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College of Business and Industry

Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Name: Loila A. Avanzado Section: BSOAD-1A

Date: Score: /100

Your output must contain the following:
 Interview 3 students in the campus or in your community.
 Ask them about the factors that influence sexual attraction. What do men and
women find attractive, the inner qualities and characteristics of the individual or the
physical appearance of the individual?
 Share with the class which factor is more influential to a man’s and woman’s
attraction to another person?
 What specific insights have you gained from the interview.

1. Discuss what is expected of girls and boys in the following institutions:
a. your school;
b. your household; and
c. your church.
2. How does your society or culture teach you to think, feel, and act based on your gender?
How is it limiting? How is it liberating.


Exemplary Strong Proficient Developing

Ideas & Content Program show a Format is clear, Clearly evident Main ideas are
Are all required clear progression with ideas that main ideas with simplistic; details
elements present? Are of ideas with do not surprise some support, are limited. May
the elements high excellent, well us, but are well although we go off topic; be
quality, easily seen? thought out thought out and may feel we clichéd.
explanations supported. All need more. May be difficult
tying it together. required Ideas are to follow clearly
Thought elements are predictable, as or have no clear
provoking, present even if are the visuals. point.
moving, focused there is a The elements Poor quality
and insightful. All problem with may be
points are balance. Good unbalanced;
supported well. detail and some required
visuals. elements may
be missing.
Compelling, Format is clear, Format is Portions are
creative, and focused and acceptable, but hard to follow as
logical. It has an logical, but not not necessarily they are not put
inviting particularly sequential or together in any
Organization introduction and creative. Intro is logically clear order. It
Is there a logical flow strong closure. present and organized. may be a list.
to Thesis or main relevant, and it Support may Intro and closure
information/elements? idea is clearly ends well. The seem out of may be "My
Is there a clear thesis identified and thesis or main balance; it may topic is..." or
or theme or point? support is logical point is made seem hard to absent. May use
in choice and clear but may follow the numbers.
arrangement be overstated presentation, or
or understated. it is short, with
limited visuals.
Excellent use of Good use of Minimal use of Elements detract
camera and graphics, etc. design by being gaudy
angles, with good Sound quality is elements, or or overly simple,
focus and quality. okay. Video dependence on or too many.
Creativity and design
Smooth clips are clear, PowerPoint or Crowded text
Is it interesting? Do the
transitions & in focus and other template. areas; graphics
elements enhance?
clear reasons for useful for the Clips and may not be
Are there enough? Are
each element. point. photos are clear.
they high quality?
Elements are clear and
Overall, is the
creative, focused, but
unexpected and there may to
relevant. too many of
one kind, or not
equal for each
The borrowed Credit was There may be There may be
elements are all given for all errors in errors in CUPS.
credited; there important CUPS, and not Documentation
are no errors in elements; credit all elements is sketchy or
CUPS. Copyright may not be in have been absent.
law has been perfect order, cited. Copyright
Is grammar correct?
followed. but it's there. law is not
Are all borrowed
Very few CUPS correctly
elements credited?
errors. followed.
Copyright law
has been
Interviewed students in our area:

They want their family name and pictures to be confidential

won’t be included for their privacy:
● Christine ( BISU-Main 1st year)
● Jahna ( VDT grade 8 )
● John ( VDT grade 8 )

Based from the interview I have conducted with them, their

answers are mostly have the same opinions on how they are
going to be attractive on the same sexuality from a boy or a girl,
because for them it depends on what they will like on the persons
style, appearance, sense of humors and on how that person will
be unique in their eyes. They say also that they don’t just judge
on getting attractive on the same or opposite sexuality because
even if they are girl or boy they can still be attractive to the same
gender they have. Nowadays it is not new for the people and
won’t get surprise on getting attractive on the same gender
because we have the LGBT community in our country in which
we respect their choices of gender and on how they want their
gender to be known from the people and for them also to help
who they really are inside of them.

For the people I interviewed and for myself the more factors that
is much more influenced for as a woman and a man in the
community is that some of them will look and based from
appearance of a person and some will on the attitude or sense of
humor they can see from that person and get attractive to it and
with other personality or style they will see that will get their
attention and get inspired or attractive to it and it depends on how
would we like that person in our eyes. They said that each one of
us have our own judgement when looking at other person and get
to attract on it.

For me, the insight that I gained from the interview based from
their own opinions is that everyone of us have our own different of
choices as a person, either it will be on the same sexuality
attraction or opposite. We know each one of us have our own will
to look at others perspective and personality and we can’t just
judge other people if the have different opinion from our own
perspective because we don’t have the same opinion in looking
for other persons personality that will caught our attention and get
attractive to them.

1. Discuss what is expected of girls and boys in the

following institutions:
a. your school;
In school they will expect to have their own puppy love, crushes,
teamwork, competition, friends, organization and a lot more that
the both boys and girls expect in the school. Some also expect to
have their homework and responsibilities in the school and also
as a students. They know what they need to do in school either
it’s for boys or girls, because with any gender in school they can
both do it all. Just like for example, sweeping the floor in which
boys think it’s for girls responsibilities doing it, but in school either
you’re a boy,gay,lesbian or girl you need to do the task.
b. your household; and
In the household boys expect girls to do all the house chores, like
sweeping the floor, gardening, laundry. In which it is true that
when it comes to the house chores boys don’t usually help or do
it because there are girls who will do it. As we all know boys are
mostly not helpful in chores that what girls expected from boys
also, even though sometimes or there are some things that they
will help the girls work if they ask the boys for help especially on
the heavy stuff, but mostly in the household mostly girls do it all
even to heavy stuff because girls know they are strong
independent woman and can do it without the boys help.

c. your church.
In church girls and boys don’t expect much from each other
because for them in the name of the church all of us are equally.
The same in which boys can pray and girls can too, because in
the eyes of God in his house no one is different, because we are
all one as a family that we only praise one God above. Both boys
and girls can also be part of any organization in the church or
even on the choir that people think only girls can be part of it but
even boys, girls or any gender can be part of it.
2. How does your society or culture teach you to think, feel, and
act based on your gender? How is it limiting? How is it

Society teach me to think, feel and act based on what gender I am in a

way that for me it will be helpful for me and for my daily day here on
earth. People may think different from my perspective, like if I wear
something boysih shirt they will think that I am part of the LGBT
community in which that what they think ffrom the outside,that they
don’t know for me it’s just on style. In the other hand for me there is no
limiting in showing how do we act or feel based on our gender as
everyone know we have a lot of LGBT community friends that they let
their own self to be showed by many people and just be who they want
to be and accept the fact that people may judge our outside look, but
they didn’t know we are just showing what we feel and act as our
gender, because it is our choice or will weither,what we wear or how
we look from other people opinion. It doesn’t matter if it matter to
other people on how we act based on our gender or on how we feel we
like to be who we are and there is no limited on it. The only matter is
that people might have to limit their judgement to the other people
perspective in life. I can say society really teaches us to be our self or
what ever we want to be and we shouldn’t mind what other people
think even though it could be harsh to hear from them, but no matter
how they will judge us as long as we are just being true to our self and
we don’t hurt other people, that is more than enough to know we are
being good and true to our self, rather than listening to what people
opinions that won’t help us boost our self to be who we really are. As
they said “Confident is the key to success, that way girl wear that

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