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Lesson Plan 2

WEEK 2: 8-12 April

Flowers, plants, flowers of Spring

Activity 1: "Flowers in Art"

Objective: Learning vocabulary related to flower names.

Students are shown famous paintings of flowers. I encourage students to describe the paintings. Then I
ask them to give each table a title of their own. We locate the flowers. In combination with cards we
look to find the name of each flower and match it, putting the card on the corresponding board. Then
one student gets to mix them up and the rest have to do the matching again. Whoever finds the match
must call out the name of the flower. If they manage to collect three cards they have won. The game can
be replayed.

Finally, we play a digital puzzle game, where again we have to call out the names of the plants as soon as
we find them.

Activity 2: "A plant catalog all our own"

Objective: Getting familiar with the botanical book as a kind of book and the names of the plants.

This specific activity concerns the identification of basic plants and flowers. The students are asked from
the day before to go for a walk with their parents and pick whatever flowers or plants they find
interesting. Because there is a chance that they will neglect it, the teacher also brings flowers or they
pick from the yard. Then, using the cell phone and specifically the google lens tool, we find the names of
the plants and write them down, composing words with letters from a newspaper, in a group plant log
that we will construct. Students present the plant list to the rest of the class, trying to mention the name
of the plant as well. The plant log goes into the class library.

Activity 3: "The Daisy Puzzle"

Objective: To practice vocabulary related to plant parts.

In this specific activity, students familiarize themselves with the parts of the
plant. . I ask questions about the parts of the plant. They look for what looks
like the head of the plant, the arms and legs that hold it to the ground.
Students then solve a 3D puzzle.
Then we help a flower find their pieces. In one plate I put daisies roots, in another stems-sprouts, in
another flowers and in yet another leaves. The children fill in the relevant worksheet. Finally, they
present it, naming each part.

Picture 1: 3D puzzle

Activity 4: "My Plant"

Objective: To learn basic vocabulary about the sowing process.

In this activity, the children are asked to make Mr. Fakoulis and Mrs. Fasola. In a plastic cup the children
plant beans and lentils and glue eyes and draw a smile so that when the seeds sprout they look like hair.

We are watching a related video about sowing

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Someone takes it upon themselves to repeat the instructions and the others carry them out. We can
also write the steps in order on the board, allowing students to draw next to what I write.

Activity 5: "We a flower"

Objective: To practice vocabulary related to plants.

Now knowing the parts of a plant the students are asked to work with the general class students to
make a group flower. We do a brainstorming session with the integration students. First, we remember
again what the parts of the plant are. Then we look for ways to depict them. Questions like "How could
we make the stem of the flower?", "How could we make the leaves?", "What will we put for leaves?",
are asked. They make a cardboard-sized flower as a group.

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