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Terms Definitions
Able Bodied Person: A passenger selected by the flight attendant to assist
during an emergency situation.
A/C Aircraft
A/C Left The left side of the aircraft, facing forward.
A/C right The right side of the aircraft, facing forward.
Automated External Defibrillator., An automated medical device that detects
AED heart fibrillation and may administer an electrical shock to reestablish a normal
Aft Toward the tail section of the aircraft
Air Carrier An aircraft operator who is certified by the FAA to engage in air transportation.
Airline Safety Action Program: A coordinated program between the FAA, ALPA
and Select air carrier departments that allows certain FAA-certified Company
employees to report violations made in error in the interest of improving safety
without fear of disciplinary action.
Air Traffic Control: A division of the Federal Aviation Administration responsible
ATC for the expeditions and safe movement of aircraft on the ground and in the
airspace system.
The domicile city where crewmembers are indefinitely assigned to work.
BEV Abbreviation for a choice of beverage.
A passenger manifest code that identifies a passenger who is visually
Boarding Pass: A card or printed paper containing seat location and boarding
BP priority information, which passengers present to a customer service agent in
order to gain access to an aircraft for boarding.
A segment status code in a passenger name record indicating the passenger's
BP Status
boarding priority.
BRT Bright
Bulkhead A dividing wall within the aircraft (usually extends from floor to ceiling)
An airplane seat in the row immediately behind the bulkhead.
CA (CAPT) Captain: (see PIC)
The interior section of an aircraft that is occupied by the passengers and cabin
Cabin Refers generally to an entire cabin crew and not a specific flight attendant
Crew position.
Calendar A period of elapsed time, using either Universal Coordinated or local time,
Day which begins at midnight and ends 24 hours later at the next midnight.
Code of Federal Regulations: The complete list of federal laws in which Federal
Aviation Regulation are found.
A formal list used to identify, schedule, compare, or verify a group of elements
or actions.
Circuit A device used in place of a fuse, which breaks and electrical current in the
Breaker event of an overload.
CLV Crew Life Vest
COMP Complimentary
Connection: A Passenger who is making a connection to another flight to reach
a final destination.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A first aid procedure in which a victim's
heartbeat and breathing are manually supported by another individual.
Crewmem Any person who is assigned to perform duties on board an aircraft during flight
ber time.
Crew Resource Management: A training course designed to improve
communications and coordination among flight deck and cabin crewmembers.
Complaint Resolution Officer: A person trained to resolve any disputes that
arise when accommodating passengers with disabilities.
Child-Restraint System: A government-approved child seat that is designed to
protect small children.
CSA Customer Service Agent
Cabin Safety Inspector: A Federal Aviation Administration safety inspector who
CSI specifically focuses on flight attendants and procedures within the aircraft
CXLD Cancelled
CZ Designator Code For Compass Airlines
A passenger manifest code that identifies a passenger who is hearing-
Deplane To exit the aircraft under normal circumstances.
A person who has entered a country illegally and in formally removed from
that country at a later date.
Dead Head: A crewmember who is on duty and traveling to or from an
D/H assignment on a flight, but is not scheduled to perform any specific duties
aboard that flight.
Ditch An emergency landing into water.
DL Designator code for Delta Airlines.
DOH Date of Hire.
Transportation between any two points within Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin
Islands, the District of Columbia, or any state of the United States of America.
Department of Transportation: A federal agency that focuses primarily on
domestic transportation.
The period of elapsed time, using either Universal Coordinated or local time
between a crewmember's reporting for an assignment involving flight time and
release from that assignment by the air carrier. [121.467(a)]
EFL Emergency Flash Light
ELS Emergency Light Switch
Used to describe non-routine operation in which certain procedures or actions
must be taken to protect from hazard.
EMG and
EMK Emergency Medical Kit - also referred to as the Expanded Medical Kit (XMK)
Emergency Medical Technician: An individual specifically trained in advanced
emergency life-support techniques and equipment.
A passenger manifest code that identifies a prisoner under law enforcement
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival.
ETD Estimated Time of Departure.
Electronic Ticket (E-Ticket): A ticket that is purchased by the passenger on the
EVAC Evacuation
A passenger manifest code that identifies a passenger who has been assigned
a seat in an emergency exit row.
A passenger manifest code that identifies a passenger of considerable size who
has purchased two adjacent seats in the same row.
EXT Extinguisher
External Any person who is not an employee of Compass Airlines with whom an
Customer employee interacts.
