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Name: Denise Richards

Age: 65

Current musical ac>vity:

• Sing most weeks at Mass for parish, accompanying self on guitar. OHen sing an alto harmony, either as wriIen
on sheet or by ear. Most oHen sing with the choir, but occasionally also as a duet with my husband. Have been
singing and playing guitar at Mass since early 1970s.
• Member of Old Sturbridge Village Singers (15+ years), singing alto. Perform period music (mostly from the
American colonial and Revolu>onary War era, up to the 1830s). Includes sacred music from the era, as well as
folk music, patrio>c music, tavern music, sea shan>es, and an occasional madrigal. The group performs music
that early American Singing School masters might have taught their students, as well as music that might have
been passed down through the genera>ons and performed in one’s own home. Our group recorded an album in
2019. I sang alto on that album and played guitar and mountain dulcimer as well.
• Provide music for Cursillo or charisma>c women’s retreats or prayer mee>ngs. Self-accompany on guitar for
• Occasional par>cipa>on in Catholic Chris>an coffeehouse with group that includes keyboard, guitars, and
drums. Will oHen sing alto harmony (by ear). Music is contemporary Chris>an worship music.
• Occasionally will sing as a subs>tute vocalist at funeral masses, with an organist accompanying.

Other past experience:

• Sang with high school chorus (2 years) as a second soprano and performed in high school musicals.
• Led music for youth groups and retreats, women’s Bible study groups, Vaca>on Bible School.
• Performed with my husband for community events (“Name that Tune” event, Lessons and Carols, holiday music,
popular songs for coffeehouse, sunrise Easter service, favorite oldies for nursing home residents)
• In the 1980s, sang with local groups: Black Tavern Singers (historical period music) and God’s Calling
(contemporary Gospel using recorded soundtrack)
• Performed as solo vocalist for weddings and funerals, with organist accompanying

Vocal Training:

• In the 1990s, par>cipated in a cantor workshop followed by a few months of voice lessons (stopped because of
health issue). No other formal voice training.

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