Machine Learning - CO

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Machine Learning

4.1 Overview of the course

 Machine Learning is a science of developing algorithms and statistical

models that computer systems use to perform tasks without explicit
instructions,relying on patterns. It is a type of artificial intelligence that
enables systems to learn patterns from data and subsequently improve
from experience.
 In this course, students will have an exciting journey of discovery,
unlocking the secrets of Machine Language along with the Python
language. Through hands-on activities and creative projects, students will
not only learn the essential skills of Machine Learning.

4.2 Course Outline

Module -1

o Google Colaboratory for Python – Getting Systems Ready

o Python Basics
o Python Basic Data Types – int, float, string, complex, Boolean
o Python Special Data Types – List, Tuple, Set, Dictionary
o Operators in Python
o if else in Python
o Loops in Python – For Loop & While Loop
o Functions in Python
o Numpy Tutorial for ML
o Program execution
o Pandas Tutorial for ML
o Program execution
o Matplotlib for ML
o Program execution
o Seaborn Tutorial for ML
o Program execution
o Machine Learning Basics
o Types of Machine Learning: Supervised, Unsupervised & Reinforcement

Project Question:

1. IPL Matches Analysis using Python libraries

2. E-Commerce Purchase Analysis using Python libraries
3. Udemy Course Analysis using Data Visualisation libraries
4. 911 Calls Capstone Project

Module -2

o Supervised Learning & its Types

o Unsupervised Learning & its Types
o Artificial Intelligence vs Machine Learning vs Deep Learning
o Math Basics for Machine Learning:
o Linear Algebra
o Calculus
o Statistics
o Probability
o Data Collection & Processing:
o Where to collect Data & How to collect Data
o Importing Data through Kaggle API
o Handling Missing Values
o Data Standardization
o Training the Machine Learning Models:
o What is a Machine Learning Model
o How to select a model for training
o Model Optimization Techniques
o Model Evaluation
o Regression Models in Machine Learning:
o Linear Regression – Theory
o Linear Regression – Building from Scratch
o Regression Models in Machine Learning:
o Logistic Regression – Theory
o Logistic Regression – Building from Scratch
o Support Vector Machines (SVM) – Theory
o Support Vector Machines (SVM) – Building from Scratch

Machine Learning Projects with Python:

1.Diabetes Prediction with Python

2.House Price Prediction with Python

Course Outcome:

 Understand a wide variety of learning algorithms:

 The student understands how to evaluate models generated from data.
Apply the algorithms to a real problem, optimise the models learned and
report on the expected accuracy that can be achieved by applying the
 Also the student can involve in the development of algorithms that can
make predictions based on the given data and technology.

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