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Effects of Liquor Consumption to Academic Performances of Grade 12 TVL Students

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For the course

Aprilyn O. Ignacio
Maria Cris Axl B. Jucutan
Divine Joy A. Lamsis
Sharlyn Mae Joy T. Murillo
Shekinah G. Regua
Vincent Royce B. Relles
Ethan Jurich B. Sauyen
Lean B. Serapion

October 2022

Liquor consumption is a significant public health concern, particularly among young people. The study is
aimed to question the Grade 12 Technical Vocational Learning (TVL) students. This study is conducted
because it was very popular among the students to go to bars and parties that have liquor beverages served,
thus making them consume or drink alcohol. This study is conducted in Baguio City National High School
(BCNHS). The students who consume alcohol may be particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of
excessive drinking. However, relatively few studies have explored the effects of liquor consumption on
the academic performance of these student.

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of liquor consumption on the academic
performance of Grade 12 TVL students. As seen from the study researchers have questioned what are the
kinds of alcoholic beverages do G12 TVL students consume and what different kinds of effects they feel.
The results revealed that students of G12 TVL prefer the alcoholic beverage gin, which is a liquor that is
very popular and cheap, that is why it is very accessible to the students. For the effects the responders feel,
the results revealed that TVL students had lower academic performances due to them having a difficulty
in focusing.

The findings indicate the need for effective interventions aimed at reducing the harmful effects of liquor
consumption among Grade 12 TVL students. These is why the government should include awareness
campaigns, counseling services, and educational programs to promote responsible drinking habits. The
results of this study can serve as a foundation for future research and inform efforts to address the negative
impact of alcohol consumption on academic performance among young people.


Abstract ……………………………………………………………… i
Table of contents ………………………………………………….… ii
Chapter 1 …………………………………………………………… 1
Background of the study ………………………………...1
Definition of terms ………………………………………1-2
Significance of the study …………………………………2
Research gap ……….…………………………………....2
Scope and Delimitation ………………………………....2
Statement of the problem ……………………………....3
Conceptual Framework ………………………………...3
Chapter 2 …………………………………………………3
Methodology ……………………………………………3
Research locale …………………………………………4
Research design ………………………………………...4
Population Sampling ………………………………….4
Research Instrument ………………………………….4
Statistical Treatment of Data ………………….............4-5
Chapter 3 ……………………………………………………………….5
Results and Discussion …………………………………5-10
Chapter 4 …………………………...………………………………….10
Summary of Findings ………………………………….10
Summary of Conclusion …………………………….11
Recommendations …………………………... ……….12
References …………………………………… ……….13
Appendix ……………………………………... ……….14-24
Biographical Sketch ………………………… …………24-37

Chapter 1

Background of The Study

Liquor somehow help us relax, however, drinking a lot of alcohol lead to several bad outcomes. Some
students know their limits in consuming liquor, but most student’s abuse alcohol, leading to addiction. Liquor
affects Senior High School Student’s mindset, attitudes, and behavior, which further leads student’s inability
to balance their academic work and social life.

According to World Health Organization (2022), alcohol is a psychoactive substance with

dependenceproducing properties that has been widely used in many cultures for centuries. The harmful use of
alcohol causes a high burden of disease and has significant social and economic consequences. Alcohol is
widely consumed by 2 billion people globally, with 76.3 million diagnosed with alcoholism (WHO, 2005).
The legal age of drinking is 21, however, many young people who are under the age of twenty-one (21) had
already consumed alcohol, having five or more drinks in a row (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism, 1997), as do 12th graders (Newes-Adeyi, Chen, Whilliams, & Faden, 2007). Furthermore,
drinking too much can harm your health, resulting in over 140,000 deaths (Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, n.d.). Also, those under the age of 21 should not consume alcohol. Ana et al.., (2011) studied the
effects of alcohol on high school students’ quality of learning. They found that alcohol had a negative impact
on students’ ability to learn.

Alcoholism is a chronic relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive alcohol consumption, loss of

control over consumption, and the formation of a negative state of mind when alcohol is no longer accessible.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA, n.d.)

Students who know the limit of consuming alcohol are the one who are competing with the academic
achievers and know how to drink responsibly, on the other hand students who abuse alcohol are the one who
are most likely to come up with their activities.

Definition of Terms
LIQUOR > Is an alcoholic drink produced by distillation of grains, fruits, vegetables, or sugar, that have
already gone through alcoholic fermentation. Other terms for liquor include: spirit drink, distilled beverage,
spirituous liquor or hard liquor. The distillation process concentrates the liquid to increase its alcohol by
LIQOUR CONSUMPTION > Liquor consumption, as the term is used in clinical and research applications,
refers to the act of ingesting – typically orally – a beverage containing ethanol.
ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE > Is the measurement of student achievement across various academic
subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using classroom performance,
graduation rates, and results from standardized tests.
PERFORMANCE > The act of performing; of doing something successfully; using knowledge as
distinguished from merely possessing it.

Significance of the Study

Alcohol consumption and its’ effect to the body had always been known among all population. Over its
positive effect, negative impacts of alcoholism always had weighed greater. Previous research undertaken
revealed that such practice negatively affected the performance of respondent/students as they became
incapable of balancing their academic work with their social life, hence, leading to higher rate of potential
drop outs and failing marks/classes. Alcohol consumption among students are generally viewed to be a socially
important topic and of great concern among parents and school administration, hence, the conduct of this
research has determined the effects of liquor consumption to the academic performance of students,
specifically among Grade 12 TVL students.

