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Date:the 12th of November 2020

School:"Miron Radu Paraschivescu" Zimnicea
No.of students:25
Coursebook:Limba Moderna 1 Engleza , Ed.UNISCAN
Type of lesson:Mixed:Consolidation/acquiring new information
Skills:integration of the four skills
1.1. Identificarea informaţiilor esenţiale din fragmente scurte înregistrate, referitoare la aspecte
cotidiene previzibile, atunci când se vorbește rar și clar
1.2. Identificarea semnificaţiei generale a mesajelor orale curente, clar și rar articulate
2.1. Realizarea unei expuneri scurte, exersate, asupra unui subiect familiar
2.3. Exprimarea unei păreri în legătură cu un subiect familiar/ o situaţie cunoscută
2.4. Manifestarea interesului pentru participarea la schimbul verbal
3.1. Identificarea informaţiilor necesare din liste sau din texte funcţionale simple
4.3. Participarea la schimbul de mesaje scrise

Learning aims:-to talk about means of transport and places in town

-to consolidate the use of prepositions of place
-to learn new language structures
-to practise the comparison of adjectives
-to improve students’ pronunciation and their ability of speaking English freely
Teaching techniques:conversation,explanation,exercise
Assumed knowledge:-Ss.are already familiar with means of transport ,adjectives
and their comparative and superlative form
Anticipated problems:-some Ss may not be familiar with certain words
-some Ss may not remember previous vocabulary and grammar information
-some Ss may be shy to speak English.The T will encourage them to speak
English,if they remain silent,they are less likely to learn.The T will explain to them
that it is better for them to risk getting something wrong than not to say
anything.All learners need to experiment and make errors.
Time:50 minutes


Activity 1:Warm-up(2minutes)
Aim:to warm Ss up
Procedure:T greets the Ss,asks if there are any absents then Ss are asked
questions about themselves,there is a chat between Ss and T,trying to create a
pleasant atmosphere for the lesson

Activity 2:Checking homework and previouse knowledge(8 minutes)

Aim: to check homework and to review previous information
Procedure:Ss.are asked to present their homework,different Ss answer and
correct if necessary

Activity 3:Presenting the new lesson(2 minutes)

Aim:to introduce information related to the lesson and to get Ss involved
Procedure: T writes on the board the title of the lesson, then tells the Ss that they
are going to reinforce the use of the comparative and superlative forms of short
and long adjectives ,they are going to talk about places in town also prepositions
of place,structures that Ss are already familiar with from previous years of study.
All of teese are going to be reinforced through written exercises and
Activity 4:Listening,speaking and writing(10minutes)
Aim:-to listen and complete correctly an exercise
Procedure:Ss are asked to listen to a tape that presents some places in town.
Then,they need to say which of those places/buildings they have in their own
town. The next task is for Ss to give the precise location of some buildings by
using prepositions of place. Ss complete the task
Activity 5:Reading and writing (5minutes)
Aim:- to complete a dialogue which contains blanks, by understanding the
meaning of it
Procedure:Ss are asked to read exercise 1,pg.37 and complete it with the
adequate phrase.It is a comprehension exercise.Ss complete the task

Activity 6: Writing(15minutes)
Aim:-to practise the comparison of adjectives
Procedure:T tell Ss that they are going to work on various exercises in order to
reinforce the comparison of adjectives. Ss are asked to pay attention to each
sentence , they complete them with the correct form either comparative or
superlative,they need to keep in mind the irregular adjectives and their forms.
Ss complete the task

Activity 7:Watching a video,speaking (6minutes)

Aim:-to improve Ss’ listening and speaking
Procedure:Ss are asked to watch and listen to a short video then do a
comprehension exercise. Ss complete the task.

Activity 8:Evaluation and homework(2minute)

Aim:-to evaluate Ss’ work
T evaluates Ss’ work, notes down the ones who were most active during the
lesson and gives them homework

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