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Bài thi: NGOẠI NGỮ; Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH

ĐỀ SỐ 11 Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
(Đề thi có 04 trang)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions
Question 1: A. honest B. humble C. hopeful D. hosted
Question 2: A. planet B. fashion C. travel D. nature

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. enjoy B. enter C. answer D. yellow
Question 4: A. proposal B. dominant C. detective D. achievement
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each
of the following questions.
Question 5: Would you show me ________ shortest way to the airport?
A. the B. Ø C. an D. a
Question 6: I am proud to say that _______ and friendliness are features of Vietnamese people in the eyes of
many foreigners.
A. hospitably B. hospital C. hospitality D. hospitable
Question 7: She is capable ________speaking five languages fluently.
A. about B. out C. of D. up
Question 8: I think that he danced ________ than his friend
A. more beautiful B. most beautiful C. more beautifully D. most beautifully
Question 9: The children have never read that book before, ________ ?
A. haven't they B. have they C. hasn't he D. has he
Question 10: I ________ home when I met my former teacher.
A. was walking B. would walk C. walked D. had walked
Question 11: They will have suffered from coldness and hunger for 6 hours _______ them on the cover
A. after we had found B. when we found
C. as soon as we had found D. by the time we find
Question 12: Every day, Peters mother drives him to school. However, today, he _______ to school by his
A. is taking B. was taken C. took D. is being taken
Question 13: More emphasis should be placed on _______ alternative sources such as wind, solar energy, and
A. to develop B. develops C. developing D. developed
Question 14: You shouldn't lose heart; success often comes to those who are not _______ by failures.
A. switched off B. left out C. turned on D. put off
Question 15: New technology is seen as a ________ issue for the next five years and every school will benefit
in some way.
A. marginal B. central C. peripheral D. crucial
Question 16: The tap is dripping, the bath's overflowing, the plumber's on holiday; what a fine kettle of
________ this is!”
A. fish B. shrimp C. dolphin D. whale
Question 17: Cultural ________ are characteristics shared by individuals belonging to the same group or
A. identities B. identifiers C. factors D. identifications
Question 18: I don't like networking events - spending hours trying to _______ small talk with strangers just
isn't my cup of tea.
A. do B. take C. have D. make
Question 19: The company, ________ a leader in the tech industry, recently released a new smartphone model.
A. is considered B. considered C. considering D. has considered

Mark the letter A,B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 20: To produce a favourite impression, one needs to pay attention to his personal appearance.
A. favourite B. one C. pay attention D. personal
Question 21: When we were in Canada, we play basketball almost every day.
A. When B. in C. play D. almost
Question 22: K-pop girl group Blackpink will be celebrating the fifth anniversary of her debut with the
unveiling of a special film.
A. celebrating B. anniversary C. her D. a
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word in each of the following questions.
Question 23: You know you didn't study hard, so you're going to have to face the music and take the class
again next semester if you really want to graduate.
A. accept reality B. get the approval C. receive backing D. call for aid
Question 24: The company gave a short yet compelling statement to the press about their recent scandal.
A. temporary B. sharp C. brief D. quick

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
The body language people use often communicates more about their feelings than the words they are
saying. We use body movements, hand gestures, facial expressions, and changes in our voice to communicate
with each other. Although some body language is universal, many gestures are culturally specific and may
mean different things in different countries.
If you want to give someone the nod in Bulgaria, you have to nod your head to say no and shake it to say
yes - the exact opposite of what we do! In Belgium, pointing with your index finger or snapping your fingers at
someone is very rude.
In France, you shouldn't rest your feet on tables or chairs. Speaking to someone with your hands in your
pockets will only make matters worse. In the Middle East, you should never show the soles of your feet or
shoes to others as it will be seen as a grave insult. When eating, only use your right hand because they use their
left hands when going to the bathroom.
In Bangladesh, the 'thumbs-up' is a rude sign. In Myanmar, people greet each other by clapping, and in
India, whistling in public is considered rude.
In Japan, you should not blow your nose in public, but you can burp at the end of a meal to show that you
have enjoyed it. The 'OK' sign (thumb and index finger forming a circle) means 'everything is good' in the
West, but in China it means nothing or zero. In Japan, it means money, and in the Middle East, it is a rude
Question 25: What would be the best title of the passage?
A. Body language and cultural differences.
B. Culture in different countries
C. What should be noticed when you visit Middle East
D. Signals in different culture.
Question 26: Different countries are all mentioned in the passage EXCEPT ________ .
A. China B. Japan C. France D. Ganada
Question 27: The word "others" in paragraph 3 refers to ________.
A. other people B. other shoes C. other soles D. other feet
Question 28: It is mentioned in the passage that many gestures ________.
A. may mean different things in different countries
B. are not used to communicate our feelings
C. can be used to greet each other in public
D. are used in greeting among men and women
Question 29: What can best replace the word "universal" in the first paragraph?
A. global B. national C. local D. extensive