Flight Attendant: An individual who is trained and certified in emergency, first
aid, cabin preparation and passenger safety duties.
Federal Aviation Administration: A federal agency within the Department of
Transportation that has direct oversight of aviation operations and laws.
Flight Attendant Irregularity Report: An online document available to FAs for
FAIR the purpose of documenting and communicating any type in incident,
irregularity, concern or question to management.
FAK First Aid Kt.
Federal Air Marshall: A federal law enforcement officer who is specifically
FAM trained to prevent any attempt to take control of a commercial aircraft during
FAM Flight Attendant Manual.
Federal Aviation Regulations: Federal Law specific to aviation that is published
by the Federal Aviation ?Administration (see CFR)
Flight Attendant Read File: A memorandum issued to alert to flight attendants
of pertinent operational information.
Flight Attendant Service Trends Form: A form carried on the aircraft for the
FAST purposes of documenting and communicating any discrepancies involving
catering and aircraft cleaning.
Federal Bureau of Investigation: A federal law enforcement agency that
focuses primarily on national felony crimes.
Ferry An unscheduled non-revenue flight on which only crewmembers and
Flight authorized personnel or cargo are permitted on board.
Federal Flight Deck Officer: A certified pilot employed by an air carrier who is
authorized by federal law to carry a firearm while on duty aboard an aircraft.
Flight Information Display System: Monitors, located in airport terminal, which
are used to display flight information to the public.
Refers generally to the entire flight crew and not a specific flight crewmember
Flight Crew
FD: The interior section of an aircraft that is occupied by the flight
Flight Deck
crewmembers. (captain and first officers)
FLT Flight.
FO First Officer (see SIC).
Foreign Object Debris/Damage/Disposal: A term used to describe either an
item on the ramp, taxiway, or runway areas that could potentially cause
damage to an aircraft; damage caused to an aircraft by foreign object debis; or
a designated receptacle for disposing of foreign object debris.
Flight Operations Manual: A procedures manual of which the Fight Attendant
FOM Manual is an accepted part, which is approved by the FAA for Compass Airlines
flight operations.
Fuselage The body of an aircraft, excluding the wings and empennage.
FWD Forward: Toward the nose of the aircraft.
General Declaration Form: An international document that requires flight
GEN DEC information, names of crewmembers on board, numbers of passengers on
board and a general declaration of health for all souls aboard.
GRND Ground
Ground Security Coordinator: An individual trained and qualified in airport
GSC security regulations and procedures who is responsible for an airline's security-
related events at the station.
HAL Refers to Halon 1211 fire extinguishers.
Hazardous Material: A substance of material with potentially hazardous
HAZMAT characteristics that may pose unreasonable risk to health, safety, and property
when transported by air.
Headquarters: The Company facility where Operations Command And Control
Center and corporate offices are located
Headwind Wind that is moving in the opposite direction an aircraft is traveling.
I-94 Form A form required to be filled out by passengers traveling without a visa, who are
entering the United States, so that their arrival and departure can be recorded.
Intercom (Inter-phone): An aircraft's internal communications system through
which crew members communicate during flight.
ILV Infant Life Vest.
Immediate Includes spouse, children, stepchildren, grandchildren, parents, stepparents,
Family grandparents, siblings and in-laws.
The department that focuses solely on flight attendants and in-flight cabin
INFO Information
INFT A passenger manifest code that identifies and infant passenger.
INOP Inoperative.
Interline A procedure of agreement that exists between two or more air carriers.
Internal Any person currently employed by Compass Airlines with whom any other
customer compass Airlines employee interacts.
Initial Operating Experience: On-the-job training time required by the FAA
following completion of classroom ground instruction.
IRROP Irregular Operation.
Inflight Security Coordinator: A person trained and qualified in aircraft security
ISC regulations and procedures who is responsible for security-related events that
occur during flight (typically the PIC).
The department that is responsible for the Company's computer hardware,
software, and network systems.
Jet Blast The engine exhaust power produced when an aircraft's engines are running.
An enclosed walkway used as a loading bridge between the terminal gate and
Jetbridge the aircraft cabin that allows the passengers direct, protected access to an
aircraft from the terminal. Also known as a jetway.
JS: An extra crewmember seat in the flight deck or cabin that authorized
personnel may occupy during a flight.
Jumpseat JSA: The PIC's authority to deny access to a flight deck jumpseat to an
Authority authorized person.
