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we un Equations of Motion, Problem Statement, and Solution Methods = Crag ¢ Pit) we) Figore P91 Figure P92 A uniform simply supponed beam of length L. fiewural rigidity El. and mass m pex exit hemp teas tomen idealized 2s the lumpod-mass system shorwn in Fig. P92. The applied forces are alse shown. (a) Idestify the DOFS to represent the clastic properties and determine the stiffness matrin. Neglect the axial deformations of the beam_ (b) Identify the DOFs to represent the inertial properties and determine the mass matrix. (c) Formulate the equations ewverning the translational motion of the beam. bar is supported by 2 weightless column as shown in Fig. POA. Evaluate the mass, flexi ity. and stiffness matrices of the system defined for the two DOFs shown. Do mot mse 2 Inmped-smass Using the definition of stiffness and mass infiaence evefficients, formal the equations of suaan iar the teo-story shear frame with lomped mastes shown in Fig. PS. The beams are rigid and the femal figidaty of the columns is El. Neglect axial deformations in all elements. m2 _, Rigid beams mop agit pin ———e- + Pii\—-—eo— x = | ij = = Py —~—@—_ + pin ——__@ —_ = A a a k a a Mendes ~ a mm ~ wm = » 2 t aa fag ore POA Figure POS Fieure 6 ws Firete PY theres 2 two-story frame with bemped masses subjected to lateral forces topether wath sone of ts peopenics: in adition, the fleuaral rigidity is El for all columns and beams. (a) identity the DOFs to represent the elaseac propertics and determane the stiffness muana. Neglect meal Getormanscns all elemenes. hoy Kecenity the DOS to represent the inertial propertics and determane Che mass must. Assume De members to be masses and mezhoct their rotational mera. Ae) Formutane Ou: cpemtooms puvermite the mation of the frame in the DOFs im part (Ds. Escaneago con Lamocanner ap9 Problems 381 9J- Using the definition of stiffness and mass influence coefficients, formulate the equations of motion 98 for the three-story shear frames with lumped masses shown in Figs. P9.5. The beams are rigid in flexure, and the flexural rigidity of the columns is as shown, Neglect axial deformations in all elements. ml, Rigid beams mI Rigid beams pr) = —"e 4 Ps) > h EI EL h EIB, EIS m m pf) ‘@- Ps) —}—@—_ h EI EI h 2618 26013 m m ro O Pa @- h EI EL h el EL 2h 2h camera +—+t Figure P9.7 Figure P98 9.9- jgures P9.9-P9.12 show three-story frames with lumped masses subjected to lateral forces, together 9.12 th the flexural rigidity of columns and beams. a) Identify the DOFs to represent the elastic properties and determine the stiffness matrix. Neglect the axial deformation of the members. (b) Identify the DOFs to represent the inertial properties and determine the mass matrix. Assume the members to be massless and neglect their rotational inertia. (c) Formulate the equations governing the motion of the frame in the DOFS in part (b).. m2 py m2 By ps @ PO @- Bie h Br EL h El EL mpl m EID px) © p,) ++ —_@— hy El El h El EL Bl m El - po 7) | —@ 2 h EI EL h EI EL UW Wl. a 7. mw 2h Figure P99 Figure 9.10, Denotes that a computer is necessary to solve this problem. tscaneago con Vamocanner “9.13, 914 915 Equations of Motion, Problem Statement, and Solution Methods Chap. 9 m2 py mld ry) —o- #1 ry ole h BT EIR h EN EIB 1” ogy mp . O28 ps ofa h EIS h 2EI3 2EI3, mp m EL ro @-Hi2 h EL h El) El 2h 2h t——+4 +—4 Figure P9.11 Figure P9.12 An umbrella structure has been idealized as an assemblage of three flexural elements with lumped masses at the nodes as shown in Fig. P9.13. (a) Identify the DOF to represent the elastic properties and