1. Describe the area where the school is located in.
2. Describe the school campus. What colors do you see? What is the condition of the building?
3. Move through the halls, what are your observations of those offices?
4. Walkthrough the school halls, the library, the canteen. Inspect around to find out what things
has the school to provide.

An Observation Guide for the Classroom Visit

Name of the School Observed


School Address
Barangay Fatima V San Jose Del Monte Bulacan

Date of Visit

There are different schools next to it and there’s a lot of house and sari-sari store at the front and
side of the school campus. The campus of the Sapang Palay National High School is beautiful; it
has a wide campus. The ground of the campus is green because of grasses, buildings are light
yellow colors, and landscaping barriers are in color blue green. The condition of the buildings in
their campus are still in good, I can say that its being maintain, and I believe the students here are
safe when it come to the conditions of the buildings.
As I pass through the office of the principal I can say that it was nice, the office is well arranged,
the arrangement inside is well planned for any purposes, like for meeting purposes, or any other.
As I walk through the lobby of the school, library is along the way to other classrooms, which is
easy accessible by the students, there are many cafeteria is located it is also accessible by the
students easily when they want to go to the cafeteria. There is no other office aside from the
basic office present in a school campus.

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Classroom Facilities (location, number, arrangement,


1. Wall Display Mission and vision, core values, educational

plan and religious sayings.

2. Teachers Table At the center of the classroom, it’s organized

and clean.

3. Learners Desk Arranged separated from the boys and girls.

4. Blackboard Different from the other side and also there

are using a white board.

5. Learning Materials There are using visual aids and power point
presentation during a report.

Write your observation report here.


Location of the School: Barangay Fatima V San Jose Del Monte Bulacan

Date of Visit:

As I observe the students, during my observation on this classroom, the students are actively
participating on the discussion, and the teacher uses the interactive teaching learning process. I
think there were like more or less 30 students on this class. Yes, the room is well lighted were all
parts of the room are visible, it is also well ventilated were in fact there are a fans also. Some
students of Sapang Palay National High School are respectful and discipline and also the

General Academics and Teacher Education Department


1. Want to teach in the school setting that you just observed? Why? Why not?

Yes, I like to teach in Sapang Palay National High School. First, I came from this school and I
already know the rules policy and last, the students are fast learner and they are respectful to the

2. What kind of campus is conducive to study?

First of all, the atmosphere is clean for a school campus that is conducive to learning. It should
be a school that is child-friendly as well. It should have complete school facilities, such as a
library, speech laboratory, computer laboratory, and other facilities that are also necessary or can
assist with the student's learning. And finally, the people behind this campus are a conducive to
learning campus; I mean the teachers, principal and others should also be child-friendly
individuals that their presence will not threaten the pupils.

3. What type of classroom is conducive to study?

A learning-friendly classroom is well-lighted and well-ventilated and has the right sanitation. It
should also be a non-threatening classroom in which the students feel accepted, they are not
alone, and there is nothing to worry about. And teachers should also preserve and support a
sound and viable academic environment.

4. How can you achieve your answer in number 3 in the future?

As a future educator, I can accomplish those things by doing it into action and become a
responsible teacher. I have to show love and care to my pupils in order for them to feel that they
are important as an individual, for them to feel that they really need to learn from me and that
studying is important. I make sure that what I have learned in my preparatory study well be
shared to them properly for them to learn also

5. Write your additional learning and insights here.

During my visit my observation at Sapang Palay National High School, I really observed that
few students are really naughty “pasaway” though the discussion is ongoing, though some of
them are interacting the discussion not seriously, with this king of attitudes they show, as a
teacher you only have to be very patient, this the only thing that you can do in order to please
this pupils.

General Academics and Teacher Education Department

On this box present an Illustration showing your idea of an effective school environment through

⮚ Descriptive Paragraph

⮚ Photo Essay

⮚ Sketch or Drawing, a poem, song or rap

A school setting is an important component of the life of a student. Schools should provide a
healthy place for students to nurture and grow socially, behaviorally and academically, and to
build relationships with others at the same time. Every student needs structure, respect, stability,
constraints and boundaries, and a stable setting or environment.

There are elements in the school setting that positively impact the success of students. These
include having good school friends, knowing that teachers are caring and compassionate,
believing that discipline is successful and reasonable, engaging in extracurricular activities,
being part of a school, and having a sense of belonging. Students become incorporated in their
environment when they perceive that the adults in the school mind about them as individuals and
their learning.

Lesson 2: Important Components of Classroom Management




1. Are there specific purpose areas in the classroom (storage of teaching aids, books, student
belongings supplies, etc)

The areas are good because they have a storage to put books and their visual aids. The learning
materials and belongings supplies are organized and clean.

