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Abdelmalek Essaadi University

Faculty of Letters
Department of English Studies

Guide to Writing the Final-Year Monograph

1. Your monographs should consist of up to 40 pages and will be counted as an

examination answer. They will not be returned to you. Therefore, keep your
personal copies before you submit the monographs.

2. Your monographs must be submitted in three copies typed and presented

according to the presentation guidelines, some of which are outlined in the guide,
but which are fully discussed in your Monograph working sessions. Please note
that failure to abide by the regulations will result in the jeopardy of your
monograph mark.

3. Your monographs MUST BE YOUR OWN ORIGINAL WORK. If they are not,
then they are plagiarized. Any monograph containing plagiarized material will be
given a MARK of (0).

4. Your monographs MUST BE submitted in THREE copies by June 1st, 2018.

Style sheet

As you will be dealing with borrowed materials for your monographs, you should be
aware of the necessity, forms and conventions of acknowledgment of what you
borrow. You do not have to use all forms of acknowledgments and documentation
together. What is essential is that you are clear and consistent in your choice and
application of any form of acknowledgment and documentation. You are therefore
required to be familiar with and use the MLA documentation style. Cite only the
works you have read and actually quoted from. Provide all the necessary
bibliographical information and follow closely the steps discussed in your Research
Methodology Class concerning the classification of entries, making sure your
punctuation is accurate. Hence:

1. Your monographs must at all times be written and documented following

the MLA (Modern Language Association) documentation style.

2. Your monographs MUST CONFORM to academic presentation standards,
i.e., they SHOULD NOT contain colors, pictures, and any other form of

3. Your monographs Must be Written in Times New Roman Font, Size 12.

4. Double space the whole monograph

5. Indent the first line of every paragraph

6. Set off prose citations of more than four lines from the text and indent
them by ten spaces.

7. Use double space in the list of works cited

8. Indent the lines after the first one in every bibliographical entry.

9. Use footnotes instead of endnotes

10. Italicize book titles.

11. Should you have questions, do not hesitate to talk to your supervisor.

12. The cover page of your monograph Must be formatted as follows:

Please See Next Page

Abdelmalek Essaadi University
Faculty of Letters and Humanities
Department of English Studies

Title of Monograph

Prepared by Supervised by

(Student’s name) (Supervisor’s name)

Registration number:
Option: Literature/Linguistics

Academic Year

Monograph submitted to the Department of English Language and Literature at

Abdelmalek Essaadi University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
BA Degree in English Language and Literature.

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