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QJP0010.1177/1747021818781772The Quarterly Journal of Experimental PsychologyWang and Shea

Original Article

Quarterly Journal of Experimental

Bimanual control strategies Psychology

2019, Vol. 72(4) 966­–978
© Experimental Psychology Society 2018
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/1747021818781772
Chaoyi Wang1 and Charles H Shea2

Two tasks (A and B) were designed which required participants to sequentially move through four target positions in a
Lissajous display. Task A was designed so that participants could complete the task using either unimanual or bimanual
control strategies. Task B was designed so that participants could complete the task using relatively simple or more
complex bimanual control strategies. The purpose of this study was to determine which control strategy the participant
utilises to complete the two tasks when Lissajous displays are provided and to determine the degree to which the
size of the targets influences the control strategy chosen under these conditions. The movement amplitude between
two adjacent targets and the target size resulted in an Index of Difficulty (ID) of 2 and 4 for each task. For both tasks,
participants practised 15 trials (30 s per trial) for each ID and then was administered a test trial. The results for both
Tasks A and B indicated that the ID2 condition resulted in a circular path, whereas the ID4 condition resulted in a
straight-line path on the Lissajous plot. This suggests that at the low ID condition participants produced a continuous
1:1 with 90° phase offset bimanual coordination pattern. At the high ID condition, the participants consistently chose
to switch to a more stable unimanual left and right movements in Task A and to transition between in-phase and anti-
phase bimanual coordination patterns in Task B. In addition, both limbs’ movements were more harmonic in the low ID
condition than in the high ID condition.

Bimanual coordination; movement difficulty; control strategies; integrated displays

Received: 23 October 2017; revised: 2 March 2018; accepted: 5 April 2018

Bimanual control strategies

The bimanual coordination literature has consistently in-phase (0° phase offset), although the anti-phase (180°)
argued that bimanual control is in many situations rela- coordination pattern was also produced in a relatively sta-
tively more difficult than unimanual control especially ble manner. These findings led researchers to conclude
when the task requires the two limbs to activate non- that relative phase (RP) patterns other than in-phase and
homologous muscles and/or produce different movement anti-phase are inherently unstable and the motor system
patterns. Kelso, Southard, and Goodman (1979), for exam- shows a bias towards what has been labelled as the intrin-
ple, demonstrated that bimanual aiming movements to tar- sic dynamics of in-phase and anti-phase coordination
gets of different widths and amplitudes were produced (Schöner & Kelso, 1988).
more slowly than when the tasks were produced unimanu- This research has also shown that in-phase coordina-
ally, although this difference was relatively small when the tion patterns are more stable than anti-phase coordination
amplitudes and target widths for the two limbs in the patterns (e.g., Kelso, 1981, 1984; Kelso, Scholz, &
bimanual conditions were the same and the response Schöner, 1986) and that when cycle frequency is increased
required the simultaneous activation of homologous mus- participants sometimes spontaneously transition from
cles. The bimanual literature has also repeatedly demon-
strated that a 1:1 in-phase coordination pattern is highly 1Collegeof Physical Education, Jilin University, Changchun, China
stable, whereas other phase offsets are less stable and sig- 2Department of Health and Kinesiology, Texas A&M University,
nificantly more difficult to perform. This was clearly dem- College Station, TX, USA
onstrated in experiments using scanning trials (e.g.,
Corresponding author:
Yamanishi, Kawato, & Suzuk, 1980; Zanone & Kelso, Charles H Shea, Department of Health and Kinesiology, Texas A&M
1992) where coordination errors and variability for all University, College Station, TX 77843-4243, USA.
phase offsets tested were significantly higher than for the Email:
Wang and Shea 967