2. Do the rules and procedures have been posted in the room?

Yes, they have a rules and procedures posted in their room, example:

- Wears a complete, proper and prescribed uniform during school days

- Observe proper dress codes in all occasion

- To be punctual in going to school and all subject classes

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- Observe appropriate, clean and neat haircut and style

- Wears ID and always take care of it

3. Have the students contributed to enforcing the decisions of the classroom?

I can see that the students really participate in making the classroom rules because they really
follow what their teacher says. Only few of the students are not sometimes following the rules
but I think they can be managed.

4. What are the teacher's daily routines? (Prayer, attendance, supervisory duties, warm-up tasks,
etc.) How are they done?

When the teacher comes in , everyone will now stand and someone will lead the prayer then after
that, the good morning greeting will follow, then checking of assignments then sometimes the
teacher does some warm-up activities then introduces the new lesson.

5. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement?

I assume that they have no seating arrangements as I witnessed their seating arrangement. I
found that most girls are in the front while the boys are in the back seat. The boys sitting at the
back are typically noisy.

6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

Sometimes the noise level in the classroom cannot be managed but when the teacher started to
change her tone (mad tone), the students attention are directly at the teacher. Sometimes, the
teacher warns the noisy students by giving them minus so the students will follow her but most
of the time, the students are really noisy especially those students at the back.

7. What does the teacher do if a learner does not obey directions or is off task? (Behavior,

The teacher then advises the student that he/she is not following directions while the learner is
off-task. If the learner is still not following, then that's when the instructor can alert the student of
his or her actions and take some action on this issue.


 Boys at the back are sometimes noisy.

 They sometimes don’t clean the room before 7:00am.

 Students get easily distracted by noise.

 Student’s span of attention is just short.

 Some of the students can’t work independently.

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Effects on Students

Aspect of Classroom Description (to be filled in after

Management answering the

analysis questions)

1. Specific Areas in the There are no items shown on The classroom will be
the back, although there is spacious since there are only
Classroom just the teacher's table in the a few items in the classroom
front section of the that are present. The students
classroom. would not be presentable.

2. Classroom Rules It isn't in the classroom, but Since there are rules to be
since the teacher often tells followed, students can
them of it, the students are regulate their actions. They
aware of it. will learn to discipline
themselves through this.

3. Classroom Procedures The procedures are clear to The learning of the students
the students and it’s also will be more productive
effective to the learning of the because of the procedures
students. implemented.

4. Daily Routines Regular routines are often Students will be driven by

practiced, but there are what they will do during the
sometimes routines that are entire class time. If all is
not followed or forgotten too. planned, there will be no
hassles or issues.

5. Seating Arrangement In the room, the seating Some of the students will not
arrangement is not observed. be closed because the
Most of the girls are in the arrangement of seating is
front, while the boys are in based on the seat that the
the back. students choose to sit in.

6. Handling Instead of scolding, the The student will know that

teacher will first tell the his/her behavior is incorrect,
misbehavior/off task student about his/her actions, and then she/he will not
then if he/she still does not repeat his/her behavior again.
behavior listen, he/she will warn the

7. Reinforcement of Praises Acknowledging and praising

positive performance is
Positive Behavior employed to encourage other
students to do the same.

8. Others

General Academics and Teacher Education Department

Observation Sheet

Enable the Student-Teacher to observe you while using the strategies for providing timely,
accurate, and constructive feedback to improve learner performance. Let the ST accomplish the
observation sheet.







1. What methods or approaches does the teacher used to provide feedback?

Giving genuine praise. Students are quick to figure out which teachers use meaningless praise to
win approval. The teacher are constantly telling their students ‘Good Job’ or ‘Nice Work’.

2. What are the skills you observed that will help the learner performance?

The organization and routines of the classroom impact the actions of the learners because the
student would be involved in learning if the classroom and the routines are structured. It will
provide a nice environment for the students to learn because they know that everything is well-
organized so all will go well. Good organization of the classroom + good routine in the
classroom = efficient students.

3. If you were the teacher, what strategies are you going to use in providing feedback to help the
learners improve their performance?

If they do well in the class, the behavior strategy that is successful in handling the learners'
behavior provides them with constructive reinforcements. In this way, learners will be
encouraged to engage in the class and their good actions will be replicated. One of the primary
reasons why students are motivated is to give them positive remarks like "very good" or offer
those prizes.


1. Imagine getting your classroom planned in the future. What class/year level do you see
yourself in? What practices and procedures would you take into consideration for that level?

