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Test • Unit 1
Simple Present
Are You Often Online?
Part I

1. Simple Present
A Write C (correct) or I (incorrect) for each sentence.

_I_1. I spends a lot of time on the Internet.

__ 2. I e-mail my friends every day.
__ 3. Does Tanya uses the Internet?
__ 4. I shop usually for clothes online.
__ 5. When does Angel do his homework?
__ 6. Do you play sometimes computer games?
__ 7. My computer doesn’t work.

B Circle the correct answer.

1. I ___ dinner at 7:00 p.m. 5. __ social networking sites?
a. eats a. Do you visit
b. eat b. You visit
c. eating c. Does you visit

2. How often ___ check your e-mail? 6. A: Are you online now?
a. do you B: Yes, ____ .
b. does you a. I am
c. you b. I’m
c. I are

3. Roberto ___ computer games after school. 7. Does Jee-Wa ___ ?

a. play a. study always after school
b. is play b. always study after school
c. plays c. study after school always

4. Marisa and I ___ interact face to face. 8. A: Do you use the Internet often?
a. don’t never B: No, I ___ .
b. never a. doesn’t
c. never don’t b. aren’t
c. don’t

Grammar and Beyond ETM 2 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Test • Unit 1 1
9. Yuko ___ music from the Internet. 10. Sociologists ___ about the effects of
a. downloads occasionally social networking sites.
b. occasionally downloads a. does disagree
c. does download occasionally b. disagrees
c. disagree

2. Time Clauses and Factual Conditionals

A Write C (correct) or I (incorrect) for each sentence below.
___1. I always check before I go to bed my e-mail.
___2. My mother worries if I don’t come home on time.
___3. When people spend a lot of time online, they talk less.
___4. Do you turn off your computer, before you leave the house?
___5. As soon as I finish class, I do my homework.
___6. While Antonio visits a social networking site.

B Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. As soon as / Before I turn on my computer, I check my e-mail.

2. I look in the dictionary if / while I don’t know a word.
3. Before / While Nicola visits a social networking site, she finishes her homework.
4. As soon as / Before he gets up in the morning, Joon turns on his computer.
5. I lock the door before / after I go to work.
6. Whenever / As soon as it rains, I catch a cold.
7. I turn off the computer while / before I go to bed.
8. When / Before I have a question, I raise my hand.
9. If / After I have time, I read the news online.
10. Susana takes a shower after / while she eats breakfast.

Part II

A Use the words to write a complete sentence in the simple present. Some sentences are questions.
1. they / when / dinner / eat
When do they eat dinner?__________________________________
2. you / how often / watch / television
3. online / hardly ever / Cho / shop

Grammar and Beyond ETM 2 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Test • Unit 1 2
4. watch / Marisol / never / the television
5. usually / be / I / at home
6. not hurt / computers / people’s relationships
7. every day / Ahmed / check / his e-mail

B Read about Joe’s day. Then use a word or phrase from the box below to complete each sentence
about Joe. There is one extra word.

Time Joe’s Day

8:00 a.m. wakes up and immediately turns on the television

8:00 a.m.–8:20 a.m. watches the news on television
8:20 a.m. leaves for work
9:00 a.m. arrives at the office
9:05 a.m. turns on his computer
9:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m. drinks coffee and reads his e-mails
10:00 a.m.–noon attends meetings
Noon –1:00 p.m. has lunch

as soon as after before if until while

1. Before Joe has lunch, he attends meetings.

2. ________ Joe wakes up, he turns on the television.

3. Joe watches the news on television ________ he leaves for work.

4. Joe turns on his computer ________he arrives at the office.

5. Joe drinks coffee ________he reads his e-mails.

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Part III


What kinds of things do you do online (for example, shopping, social networking, play
games)? When do you usually do these activities? How often do you do them?

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