anti-phase to in-phase but not from in-phase to anti-phase discrete control when the ID was increased. However, lit-
(Beek, Peper, & Stegeman, 1995, for review). In addi- tle is known about how changes in this type of constraint
tion, research on the production of bimanual multi-fre- affect the changes in control strategies in bimanual aiming
quency ratios (e.g., 1:2, 2:3, 3:5 ratios), which are tasks. Presumably, increases in ID will result in shifts to
considered significantly more difficult to perform (see more stable control strategies and greater online process-
Peper, Beek, & Van Wieringen, 1995, for discussion; ing of the movement.
Shea et al., 2016, for recent review), often shows signs The tasks used in the present experiment were designed
that participants spontaneously transition to more stable so that they could be completed using more than one con-
1:1 or lower order frequency relationships while per- trol strategy. Task A was designed so that the participant
forming these polyrhythmic coordination patterns (e.g., could complete the task using either unimanual or bimanual
Buchanan & Ryu, 2006; Peper et al., 1995; Treffner & control strategies (Figure 1a and b). Task B (Figure 1g and
Turvey, 1993; Washbum et al., 2014). Thus, when h) was designed so that participants could complete the task
attempting to produce phase or frequency relationships using relatively simple (in-phase and anti-phase) or more
other than 1:1 in-phase, the instability of the coordination complex bimanual control strategies (1:1 with 90° phase
pattern could result in the movement of one limb towards offset). The movement amplitude between targets for both
the pattern of movement of the other limb, resulting in a tasks was 20°, although the bimanual coordination litera-
phase transition to a more stable (e.g., 1:1 in-phase) coor- ture suggests that participants will tend to choose more sta-
dination pattern (see Beek et al., 1995, for a review). We ble coordination patterns over less stable patterns (Fontaine
interpret these results to mean that participants when et al., 1997; Haken et al., 1985; Schöner, Haken, & Kelso,
faced with a novel movement task will choose to utilise 1986; Schöner & Kelso, 1988; Zanone & Kelso, 1992).
unimanual control strategies over bimanual control strat- However, there is little literature that has directly compared
egies when permitted by the task constraints. We also participants’ control preference when facing a choice of
interpret these findings to suggest that when more than performing different unimanual/bimanual control strate-
one bimanual control strategy could be used to perform a gies when Lissajous displays are provided. It is also inter-
task, participants will choose to complete the task using a esting to note that we expect the control strategies to range
more stable coordination pattern over a less stable coor- from rhythmical, continuous movement of the two limbs to
dination pattern especially when one of the goals is to a series of discrete unimanual movements. As noted by
move as quickly and smoothly as possible. Hogan and Sternad (2007), it is important for research to
In addition, the unimanual aiming literature has repeat- cross the typical boundaries separating the rhythmical
edly demonstrated that increases in task difficulty (Index nature of much of the bimanual control research to the con-
of Difficulty [ID]) result in changes in the control strate- trol of more discrete movements.
gies used to perform the task (e.g., Buchanan, Park, & Lissajous displays, which are used in the present exper-
Shea, 2006; Guiard, 1997; Meyer, Kornblum, Abrams, iment, portray the position of the two limbs as a single
Wright, & Smith, 1988). The changes in control strategies point (cursor) with the position of the right arm, for exam-
are reflected in a number of kinematic measures derived ple, moving the cursor left (flexion) and right (extension)
from the displacement time series (e.g., time to peak veloc- while the movement of the left arm moves the cursor down
ity [PV], harmonicity). Movements made at lower IDs in (flexion) and up (extension) in the display. Participants
reciprocal Fitts’ tasks are often described as harmonic and/ have been able to perform a wide variety of bimanual
or open loop, indicating proportional acceleration/decel- coordination patterns following only a few minutes of
eration profiles, minimal corrections made during move- practice when Lissajous displays are used (Kovacs,
ment trajectory, and little if any dwell time (DT) present at Buchanan, & Shea, 2009b; Panzer, Kennedy, & Shea,
target reversal. Alternatively, movements made at higher 2018; Wang, Kennedy, Panzer, & Shea, in press; Shea,
IDs are often described as inharmonic and/or closed loop, Buchanan, & Kennedy, 2016, for review). Thus, partici-
with a greater proportion of movement time (MT) utilised pants may choose more stable unimanual/bimanual control
in the deceleration phase than acceleration phase, increased strategies (e.g., unimanual control) or less stable bimanual
zero crossings in the acceleration profile (indicating control strategies (e.g., 1:1 bimanual with 90° RP) to move
adjustments during the later portion of the movement), and a cursor between targets in the Lissajous display. For
an increase in DT at target reversal. These changes are example, if the performer perceives the four targets
consistent with the notion that control strategies shift from arranged in a square (Task A) or diamond (Task B) shape
cyclical/harmonic units of action to concatenated series of as a single task, a circular movement path in the Lissajous
discrete units as difficulty is increased. Buchanan and col- feedback display may result in the participant using a
leagues (Buchanan, Park, & Shea, 2004, 2006), for exam- bimanual 1:1 with 90° RP control strategy (Fontaine et al.,
ple, observed that participants shifted from discrete to 1997; Kovacs, Buchanan, & Shea, 2009a; Zanone &
cyclical control when the ID was incrementally decreased Kelso, 1992). Alternatively, if the performer perceives the
within a trial or between trials and shifted from cyclical to task as a series of independent movements, they may
968 Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72(4)

