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Narrator : As all of us here choose to walk this path as Acropolitans, but it is not always easy to juggle the

various aspects of our lives. Let us walk with Mayur, Shaad, and Juilee as they encounter and overcome
challenges in their lives outside of the school. Their commitment to the path and their conviction in their
work as aspiring philosophers is not always understood by those around them. And maybe if they are
examples of what they learn, their actions might reflect the joy that the walking the path brings. They
have inspiration in the various myths that we study in school. And like we all do, or try to, as much as
possible, put into practice our learnings, in the situations of the day to day, they too may be able to bring
the learnings from the heroes into practice and in their own actions.

(All the 3 protagonist Acropolitans to dress similar - just to make it clear who is who… maybe Living
Philosophy T-shirt. Since, others will all be in white. Heroes can remain in white and speak as shadows of the
Acropolitan, from behind them.

Story 1 - Theseus
The play opens with Mayur, an Acropolitan reading a book which is the myth of Theseus. This inspires him
and he heads to work. While he is at work his Boss hands him a lot of work to finish.

Boss - Hey Mayur, you know we have the big presentation coming up next week, let’s see the preliminary
presentation by EOD today. And don’t forget we have our team lunch also. Don’t skip that.

Mayur (Acropolitan) is stressed and wonders how he will manage all of this, because he also has philosophy
class to attend in the evening. He has an inner dialogue.

Mayur – Let me just message the Teacher, I won’t be able make it today, I am busy at work. This is way
too much to finish in a day.
(Aloud – remembering)
Oh. but we have a joint class today and Yaron will be taking it. I can’t miss that for sure.
Maybe I should just tell my boss I have a family emergency and leave, I will surely finish it tomorrow and
attend the class.

We then hear a voice in the background which is the inner voice of the Acropolitan inspired.

Theseus. - A true hero always takes a stand even in times of uncertainty, a hero shall fulfill his duty, no
matter the circumstances. The only way out of the Labyrinth is to Slay the Minotaur…. Slay the Minotaur …
Slay the Minotaur …. (echoing sound continues)

Mayur is lost in this deep thought, staring at the computer screen

The Boss walks in

Boss – Are you slaying the MONITOR?

Surprise, Mayur snaps out of this state. And with alertness, asks

Mayur – Sorry what did you just say?

Boss – Why are you staring at the monitor.

Mayur : I am trying my best to finish this, but it does not seem I will be able to finish it, I will need to skip
the team lunch as I have my class also to attend.
Boss - It is good that you are clear Mayur. The presentation can be finished tomorrow. Please join us for
the team lunch.

Theseus – When you move forward with courage the path unveils itself. The labyrinth must be entered. It
cannot be avoided.

Relaxed and determined, Mayur attends his class. The next day we see him finish his work at office on time.
Boss is quite impressed.

Boss – Great! Now we can finish this new presentation by …

Mayur cutting in proactively takes the lead.

Mayur - Tuesday EOD, how about that?

Theseus – Your axe is now a torch. Illuminate the path for yourself and for others.

Theseus Prop List

NA green sign card
Table & chair- office set up
lap top
Book with Cover
Book & pen to take class notes
Green NA tshirt-

--- XXX ---

Story 2 - Hercules

Narrator: The inspiration of the hero must be carried in our heart. It is in the day to day that we can find
the courage to stand by our commitments and convictions. We can find the way to make things happen.
Some might find the office a challenge, others might encounter this closer - at home.

The scene opens with the father and his son, Shaad (Protagonist) sitting at the table over a meal.

Father: Shaad, I am disturbed. It seems to me that you are more committed to philosophy … than to your
family. What is this Acropolis place you keep visiting. Every time you are away one task must be
accumulating … here, at home. One, two, …. there must be Twelve other things you can do.

Father has checked off a list and given the paper to Shaad.
Shaad gets up in a huff and walk off to the other side. The father is finishing his meal at the table. In a
dilemma, Shaad voices his thoughts aloud.

Shaad (addressing the audience): I don’t want to leave work at home. But I want to attend classes also.
How do I find the balance between home and classes? How can I walk this path and keep my
responsibilities also.

The father picks up the props from the table and exits the stage.
Shaad is lost in thought. He is tapping the side of his head and looking to the heavens for inspiration.
The voice of Hercules from the background.

Hercules: Tasks will keep manifesting. This is life. Strength lies in staying true to your convictions, even in
the face of adversity. Trials must be welcomed. Family responsibilities must be respected. And convictions
must be honoured. Fear of disappointment cannot hold you back.

Shaad finds new strength with Hercules' words. He lifts his head, straightens his shoulders. He appears calm
and strong. He is determined.

Shaad (addressing the audience): Hercules faced twelve tasks. Each one tested his resolve. Like him, I will
also find strength in my journey.

Shaad is completing some tasks – exaggerated action, so the audience can see what is happening. The father
enters the stage and looks on with approval.

Father: I see that you have completed some of the pending tasks. But what is this? You are off again? To
this Acropolis place. I do not understand why you insist on following this path. What are you gaining?

Shaad (in a soft voice, with humility): This is not about my gain. But about what we all can become
(sweeping hand movement to the audience). I can understand people better, I can provide more to this
family. I can contribute to society and play my small part to make this world a better place. My heart tells
me this is the right path for me. I must follow it.