determine the stiffness matrix. Neglect axial deformations in all members. (b) Identify the DOFs to represent the inertial properties and determine the mass matrix. (©) Formulate the equations of motion governing the DOFS in part (b) when the excitation is (i) horizon- {al ground motion, (ii) vertical ground motion, (ii) ground motion in direction b-d, (iv) ground motion in direction b-c, and (¥) rocking ground motion in the plane of the structure, m 3m m Figure P9.13, Figure P9.14 shows a uniform slab supported on four columns rigidly attached to the slab and clamped at the base, The slab has a total mass m and is rigid in plane and out of plane, Bach column is of circular cross section, and its second moment of cross-sectional area about any diametrical axis is as noted. With the DOF selected as 1, ty, and ts at the center of the slab, and using influence coefficients: (a) Formulate the mass and stiffness matrices in terms of mand the lateral stiffness & = 1267/A? of the smaller column; his the height. (b) Formulate the equations of motion for ground motion in (i) the a-direetion, (i) the y-direction, and (iiiy the direction d-b, Repeat Problem 9.14 using the second set of DOFs shown in Fig, P9.1S. ‘Denotes that a computer is necessary to solve this problem, tscaneago con Vamocanner 3 Problems Figure P9.14 Figure P9.16 9.16 Repeat Problem 9.14 using the DOFs shown in Fig. P9.16. 9.17 Repeat Problem 9.14 using the DOFs shown in Fig. P9.17. 9.18 Figure P9.18 shows a three-dimensional pipe abed clamped at a with mass m at d. All members are made ‘of the same material and have identical cross sections. Formulate the equations of motion governing the Figure P9.18 tscaneago con Vamocanner g Problems 385 9.22. Figure P9.22 shows a single-span bridge. Neglect axial deformations, formulate the equations of motion for this system subjected to support displacements 14,(t) and u,a(1). These equations governing the dynamic component (= total displacement — quasi-static component) of the displacements wy and uz should be expressed in terms of m, El, and L. How do these governing equations differ from the case of identical motion at both supports? 2 In EL a b > Heh © Meo Figure P9.22 “9.23 Figure P9.23 shows a uniform slab supported on four identical columns rigidly attached to the slab and clamped at the base. The slab has a total mass m and is rigid in plane and out of plane. Each column is of circular cross section, and its stiffness about any diametrical axis is as noted. With the DOF selected 35 ty. tes and ta, formulate the equations of motion for the system subjected to ground displacements, galt), yale Myc(s ANG tpt) in the x-direction at the supports of columns a, b, c, and d, respectively. ‘These equations governing the dynamic component (= total displacement — quasi-static component) of the displacements u,, tt, and up should be expressed in terms of m, b, and k= 12EI/h? of the columns. How do these governing equations differ from the case of identical ground motion u,(1) at all column supports? Figure P923 "9.24 Formulate the equations of motion for the system of Problem 9.14 subjected to ground displacements ply Mgnt), Uye(Oy ANd H(t) in the x-direction at the supports of columns a, b, c, and d, respectively. ‘These equations governing the dynamic component (= total displacement — quasi-static component) of the displacements 1, uy, and uy should be expressed in terms of m, , h, and the lateral stiffness = 1241/h of the smaller column, How do these governing equations differ from the case of identical ground motion u,(t) at all column supports? “9.25 An