Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book

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lectric systems lechnology Jostitute Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book ah B ABB Power T&D Company Inc. PAD Preface to the fifth edition Fifty-five years ago, the Central Station Engineering Group of Westinghouse Electric Company first published a book focused on the practical application of electrical engineering to the transportation and delivery of electric power. ‘The Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book proved to be a simple, practical, and useful reference book for electric utility engineers aswell as electrical equipment designers. Three generations of power engineers have used what has become popularly known as the “T&D Book” both as a core technical reference and as a tutorial on the finer points of power delivery stem design and operation. In the five and one haif decades between its original publication and this latest edition, the T&D Book was revised and expanded three times. In many ways, the T&D book’s growth and evolution mirrored that of the electric power industry itself. The original book focused almost exclusively on transmission systems, addressing the higher voltages and longer lines then becoming common, as well as the rapidly growing complexity of transmissiot systems, particularly due to interconnection of individual electric utility systems into large power grids. The long-term trend, however, was toward an inereasing focus on distribution, that portion of the T&D system nearest the customer. Subsequent revisions of the T&D book added sections on power distribution systems, primary and secondary network design, capacitor application, and voltage flicker. This latest revision continues the trend of increasing attention to the levels of the T&D system nearest the customer. Chapter 24, Characteristics of Distribution Loads, focuses on consumer load requirements and how they imteract with distribution system economy and reliability. It presents detailed guidelines and design methods to identify the behavior of electric load on the distribution system, and to address it with respect to the “two Qs” — quantity and quality — that consumers of electric power have come fo expect the T&D system will provide. A more recent and accelerating trend in the power industry is the growth through mergers and acquisitions of both power companies and equipment supplicrs into international companies operating on a worldwide scale. Several enormous power companies operate large power grids on three or more continents. More directly associated with this book, what was once the Central Station Engineering Group of Westinghouse Electric Company has been absorbed into ABB ELECTRIC SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE, part of a global company with technical and business resources vastly beyond anything the original authors of the T&D book could have envisioned. ABB-ETI continues to maintain the traditional, practical focus of the T&D book’s creators, but has added research and development activities focused on meeting the needs of the 21" century with new equipment, designs, and technology This latest revision does more than just talk about new technologies. Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book, fifth edition, is available in the traditional printed format as well as on computerized CD-ROM. The new format expands the book’s usefulness as a resource for modem power engineers. The material presented here is the result of research, investigation and practical application by many engineers and scientists, including cooperative studies with electric utilities, conductor and cable manufacturers, communications companies and industrial power users. It is not feasible to list here all of the names of the companies and individuals who have contributed to the body of knowledge covered in this book. — These acknowledgements are given in the individual chapters. The authors gratefully acknowledge the hearty cooperation of all those who worked to produce this book. In particular, we wish to thank Ms Kathy Hendricks, who tirelessly assisted in the preparation, editing, and formatting of this fifth edition. Enrique Santacana Vice-President and Director October 1, 1997 CHAPTER | 6 10 Contents Original Author and Revising Author General Considerations of Transmission CA. Powel © CA. Powel Symmetrical Components LE. Hobson @ D. Le Whiteheud Characteristics of Aerial Lines Sherwin H, Wright and C.F Hall © D, E Shankle und RL. Tremaine Electrical Characteristics of Cables . LN, Maller, de @J.S, Williams Power Transformers and Reactors - JE. Hobson and R. L. Wircke WR. L. Witche and J. 8. Williams Machine Characteristics C.F Wagner © C.F Wagner Excitation Systems JE. Barkle, Jn Application of Capacitors to Power Systems AA Jolson Regulation and Losses of Transmission Lines GD. McCann @ RF Lawrence Steady-State Performance of Systems Including Methods of Network Solution : EL, Hanier ® EL, Marder Relay and Circuit Breaker Application EL, Hander and J. C. Cunningham @ EL Harder and IC. Canningham Power-Line Carrier Application R.C. Cheek Power-System Stability—Basic Elements of Theory and Application . RD. Evans cond 1.8. Muller Ir I. E. Burkle Ie and BL. Tremaine Power System Voltages and Currents During Abnormal Conditions RL Witche @ RL, Witcke page page - page page page page page 64 96 page page page = page page page 290 342 401 433 496 CHAPTER 15 Original Author and Revising Author Wave Propagation on Transmission Lines. CE Wingner and GD. McCann @ C.F Wagner Lightning Phenomena . CP Wauner and GD. McCann @ CF Wagner and JM. Claxton Line Design Based on Direct Strokes A.C. Monteith © E, L, Harder und J. M. Clayton Insulation Coordination wee ALG Monteith cnn #. 8 Vaughan © A.A, Jolson Grounding of Power-System Neutrals SB. Griscom SB. Griscusn Distribution Systems Jolin 8. Parsons and HG. Barnet ® Jobn 8, Parsons and HG. Barnett Primary and Secondary Network Distribution Systems John S. Parsons and HG. Barnett ® John S, Parsons and H. G, Barnest Lamp Flicker on Power Systems . SB, Griscom MS, B. Griseoms Coordination of Power and Communication Systems RD. Evans @ RL, Wirske Characteristics of Distribution Loads HL, Willis Appendix Index + page page page + page page page page + page page + page » page page 923 542 578, 610 643 666 689 n9 741 784 809 838 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS OF TRANSMISSIO) Original Author: G. A. Powel plication, the engineer has made eleetrieity of eon tinually greuler use to mankind. ‘The invention of the dynamo firet made engine power man: effective in relieving the toil and increasing the opportu nities and comforts not only of industry but also of the home. Its scope, however, was limited fo relatively short, distances from the power station beeatise of the low voltage of the distribution vireuils. This tnitation, for economic reasons, kopt the goncral use of electricity confined to city areas where number of customers could be served from the same power station. ‘The next step in the development of the present-day eleetrie systems was the invention of the transformer, ‘This invention was revolutionary in its elfect fon the eleetrie industry because it made high voltage and Tong transmission distances possible, thus placing the engine power, through the medinm of the alternating- current generator, at the doorstep of practically everyone. ‘The first alternating current system in America using transformers was pnt in operation at Great Barrinuton in Massachusetts in 1886, Mr, William Staniey, Westing- house electrical expert who was responsible for the install tion, gives an acconnt of the plant, part of which reads: Teh ee invention, and engineering ap- times more “Before loaving Pittsiangh I designed several induction coil, for transformers ax we now eall them, For parallel cannestion ‘The original was designed in the early summer of 1885 and wound for £00 volts primary and 100 volts secondary en Several ther epils were consimucted for experimsatal purposes. “At the north onc of the village of Great Brvingtan wus an old

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