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1. Why was Duke put in a kennel

ANS: duke was kept in kennel because Chuck had

an accident which meant he would not be
recurring home for a long time. Marcy also would
not be home much and their would have been no
one to take care of Duke

2. Why would Chuck not show much

improvement in the hospital

ANS: Chuck was probably not being able to come

to turns with the fact that he would never regain
his health but would remain a cripple all his life.
This thought depressed him and slowed down his
rate of recovery

3Q)How did Duke behave when he saw chuck

after he came back from the hospital
Ans : Duke was so excited to see his Master

That he lacked on his master causing him to

almost fall down

4Q)Did you dukes written have any effort on


After the first day when Duke threw himself

on him and chuck had stood up to welcome
him chuck did not show any more
enthusiasm. they would spend his days in
Silence return at the ceiling for ours

5Q)The dog knew instantly "what did he know?

"how did he behave there after
Ans: he instant realise that his master was not
well and after that he never jumped on chalk
again but stayed by his bed sided around the
clock staring at him in Silence

6) Duke finally couldn't take it what is the

narrator mean by this what change did you bring

A) due could not take the long our of silence from

hooper and his apathy and listen lessness he he is
starting poking and nudging chuck till at the last
chuck was forced to respond

What was like a fuse Duke shimed himself you

shaped in antipation explain.
this line refers to the effect chalk had on the dog
when his good hand ideal hooked with was on
the dog collar the dog jumped in the anticipation
that his master would take him for a walk it made
the dog all excited

The pair said daily goals how were the pair what
were their deal goal?

The pair refers to the chuck and the dog Duke

their goals refers to the determination to get
chuck walking and this returning his normal life
everyday they increase the distance and walked
till chuck was able to walk long distance without
the Duke help.

What did the Duke when his master fell in his

attempt to walk?
Duke wood stand very still while his master
struggle to get up it seemed as he left it was his
job to get the master back on his feet

Did chuck give up after dues death give reason for

your answer

No c h u c k continue to walk and work as if he

has done with Duke by his side he realised the
deep love dedication and practice that the dog
showed in getting him back on his feet and could
not all effort in vein.

Describe the first attempt made by the Hopper to

Over good hang held on the leaves attached to
the dogs collar and he asked Messi to help him to
his feet with Mercy supporting him by the elbow
he moved his right leg out in the front causing the
left foot to drag forward along the side the right
leg due fail the sudden slackness and pulled it
tight forward broke the fall with his right leg and
then straighten rice he repeated the same before
collapsing into his wheel chair does taking his first
step his accident everyday the after the dog and
his master set targets for the day slightly for the
from the day before and not rest till the target for
the day was accomplate in this way from one
step day took several steps to reach the door and
finally covered the neighbourhood and beyond

Write a character sketch of chuck. Hooper what

kind of a man he was before the accident?
And : chat appears to be a happy go lucky man
who has everything going for him he has a job a
loving wife with the dog he loves and the
opportunity to play in the football team but the
accident brings out the real death of his character
after he shakes of his critical disappear and blue
he appears to be determine pursuing the young
man who is not afraid to scratch his limits he
showers dangerous courage in facing his
handicapped and finding a way to live a life on his
team spirit of it also has the sensitivity to
appreciate the dogs effort to help him he
hardworking nature and independent is appear in
in the way he comes back to work and is
promoted due to the excellent work that he put

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