intake-outlet tower fixed at the ase is partially submerged in water and is accessible from the edge of the reservoir by a foot bridge that is axially rigid and pin-connected to the tower (Fig. P9.25). (In “Denotes tha computer is necessary to solve this problem. tscaneago con Vamocanner *roblems 425 Determine the free vibration response of the system of Problem 9.2 (and Problem 10.2) due to each of the three sets of initial displacements: (a) u)(0)= 1, u3(0) = 0: (b) 14(0) = 1, us(0) = I: (c) (0)= 1, us(0) = —1. Comment on the relative contribution of the modes to the response in the three cases, Neglect damping in the system. Repeat Problem 10.3(a) considering damping in the system. For each mode the damping ratio is G=5%, For the system defined in Problem 9.4: (a) Determine the natural vibration frequencies and modes. Express the frequenci and L, and sketch the modes. (b) Determine the displacement response due to an initial velocity i(0) imparted to the top of the system, + For the two-story shear building shown in Problem 9.5: (a) Determine the natural vibration frequencies and modes: express the frequencies in terms of m, EI, and h. (b) Verify that the modes satisfy the orthogonality properties. (c) Normalize each mode so that the roof displacement is unity. Sketch the modes and identify the associated natural frequencies. (d) Normalize each mode so that the modal mass M, has unit value, Compare these modes with those obtained in part (c) and comment on the differences. 1 The structure of Problem 9.5 is modified so that the columns are hinged at the base. Determine the natural vibration frequencies and modes of the modified system, and compare them with the vibration properties of the original structure determined in Problem 10.6. Comment on the effect of the column support condition on the vibration properties. 8 Determine the free vibration response of the structure of Problem 10.6 (and Problem 9.5) if it is displaced as shown in Fig. P108a and b and released. Comment on the relative contributions of the two vibration modes to the response that was produced by the two initial displacements. Neglect damping. in terms of m, El, mI Rigid beams ©. 2em Jem 5 '/ +—_@—_| lem -1 ( y ) El El (a) Figure P10.8 39 Repeat Problem 10.8 for the initial displacement of Fig, P1O.80, assuming thatthe damping ratio for each mode is 5%. 9.10 Determine the natural vibration frequencies and modes of the system defined in Problem 9.6, Express the frequencies in terms of m, £1, and h and the joint rotations in terms of h, Normalize each mode to Unit displacement at the roof and sketch it, identifying all DOFS, 11 For the three-story shear buildings shown in Figs, P9.7 and POL: 12 (a) Determine the natural vibration frequencies and modes; express the frequencies in terms of m, and h. Sketch the modes and identify the associated natural frequencies. * Denotes that a eomputer is necessary to slve this problem. tscaneago con Vamocanner Free Vibration Chap. 10 (b) Verify thatthe modes satisfy the orthogonality properties. (©) Normalize each mode so thatthe modal mass M, has unit value. Sketch these normalized modes, ‘Compare these modes with those obtained in part (a) and comment on the differences, 10.134 The structures of Figs. P9.7 and P9.8 are modified so that the columns are hinged at the base, 10.14 Determine the natural vibration frequencies and modes of the modified system, and compare them With the vibration properties of the original strictures determined in Problems 10.11 and 10.12, ‘Comment on the effect ofthe column support condition on the vibration properties. the