Figure 1. Lissajous plots, relative phase, and displacement for simulated left and right limb movements that result in a perfect
1:1 with 90° relative phase in Task A, ID = 2 condition (a, c, e) and Task B, ID = 2 condition (g, i, k). Simulated left and right limb
sequences of direct movements in Task A, ID = 4 condition (b, d, f) and Task B (h, j, l).
Wang and Shea 969

attempt to hit the targets in a linear fashion one by one. If no prior experience with the experimental task and were
this is the case, straight paths will result from alternating not informed of the control options. Participants signed a
left and right limb unimanual control in Task A or biman- consent form approved by the local institutional review
ual 1:1 (in-phase and anti-phase) movements in Task B. board (IRB) before entering the test room. A modified
As noted above, Lissajous displays were used in the Cohen handedness evaluation (Coren, 1993) was used to
present experiment. This type of display has been shown to access participants’ handedness. All participants were
minimise perceptual and attentional constraints that influ- classified as right-arm dominant.
ence the production of many bimanual coordination pat-
terns (see Shea et al., 2016, for review). In fact, many
bimanual control patterns that have been thought to be dif- Apparatus
ficult, if not impossible, to produce without extended prac- The apparatus consists of two horizontal levers affixed at
tice have been effectively produced following only minutes one end to a near-frictionless vertical axle. One lever was
of practice when Lissajous or other integrated displays positioned on the left side of a table and was used by the
were used (e.g., Kovacs, Buchanan, & Shea, 2010a, 2010b; left limb and the other on the right side was used by the
Preilowski, 1972). Thus, participants may be more likely right limb. The axles, which rotated freely in ball-bearing
to choose what are commonly thought to be more difficult supports, allowed the levers to move in the horizontal
control strategies because some of the perceptual and plane over the table surface. Near the distal end of the
attentional constraints normally impinging on the perfor- levers, vertical handles were attached. The positions of the
mance of these tasks are minimised by the Lissajous dis- handles were adjusted so that when the participant rested
play. Without an integrated display like the Lissajous their forearms on the levers with their elbow aligned over
display, the effective production of a 90° RP coordination the axis of rotation, they could comfortably grasp the han-
pattern would require multiple days of practice. However, dles (palms facing each other). The horizontal movements
with the Lissajous display, we expect participants to of the levers were monitored (200 Hz) by potentiometers
choose this coordination pattern to achieve the low ID con- that were attached to the axles. The online data were used
ditions following only 7.5 min of practice. to move the cursor in the Lissajous display and were stored
The purpose of the study is to determine the control
for later analysis. The cursor indicating the current posi-
strategy participants used to complete two movement tasks
tion of the lever(s) was projected on the wall 2 m in front
when Lissajous displays are provided and to determine the
of the participant by a projection system mounted above
degree to which the size of the targets influences the con-
and behind the table. A wooden frame was used to block
trol strategy chosen. Each task consists of four targets that
participants’ vision of their limbs.
the participants cycle through in a specific order.
Participants will be asked to move through (hit) as many of
the targets as possible in each 30 s trial and will be encour- Procedure
aged to increase the hit rate over practice. Presumably, par-
ticipants will choose more stable unimanual/bimanual Prior to entering the testing room, participants were
coordination strategies over more complex/less stable assigned to one of the two tasks (A or B). Each task
bimanual coordination strategies to complete the various included two conditions: ID2 and ID4. Tasks A and B dif-
tasks especially when the ID is increased (target size fered in terms of the position of the targets. Participants
decreased). Given the previous literature, we would pre- were seated in a height-adjustable chair in front of the
dict that participants will consistently choose more stable table on which the levers were mounted. Prior to introduc-
coordination patterns over less stable coordination patterns ing the tasks, participants were provided a 30-s period to
(Haken et al., 1985; Schöner et al., 1986; Yamanishi et al., move the cursor on the screen. Note that the position of the
1980) particularly when accuracy requirements are cursor was controlled by left and right limb movements.
increased. However, given the recent findings that Left limb movement moved the cursor up (extension) and
Lissajous displays greatly reduce perceptual and atten- down (flexion), whereas right limb movement moved the
tional constraints on bimanual control, it would not be cursor left (flexion) and right (extension). To begin a trial,
unexpected for more complex patterns of bimanual coordi- four target boxes were positioned (depending on the task)
nation (e.g., bimanual 90° RP) to emerge as participants in the Lissajous display projected on the screen in front of
attempt to efficiently move through the target sequence. the participant. Participants were told that the trial begins
when one of the target boxes was illuminated and the task
was to move the cursor to the illuminated target as fast and
Methods accurately as possible. Upon achieving the target (when
both limbs were in the target area), the illumination was
Participants turned off and the next box in the sequence was immedi-
Sixteen (nine males, seven females) college-age partici- ately illuminated. Participants were told that the goal
pants were recruited for the experiment. Participants had was to move cursor to the target area and hit as many
970 Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72(4)

