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Neuroscience Letters 766 (2022) 136349

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Manual dexterity and strength and in young adults with and without
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Alexandra C. Fietsam a, Jacqueline R. Tucker b, Manjeshwar Sahana Kamath a,
Cynthia Huang-Pollock c, Zheng Wang d, Kristina A. Neely a, *
School of Kinesiology, Auburn University, AL, United States
College of Medicine, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, United States
Department of Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, United States
Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, University of Florida, FL, United States


Keywords: Manual motor deficits are common in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); however, it
ADHD is unclear whether these impairments persist into adulthood. The aim of this study was to examine manual
Manual dexterity dexterity and strength in young adults with ADHD aged 18–25 years. Sixty-one individuals with confirmed
Hand strength
ADHD and 56 adults without ADHD completed Purdue Pegboard tasks for manual dexterity and maximal hand-
Bimanual coordination
and pinch-grip tests for strength. In the Purdue Pegboard task, participants placed pins using the right, left, and
both-hands, respectively. In addition, participants built assemblies using pins, washers, and collars with alter­
nating hand movements. The results demonstrated that women without ADHD out-performed the other three
groups in the right-hand, bimanual, and assembly PPB tasks. Both maximal hand strength tests demonstrated that
men were stronger than women, but no differences were observed between adults with and without ADHD. The
current findings suggest that adults with ADHD may have deficits in manual dexterity and tasks requiring
bimanual coordination.

1. Introduction parameters, such as the size of letters [17,18] and spacing between
words [5] during handwriting activities. Further, children with ADHD
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most com­ also obtain lower scores during dominant, non-dominant, and bimanual
mon neurodevelopmental disorder affecting nearly 10% of American Purdue pegboard (PPB) tasks compared to non-ADHD controls [19].
children ages 4–17 years [1,2]. Children with ADHD experience diffi­ Although less frequently studied, ADHD in adulthood is also asso­
culties in fine and gross motor control that negatively impact their ac­ ciated with motor control impairments, including inconsistent finger
ademics [3], social life [4], handwriting [5,6], and tool use [7]. In tapping frequency [20,21], reduced visuomotor adaptation during
contrast, typically developing children (TDC) establish fundamental reaching [22], deficits in oculomotor control [23,24], and reduced
motor skills of gait and balance at 6–7 years [8,9]. Specifically, by age of postural stability [25]. Recent work from our group reported that,
10, motor skills have become efficient and unnecessary concomitant compared to adults without ADHD, adults with ADHD produced more
movements (i.e., overflow) usually dissipate [2,9]. Conversely, children force than required in visually and memory-guided isometric grip force
with ADHD continue to experience deficits in coordination, balance, tasks [26]. Similarly, in a force-variant of the classic Go/No-Go para­
speed, and rhythm [2,9–11] and overflow movements do not diminish digm, adults with ADHD produced more force than non-ADHD controls
[11,12]. Further, compared to TDC, children with ADHD present on both Go and No-Go trials [27]. In other words, in both studies, adults
increased motor variability in temporal [13] and spatial [14,15] do­ with ADHD were able to scale their force output to the target force
mains of assessment. Children with ADHD also demonstrate difficulties amplitude, but they produced more force than necessary to achieve the
in tasks demanding manual dexterity and bimanual coordination [16]. target [26,27]. Importantly, no differences were observed for maximal
For example, children with ADHD exhibit difficulty setting movement force production in adults with ADHD compared to adults without

Abbreviations: ADHD, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

* Corresponding author at: School of Kinesiology, Auburn University, 301 Wire Road, Auburn, AL 36849, United States.
E-mail address: (K.A. Neely).
Received 28 March 2021; Received in revised form 8 November 2021; Accepted 9 November 2021
Available online 14 November 2021
0304-3940/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.C. Fietsam et al. Neuroscience Letters 766 (2022) 136349