free vibration response of the structures of Problems 10.11 and 10.12 (and Problems 9.7 10.16 and 9.8) if they are displaced as shown in Fig, P.10.15-P.10.16-P10.16a, b, and c and released. Plot floor displacements versus 1/7, and comment on the relative contributions of the three vibration modes to the response that was produced by each ofthe three initial displacements. Neglect damping, mid Rigid beams —e 2 Bem Tem Tem m em f0.25em —-1em| Tem —-1em| tom ) (b) © Figure P.10.15-P.10.16 10.17- Repeat Problems 10.15 and 10.16 for the initial displacement of Fig. P.10.15-P.10.16a, assuming that 10.18 the damping ratio for each mode is 5%. {90.19— Determine the natural vibration frequencies and modes of the systems definedin Problems 9.9 t09.12. 10.22 Express the frequencies in terms of m, EZ, and h and the joint rotations in terms of A. Normalize each mode to unit displacement atthe roof and sketch it ig all DOFs, 9.23 (a) For the system in Problem 9.13, determine the natural vibration frequencies and modes. Express the frequencies in terms of m, EZ, and L, and sketch the modes, (b) The structure is pulled through a lateral displacement u,(0) = | and released, Determine the free vibration response. 9.24 For the system defined in Problem 9.14, m= 40,000 kg, k=250 kN/m, and b= 8 m. (a) Determine the natural vibration frequencies and modes. (b) Normalize each mode so that the modal mass Mf, has unit value. Sketch these modes, 9425 Repeat Problem 10,24 using a different set of DOFs—those defined in Problem 9.15, Show that the natural vibration frequencies and modes determined using the two sets of DOF are the same, 4.26 Repeat Problem 10.24 using a different set of DOFs—those defined in Problem 9.16, Show thatthe ‘natural vibration frequencies and modes determined using the two sets of DORs are the same. 27 Repeat Problem 10.24 using a different set of DOFs—those defined in Problem 9.17, Show that the ‘natural vibration frequencies and modes determined using the two sets of DOFS are the same. * Denotes that a er is necessary to solve this problem, tscaneago con Vamocanner + §-tfily results with the response of the tower if both supports undergo identical motion u,(t). Comment on how the responses in the two cases differ and why. Part B *13.39 13.40 Figure P13.4 shows a two-story frame (the same as that in Problems 9.6 and 10.10) with m=45.000 kg. 7 = 30,000 cm’ for beams and columns, and E = 200,000 MPa. Determine the response of this frame to ground motion characterized by the design spectrum of Fig. 6.9.5 (for 5% damping) scaled to }g peak ground acceleration. Compute (a) the floor displacements, and (b) the bending moments in a first-story column and in the second-floor beam. The two-story shear frame of P13.1 (also of Problems 9.5 and 10.6) has the following proper- ties: h=4 m, m= 45,000 kg, / = 30,000 cm’ for columns, £ = 200,000 MPa, and ¢, = 5%. The peak response of this structure to El Centro ground motion is to be estimated by response spectrum analysis (RSA) and compared with the results of Problem 13.2 from response history analysis (RHA). For the purposes of this comparison the RSA is to be implemented as follows. (a) Determine the spectral ordinates D, and A, for the nth-mode SDF system as the peak values of D,(t) and A,(1), respecti determined in part (a) of Problem 13.2. [We are doing so to avoid errors inherent in reading D, and A, from the response spectrum. However, in the standard application of "Denotes that a computer is necessary to solve this problem. tscaneago con Lamocanner Earthquake Analysis of Linear Systems — Chap, 13 RSA, Dy(0 oF