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Impact of social media towards Mental

health of grade 10 student

In contemporary society, the pervasive presence of social media platforms has become

integral to adolescents' lives, among grade 10 student at Siocon National Science High

School particularly in the section Limeston, Sapphire and Alexandrite influencing their

interactions, perceptions, and self-esteem. Particularly concerning is the impact of

social media on the mental health of grade 10 students, a developmental stage

susceptible to external influences. In their work, "The Influence of Social Media Usage

on the Mental Health of Adolescents: A Comprehensive Review," Emily Johnson and

Mark Davis (2023) explore the complex relationship between social media usage and

adolescent mental well-being, addressing factors such as screen time, cyberbullying,

and social comparison. Understanding these dynamics is crucial as it deepens our

comprehension of the challenges faced by today's youth and underscores the need for

proactive support. Insights from studies like Johnson and Davis's provide valuable

guidance for educators, parents, and mental health professionals, facilitating better

intervention strategies. As we embark on this exploration, it's vital to acknowledge the

diverse experiences of adolescents, symbolized by the metaphorical journey through

the stages of Limestone, Sapphire, and Alexandrite, each presenting unique challenges

and opportunities for self-discovery and resilience.

Statement of the problem

The issue they addressed in their study was the overuse of social media and its effect

on grade 10 students' conduct and academic performance during class or subject hours.

The goal of the study is to ascertain how students' use of social media
1. How does excessive social media use among grade 10 students influence their

conduct during class or subject hours?

2. In what ways does overuse of social media impact the academic performance of

grade 10 students while they are in class?

3. What methods can be used to determine the extent to which grade 10 students'social

media usage affects their behavior and academic achievement during subject hours?

Significance of the study

This study is important because it sheds light on how Grade 10 students

see their classmates' use of social media while at school. In order to

provide targeted interventions and tactics to address digital distractions in

the classroom, the research aims to explore students' opinions on the

frequency of social media use and its perceived influence on academic


Literature Review
In recent years, there has been a growing body of research on the

important topic of how social media use affects grade 10 students' menta

l health. The thorough analysis by Emily Johnson and Mark Davis (2023)

provides insightful information in this area and focuses on the complex

connection between teenage mental health and social media use in this
particular population.When trying to understand how social media affects

grade 10 students mental health, screen time comes into play. Research

has shown that teens who spend too much time on screens, especially

social media, have increased levels of anxiety, despair, and psychological

distress (Twenge & Campbell, 2018)

Another important topic covered in the literature about students in grade 10

is cyberbullying. Due to the widespread use of social media, teenagers are

more susceptible to intimidation and abuse online. According to research,

grade 10 children who experience cyberbullying are more likely to

experience negative mental health consequences, such as elevated stress

levels, depressive symptoms, and suicide thoughts (Patchin & Hinduja,

2018).The regulated style of social media content facilitates social

comparison, which is another important factor influencing how grade 10

pupils' mental health is shaped. Adolescents in this group may have low

self-esteem, negative body image, and feelings of inadequacy as a result of

being exposed to idealized pictures and lifestyles on social media

platforms (Fardouly et al., 2015).

Furthermore, the impact of social media on grade 10 adolescents mental

health is further influenced by their developmental stage, which is marked

by increased autonomy and identity discovery. This stage of adolescence may

make them more vulnerable to the pressures and effects that are
spread through social media, which can lead to mental health issues.
Johnson and Davis (2023) give a thorough summary of the complex

relationships between grade 10 students' use of social media and mental

health by combining the results of multiple studies. In order to support

healthy mental health outcomes in this population, their review emphasizes

the significance of understanding the particular difficulties and

vulnerabilities that adolescents confront at this developmental period as

well as the necessity of focused interventions and support


Research Methodology
Study is to aim the research of this method and procedures used to

investigate grade 10 students at Choco National Science High School.

Sections that are affected are Limestone, Sapphire, Alexandrite, and

investigate the usage of social media and time consumption during school

hours to the extended use of these apps.

Reasearch Design
The study adopts a quantitative approach about how often grade 10

student section that are affected are limestone, sapphire, and alexandrite

that are using social media and its excessive traits of using this app, called

Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or any other social media platform regarding

how much time they spent on using these apps in hopes of understanding

the participants by random sampling this subjective experience

Sampling Method: Participants are selected through random

sampling from grade 10 students attending in Shoko National Science High

School. These sections are selected are limestone, sapphire, alexandrite.

This is random sampling to ensure the representative will sample if these

students have a habit of excessive use of social media and experiencing

how addiction has led to these students.

1.)How many hours per day, on average, do you spend using social media platforms?

2.)Have you ever felt unable to cut back on your social media use, even when you tried?

3.)Do you experience anxiety or restlessness when you're unable to access social media for a
period of time?

Research Respondent: This will be approximately 5-15 participants will

provide insights of why they're using social media while minimizing the

time and resources spent.

Data Collection: Data are collected to semi-structure the interviews by

these participants. The interviews are recorded by using audio recorder to

record and capture accurately to know the behaviors of these participants.

Research Instrument: The research instrument consists of a

semi-structure interview guide developed specifically for this

study the guide includes open-ended questions covering topics

such as social media habits, Excessive usage impact of academic

engagement challenges to coping strategies and suggestions.

Ethical Considerations: Participants are required to provide

informed consent with parental consent being sought for those under the

age of 18. Participants are told about the study's goal, voluntary

participation, and the option to quit at any time.

Leader:El John Abanto


Darlene Casipong

Rhemalyn jackan

Reymart Quiniguez

Anelyn Supliano

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