Father: But, Shaad …

Shaad interrupts. Puts up his hand to stop his father from saying anything more.

Shaad: Father, we have a public event today at our school today. And I have volunteered to help. Please
come with me. I want you to see what we are.

Both Shaad and his father exit from one gate and enter from the other. After the event.
The father has a kind and content look on his face. He places his hand lovingly round Shaad’s shoulders.

Father: There was so much happening in your school. But it was all done so quietly. Things happened like
magic. So much dignity and strength and humility. I don’t understand how it was. But seeing you there,
working with such conviction, gives me confidence. Maybe you have chosen wisely. Your heart guides you

Hercules: It is your fate to be Hercules the hero, burdened with labours, yet it is also your choice. You
choose to submit to it.

Props needed: Table, 2 Chairs, 2 Plates and 2 Glasses. One typed sheet of to-do list.
Book with cover Hercules.
Sword for Hercules.
--- XXX ---

Story 3 - Prometheus

Narrator: To pursue convictions might seem like a conflict in reality. However, by elevating ourselves,
finding our center and becoming an example to others, We should be able to demonstrate what cannot be
explained. The Pursuit of courage and truth that can be appreciated, if not understood. Slowly, moving
forward, one challenge after the other in quest of betterment.
If not at the workplace, or at home, one could be struggling with friends.

Prop needed - 2 coffee mugs, battery operated tea light with glass mug , book, mobile phone, 2 chairs and
table as in all scenes.

Juiee is sitting on a table and reading the book.

Sara- (Comes and closes Julee’s book) Come on, Juilee! Let’s loose for once! You have been buried in books
all day! Are you sure you’re not secretly an old professor, trapped in a young body??

Juilee-Vey Funny! Philosophy is really fascinating Sara. You should read too..

Sara-I have more exciting things to do! We are all planning to go out this weekend - it has been a long
time. It will be fun! There will be food, and LOTS of Gossip. You should come too.

Juilee-I won't come. I have volunteered for a mangroves cleaning drive this weekend.

Sara - OHHO! Lawyer, Volunteer and Philosopher! Make some time for us ordinary folk too sometimes.
Even the last time we met, you didn’t come. Everyone will be there, you will be the only one missing,
AGAIN! And think about all the gossip you will miss out on! Don't you want to know what's been going on
with everyone?

Juilee- This gossip is not my cup of tea. I have chosen to do something which is meaningful for me!

Sara - what do you mean? Spending time with us, with me, is not meaningful to you?

Walks away angrily

Juilee (thinking aloud)- I can also fake being angry and just walk away.. That will be easy and the problem
will be solved..

Looks at Sara’s empty chair..

Juilee- But Sara has been very supportive.. I don’t want to lose her friendship.. Why do I say things that
hurt.. Is it really worth it…

Prometheus Voice- Don’t let your mind justify.. Or it will take the essence.. To do the right things, one has
to sacrifice comfort and pay the price…

Looks at the book on Prometheus

Juilee- Honestly, I want to spend good time with Sara but don't want to get into gossiping.. Maybe I should
tell this clearly… but will she understand?? What if she would not want to see me again?? I guess I won't
know until I try. This is the right thing to do.

Juilee gets up with a resolve and walks towards Sara

Juilee-Sara, I didn't mean spending time with you is not important.. Let me be honest and clear with you.
Can we please sit and talk?

Both walk towards the table and sit down

Sara - Yeah, I know.. You are busy now.. You have all these other things..

Juilee-No no.. wait.. Our time together is important for me. I care for you… the only thing is I don't want to
be part of all this gossip..I want to use my time for something worthwhile.. I am trying to apply learnings
from philosophy in a day to day life.. Prioritizing things which are not easy but which help me grow is one
of the ways to live the philosophy.. It's challenging Sara, because sometimes it means saying no to things,
so that I can say yes to new things, but I am trying!

Sara - Wow! I can see that this really makes you happy. Maybe our definitions of happiness are a little
different, but I can see now that it has not been easy for you either.

Juilee - Yes. It's not easy but it's worth every effort. With us also, I really want to spend quality time with
you, have meaningful conversations. I want to know about your life, your challenges, what happiness
means to you and do things together which we generally avoid..Do you remember this dance class we
always wanted to join but never given a try.. Let’s join that together.. What say?

Sara- Yes!! Ofcourse, I remember. I never went because I was scared to try something new. But if we do it
together, it will be so much fun! It will also allow us to spend more time together, I also want to hear
more about your journey. You seem like a new person and I want to understand how it has been for you!

Juilee-Sure. I will love that too

Prometheus: Fire. It rises. It allows you to see the light. It drives away the darkness. It allows Man to think
– not just for himself, for the good of all humanity.

--- XXX ---

Narrator: The pursuit of truth gave the spark of fire to humans. To be truthful while being here is also the
example that we need in this world. It might not always be comfortable and there might be a price to pay
but we all have that little voice inside telling us what is right to do.

We just need a little bit of the courage these heroes showed us. And we need their audacity to pursue it in
our daily life. Action will require effort.

This is the beauty of being a philosopher. This is the joy of walking the path. Doing it together, each one
with his own circumstances and his own journey, under the guidance of the teachings.

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