Ax(t) Would not be available and D, or A, will be read from the response or design spectrum] (b) For each mode calculate the peak values ofthe following response quantities: (i) the floor displace. ‘nents, (i the story shears, and (i) the oor and base overturning mome 6) Combine the peak modal responses using an appropriate modal combination rule to obtain the peak ‘ale of the total rsspoase far each response quantity in part (b) (2) Comment on the aecuraey of the movil combination rule by 4) with the RHA results of Probl jgures PLA.TL-PIA.H show three-story frames (the same as those in Problems 9.9-9.12 and 10,19. 8,000 cin’, = 200,000 MPa, and /i=4 m, Determine the response cof this frame to ground motion charaeterized by the design spectrum of Fig. 6.9.5 (for 5% dampingy sealed to |g peak ground acceleration, Compute (a) the floor displacements, and (b) the bending ‘moments in a frst-story column and in the second-floor beam. 1843 The three-story shear frames of Figs, P13.5-P13.6 (also of Problems 9.7-9.8 and 10.11-10.12) have 1246 the following properties: h=4 m, m= 45,000 kg, = 58,000 cm‘, £=200,000 MPa, and f,=5%. The Jak response of tis structure to El Centro ground motion is to be estimated by response spectrum analysis (RSA) and compared with the results of Problems 13.7-13.8 from response history analysis (RHA). For the purposes of this comparison the RSA is to be implemented as follows. (a) Determine the spectral ordinates D, and A, for the nth-mode SDF system as the peak values of D,A1) and A,(1), respectively, determined in part (a) of Problems 13,7-13.8, {We are doing soto avoid errors inherent in reading D, and A, from the response spectrum. However, in the standard application of RSA, D,(t) oF A,(0) would not be available, and D, of A, will be read from the response or design specirum,] (b) For cach mode calculate the peak values of the following response quantities: (i) the floor dis- placements, (i) the story shears, and (ii) the floor and base overturning moments (©) Combine the peak modal responses using an appropriate modal combination rule to obtain the peak value ofthe total response for each response quantity in part (b). (4) Comment on the accuracy of the modal combination rule by comparing the RSA results from pat (©) with the RHA results of Problems 13.7-13.8, 37 Determine the response (displacements and base moment) ofthe inverted L-shaped frame of Fig, E9.6a to horizontal ground motion characterized by the design spectrum of Fig. 6.9.5 scaled to 0.20g peak ground acceleration, given that = 3 m, m= 680 kg, E =200,000 MPa, and = 1171.6 cm; the given value of /is for a 150-mm standard ste! pipe 348 Solve Problem 13.47 for venical ground motion. 349 Solve Problem 13.47 forthe ground motion shown in Fig. P13.16, 480° The umbrella structure of Fig. P13.17 (also of Problems 9.13 and 10.23) is made of 150-mm-nominal diameter standard ste! pipe. Its properties are: != 1171.6 cm’, £=200,000 MPa, mass = 28.23 kg/m, ‘m= 68) ky, and = 3 m, Determine the peak response of this structure to horizontal ground motion characterized by the design spectrum of Fig. 6.9.5 (for 5% damping) scaled to 0.20g peak ground acceleration. Compute (a) displacements my, ty and ws, and (b) the bending moments atthe base of the column and at location a of the beam. Comment on the differences between the results from tk SRSS and CQC modal combination rules, 3.51 Solve Problem 13.50 if the excitation is ve of Fig. 69.5 (for 5% damping) scaled to 0.203 peak ground acceleration, 352. Solve Problem 13.50 if the excitation is ground motion in the dirvetion D-d, characterized