ADHD in either study [26,27]. Taken together, these studies suggest that participants completed a brief medical history and long form of the
adults with ADHD have difficulty controlling force output, and/or Connors Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS) [32]. Handedness was
making error corrections during force control tasks. To our knowledge, assessed using the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory [33]. The 10-item
no previous work has examined maximal force production in adults with inventory asks participants to indicate which hand they would use to
ADHD. complete common tasks, such as striking a match, throwing, or using
Much of the previous work examining motor control in people with scissors. Handedness is determined using a laterality quotient (LQ = (R-
ADHD has studied boys and men and thus few have examined sex dif­ L)/(R + L) * 100), where a score of 100 reflected complete right-hand
ferences. Examining sex differences increases the sample size, dominance, and a score of − 100 reflected complete left-hand domi­
complexity, and expense of the work. However, considering sex differ­ nance. Only individuals who were right-hand-dominant were included
ences in ADHD is important as the male to female ratio changes as a in the current study.
function of age and ADHD subtype [28]. In children, adolescent, and During the laboratory session, participants completed the CAADID
adults, the M:F ratio, across all subtypes 2.28:1, 2.56:1, and 2.15:1, semi-structured interview (Multi-Health Systems Inc.), which was
respectively [28]. Therefore, we sought to determine if sex differences updated in accordance with the DSM-5 criteria [34]. IQ was assessed
exist for manual dexterity in adults with and without ADHD. We using the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV).
anticipated that males would be stronger than females, but did not Full-scale intelligence quotient (FSIQ) score was derived for each
anticipate sex differences in manual dexterity. participant [35]. Participants then completed grip and pinch strength
The goal of the current work was twofold. First, we aimed to deter­ testing and the PPB tasks [36].
mine whether differences exist in manual dexterity and maximal hand
strength for adults with ADHD, compared to age- and sex- matched non- 2.4. Purdue pegboard tasks
ADHD controls. Second, we evaluated whether sex differences exist
within each of these groups. Maximal hand- and pinch- grip strength was Participants completed the PPB [36] to quantify manual dexterity.
examined as well as manual dexterity via the Purdue Pegboard (PPB) The right hand, left hand, and bimanual trials were 30 s in duration,
task [29]. The PPB requires multisensory integration, as well as control while assembly trials were 60 s. In the first three conditions, participants
of fingertip forces. Based on our previous work describing perceived were instructed to place as many pins as possible in a row of small holes
sensory differences [30] and differences in force output [26,27], we in three conditions. In the right hand trials, pins were retrieved from the
anticipated that adults with ADHD would have difficulty with the PPB right-most well and placed in the right column of holes. In the left hand
task as evidenced by fewer completions compared to adults without trials, pins were retrieved from the left-most well and placed in the left
ADHD. Moreover, based on our previous work [26,27], we did not column of holes. In the bimanual trials, the right and left hands worked
anticipate group differences in maximal hand strength. Although we did in tandem, retrieving pins from the right and left wells, respectively, and
not expect differences, we included this task to eliminate strength as a placing them in corresponding right and left columns. The last set of
possible explanation for abnormal dexterity. trials required coordination of the hands to complete “assemblies.” In
these trials, participants placed a pin with their right hand, then a
2. Methods washer with their left, followed by a collar with their right, and a final
washer with their left. This series of placements constituted one “as­
2.1. Participants sembly.” In all four conditions (i.e., right hand, left hand, bimanual, and
assemblies), participants were instructed not to retrieve a pin if it was
Participants, aged 18–25 years, were recruited from print, radio, and dropped, but instead to get another pin and continue with the task. The
television advertisements in State College, Pennsylvania and the sur­ task was recorded by counting the number of pins successfully placed or
rounding area. Exclusion criteria included a history of seizures, epilepsy, assemblies completed. A total of four scores were obtained: pins placed
meningitis, encephalitis, autism spectrum disorder, concussion that with the right hand, pins placed with the left hand, pins placed with both
resulted in loss of consciousness for more than 10 minutes, or previous hands (bimanual condition), and completed assemblies. In addition, the
diagnosis 10 min, or previous diagnosis of a disorder involving psy­ number of dropped pins were recorded for each condition. Participants
chosis. An explanation of the study was provided to all participants completed three trials in each condition, and an average was calculated
before they completed a written informed consent. The Institutional for number of pins placed and number of pin drops for each condition.
Review Board at the Pennsylvania State University approved all pro­
cedures, which were consistent with the Declaration of Helsinki. The 2.5. Maximum hand and pinch strength tests
data reported here are a subset of a larger dataset. All participants
received monetary compensation. Participants’ maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) was obtained
with pinch-grip (Lafayette Hydraulic Pinch Gauge, Model J00111,
2.2. Diagnostic groups Lafayette, IN) and a hand-grip dynamometers (Lafayette Hydraulic
Pinch Gauge, Model J00105 Lafayette, IN). In the pinch-grip trials,
Diagnosis was confirmed using Conners’ Adult ADHD Diagnostic participants completed the task with the elbow bent to approximately
Interview (CAADID; Multi-Health Systems Inc.). Individuals with ADHD 90◦ while seated and with the forearm supported by the arm rests of the
(n = 61, 40 female) showed five or more symptoms of inattention or chair. The thumb was placed on the bottom of the grip while the index
hyperactivity, and these symptoms impaired everyday life in at least two finger was placed on the top. In the hand-grip trials, participants
settings, such as family and work. Individuals without ADHD (n = 56, 39 completed the task with the arm fully extended while seated. Partici­
female) reported less than three total symptoms and less-than or equal- pants squeezed as hard as possible with each hand to produce MVC of a
to two symptoms of inattention or hyperactivity. hand for each grip maneuver. Three 3-second trials were administered
Adults taking a psychostimulant completed the laboratory session for each hand during each grip maneuver. Participants alternated be­
after a 24-hour washout period. No participants were taking medica­ tween left and right hands, providing at least a minute break between
tions known to affect motor control at the time of testing, including each trial. MVC was derived by taking the average of peak force of three
antipsychotics, stimulants, or anticonvulsants [31]. trials.