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
Until fairly recently, explaining the presence of human beings in Australia was not such a problem. At the
beginning of the twentieth century, it was thought that Aborigines had been on the continent for no more than
400 years. As recently as the 1960s, the time-frame was estimated to be perhaps 8,000 years. Then in 1969 a
geologist from the Australian National University in Canberra was poking around on the shores of a long-dried
lake bed called Mungo in a dry and lonely corner of New South Wales when something caught his eye. It was
the skeleton of a woman sticking out slightly from a sandbank. The bones were collected and sent off for
carbon dating. When the report came back, it showed that the woman had died 23,000 years ago. Since then,
other finds have pushed the date back further. Today the evidence points to an arrival date of at least 45,000
years ago but probably more like 60,000.
The first occupants of Australia could not have walked there because at no point in human times has
Australia not been an island. They could not have arisen independently because Australia has no apelike
creatures from which humans could have descended. The first arrivals could only have come by sea,
presumably from Timor or the Indonesian archipelago, and here is where the problems arise.
In order to put Homo sapiens in Australia you must accept that at a point in time so remote that it precedes
the known rise of behaviourally modern humans, there lived in southern Asia a people so advanced that they
were finishing inshore waters from boats of some sort. Never mind that they the archaeological record shows no
one else on earth doing this for another 30,000 years.
Next, we have to explain what led them to cross at least sixty miles of open sea to reach a land they could
hardly have known was there. The scenario that is usually described is of a simple fishing craft probably little
more than a floating platform - accidentally carried out to sea probably in one of the sudden storms that are
characteristic of this area. This craft then drifted helplessly for some days before washing up on a beach in
northern Australia. So far, so good.
The question that naturally arises - but is seldom asked - is how you get a new population out of this. If it's
a lone fisherman who is carried off to Australia, then clearly he must find his way back to his homeland to
report his discovery and persuade enough people to come with him to start a colony. This suggests, of course,
the possession of considerable sailing skills.
By any measure this is a staggeringly momentous achievement. And how much notice is paid to it? Well,
ask yourself the last time when you read anything about it. When was the last time in any context concerning
human movements and the rise of civilisations that you saw even a passing mention of the role of aborigines?
They are the planet's invisible people.
A big part of the problem is that for most of us it is nearly impossible to grasp what an extraordinary span
of time we are considering here. Assume for the sake of argument that the Aborigines arrived 60,000 years ago
(that is the figure used by Roger Lewin of Havard in Principles of Evolution, a standard text). On that scale, the
total period of European occupation of Australia represents about 0.3 percent of the total. In other words, for
the first 99.7 per cent of its inhabited history, the Aborigines had Australia to themselves. They have been there
an unimaginably long time.
(From: First Practice Tests Extra)
Question 30: What did the discovery of the skeleton show?
A. Aborigines used to live in very remote parts of Australia.
B. The area called Mungo, now dry, was once a lake.
C. Aborigines have been in Australia for longer than previously thought.
D. The Aborigine population was larger than originally thought.
Question 31: Which of the following statements is NOT true, according to the text?
A. Australia has always been an island since people existed.
B. Australian apes became extinct before human times.
C. Aborigines probably originated in Timor or Indonesia.
D. Aborigines must have arrived in Australia by sea.
Question 32: Why is it so surprising that Homo sapiens got to Australia?
A. It required skills that people generally developed very much later
B. People in that area were less advanced than other peoples at this time.
C. Only much smaller boats have been found elsewhere from this period.
D. Aborigines are not particularly known for their sailing skills.
Question 33: What usually provides the explanation for the Aborigines arrival in Australia?
A. their curiosity B. bad weather
C. a desire for better fishing D. hunger for land
Question 34: Which word could replace "staggeringly" without changing the meaning?
A. extraordinarily B. shockingly C. wonderfully D. desperately
Question 35: What does the writer seem most surprised by at the end of this extract?
A. the way that Aborigines managed to establish themselves in Australia
B. how badly European settlers treated Australian Aborigines
C. how long Australian Aborigines have lived on the continent
D. the fact that so little attention is paid to this aspect of human history
Question 36: What are the main points the writer is making in the last paragraph?
A. The Europeans had no rights to take over Aborigine land in Australia
B. No one can be exactly certain as to when the Aborigines first arrived in Australia
C. The Aborigines have inhabited Australia for much longer than the Europeans have Europe.
D. The Aborigines were the only people in Australia for most of the time since it was settled.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 37: Beatrix is not here. She is the only person who can tell me what to do now.
A. If only Beatrix had been here and told me what to do now.
B. If Beatrix were here, she couldn't help me now.
C. Supposing Beatrix is here, she could tell me what to do now.
D. I wish Beatrix were here and told me what to do now.
Question 38: Yuri Gagarin made a successful space flight in 1961. Human's uncertainties about universe were
enlightened only then.
A. Hardly had Yuri Gagarin made a successful space flight in 1961, human's uncertainties about universe
were enlightened.
B. Without human's uncertainties about universe, Yuri Gagarin wouldn't have made a successful space flight
in 1961.
C. Not until human's uncertainties about universe were enlightened did Yuri Gagarin make a successful
space flight in 1961.
D. Only after Yuri Gagarin had made a successful space flight in 1961 were human's uncertainties about
universe enlightened.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of
the following exchanges.
Question 39:
- Zach: “Mr.Louis, we do appreciate your taking the time to help us?
- Kurk: “__________.”
A. Allow me to offer my congratulations.
B. I'm glad to be of some service.
C. Thank you. I'm sure I don't deserve it.
D. Why don't you buy me something as a reward.
Question 40: Kathy and Tony are talking about their final exam.
- Kathy: “Due to the new wave of Covid-19 pandemic across the country, I’m afraid our exam will be
- Tony: “Oh, __________!”
A. I don't hope so B. I don't hope either C. I hope not D. I think not so