Knots KTS: A speed measurement based on nautical miles traveled per hour.
A passenger manifest code that indicates a passenger does not speak or
understand English.
LAV Lavatory: The official term for an aircraft's restroom.
A city where a crew rests while waiting for the next scheduled flight.
The forward edge of a wing.
Light-Emitting Diode: Found on the emergency flashlight, this light gives a
continuous visual indication of the battery's readiness.
Law Enforcement Officer: A person who is authorized to carry weapons on
board the aircraft.
LH Left Hand
LOA Leave of Absence
The ratio between the number of seats on a given flight or system versus the
total number of seats in the airline inventory by the flight or system. It is
expressed in percentages.
List of Effective Pages: A list of page numbers that notes the current revision
number for each page within the manual.
A flight-by-flight record of all operations of an aircraft and its engines, crew,
flight time, areas of operation, or other pertinent information.
Least Risk Bomb Location: The location inside of an aircraft that will suffer the
minimum possible damage from the explosive forces of a bomb.
A passenger manifest code that identifies a passenger who does not need a
wheelchair but still requires assistance.
Maintenance: The department responsible for ensuring the aircraft fleet is
properly inspected, maintained, repaired and airworthy.
Main Cabin Door: The passenger entry door of an aircraft that is used for
boarding and deplaning.
Manual Deploy Tool: A tool that is used to gain access to various panels on the
E175 aircraft.
Minimum Equipment List. A list that details which equipment must be
MEL functioning properly in order for the aircraft to be permitted to fly and which
equipment may be inoperative for a specified period of time.
Flight Missed Flight Assignment: A scheduling code designating a flight assignment
Assignmen that has been missed.
MISC Miscellaneous
A designator code assigned to flights that have been cancelled due to a
maintenance problem.
Narrpw Classification of commercial jet aircraft that have one aisle and a maximum of
Bpde six-across seating.
Non-revenue passenger: A person who is traveling as a passenger under an
airline's flight benefits program (usually for free or at an industry discount rate.
Normal Used to describe routine operations (without malfunctions)
Notification, preparation, impact and evacuation. The four phases of a planned
Non-Revenue Positive Space: An employee who is traveling on Company
business and has a confirmed seat assignment on a flight.
NRSA Non-Revenue Space Available (see NON-REV)
No Show. A scheduling code added to a crewmember's schedule when an MFA
N/S is determined to be the result of a failure to report for work or call-in prior to
the prescribed time limit.
National Transportation Safety Board: A federal agency that focuses primarily
NTSB on the causes of accidents and issues recommendations for changes in the
various transportation industries.
O2 Oxygen
OHB Overhead bin.
OJI On-the-Job Injury.
Operations A change to the manual (that will be included in a later revision) that must be
Bulletin read, then recorded and inserted into the manual immediately.
Operations: The operations center at each station that monitors and
disseminates all pertinent flight information.
OT On Time.
Overwing: A term used to describe an area of the fuselage that is located
directly above the aircraft's wings.
PA Public Address/Announcement.
Passenger. The word "passenger", as used throughout the Code of Federal
PAX/PSGR Regulations, means any passenger regardless of age unless the in qualified by
Protective Breathing Equipment: A portable smoke hood and oxygen supply
used for firefighting on board an aircraft.
Passenger Carrying a Firearm. A passenger manifest code identifying a
passenger who is a law enforcement officer carrying a firearm.
A passenger manifest code identifying a passenger who has brought a carry-on
pet in the cabin.
Pilot in Command: The flight crewmember who is oltimately responsible for and
PIC has ultimate command authority over the safe and efficient operation of a
flight (the captain)
Passenger Name Record. A computer record of a passenger's information and
POB Portable Oxygen Bottle.
Principal Operating Inspector: An FAA official who specifically oversees and air
carrier at the local level.
A written requirement established by an air carrier that is expected to be
complied with by all appropriate personnel.
A required inspection of the cabin interior and emergency equipment, prior to
Preflight passenger boarding, on any aircraft on which the assigned flight attendant(s)
has not previously performed a preflight inspection on the same calendar day.
Pressurizat A process of controlling airflow into and out of passenger and crew
ion compartments to maintain a normal atmosperic pressure for the occupants
A logical progression of actions and/or decisions established by an air carrier
with which the appropriate personnel can achieve a specific objective.
Positive Space: A term that describes when a seat assignment is reserved for a
PS crewmember or employee who is required to travel on a flight for Company
business or operational need.