illuminated target boxes as possible in each trial. Unimanual measurements. MT, DT, and percent time to peak
Participants were not provided any information on poten- velocity (PTPV) for each limb were also calculated on a
tial control strategies. At the end of a trial, the number of half-cycle basis, with each half cycle representing an exten-
hits was displayed on the screen and the participant was sion or flexion. After finding the PV for each half cycle
encouraged to increase this number from trial to trial. In movement, onset and offset were determined. Movement
each of the tasks, the horizontal/vertical distance/ampli- onset was calculated by tracking backward from PV to a
tude between two adjacent targets (20°) and the width of value of 5% of PV following the previous movement rever-
the target (10° or 2.5°) resulted in an ID of 2 in one condi- sal. Movement offset was calculated by tracing forward
tion and an ID of 4 (ID = log2(2A/W), Fitts, 1954) in the from PV to a value of 5% of PV before reversal for the next
other condition. The order in which the participants prac- movement. In a reciprocal aiming task, as ID increases, the
tised the ID2 and ID4 conditions was counterbalanced. time spent on reversing the movement in preparation for the
The targets in Task A were arranged in a square shape following cycle increases (e.g., Boyle & Shea, 2011;
(Figure 1a and b) and the targets were illuminated in a Kovacs, Buchanan, & Shea, 2008). This time is known as
counterclockwise order. This task could be produced dwell time: DT = movement onseti + 1 – movement offseti.
using a series of unimanual left and right limb move- MT was calculated by the equation MT = movement off-
ments or could be performed using a more complex 1:1 seti – movement onseti. The PTPV was determined by the
with 90° phase offset bimanual coordination strategy. equation PTPV = (PVi – onseti)/(offseti – onseti).
The targets in Task B were arranged in the diamond shape Windows between adjacent pairs of zero crossings in
(Figure 1 g and h) and were illuminated in a counter- the displacement trace were defined to compute an index
clockwise order. This task could be performed by con- of movement harmonicity (H) (Guiard, 1993). Each time
necting the targets in a series of linear path on the window comprised a single movement reversal. Within
Lissajous plot (resulting in a discrete 1:1 bimanual coor- each time window, we identified all the deflections of the
dination pattern with 90° phase offset) or by connecting filtered acceleration trace. When the deflections are all
the targets through a circular path on the Lissajous plot positive or negative within the calculation window, H was
(resulting in a continuous 1:1 bimanual coordination pat- computed as the ratio of absolute minimum to absolute
tern with 90° phase offset). For both tasks, each partici- maximum acceleration. When a single peak (sinusoidal
pant practised 15 trials for both ID2 and ID4 conditions acceleration) occurred in the acceleration trace within the
(order counterbalanced). Following the completion of calculation window, the value of H was 1, indicating a har-
practice, a test trial was administered under each ID con- monic motion of the limb. If the acceleration trace crosses
dition (order counterbalanced). Each trial was 30 s. from negative to positive (or vice versa) within the win-
dow, the value of H was 0, indicating inharmonic motion.
Finally, the individual harmonicity values for each time
Data analysis window within a trial were averaged yielding a global esti-
All data analyses were performed using MATLAB mate of H for that participant and trial.
(Mathworks, Natick, MA). The individual limb displace-
ment time series were used to compute lever displacement, Bimanual measures. For each trial in the bimanual condi-
velocity, and acceleration. To reduce noise, the displace- tion, a continuous RP measure (φc) was computed to exam-
ment time series were filtered with a second-order dual- ine the spatiotemporal coordination of the limbs during the
pass Butterworth filter with a cut-off frequency of 10 Hz. A task. To calculate the continuous RP, first, the continuous
3-point difference algorithm was used to compute the phase angle ( θ ) was computed from the lever displace-
velocity and acceleration. The analyses presented will ment (x) and velocity ( x ) time series of each limb. The x
focus on task performance (segment MT and hits) across and x time series were mean centred and rescaled to the
acquisition and test trials. Other unimanual and bimanual range −1 to 1. A continuous phase angle ( θ ) for each limb
measures will be analysed on the test trials for each task (LA, RA) was computed for each sampled point (i) as fol-
and ID condition. lows (Kelso et al., 1986):

Task performance. The time required to move from one tar-  x 

get to the next was termed segment MT and the number of θi = tan −1  i  .
targets hit during the trial was termed hits. Segment MT  xi 
was determined as the time from when both limbs exited
one target area to the time they entered next target area. Then, the continuous phase angle for the left limb was sub-
Note that this time excludes time in the target area. Seg- tracted from the right limb for each sampled point:
ment MT variability was defined as the standard deviation RPi = θ LAi − θ RAi . The difference between the two limbs’
of the segment MTs across the trial. Hits were defined as continuous RP values was averaged across a trial, and the
the number of targets achieved during the course of the average provides a measure of goal attainment, with
30-s trial. smaller absolute RP values indicating more tightly coupled
Wang and Shea 971

