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Auzan Hassan

Favor and against of world trade organization
World Trade organizations plays a very vital role in global trade Like like it's help to remove any
type of barriers or tariffs at which will lead to encourage a trade at global level this will lead to
improve in economic growth and also a job opportunity. They can set a rule and regulations for a
international trades and this might also lead to discourage unfair trade.

However, There is a major argue on World Trade Organization and Argue is that World Trade
Organization give more favors to a developed country rather than giving to our developing
countries that’s why they give less benefits to a developing countries. Their rules and regulations
our only implement on our member nations and also argued that World Trade Organization Help
more to protect the domestic industries.

Conclusion will be dead I will be against the World Trade Organization becausr World Trade
Organization had more focus on developed countries rather than focusing on a developing
country this is the reason might many countries cannot improve their trade at global level. The
rule and regulation of World Trade Organization is little bit tough then some might some
countries might not able to obey that
Favor of world bank and against of world Bank
World Bank is international financial institution right it is in USA and different countries are
member of this institution. World Bank provides a loan grant and fund for different projects to a
developing countries. World Bank has so much positive impact for example world banks provide
financial support developing country Through which they can use for reduction of a poverty in
country, infrastructure development or they can spend on different new project. World bank has
Expertise through which they can help a country to make their better policies or strategies related
to improvement of population stability and this can also help in economic growth of country.
World Bank World Bank is a international organization that’s where it’s bread globally and they
will try their best improve global and Address global challenges in a proper way.

However, world bank has criticized for same reasons. There is a one more argument off there
lending policies Like this can lead to increase the debt burden to a developing countries And this
might have negative impact on economy of any developing country. The world Banks Decision
making process has lack Responsibility and transparency and due to this many nations can't even
address their concerns. World Bank only gives a loan for a limited project and if that country
goes against that project and spend add something else then the deal between the developing
country or World Bank can.

Conclusion, According to my mindset World Bank has more positive impact because this
organization can help any developing country to come out from recession or improve their
financial stability be cause they provide alone and funds for a infrastructure projects.
United nations favour and against
United nation is an international organization which was founded in 1945 And it was founded
after World War 2 the motive for this organization was promoting security , peace and good
relation among nations. It’s a one organization where different nations can address their
problems and also discussion about global issues. United Nations is best organization where all
nations come together and they can maintain good relations.

However, Many nations claims that response of united nation on different issues are very slow
and decision making process is also take long time for final decision. Some critics argue that the
UN is ineffective and lacks the power to enforce its decisions. Now days major issue is
highlighted in Palestine innocent people killed everyday and after all that n decision is made by
united Nation and there are also many global issue which are still unsolved.

Conclusion, I am against the united nation because they always delay or they are slow to address
the global issue. They should take action who are violating the human right and any nation who
are not following the law which was by united nation than strictly action should be take on them.
IMF favor and against

In Favor of IMF, IMF is international organization and it’s help multiple countries with a
financial support . It’s argued that building a crisis period, They provide a financial assistance to
the countries. IMF stabilized the exchange rates and reduction of currency crisis and this also
help to improve a international trade and also improve a economic growth.

However. The policies of IMF is very strict and country which do a contract with IMF they have
to do agreement on different things and if any country not pay back on time than they have to
face a problem like rules of IMF might have negative impact on economy of country. Imf
intervention frequently weaken national sovereignty by pressuring borrowing nations to
prioritise debt repayment over social well being.
Conclusion , overall I will be against of IMF organization because IMF is less beneficial for
countries and the rules and regulation of IMF is strict that’s why many countries face recession
due to this.

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