by the design spectrum of Fig. 64.5 (or $4 damping) sealed 10 0.20e peak ground aeceleration, mparing the RSA results from pan Ile 4410, ical ground motion characterized by the design spectrum "Demnes tha a lr Is necessary to solve this problem tscaneago con Vamocanner Earthquake Analysis of Linear Systems Chap. 13 Usually, only the lower modes contribute significantly to the response. Therefore, steps 2 and 3 need to be implemented for only these modes and the modal combinations of Eqs. (13.7.3) and (13.7.4) truncated accordingly. Example 13.11 “The peak response of the two-story frame of Example 13.4, shown in Fig, E13.11a, to ground motion characterized by the design spectrum of Fig. 6.9.5 scaled 10 0.5g peak ground acceleration is to be determined, This reinforced-concrete frame has the following properties: m = 90,000 kg, E = 20,000 MPa, / = 40,000 cm*, f= 3 m, L=6 m. Determine the lateral displacements of the frame and bending ‘moments at both ends of each beam and column, Solution Steps | and 2 of the summary have already plemented and the results are available in Examples 10.5 and 13.4. Substituting for £, /, and hin Eq. (b) of Example 13.4 gives «, and 7, =27/a, @=3.987 = 10.61 rad/see T1=1576 — T,=0.5920 sec lial al 70 Dew & EI 1 eG a "gt =| Lom My a — 4A uy x El & ET «| 2B 21 +—+ a 7. 7 (c) () 236 kN-m 520 kN-m x 419 KN-m 1069 kN-m_ 558kN-m | 494 kN-m + T5kN-m ‘ ( 1270 kN-m 543 kNem @ © Figure E1311 tscaneago con Vamocanner Muttistory Buildings with Symmetric Plan 847 Step 3a: Corresponding to these periods, the spectral ordinates are Dy = 35,19 em and Dy=11.79em. 1, Determine the floor displacements. Step 3b: Using Eq. (13.8.1a) with numerical values for [, and ¢q from Example 13.4 and Dy from step 3(a) gives the peak displacements u, due to the two modes: [077 |ssi9—= isos} e™ 48.03 w= {| =-025{7! a uN =| 3 cm Step 4: Using the SRSS rule for modal combination, estimates for the peak values of the floor displacements are w= th = 1.365 uy = B59} + (5.562) = 19.41 em uy = V/4B.O3) + (—4.306)? = 48.23 cm 2. Determine the element forces. Instead of implementing steps 3c and 3d as described in the summary, here we illustrate the computation of element forces from the floor displacements and joint rotations. ‘The elements and nodes are numbered as shown in Fig. E13.11b. First mode. Joint rotations are obtained from Eq. (d) of Example 9.9 with w, replaced by wy: uy 0.4426 —-0.2459 6.681 _ Jul _ 1 | 0.4426 0.2459} 718.59] _] 6.681] 15> = Just = 720] 0.9836 48.03 = | 6.503 | * '° M 0.9836 3. From u, and up, all element forces can be calculated. For example, the bending moment at the left end of the first loor beam (Fig, E13.11c) is, 6H _ GEL Wish sae re ctlh ‘Substituting E = 20,000 MPa, / = 80,000 cm‘, [= 6 m, 0, = uy. M =, ly = 04 =0 gives My = ~ 1069 kN-m, Bending moments in all elements can be calculated similarly. The results are summarized in Table E13.11 and in Fig. E13.11d. EL 2 044+ I+ ty TABLE £13.11 PEAK BENDING MOMENTS (kN-m) Element Node Mode | Mode2_— SRSS Beam | -75 1072 -75 1072 Beam 2 236 S71 236 371 Column 3 494 745 1382 Column § om 660 tscaneago con Vamsocanner 938 ‘Answers to Selected Problems App. C Chapter 9 ml. sensi 8 i po oe in) So um JL ro 28 -10 -10 0 4 it 37.15 -15.12 wm |_f aco w 5.12 10.19 Jl im J | po ii, cy 40.85 —23.26 5. uy Pl i, $+ | -23.26 31.09 -14.25 |} um P={ pO i f SAL =14.25 10.06 } | ws pt) 1 iy El 33.36 -14.91 1,94 uy pit) O11 im 1 ih f+ 15.96 —S.49 uw P=} pl os Jim} | oym 392 | w pr) 9.13 u; uy ), where u; is the horizontal displa displacements of the right and left masses, respectively. ent of the masses and a, and uy are the vertical mii + ku=pal) (10 0) 1} iat) +) for tig(0) = tig () (LL =L) fori, =iio(t) 915 mit ku=pan() 2/3 -1/6 1/2 a 2 2 m=m| -1/6 2/3 -1/2 |.k=k] -2 5-2 |.pa()=—muii,(1) 1/2 -1/2 1 2-2 6 m(1/2— 1/2. 