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each
of the following questions.
Question 41: She started working as a teacher of English ten years ago.
A. She had worked as a teacher of English for ten years.
B. She had been working as a teacher of English for ten years.
C. She worked as a teacher of English for ten years.
D. She has been working as a teacher of English for ten years.
Question 42: It's a long time since I last saw my faraway grandparents.
A. I last saw my faraway grandparents for a long time
B. I haven't seen my faraway grandparents since a long time.
C. My grandparents was living faraway a long time ago.
D. I haven't seen my faraway grandparents for a long time.
Question 43: You are not permitted to use your mobile phone during the test.
A. You should use your mobile phones during the test.
B. You may use your mobile phone during the test.
C. You mustn't your use mobile phones during the test.
D. You needn't your use mobile phones during the test.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 44: The library reduced the number of print newspapers and magazines that they used to subscribe
A. increased B. decreased C. rose D. fell
Increase sth: tăng cái gì
Question 45: I really enjoy a cut and thrust with James; he always has a unique perspective, even if we clash
A. a lively debate B. an approval C. a disagreement D. a boring discussion

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Cartoon films have very few limits. If you can draw something, you can (46) ________ it move on the
cinema screen. The use of new ideas and advanced computer programs means that cartoons are becoming
exciting again for people of all ages.
By the end of the 1970s, the cinema world had decided that cartoons were only for children. But soon
afterward one or two directors had some original new ideas. They proved that it was possible to make films in
(47) ________ both adults and children could share the fun. (48) ________ , not every cartoon film was
(49)________ . The Black Cauldron, for example, failed, mainly because it was too frightening for children and
too childish for adults. Directors learnt from this (50) ________ , and the film companies began to make large
amounts of money again.
Question 46: A. get B. cause C. wish D. make
Question 47: A. that B. who C. whose D. which
Question 48: A. However B. Therefore C. Moreover D. And
Question 49: A. succeed B. success C. successful D. successfully
Question 50: A. damage B. crime C. mistake D. faul

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