limbs. RP variability (SD of RP) was computed as the The analysis of segment MT on the test trial indicated
standard deviation (SD) of the signed RP over a trial, and main effects of Task, F(1, 14) = 6.92, p < .05, with segment
this provides an estimate of the stability of bimanual MT longer for Task B (M = 0.684 s, SE = 0.101 s) than for
coordination. Task A (M = 0.514 s, SE = 0.077 s) and ID, F(1, 14) = 121.5,
In addition, tangential velocity (TV) was calculated p < .01, with segment MT increasing from the ID = 2 condi-
based on both lever velocities. TV and TV variability were tion (M = 0.288 s, SE = 0.013 s) to the ID = 4 condition
defined as the mean and SD of the TV time series across (M = 0.909 s, SE = 0.046 s).
trial. TV time series provide information on the degree to
which the coordination pattern resulted in continuous or Hits. The acquisition analysis of Hits indicated main
discrete bimanual movement of the cursor. effects of ID, F(1, 14) = 61.64, p < .01, and Trial, F(4,
Data of MT, DT, PTPV, and H values will be analysed 56) = 48.57, p < .01. In addition, the ID ×Trial interaction
in separate Task (A, B) ×ID (2,4) × Limb (left, right) analy- was significant, F(5, 56) = 11.02, p < .01. Simple main
ses of variance (ANOVAs) with repeated measures on effects analysis of the Trial × ID interaction indicated that
Limb and ID. Segment MT, segment MT variability, hit the number of hits for ID2 condition increased over prac-
number, mean RP, SD of RP, mean TV, and SD of TV for tice from Trials 1-3 to Trials 9-12 and the number of hits
each task and condition will be analysed in Task (A, for ID4 increased from Trials 1-3 to Trials 4-6. Simple
B) × ID (2,4) ANOVAs with repeated measures on ID. main effects analysis of the Trial × ID interaction also indi-
Significant main effects will be further analysed with cated that the number of hits was higher for ID2 than for
Duncan’s new multiple range test, and significant interac- ID4 for all trials.
tions will be further analysed with simple main effects. An The analysis of Hits on the test trial indicated only a
alpha level of .05 will be used for all tests. main effect of ID, F(1, 14) = 93.51, p < .01, with the num-
ber of hits decreasing from the ID = 2 condition (M = 87.25,
SE = 6.13) to the ID = 4 condition (M = 33.43, SE = 1.55).
Displacement, velocity, Lissajous plot, phase portrait
Bimanual performance
(velocity vs. position), TV, and RP at ID2 and ID4 for a
participant on each task are provided in Figure 2. Mean RP. The analysis of mean RP did not detect any main
segment MT and hit number for every three practice trials effects or interactions (Figure 3c).
and the test trial for each task and ID condition are pro-
vided in Figure 3a and b. Bimanual measures of RP, RP SD of RP. The analysis of RP variability detected a main
variability, TV, and TV variability are also included in effect of Task, F(1, 14) = 47.56, p < .01, and ID, F(1,
Figure 3c to f. Descriptive statistics for bimanual and uni- 14) = 98.63, p < .01. In addition, the Task × ID interaction,
manual measures at different IDs and limbs are provided F(1, 14) = 62.30, p < .01, was significant (Figure 3d). Sim-
in Table 1. Unimanual measures of (a) MT, (b, c) DT, (d) ple main effects analysis of the Task × ID interaction indi-
PTPV, (e) harmonicity, and (f) harmonicity variability are cated that RP variability for Task A was larger at ID4
provided in Figure 4. (M = 46.78°, SE = 3.23°) than at ID2 (M = 14.68°,
SE = 1.53°), but the difference in RP variability between
the two IDs for Task B was not significant. Simple main
Task performance effects analysis of the Task × ID interaction also indicated
Segment MT. The acquisition analysis for segment MT that the RP variability was larger for Task A (M = 46.78 ,
(Figure 3a) indicated a main effect of Task, F(1, 14) = 4.61, SE = 3.23 ) than Task B (M = 18.23 , SE = .89 ) at ID4, but no
p < .05, with MT longer for Task B (M = 0.861 s, difference in RP variability between the two tasks was
SE = 0.070 s) than for Task A (M = 0.670 s, SE = 0.058 s). detected at ID2.
The symbols M and SE represent mean and standard error
values, respectively. The main effects of ID, F(1, TV. The analysis of TV detected a main effect of Task, F(1,
14) = 55.91, p < .01, and Trial, F(4, 56) = 35.73, p < .01, 14) = 5.28, p < .05, and ID, F(1, 14) = 66.65, p < .01 (Figure
were also significant. In addition, the ID ×Trial interaction 3e). The average TV for Task B (M = 61.96  /s, SE = 8.90  /s)
was significant, F(4, 56) = 5.00, p < .01. Simple main was larger than for Task A (M = 45.06  /s, SE = 5.95  /s). The
effects analysis of the Trial × ID interaction indicated that TV for ID2 (M = 76.75  /s, SE = 7.02 °/s) was larger than for
the segment MT for ID4 conditions decreased from Trials ID4 (M = 30.27  /s, SE = 1.65  /s). The Task × ID interaction
1-3 to Trials 4-6; however, no significant difference was not significant.
between trials was detected for ID2 conditions. Simple
main effects analysis of the Trial × ID interaction also indi- SD of TV. The analysis of TV variability detected a
cated that the segment MT was longer for ID4 than for ID2 Task × ID interaction, F(1, 14) = 5.69, p < .05 (Figure 3f).
for all trials. Simple main effects analysis of the Task × ID interaction
972 Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72(4)