2.3. Procedures 2.6. Statistical analysis

Prior to the laboratory session, using a Qualtrics web interface, all The groups were age- and sex- matched, leading to the following

A.C. Fietsam et al. Neuroscience Letters 766 (2022) 136349

final sample sizes: non-ADHD men (n = 17), men with ADHD (n = 21),
non-ADHD women (n = 39), women with ADHD (n = 40). Differences in
group demographics were tested using multivariate analysis of variance
(MANOVA). The Shapiro-Wilk’s test for normality was significant for
nine of the 12 dependent variables associated with the PPB, maximal
hand-strength, and maximal pinch-strength tasks. Therefore, group
differences were examined using the Kruskal-Wallis H-test, followed by
pairwise comparisons in which the significance values were adjusted by
the Bonferroni correction for multiple tests.

3. Results

3.1. Participants
Fig. 1. Women without ADHD (W-CTRL) achieved more completions than
Table 1 reports the results of a multivariate analysis of variance women with ADHD (W-ADHD), and men with (M-ADHD) and without (M-
(MANOVA) for age, FSIQ, and three symptom-rating scores from the CTRL) ADHD for the right-hand, both-hands, and assembly conditions. Signif­
CAADID. As anticipated, no group differences were observed for age or icance values for all pairwise comparisons were adjusted by the Bonferroni
FSIQ, all p-values > 0.05. However, adults with ADHD reported more correction. Error bars represent standard deviation.
symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity, and more total
symptoms than adults without ADHD, all p-values < 0.001. difference between groups for the right hand-grip, H(3) 60.25, p < .001,
left hand-grip, H(3) = 58.57, p < .001, right pinch-grip, H(3) = 20.89, p
3.2. Manual dexterity < .001, and left pinch-grip, H(3) = 26.67, p < .001. As shown in Fig. 2,
pairwise comparisons adjusted by the Bonferroni correction for multiple
A Kruskal-Wallace H-test was performed to examine the number of tests revealed sex differences, such that men were generally stronger
completions and the number of pin drops on the PPB. The results than women. Specifically, for the right hand-grip, men with ADHD
demonstrated a difference between groups for the number of comple­ (99.7 ± 20.2 N) and men without ADHD (94.3 ± 21.9 N) were stronger
tions in the right-hand, H(3) = 16.49, p = .001, left-hand, H(3) = 8.42, p than women with ADHD (55.2 ± 11.6 N) and women without ADHD
= .038, both-hands, H(3) = 17.23, p = .001, and assembly, H(3) = (64.6 ± 14.1 N). Similarly, for the left hand-grip, men with ADHD (93.4
22.62, p < .001, conditions. As shown in Fig. 1, pairwise comparisons ± 23.4 N) and men without ADHD (90.2 ± 18.7 N) were stronger than
adjusted by the Bonferroni correction for multiple tests revealed that women with ADHD (52.3 ± 11.6 N) and women without ADHD (61.0 ±
women without ADHD achieved more completions in the right-hand, 15.8 N). For the right pinch-grip, men with ADHD (10.8 ± 3.3 N) and
both-hands, and assembly conditions, compared to men and women men without ADHD (10.5 ± 2.9 N) were stronger than women with
with ADHD, and men without ADHD. Pairwise comparisons for the ADHD (7.5 ± 2.7 N), but not women without ADHD (9.0 ± 2.2 N). Last,
number of completions in the left-hand condition were not significant for the left pinch-grip, men with ADHD (10.2 ± 3.0 N) and men without
when adjusted by the Bonferroni correction. The Kruskal-Wallace H-test ADHD (10.2 ± 2.1 N) were stronger than women with ADHD (7.1 ± 2.3
demonstrated no differences between groups for the number of pin N) and women without ADHD (7.9 ± 2.0 N).
drops, all p-values > 0.098.
4. Discussion
3.3. Manual strength
The current work examined whether manual dexterity and maximal
A Kruskal-Wallace H-test was performed to examine maximum hand- hand strength differed for adults with ADHD compared to non-ADHD
and pinch- grip strength between groups. The results demonstrated a controls, and within these groups, for women compared to men. We
report two findings. First, in terms of manual dexterity, women without
Table 1 ADHD achieved more completions in the right-hand, both-hands, and
Participant characteristics. assembly conditions, compared to men and women with ADHD, and
men without ADHD. Second, men (with and without ADHD) were
Variables Group Significant Group
Differences generally stronger than women in both the hand-grip and pinch-grip
Control ADHD