0) for ground motion in the x di [mel =} in(1/2_~1/2 1) for ground motion in the y direction m(/J2 0 1/72) for ground motion in the d-b direction tscaneago con Vamocanner op. 16 mit ku= pal) Answers to Selected Problems 939 10 0 60 0 0 1 52 |k=t}0 6 za 0 b/2 Sw/I2 0» mp eel m1 0 0) for ground motion in the x direction [me]? =} m( 0 1 6/2) for ground motion in the y direction m( 1/¥2 1/¥2_ b/2V2) for ground motion in the d-b direction oi8 mii +ku=—mii,(1) 1 m=m 1 (10 0) (0 10) (0 01) (1/3) 1 6EI 920. mit+ Fu =—m(1/2 921. mii +ku=—muii,(0) «-(t}s- men[! J 922 mii +ku=—muii,(1) 1.4294 0.2985 0.3234 Ey | 9-9283 0.9088 0.2345 symm, | 1 for ground motion inthe x direction for ground motion in the y direction for ground motion in the z direction 11) for ground motion in the a-d direction iia(t) wifi {x 6EI[ 176 —48 1 [266 182 7D \-48 176|" 42-42 wag “hob men[! 923 mii+ ku =—muii,(f) se 128 0] [05 05 Al=5 0 140)’ =[03 -03 q w=(u uw) U(r lr he Hal 1 40 0 m=m| 1 k=k]0 4 0 P/6 00 ! 0 =\/b rou 0 0 0 =1/b 1/b Ab tscaneago con Vamocanner 940 Answors to Solocted Problems 9.25 mii} ku ANT : 210 16d 597 0403 m [ vary] huis (ies Bel [staat vost Chapter 10 TOI (a) (2) O.ScOSayt +05 cOse;F; W(t) = 0.5 coset = 0.5 COScaxt 106 (a) | 4 7S0/ET/ mh’, ws = 9.082 ET inh, by = (1 V2)! dr = 1 v3" 10.7 0, = LOTLVEL/ mh’, wy = 8.609 /1 mh, =(0.919 1)',¢=(-0.544 1)’ TON (a) y(t) = 1.207 coset ~ 0.207 cos ast, U3(0) = 1.707 cos at + 0.293 cos art wy = 7.193 /ET/mh -0.490/h —0.490/h —0.304/h —0.304/h)" 1 =0.241/h =0.241/h = 1.677/h = 1.677/h)" 10,12 VET] mh, 1) = 2.241, 2 = 4.899, 04) = 7.14; 314 0.686 1)’, 05-05 1)'.6)=(3.186 -2.186 1)" 1014 JET mi, a, = 1.423, a3 =4.257, a = 6.469; dr =(0.7 0.873 1)’, —0.549 0.133 1)", gy =(1.301 -1.614 1)! my 1.2440 0.3333 0.0893 1OAS (a) { u(0 } =} 2.1547} cos@tt} 0 eosant+ } —0.1547 } cosaxt win} (24880 0.3333 0.1786 min) [0.935 0.065 10.16 (a) 4 u(t) 2.04 } coset + | —0.0448 } cosant wo} [2.98 0.0205 10.23 (a) w, 17: sbe{ ut) 0.3969 0.6031 wy Faany 0.7736 } cost + {0.7736} coset uu) 0.7736 -0,7706 2A 0, = 5.87, 6.12, 10.74 radisce % =O 0155 O09)". hy = ASK 0-0), = 00M 0.0475)! tscaneago con Vamocanner 944 13.38 13.39 13.40 13.41 13.47 13.50 13.54 13.58 13.59 Answers to Selected Problems Veg =~ 139215 (1) + 1392, (0 = £)+5.26A,(0) + 6.66A,(t) + 12.17A\() = 5.26A\(t = 1') + 6.66A2(t ~ f') = 12.17A = 0) Vi = 1606u,(1) — 16061,(t = £) ~ 3.43A\(0) + 12.34A(0 + 343A, (0 1) — 12.34A,0 = 0); 0.2314) + 1.231 u(t 1) 0.37D\(0), =0.0056D (1 —1') +0.139D.(0) + 1.225Dx(t— 1) (b) 4) =u) — 0.364D\(1) + 1.364D,(0), (@) (b) First-story column: M, Second-floor beam: My fa) WW) 83cm 12, Muse = 709 KN-m ‘Megas = 340 KN-m 2.96 cm, V, =470 KN, V2 = 198 KN, 2661 KN-m, M, = 792 kKN-m_ }0.22 em, us = 13.73 cm 484 KN-m, Mpae = 1185 kN-m =852 kN-m M, (@) (b) story column: My, Second-floor beam: Mi Men 4) =2.97 cm, = 6.13 em, M,=21.3 kN-m (a) 4, =3.88 cm, w,=7.41 cm, Alem 1.88 kN-m_ uy(em) V4 (KN) Vy (KN) SRSS 267 851 783 coc 171 5.38 828 u,(om) (em) (b/2)ue (em) V, (KN) V, (KN) T (KN-m) CQC 159 15.978 4.203 248.1 229.9 271.47 SRSS 15.9 15.970 4.243, 248.1 229.5 274.56 Bending moments (kN-m) May Me Muy May Mey Ma Mu CQC 134.9 128.5 67.46 103.1 100.4 200.8 128.56 SRSS 171.2 128.0 85.6 103.2 85.6 171.2 128.02 Displacement SRSS Rule (cm) CQC Rule (em) 4, 247 2.616 4, 1.604 1.853 u 1.427 0.663 tscaneago con Lamocanner

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