PSI Pounds per Square Inch.
PSK Passenger Service Kit
Passenger Service Unit: A panel located above passenger seats that includes
PSU the flight attendant call button, informative signs and/or placards, reading
lights, oxygen masks and gasper vents.
Push-to-Talk: A button on the PA handset that must be depressed in order for
announcements to carry over the cabin speaker system
An aircraft movement whereby an aircraft tug is used to push and aircraft from
Pushback its gate parking position to a position from which it can be moved under its
own power, or be towed by the tug.
Quick Reference Checklist: A checklist used by flight crewmembers for various
phases of flight.
Quick Reference Handbook: An emergency procedures checklist that flight
QRH crewmembers use to properly handle an emergency situation and
communicate effectively.
Ready The time when a crewmember is in uniform and on duty at the airport and is
Reserve available for an immediate flight assignment.
A period of time when a crewmember is on-call for duty and must report to
work within a specified period of time.
A period of elapsed time, using Universal Coordinated or local time, when a
Rest Period
crewmember is free from duty or responsibility to work.
Revision: A permanent change to the manual that must be read then recorded
and inserted into the manual immediately.
Revenue A passenger who has paid a quoted fare for a reserved seat on board an
Passenger aircraft.
RH Right Hand
RON Remain over Night
RT Recurrent Training: FAA-mandated annual flight attendant training
SERV Service.
Second in Command: The flight crewmember that assists the PIC with decision-
making to ensure the safe operation of a flight (the first officer).
Security Identification Display Area: A restricted area withing an airport that
SIDA may only be accessed by authorized personnel who must display proper
identification at all times.
A global airline alliance partnership with Delta, Airlines, Aeroflot, AeroMexico,
Sky Team Air France, Alitalia, China Southern Airlines, CSA Czech Airlines, KLM Royal
Dutch Airlines, Korean Air, Air Europa and Kenya Airways.
SOB Souls on Board: The total numbers of individuals on board an aircraft (including
Systems Operation Control: The Company department that is comprised of
Dispatch, Crew Scheduling and Maintenance Control personnel.
A passenger manifest code that identifies a service animal traveling with a
Special Service Request: A term that identifies a passenger who has a
SSR particular need or condition (such as a passenger with a carry-on pet or who
purchased an extra seat).
Standby: Any passenger who is waiting for a seat to become available on a
The critical phase of flight, which includes all ground operations involving taxi,
Sterile takeoff and landing, and all flight operations below 10,000 feet (except cruise
Cockpit flight) during which all flight deck communication is limited to operational and
safety concerns.
Tailwind Wind that is moving in the same direction an aircraft is traveling.
Tarmac A term that describes the ramp areas of the airport.
Taxi The movement of an aircraft on the surface under its own power.
TDY Temporary Duty: A temporary assignment to another crewmember domicile.
A temporary change to the manual that must be read, then recorded and
Temporary inserted into the manual immediately, but must be removed on the specified
Notice expiration date, or when a cancellation notice is distributed prior to an
expiration date.
Through Passenger: A passenger who has boarded prior to an arrival into a
city, but is continuing on to another city.
Transportation Security Administration: A federal agency within the
TSA Department of Homeland Security that focuses primarily on transportation
security matters.
TURB Turbulence
A passenger manifest code that identifies a passenger who requires escort
(such as a unaccompanied minor).
United States Postal Service (Postal Inspector): A law enforcement division of
the USPS that focuses primarily o criminal mail activity.
United States Secret Service. A specially trained security detachment that
USSS protect the President of the United States and other High-profile political
A passenger manifest code that identifies a passenger who is completely
WCHC immobile, requires a wheelchair and also a lift device to ascend and descend
A passenger Manifest code that identifies a passenger who can
WCHR ascend/descend steps and make his own way to/from cabin seat; requires
wheelchair for distance to/from AC door.
A passenger manifest code that identifies a passenger who requires a lift
WCHS device to ascend and descend stairs, but is able to make his own way to/from
cabin seat.
WDO Window.
Weight & A process of measuring the distribution of the payload weight, total aircraft
Balance weight, and the resulting center of gravity of and aircraft before flight.
XCM Extra Flight crewmember.
XFA Extra Flight attendant.
XMK Expanded Medical Kit - also referred to as an Emergency Medical Kit (EMK)
Area of an aircraft cabin used to tabulate passenger numbers for weight and
balance purposes.

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