Sample size (Females) 56 (39) 61 (40) ADHD = CTRL,

χ2 (1, N = 117) =
0.22, p = .639
Age, years 21.16 20.69 ADHD = CTRL,
(1.87) (1.72) F(1, 113) = 0.21, p
= .652
FSIQ 109.27 108.30 ADHD = CTRL,
(10.54) (11.27) F(1, 113) = 0.11, p
= .747
Number of inattention 0.09 6.43 ADHD > CTRL,
symptoms endorsed in (0.39) (2.33) F(1, 113) =
adulthood 339.34, p < .001
Number of hyperactive/ 0.05 5.20 ADHD > CTRL,
impulsive symptoms endorsed (0.30) (2.14) F(1, 113) =
in adulthood 268.49, p < .001
Total number of symptoms 0.14 11.62 ADHD > CTRL, Fig. 2. Men with (M-ADHD) and without (M-CTRL) ADHD were stronger than
endorsed in adulthood (0.48) (3.29) F(1, 113) =
women with (W-ADHD) and without (W-CTRL) ADHD in the left pinch-grip, left
570.72, p < .001
hand-grip, and right hand-grip tasks. Significance values for all pairwise com­
Note: Values are means and standard deviations (in parentheses), with the parisons were adjusted by the Bonferroni correction. Error bars represent
exception of sample size. standard deviation.

A.C. Fietsam et al. Neuroscience Letters 766 (2022) 136349

tests. complex statistical models that allow for the relaxation of assumptions
Successful performance on the PPB task requires the performer to such as equal group size and equal group variances. This is particularly
precisely control fingertip forces, filter out unnecessary sensory input, important in the study of clinical populations with variability in
and correctly integrate sensory feedback in order to quickly and accu­ behavior.
rately place pins, washers, and collars. In the current study, women
without ADHD performed better than women with ADHD, and both men Funding sources:
with and without ADHD. These findings suggest that adults with ADHD
may have difficulty with manual dexterity tasks. Three possible expla­ • This work was supported, in part, by a Young Investigator Award
nations to this finding include poor regulation of fingertip forces, (#25004) from the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation to KAN.
inappropriate sensory filtering, and/or difficulties with sensorimotor • This work was supported, in part by an NIA R21 Exploratory/
integration in adults with ADHD. The pins used in the PPB task are small Developmental Grant (AG 065621) and the University of Florida
(one inch in length) and necessitate finely graded forces at the fingertips Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Pilot Award
in order to meticulously pick up, manipulate, and place. Control over (UL1TR001427) to ZW.
fingertip forces depends on the participant’s ability to store a memory • This publication was supported, in part, by Grant UL1 TR002014 and
representation about the object’s physical properties, which were ob­ KL2 TR002015 from the National Center for Advancing Translational
tained during early lifting and handling of the object [37–39]. Previous Sciences (NCATS).
research indicates that children with ADHD have difficulties with • The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not
parametric control of fingertip forces during precision grift and lift tasks necessarily represent the official views of the funding agencies listed
[40]. Further, studies have demonstrated that individuals with ADHD above.
exhibit an inability to filter sensory input [41] and increased moment-to-
moment neural variability on cognitive tasks [42] compared to non-
ADHD controls. Particularly, several studies have reported that neural CRediT authorship contribution statement
activity is not appropriately suppressed in individuals with ADHD,
resulting in more variable task performance due to neural interference Alexandra C. Fietsam: Data curation, Writing – original draft.
[43–45]. As the PPB task does not isolate motor and sensory compo­ Jacqueline R. Tucker: Investigation. Manjeshwar Sahana Kamath:
nents, the current study cannot determine if the findings are due to Writing – review & editing. Cynthia Huang-Pollock: Conceptualiza­
motor deficits, sensory deficits, or difficulties with sensorimotor inte­ tion, Methodology. Zheng Wang: Writing – review & editing. Kristina
gration. Further, sex differences were revealed such that women out­ A. Neely: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Visualiza­
performed men, which is consistent with a plethora of work [29,46–53]. tion, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition.
For example, Schmidt et al. (2000) report that when tasked with placing
25 pins in the PPB, women completed the task faster than men with both
Declaration of Competing Interest
their preferred and non-preferred hand [54]. These differences in
manual dexterity suggests that future work examining fine motor con­
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
trol should account for sex in experimental design.
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Grip strength is correlated with overall strength [55] and body
the work reported in this paper.
composition [56] and may provide insight to functional ability [57,58].
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