Figure 2. Sample displacement (a,b), velocity (c,d), Lissajous plot (f,i), velocity-displacement phase plot (e,g,h,j), tangential
velocity(k,l), and relative phase (m,n) for Task A, ID = 4 condition (top, left) and Task A, ID = 2 condition (top, right). Sample
displacement (o,p), velocity (q,r), Lissajous plot (t,w), velocity -displacement phase plot (s,u,v,x), tangential velocity(y,z), and relative
phase (aa,bb) for Task B, ID = 4 condition (bottom, left) and Task B, ID = 2 condition (bottom, right).

indicated that TV variability for Task A was larger for ID4 effects analysis of the Task × ID interaction also indicated
(M = 15.02 °/s, SE = 1.12 °/s) than for ID2 (M = 10.82 °/s, that the TV variability was smaller for Task A (M = 10.82 °/s,
SE = 0.73 °/s), but the difference in TV variability between SE = 0.73 °/s) than for Task B (M = 15.28 °/s, SE = 1.23 °/s)
the two IDs was not significant for Task B. Simple main at ID2, but no difference in TV variability between the two
Wang and Shea 973

Figure 3. (a) Mean segment movement time and (b) hit number for every three practice trials and the test trial for each task and
ID condition. Bimanual measures of (c) mean relative phase, (d) relative phase variability, (e) tangential velocity, and (f) tangential
velocity variability for each task and ID on the test trial. Error bars represent standard error.

tasks was detected at ID4. None of the main effects was B-ID2 M = 0.712 s, SE = 0.050 s: Task B-ID4 M = 1.236 s,
significant. SE = 0.056 s). Simple main effects analysis of the Task × ID
interaction also indicated that the MT was longer for Task
B than Task A at ID4, but no difference in MT between the
Unimanual performance
two tasks was detected at ID2. No other main effects or
MT. The analysis of MT detected a main effect of Task, interactions were significant.
F(1, 14) = 12.05, p < .01, and ID, F(1, 14) = 40.88, p < .01. In
addition, the Task × ID interaction, F(1, 14) = 5.48, p < .01, DT. The analysis detected a main effect of Task, F(1,
was significant (Figure 4c). Simple main effects analysis of 14) = 47.17, p < .01, Limb, F(1, 14) = 6.99, p < .05, and ID,
the Task × ID interaction indicated that the MT for both F(1, 14) = 111.75, p < .01. In addition, the Task × ID inter-
tasks was longer at ID4 than ID2 (Task A-ID2 M = 0.606 s, action, F(1, 14) = 47.94, p < .01 (Figure 4d), and the
SE = 0.040 s: Task A-ID4 M = 0.849 s, SE = 0.039 s; Task Limb × ID interaction, F(1,14) = 7.35, p < .01 (Figure 4e),
974 Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72(4)

Table 1. Mean values for IDs = 2 and 4 for one participant 14) = 55.12, p < .01 (Figure 4g). The H values for the left
tested on Task A and for one participant tested on Task B. limb (M = 0.398, SE = 0.064) were higher than for the right
Task A (square Task B limb (M = 0.324, SE = 0.063). The H values for ID2
shape) (diamond (M = 0.641, SE = 0.054) were higher than for ID4
shape) (M = 0.081, SE = 0.018). No other main effects or interac-
tions were significant.
ID = 2 ID = 4 ID = 2 ID = 4

