Down-Sell Sequences Swipe

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Down-Sell Sequence Swipe





SUBJECT LINE: Would a single template work better?

Entrepreneurship is HARD freakin’ work!

No, I’m not talking about all the crap we have to learn (but that
ain’t easy!).

I’m talking about the mindset work.

I’m talking about the ability to FOCUS on what is important in the


There are so many shiny objects!

The successful entrepreneurs are the ones who can put on

blinders and avoid shiny-object syndrome.

And I can tell you’ve got that skill nailed, {first_name}.

As you know, I recently closed the doors to my flagship product,

The Online Genius Template Library.

It would’ve been great to serve you by giving you access to all my

But I know that some entrepreneurs just don’t need all my legal

For those entrepreneurs, buying my Template Library would be a


I’m guessing you fall into this camp.

And you deserve a fist bump for making the wise decision not to
buy the latest shiny object!

I want you to know that I haven’t forgotten about you, {first_name}.

Nope. I spend every day thinking about entrepreneurs just like you!

You know… entrepreneurs who need just a template or two rather

than ALL the things.

That’s why I offer individual legal templates for sale year-round.

No launches…

No doors closing…

Just legal templates to help you protect your business quickly,

easily, and affordably!

But you’re not just ANY entrepreneur!

You’re among an elite group of online entrepreneurs… went out of your way to sign up for a training about


That means you’re among the elite few who gets that you’ve got to
deal with the non-sexy parts of being an entrepreneur.
It also means you know how important “getting it in writing” is to

your business. (Especially if you opened any of the 468 emails I
sent you over the past week! )

So you’re my kind of people, {first_name}!

An entrepreneur who knows you need to deal with the legal stuff
and is motivated to get your important agreements in writing.

A special thanks to you...

As a special thank you for sticking with me through those 468

emails, I wanted to give you a chance to grab individual templates
at a discount for the rest of the month.

Head over to The Online Genius Template Shop and grab the
template (or templates) you need at a 25% discount!

All you have to do is enter coupon code LIBRARY25.

But don’t delay… because this coupon code expires at the end of
the day January 31.

Talk later.


P.S. As always, if you have questions that you need answered just
hit REPLY and ask. I’m here to help you navigate the Template
Shop to make sure you grab the right template for your business!


SUBJECT LINE A: Three days left

Hey {first_name},
I’m gonna keep this short and sweet!

Last week I shot you a quick note to tell you that I’ve created a
special coupon code for you since you stuck with me through all
the emails about the Template Library.

You can head over to The Online Genius Template Shop and grab
the template (or templates) you need at a 25% discount by using
coupon code LIBRARY25.

But that coupon code is only valid through January 31.

So head on over to the Template Shop now to take advantage of

this special deal!

Talk later.



SUBJECT LINE A: Last call...

Hey {first_name},

Can you believe it’s already the last day of January 2019!?!?

I’m heading out of town on Monday for a mastermind gathering in

Laguna Beach.

That means I’m working feverishly to get things done before then!

I knew about all the things that NEED to get done but they never
seemed to make it above the back-burner of my to-do list.

There’s nothing like a deadline to get us motivated to get shit done!

But this isn’t an email about me procrastinating, {first_name}.

Nope, this is an email about you and your “legal stuff.”

The legal stuff is something that almost EVERY entrepreneur I

know puts off longer than they should.

They bury it on their to-do list… and it never seems to crack the
“Big 3” tasks for the day.

Sound about right?

Well, lucky for you, I set one of those handy-dandy deadlines to

help motivate you!

Today is the last day to grab one of my legal templates (or more
than one!) for 25% off.

Head over to The Online Genius Template Shop and use coupon
code LIBRARY25 to get the template you need now.

Then you’ll be able to knock the “legal stuff” off you to-do list (at
least for a little bit!).

Talk later.


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