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Airline tickets should be cheaper

People are always in the lookout to travel and look for an opportunity to go to a different places
or countries for various seasons. We travel for various season like business trips, family
vacations, holidays or just visiting our loved ones. Airline travel is not a seasonal thing as
everyday we know several travelers travel across the world.
Travel is an integral part of a people’s lives. Many people often travel just for coping problems
or just finding happiness through travelling. But, how can you travel in a place when you can’t
afford even the airline tickets? Are you going to ride a boat? A ship? Through land ports? Or
According to aeroxplorer, there is general consumer price index inflation has been a major
problem over the past twelve months. But shockingly, airfare prices have seen inflation levels
five times higher than the national average. There are many factors that causes the price of an
airline ticket to be expensive .Flights and trips are stopped due to the spread of COVID-19 cases
all over the world and are still present nowadays.
There are advantage and disadvantages of having a low price airline tickets. The biggest
advantage to travelling with a low cost airline ticket is that you can get a cheaper flights. This
can make it possible to visit places that may have been financially outside of your budget before.
But, getting cheaper flights may have many restrictions and things to be followed. In addition
cheaper ticket might be limited to a much smaller piece of carry-on baggages or checked
baggages just the same as expensive ticket might follow.
I don’t have any flight experience so that, maybe I am able to find some informations online. For
me, having a cheaper airline tickets are good, but sometimes we’re thinking about our safety and
a quality travel experience.
In the first place, I’m against of having cheaper airline tickets, why? It is because airlines also
affected by the inflation, the price of the engines specially last year because of the war between
Russia and Ukraine ,the maintenance and even the salaries of the workers and many more. It can
actually lead to bankruptcy. Although travel definitely improves the economy. Whether it is a
tourist or someone on a student or not, the person is bound to spend time in that particular state
or country. Travel also increases exposure among people across the globe. When airline tickets
are cheaper, it will boost the economy even more.
Cheaper price tickets maybe good but still has its bad sides! We should think about its
consequences. Maybe about our safety and satisfactions. Many of us expected a lot when it
comes to traveling, then You bought a cheaper price tickets. Then, you ended up suffering to its
accomodation problems, and many more.
The great question Is!
Is airline tickets should be cheaper?
Cheaper airline tickets must be affordable and accessible, many people has given up their dreams
to travel not because of their characteristics, knowledge and talents. It is more likely about their
financials. They cannot travel because of the expensive trips that world can offer. But somehow,
there are airlines that has cheaper airline tickets. That will be an opportunity to those who wants
to travel without thinking about their finances.
Expensive airline tickets can actually be a roadblocks to those students whose attending their
Tourism Courses, most of them has subjects about attending seminars althrough out the country,
how they can possibly attend if they can’t afford the tickets? Are they going to end up their
dreams? You can answer that if you really care about those simple problems in life.
This speech is not just all about having cheaper or expensive tickets. This speech thought us on
not giving up on just one simple problems in life. The last part has a question, and that question
makes you realize that giving up is not the answer and the answer is not giving up, we should
seek for the answers. End at the end of the day we should know how we cope those problems and
see ourselves standing and successfully grab our dreams.

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