Mean Mean Mean Mean Discussion

MT (s), L 0.606 0.895 0.714 1.237 The results suggest that participants were adept at adopting
MT (s), R 0.607 0.804 0.711 1.235 effective control strategies when faced with novel tasks
DT (s), L 0.018 0.858 0.019 0.177 and were also effective in altering this strategy when the
DT (s), R 0.018 0.961 0.019 0.232 size of the targets increased or decreased. The bimanual
PTPV (%), L 51.19 46.64 46.90 42.33 coordination performance results for both Tasks A and B
PTPV (%), R 51.34 43.97 48.38 41.79
indicated that for the ID2 condition, participants moved
Harmonicity, L 0.76 0.03 0.63 0.18
the cursor in a circular path in the Lissajous display. The
Harmonicity, R 0.67 0.05 0.51 0.07
circular path resulted from participants adopting a biman-
Segment MT (s) 0.235 0.792 0.341 1.026
ual control strategy with the two limbs moving in 1:1 with
SD segment MT (s) 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.07
Hit number 97.75 35.25 76.75 31.63
a 90° phase offset. For Tasks A and B at ID2, RP was ≈90°
Relative phase (°) 95.70 91.90 94.04 92.91 with relatively small RP variability (<15°). This strategy is
SD of relative phase (°) 14.69 46.78 14.56 18.23 similar to that portrayed using simulated data in Figure 1
Tangential velocity (°/s) 64.18 25.95 89.33 34.60 (a, c, e and g, i, k).
SD tangential velocity (°/s) 10.83 15.03 15.28 14.91 In the ID4 condition where the target size was reduced,
however, participants moved the cursor in more direct
MT: movement time; DT: dwell time; PTPV: percent time to peak straight-line paths in the Lissajous display. For Task A, this
velocity; SD: standard deviation.
resulted from the participants alternating between uniman-
ual right and left limb movements. When tested on Task B,
were significant. Simple main effects analysis of the participants achieved the relatively straight-line move-
Task × ID interaction indicated that the DT for both tasks ments between targets by alternating between in-phase
was longer at ID4 than at ID2 (Task A-ID2 M = 0.017 s, (moving the limbs in the same direction) and anti-phase
SE = 0.002 s: Task A-ID4 M = 0.909 s, SE = 0.067 s; Task (moving the limbs in opposite directions). These control
B-ID2 M = 0.018 s, SE = 0.003 s: Task B-ID4 M = 0.204 s, strategies are also similar to those depicted in Figure 1 (b,
SE = 0.031 s). Simple main effects analysis of the Task × ID d, f and h, j, l) using simulated data.
interaction also indicated that the DT was longer for Task Note that for Tasks A and B for the ID4 conditions, mean
A than for Task B at ID4, but no difference in DT between RP values were also ≈90° However, this was not a result of
the two tasks was detected at ID2. Simple main effects participants adopting the same control strategy used in the
analysis of the Limb × ID interaction indicated that the DT ID2 conditions, but rather this was a result of participants
for both limbs was longer at ID4 than at ID2 (left-ID2 performing Task A-ID4 by alternating the movement of the
M = 0.018 s, SE = 0.002 s: left-ID4 M = 0.517 s, SE = 0.103 s; left and right limb (unimanual control strategy). This results
right-ID2 M = 0.018 s, SE = 0.002 s: right-ID4 M = 0.596 s, in RP values changing when the phase angle of one limb
SE = 0.105 s). Simple main effects analysis of the Limb × ID does not change while the phase angle of the other limb is
interaction also indicated that the DT was longer for the changing. The result was a substantial increase in RP vari-
right limb than left limb at ID4, but no difference in DT ability from <15° for the ID2 condition to 46° for the ID4
between the two limbs was detected at ID2. No other main condition. For Task B, mean RP was also similar across
effects or interactions were significant. IDs, but RP variability only modestly increased as the ID
increased. The data indicated that participants performing
PTPV. The analysis of PTPV detected a main effect of Task B-ID4 continually transitioned between bimanual in-
Task, F(1, 14) = 5.57, p < .05, and ID, F(1,14) = 12.06, phase and anti-phase coordination patterns at the ID4 con-
p < .01 (Figure 4f). The PTPV for Task A (M = 48.28%, dition. Note also that the RP computation for the ID4
SE = 1.08%) was higher than for Task B (M = 44.85%, condition was influenced by not only the fact that the limbs
SE = 0.99%). The PTPV for ID2 (M = 49.44%, SE = 0.97%) transitioned between moving in the same direction and
was higher than for ID4 (M = 43.684%, SE = 0.91%). No moving in opposite directions but also the finding that the
other main effects or interactions were significant. limbs were offset in terms of where the phase cycle for one
limb started and ended and where the phase cycle for the
Harmonicity (H). The analysis of harmonicity detected a other limb started and ended. This produced RP values that
main effect of Limb, F(1, 14) = 7.78, p < .05, and ID, F(1, were less variable than for Task A-ID4.
Wang and Shea 975

Figure 4. Unimanual measures of (a) mean movement time, (b, c) dwell time, (d) percent time to peak velocity, (e) harmonicity,
and (f) harmonicity variability for Tasks A and B as a function of ID. The error bars represent standard error.

Influence of ID on bimanual coordination and the movement was less harmonic. These kinematic fea-
tures all suggest that movement control changed from cycli-
The performance results for both Tasks A and B indicated cal/open-loop to a more discrete/close-loop controlled
that as ID increased, segment MTs (time between two tar- motion. These findings are generally consistent with the
gets) were slower and hit numbers were decreased. Indeed, unimanual aiming literature (Buchanan et al., 2004, 2006;
the velocity of the cursor in the Lissajous display for both Guiard, 1993, 1997) and suggest that the influence of ID on
tasks (which scales to the TV of the two limbs) was high and unimanual control strategies used in reciprocal aiming
relatively stable for the ID2 conditions and was lower and movements can be extended to bimanual movements.
more variable at ID4 conditions. These findings were con- Taking the bimanual and unimanual measures of perfor-
sistent with the unimanual measures for both tasks which mance results together, we conclude that at the low ID con-
showed that as ID increased, MT, DT, and cycle duration dition participants of both tasks produced a continuous 90°
increased while PTPV and harmonicity were reduced, indi- bimanual coordination pattern (Figure 3a and o) with rela-
cating that more time was spent on the deceleration phase tively harmonic movements for both limbs. The movement
976 Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72(4)

