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Name: Reyes,Dayanarra V. Date: April 24, 2024

Grade & Section: 11-ABM Mercury Score:______/100_____


Type of Rock: Igneous Rock - Basalt

Description: An extrusive igneous rock, which
forms from volcanic lava that cools rapidly at
Earth's surface. Basalt is usually dark grey to black
in colour, fine-grained mineral texture, and it form
the bottom of our continents and the bottoms of our
great oceans.

Importance: Used in construction, making

cobblestones and in making statues.

Type of Rock: Sedimentary Rock - Limestone

Description: A sedimentary rock composed
principally of calcium carbonate or the double
carbonate of calcium and magnesium. Limestone
have granular texture and usually gray, but it may
also be white, yellow or brown color.

Importance: Used in steel manufacturing, mining,

paper production, water treatment and purification,
and plastic production.

Type of Rock: Agate is mostly formed in igneous rock.

They can also form in metamorphic or sedimentary

Description: Composed of silicone dioxide and is

used in ancient will power and concentration. Bands or
layers of yellow and grey colors and mostly of the was
smooth texture.
Importance: Yellow agate strengthens the heart, gives courage, and
harmonizes the heart, throat and solar plexus detoxifies system It can be used
for grounding and balance, for strength, protection, and support.

Type of Rock: Igneous Rock - kimberlite

Description: A dark-coloured, heavy, often altered and

brecciated, intrusive igneous rock that contains
diamonds in its rock matrix.

Importance: Delivering diamonds to the crust through

magmatic intrusions that solidify into pipe like

Type of Rock: Igneous Rock - Pumice

Description: A type of extrusive volcanic rock,

produced when lava with a very high content of water
and gases is discharged from a volcano. It is
commonly pale in color, ranging from white, cream,
blue or grey, to green-brown or black, vesicular
texture and pumice layer is a product of violent
Plinian eruption farther away.

Importance: Used for centuries in the construction and beauty industry as

well as in early medicine. Also, used to exfoliate the skin and remove dry,
dead skin from the elbows and knees,

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