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Important Questions CIE3

1. Explain the full adder with truth table, relevant expressions, and logic diagram.
2. Explain the operation of SR Latch
3. Explain the operation SR-flip flop with logic diagram and truth table
4. Explain the operation of T and D flip flop with logic diagram and truth table
5. Explain the operation of JK-flip flop with logic diagram and truth table
6. Describe the purpose of embedded systems
7. Explain the characteristics of embedded systems.
8. Define embedded systems. Distinguish between general purpose computers and embedded
9. Write few applications of embedded systems (explain applications)
10. Explain the elements of a communication system with the help of a neat block diagram.
11. Define modulation. Explain amplitude, frequency and phase modulation with necessary
12. Compare FM and PM
13. Explain digital communication/radio system elements with a neat block diagram.
14. Explain ASK, FSK, PSK methods (digital modulation schemes) with neat waveforms
15. Differentiate between 1G and 2G
16. Examine the features of 4G
17. Examine the features of GSM technology.

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