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Christopher Columbus's first voyage, or "Voyage of Discovery", was a sea voyage undertaken by Columbus in service of the Catholic Monarchs

Isabella and Ferdinand of Castile

and Aragon, which began on August 3, 1492 from the port of Palos de la Frontera (Huelva, Spain) .
He participated in three ships: the caravel Pinta, the caravel Niña, and the ship Santa Maria, under the command of Martin Al onso Pinzon, Vicente Yanez Pinzon and Christopher
Columbus, in this order. The ships left Palos de la Frontera on August 3, 1492 and headed for the Canary Islands, where the P inta had to be repaired. On September 16, the ships
reached the Sargasso Sea and on October 12 to the island "Guanahani", which is now known as San Salvador, Bahamas. However, C olumbus may have reached the island
asmalerisandintheBahamasrchipelago,acordingtoastudypublishedinNationalGeographicmagzinein1986,althoughmanyhistorans Samana Cay, and
.They believe in that. This arrival is traditionally referred to as the discovery of America .
on December 5. On December 24, Santa Maria ran aground on the on October 27 and Hispaniola Columbus continued his journey through the Caribbean and
coasts of Hispaniola and the first fort was built from its remains arrived in Cuba

The journey began on January 16, 1493 and after a few days the storm separated the two ships. Pinta, under the command of Pin zon, arrived in Bayona (Galicia) at the end of February and
discovery. At the same time, on the Niña, which Columbus was traveling on, it stopped on February 17 on the island of Santa M aria de Açores, Azores, and on March 4 in
Lisbon, after a seven- month and twenty - eight- day journey. On the fifth day of March, Columbus returned to the port of Palos de la Frontera and was received by the
Catholic Kings in Barcelona in
The following month.

The previous history

The geographical context
This product is highly demanded in the West via the Asian Silk Road, for use in the kitchen and its high price. Christopher Columbus had a copy of The spices were
Marco Polo's journeys and he had filled them with observations, especially in the part where he talks about distances, produc ts, and the wealth of Asia.
However, knowledge was
with incomplete maps have identified only the Mediterranean area. In the 15th century, European cuisine used saffron, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves. The price of these
spices in the markets was very high: a pound of these products was sold at Renaissance auctions for several gold coins
The Asian islands were rich in important spices, such as cloves or nutmeg, which could be found in the southern sea in Molucc as. The route that had to be
chosen to reach India or China was a route that led from the European peninsula to the East and then to the Middle East. The Turks were growing
stronger. In Constantinople and as their power in the Middle East increased, the cost of importing northern products increase d
Portugal and Castile in the Atlantic Ocean

Portugal carried out important sea voyages. The Azores and Madeira were explored in the Atlantic Ocean and the southern coast of Africa. It started
In the 15th century, Castile decided to control the Canary Islands and in 1476, during the reign of the Catholic Kings, Diego Garcia de Herrera,
.Lord of Nazareth, led a mission to the African coasts and ordered the construction of the Santa Cruz de la Mar Pequeña fortress

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