Exercise 1 - Opening and Saving Files

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Chapter 1: Basic Interaction With HyperMesh

Exercise: Opening and Saving Files

This exercise uses the following model files: bumper_cen_mid1.hm, bumper_mid.hm,
bumper_end.iges, and bumper_end_rgd.fem. Each model file contains various
sections, That will be assembled into the full bumper model.

Step 1: Open the HyperMesh model file, bumper_cen_mid1.hm.

1. Access the Open File… dialog in one of the following ways:
• From the Pull-down menu, choose File, then Open

• From the Standard toolbar, click Open .HM File

2. Open the model file, bumper_cen_mid1.hm.
The model file, bumper_cen_mid1.hm, is now loaded. This file contains mesh and
geometry data.

HyperMesh model file, bumper_cen_mid1.hm, opened in HyperMesh

Step 2: Import the HyperMesh model file, bumper_mid.hm, into the current
HyperMesh session.
1. Access the Import tab in one of the following ways:
• From the Pull-down menu, choose File, then Import.

• From the Standard toolbar, click Import .

HyperWorks 10.0 HyperMesh Introduction 7

Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc.
Chapter 1: Basic Interaction With HyperMesh

2. From the Import tab in the tab area, choose the HM Model icon from the selection.

3. Under File selection, click the Open and browse to select the file,
4. Click Import.
The file, bumper_mid.hm, is now imported into the session.

HyperMesh model file, bumper_mid.hm, imported on top of existing data in the HyperMesh

Step 3: Import the IGES geometry file, bumper_end.igs, into the current
HyperMesh session.

1. From the Import tab in the tab area, choose the Geometry icon .
2. Under File selection, choose File type: Iges from the pull-down menu.

3. Under File selection, click the Open icon and browse to select the file,
4. Click Import.
Geometry data is added to the model.

8 HyperMesh Introduction HyperWorks 10.0

Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc
Chapter 1: Basic Interaction With HyperMesh

IGES geometry file, bumper_end.igs, imported into the session

Step 4: Import the RADIOSS Bulk Data input file, bumper_end_rgd.fem, into
the current HyperMesh session.

1. From the Import tab in the tab area, choose the FE Model icon .
2. Under File selection, select File type: RADIOSS (Bulk Data) from the pull-down menu.
3. Under File selection, click the Open icon in File: and browse to
4. Click Import.
This RADIOSS input file contains mesh for the bumper’s end portion. The mesh is added
to the existing data in the current HyperMesh session and will be located in the same
area as the geometry representing the bumper’s end.

RADIOSS input file, bumper_end_rgd.fem, imported on top of data in the current HyperMesh

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Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc.
Chapter 1: Basic Interaction With HyperMesh

Step 5: Save the HyperMesh session as a HyperMesh model file called

1. From the File pull-down menu, select Save As...
2. Enter the name, practice.hm.
3. Click Save.
The data currently loaded in HyperMesh is now saved in a HyperMesh binary data file of
the name you entered.

Step 6: Export the model’s geometry data to an IGES file called

1. Access the Export tab in one of the following ways:
• From the Pull-down menu, choose File, then Export.

• From the Standard toolbar, click Export .

2. In the Export tab, choose the Geometry icon .

3. Under File selection, File type: should indicate Iges.
4. Under File selection, click the Open icon in the File field, browse to the desired
destination folder, and enter practice.igs.
5. Click Save.
All of the geometry loaded in HyperMesh (points, lines, surfaces) is now saved in an
.iges file with the name you entered.
6. Click Apply to export the file.

Step 7: Export the model’s mesh data to a RADIOSS Bulk Data input file called
1. In the Export tab, choose Export type: FE Model from the pull-down menu.
2. Under File selection, choose File type: RADIOSS (Bulk Data) from the pull-down
3. Under File selection, click the Open icon in the File field, browse to the desired
destination folder, and enter practice.fem.
4. Click save.
All of the finite element data loaded in HyperMesh (nodes, elements, loads, etc.) is now
saved as an .fem file with the name you entered.
5. Click Export.

10 HyperMesh Introduction HyperWorks 10.0

Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc
Chapter 1: Basic Interaction With HyperMesh

Step 8 (Optional): Delete all data from the current HyperMesh session.
1. Access the delete New HyperMesh Model function in one of the following ways:
• From the Pull-down menu, click File, then New...

• From the Standard toolbar, click New .hm File

2. Answer Yes to the pop-up question "Do you wish to delete the current model? (y/n)".

Step 9 (Optional): Import the IGES geometry file you created, practice.igs.
Refer to Step 3 for detailed instructions.

Step 10 (Optional): Import the RADIOSS Bulk Data input file you created,
practice.fem, into the current HyperMesh session.
Import practice.fem into the current session. The data in the file will be added to the
existing data in the current HyperMesh session. Refer to Step 4 for detailed instructions.
With the completion of Steps 8, 9, and 10, your current HyperMesh session should contain
all of the geometry and mesh data that existed in the HyperMesh session that was saved to
a HyperMesh file in Step 5.

Step 11 (Optional): Save your work.

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Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc.

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