If I intend to organize my classroom in the future, I would clearly select the secondary level for
the fourth year. I chose the fourth year because they will graduate earlier, and before they reach
college, I want to teach them some skills and values. I'm going to build some routines that I
know will be useful for them and procedures that will definitely make the classroom structured

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and learning-friendly. To get the attention of the learners to raise questions, I will provide a
permissive and stimulating atmosphere and I will create a favorable environment through the use
of a variety of instructional materials.

2. Create a list of the rules that you will definitely applying at this stage are likely to implement
in this level. Why would you pick these rules?

If I'm going to make rules, my rules are: students are strictly instructed to wear their proper
uniforms, follow proper courtesy, speak to each other politely and respectfully, take care of the
equipment in the classroom, not tolerate late comers, everybody must pay attention if anyone is
talking in the front, and so on and so on. I chose these rules because the rules are not generally
followed and followed by the students today, so I want them to be back to train them to
discipline them.

Lesson 3: Learners Behavior and Needs


1. When watching the learners, when you were their age, did you remember your own
experiences? What are your similarities or differences with the leaners you have attended?

While I’m observing the learners, I remembered those days when I was at their age. There’s a lot
of similarities and differences I remembered. The similarities are playing with my classmates,
sometimes not listening to the teacher, running inside the classroom, etc. The difference is when
I was a child, when I got warned by the teacher, I immediately behave unlike the kids nowadays
who are so stubborn and not listening to what their teachers says.

2. For positive or negative reasons, think about a teacher that you can't forget. How did s/he
support you with the needs (physical, emotional, social, and mental)? How did it affect you?

The teacher that I cannot forget is my teacher in English when I was in grade 10. I cannot forget
her because of the grade she gave to me in second grading. I don’t know why she gave me that
grade. I’m really disappointed that time. It’s the first failing grade I get since junior high school.
It really affects me emotionally, I was hurt because I didn’t expect that.

3. Share your other insights here

Students are still learning and building knowledge, so we can address subjects that are important
or acceptable to their cognitive level in terms of teaching. Learners must not push activities
beyond their existing cognitive capacities to be carried out. Someday, this learning will be
extended to my teaching career to promote children's learning, so soon I will become a teacher.

Lesson 4: Interview of a Teacher


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1. Reflect on your current practice. How do you select, develop, organize, and use appropriate
teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to address learning goals?

It is easy to obtain different teaching and learning resources which can be used in the teaching
process today. We are reminded of this fact primarily by the textbooks brimming with various
teaching and learning resources. However, a quality teaching process is not determined by the
usage of numerous modern teaching and learning resources, but by a teacher’s success in using
the aforementioned resources to encourage the students to gain knowledge, profile different
skills, and accept and adopt positive values and attitudes. In order to achieve the potential tasks
of teaching and learning resources successfully, it is extremely important the teacher know how
to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of said resources and abide by the rules of their
adequate usage. Including ICT, internet, a product of ICT today provides us with the biggest and
most accessible library. This has been the major source of information, carrier information and
archive for information. Undoubtedly, this has provided helps and aids in the academics

2. What are your values and strengths that can help you become true professionals?

Become authentic. Only be yourself. Let your life's outcomes reflect your preparedness to
express your personal liberties. Take note that your own thoughts, your free will and liberty are
exercised. Live from the individual individuality of yourself and the ability to differ from others.
Remain humble. When you are humble, you approach life with openness and flexibility. You are
not afflicted by the search for happiness or success for yourself alone, because your main focus
is not about trying to be either successful or happy. Live your dreams. Your hopes and passions
bring your life and the lives of others a deeper meaning. You become admirable as you live your
dreams. You instill the confidence in others that if it is possible for you, then it will be possible
for them as well.

3. What attributes do you currently have that can prevent you from being a successful teacher?
How are you able to solve these attributes?

Attributes that I currently have that prevent me from being a successful teacher. Be positive,
Keep my students engaged with a positive attitude. Teaching is most effective when students are
motivated by the desire to learn, rather than by grades or degree requirements. Be prepared. I
should know the course material. If students are required to attend lectures and read assignments,
then it seems reasonable that you would do the same. Be patient. Remember what it is like to
learn something for the first time. Give students time to process information and answer
questions. Know that it is fine for students to make mistakes if they can learn from them. Realize
that learning can be hard work, even for the most motivated students. Rather than blaming
students when things don't go right, consider ways you could change your approach to reach
them more effectively. Concepts, background information or conclusions that seem obvious to
you may not be so clear to someone who is new to the subject. Be patient with yourself, too.
Teaching can be difficult and frustrating at times. Give yourself the same opportunity to make
mistakes and learn from them.

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