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Research About 6 Process Models

1- Waterfall Model
The Waterfall model is a sequential software development model with several phases, each completed
linearly. The model follows a series of steps: planning, design, implementation, testing, and
maintenance. It is essential to complete each phase before starting the next one.

The Waterfall model is famous for software development projects with clear and well-defined
requirements. A linear, sequential approach works best when the end goal is clearly defined, and there is
a clear understanding of what the software must do.

Steps involved in waterfall model :

1 – Requirements and analysis

2- Design
3- Implementation
4- Testing
5- Deployment
6- Maintenance

Advantages of waterfall model:

1-The Waterfall model is easy to understand and use, which makes it a popular choice for software
development projects.

2- It provides a clear picture of the final product’s appearance and how it will function.

Disadvantages of waterfall model :

1- The Waterfall model is unsuitable for projects with changing requirements, as it is a linear,
sequential approach that does not allow to make changes once a phase is complete.
2- The Waterfall model does not allow for feedback from the end-users

3- Jad Model
JAD (an acronym for Joint Application Design) is a methodology used in software development to gather
and define software requirements rapidly. It brings together all stakeholders in the design process to a
common consensus as far as the requirements for the project is concerned by fostering an effective and
efficient communication between all those involved.

Steps involved in JAD model :

1- Preparation
2- Session
3- Documentation
4- Implementation

Advantages of JAD Model:

Improved Requirements Gathering JAD sessions bring together stakeholders, developers, and experts to
define and refine the requirements for a software application.

Better Documentation: The outcome of a JAD session is documented in detail, which provides a
complete and accurate specification for the software application

Disadvantages of JAD Model :

Potential for Groupthink: JAD sessions can be vulnerable to groupthink, where participants are more
concerned with reaching a consensus than with exploring different perspectives and solutions.

Resource Intensive: JAD sessions can be resource intensive, both in terms of time and personnel, as they
require the participation of multiple stakeholders, developers, and experts. Short-staffed or time-
constrained organizations may face this challenge.

3-Agile Model
The Agile methodology is defined as a workflow ideology that emphasizes cyclical improvements,
collaboration, and frequent adaptation in order to solve problems.

Steps involved in Agile model :

1- Requirements Gathering
2- Design the Requirements
3- Develop/Iteration
4- Test
5- Deployment
6- Feedback

Advantages of Aglie Model:

-Communication with clients is on a one-on-one basis.
-You can reduce the overall

Disadvantages of Aglie Model :

-There is a higher risk of sustainability, maintainability, and extensibility.
-Documentation and design are not given much attention

Prototyping Model is a software development model in which prototype is built, tested, and reworked
until an acceptable prototype is achieved

Steps involved in Prototype Model :

1- Requirements gathering and analysis
2- Quick design
3- Build a Prototype
4- Initial user evaluation

Advantages of Prototype model:

-Users are actively involved in development. Therefore, errors can be detected in the initial stage of the
software development process

-Helps team member to communicate effectively

Disadvantages of Prototype model:

-Prototyping is a slow and time taking process.

-Prototyping may encourage excessive change requests.

5-Rad Model
RAD Model or Rapid Application Development model is a software development process based on
prototyping without any specific planning.

Steps involved in RAD Model:

1- Define the requirements

2- Prototype
3- Construction
4- Deployment

Advantages of RAD model:

-Cost Savings: Since RAD involves continuous user feedback, errors and issues are identified and rectified
early in the development process.

-Reduced Risk: With its focus on incremental development, RAD reduces the risk of project failures.

Disadvantages of RAD model :

-Dependency on technically strong team members for identifying business requirements.

-Only system that can be modularized can be built using RAD.

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