for each limb is consistent with reciprocal unimanual be remarkably stable after only a few minutes of practice
movement typically observed under low ID constraints. (e.g., Kovacs et al., 2010a, 2010b). Similarly, this litera-
However, in the ID4 condition, the participants chose to ture has demonstrated that participants can intentionally
switch between unimanual left and right movements in transition between various phase relationships and even
Task A (Figure 1b) and to switch between 1:1 in-phase and transfer from one complex frequency ratio (5:3) to another
anti-phase bimanual coordination patterns in Task B (Figure (4:3) without warning, or additional practice suggests that
1p). The present results suggest that participants when fac- the effects of the intrinsic dynamics are minimised when
ing different task restraints (e.g., target arrangement and this type of feedback is provided. Indeed, in each of these
target size) chose different unimanual and bimanual control experiments, RP errors were not only similar across the
strategies. When asked to perform Task A-ID2, participants tasks but also remarkably low (variability ≈10°). We argue
choose a more difficult and presumably less stable 1:1 that this was possible because salient, unified extrinsic
bimanual coordination pattern with 90° RP over a less dif- information was provided in the form of a Lissajous dis-
ficult unimanual control strategy, but chose the less diffi- play. This perceptual information allowed participants
cult and more stable unimanual control option when the ID detect and correct coordination errors, allowing them to
was increased. This finding, in part, goes against our initial rapidly “tune-in” the required behaviour. It is important to
prediction based on the bimanual coordination literature. note that other forms of integrated displays have also pro-
The literature suggests that more stable bimanual coordina- duced very positive results (e.g., Boyle, Panzer, & Shea,
tion patterns are preferred over less stable bimanual control 2012; Preilowski, 1972; see Shea et al., 2016, for review)
strategies and unimanual control strategies are preferred and are sometimes used in game controls to integrate the
over bimanual control strategies when permitted by task movement of the fingers of the left and right limb or more
constrains. When asked to perform Task B-ID2, partici- natural situations (see Diedrichsen, Nambisan, Kennerley,
pants not only chose a continuous bimanual 1:1 with 90° & Ivry, 2004).
RP control strategy but also utilised a slightly modified In terms of the present experiment, it is truly remarka-
form of this control strategy when the ID was increased. ble that participants, although not previously exposed to
Perhaps most striking was the finding that all participants this form of feedback, were able to choose very effective
adopted approximately the same control strategy for each control strategies to complete the specific task requirement
of the task conditions with the strategy not influenced by and then alter their control strategy as the ID was increased
which ID condition was tested first or second. or decreased depending on the order in which they prac-
tised the ID conditions. The bottom line is that participants
find it relatively easy to traverse the attractor landscape
Impact of integrated displays on bimanual when integrated feedback is provided. Thus, when feed-
coordination back is provided that directs the attention of the participant
The difficulty in producing 1:1 bimanual coordination pat- to the integrated movement of their limbs, the pool of sali-
terns with various phase offsets has been attributed, in ent control options is greatly increased. The ability to
part, to phase attraction to the intrinsic dynamics (in-phase quickly and effectively modify newly developed control
or anti-phase) of the perceptual-motor system (e.g., strategies demonstrates the amazing capabilities of the
de Guzman & Kelso, 1991; Haken, Peper, Beek, & perceptional motor system.
Daffertshofer, 1996; de Guzman & Kelso, 1991; Peper
et al., 1995; Treffner & Turvey, 1993). These characteris-
tics have been formally characterised (e.g., Kelso, 1995),
extensively investigated (e.g., Carson, 2005; Fuchs & Although the tasks and Lissajous displays were novel to
Jirsa), explained using concepts taken from synergetics the participants, they were able to select and effectively
(Haken, 1981) and nonlinear dynamical systems, and implement appropriate unimanual and bimanual control
modelled using nonlinearly coupled limit cycle oscillators strategies depending on the demands of the task. For Task
(Haken, Kelso, & Bunz, 1985) perturbed by stochastic A, where the targets were arranged in a square shape, par-
forces (Schöner et al., 1986). ticipants switched between a bimanual 1:1 with 90° phase
Indeed, the learning of many phase relationships other offset and unimanual control when the target size was
than in-phase and anti-phase has required several days of increased or decreased, with the strategy utilised relatively
practice, and some more complex multi-frequency biman- uniform across participants. For Task B, where the targets
ual coordination patterns have been deemed impossible to were arranged in a diamond shape, participants switched
be effectively performed without very extensive practice. between two distinct bimanual coordination patterns. As
However, when integrated information such as provided in with Task A, participants asked to perform Task B with the
Lissajous displays is used, as in the present experiments, low ID utilised 1:1 with a 90° RP offset. When the ID was
participants’ performance on a wide variety of phase rela- increased, participants alternated between in-phase and
tionships and multiple frequency ratios has been shown to anti-phase coordination patterns.
Wang and Shea 977

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