Research Gap
This research addressed the gap on the effect of liquor addiction of students of Baguio City National High
School - Senior High Students, specifically among G12 TVL students, by defining the mode of consumption
of alcohol and their knowledge and perception on the possible effects of alcoholism to their academic

Scope and Delimitation

Administration of pre-structured survey questionnaires were limited to Grade 12 students of the Baguio City
National High School's Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) track enrolled in the S.Y 2022-2023, as
respondents. Data gathered only focused on the practices of respondents on liquor consumption and their
knowledge and perception its’ effect to their academic performance. Personal profiles of respondents shall
also be kept undisclosed as respect to their privacy.

Statement of The Problem
This research investigated the liquor addiction of TVL Grade 12 senior high student. It aimed to respond to
the following inquiries:
1) What are the profiles of BCNHS G12 TVL Students when it comes to alcohol consumption?
2) What are the kinds of alcoholic beverages that G12 TVL Students consume?
3) What are the effects of alcohol to the academic performances of G12 TVL Students?

Conceptual Framework

Profiles (Sex, age)

Modes and practice PROCESS

of liquor • Data on
consumption student's who
are into liquor
Knowledge and • Survey consumption
perception on the Questionnaire and their
effects of liuor perception on
consumption to its' effects to
their academic
student’s academic performance


Chapter 2
Research Locale
The study was conducted at Baguio City National High School. The school has many students ranging
from junior high school to senior high school. Due to the population of the school the researchers agreed that
the grade 12 TVL student will only be their responders.
Research Design
Descriptive research design was used in this research as no experimental design were required for this research.
this type of research design aims to systematically obtain information to describe a phenomenon, situation, or

Population Sampling or Respondents of the Study

There are four (4) sections of Grade 12 Technical-Vocational-Livelihood track with a total of two hundred
and twenty-eight (218) students. However, excluding one section the researchers reduced the number of
respondents using random sampling and the method Solving’s formula. A total of one hundred (100)
respondents were surveyed out of which, thirty-three (33) students were selected from three (3) sections.

Research Instrument
In this study, researchers used a pre-structured survey questionnaire which was individually administered
to respondents. The questionnaire is a set of orderly arranged questions carefully prepared to be answered by
the selected respondents. The questionnaire contained two (2) parts. The first one is the profiling and the
second one is a checklist. The first part gathered the profile of the respondents such as age and sex. The second
part focused on the data needed for the research. The questionnaire is validated and proven reliable.

Statistical Treatment of Data

On the other hand, the researchers had computed the percentage of Grade 12 TVL Students who are
consuming liquor and how it affects their academic performance the formula below was used;

The collected data were presented in tables and bar graph and generally regarded as a solution to the particular
problem in Chapter 1. To address the problem statement, the researchers tabulated, computed the data and
applied the following statistical procedure. Percentage of Grade 12 TVL consuming liquor was determined
through the formula below:

Percentage – the percentage is a way of expressing a proportion, a ratio, or a fraction of a whole number
by using 100 as a denominator.
Formula: Percentage=F/Nx100% where: F-
frequency N-population
Weighted Mean – this refers to the set of data taken from the average of the population.
Formula: WM=∑f×/N
where: WM – Weighted mean
∑f× - sum of the products of the frequency with weights N
– sample size
The weighted mean is verbally interpreted using the arbitrary scale below.

Chapter 3
Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis of Data
Collected data, analysis, results and interpretations on the “Effects of Liquor Consumption to Academic
Performance of Grade 12 TVL Students” are presented in this chapter.

Table 1. Demographic profile of respondents

Item/s Sex Percentage (%) Total Percentage (%)

Sex Male 58% 100%

Female 42%
Age 17 20% 100%

18 56%

19 and above 24%

Sections TVL 1 33% 100%

TVL 3 33%

TVL 4 34%

Table 1, shows the demographic profiles of all respondents (Grade 12 TVL Students). As to gender, most
(58%) of the respondents were male and females had (42%) of respondents however,

as to age, most (56%) are aged 18 years old, followed by those belonging to the age bracket of 19 years old
and above with 24%, while the least (20%) were respondents aging 17 years old. Lastly, sections under TVL
4 had the highest percentage (34%) of participation while TVL 3 and 1 had 33% a piece.

Table 2. Liquor consumption practices of Respondents

Item/s Percentage Total Percentage (%)

Do you drink alcohol? Yes 70% 100%

No 30%

Table 2 shows that 70% of the respondents signified their practice of consuming liquor while only 30%
answered to not drinking alcohol.

Table 3. Frequency of drinking practice (How often do you drink?)

Item/s How often do they drink Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

1 Always 0.32 Seldom

2 Often 0.48 Seldom

3 Seldom 0.36 Seldom

4 Rarely 0.29 Seldom

Overall Weighted Mean 1.45 Seldom

* Legend: 4.00 -3.51, Always, 3.50-2.51, Often, 2.50-1.51, Seldom, 1.50-0.50, Rarely The
70% drinking-respondents answers on the frequency of their habit of drinking liquor varies. As per
computation of weighted mean, “Often” is the indicator with the highest with 0.48 while “Rarely” has the
lowest weighted mean of 0.29. Though differences in the computed weighted mean was observed, as to
verbal interpretation, they all are interpreted to be done in seldom times. Result is presented in Table 3.
In the United States, one in four individuals between the ages of 12 and 20 drinks alcohol on a monthly
basis, and a similar proportion of 12th graders consumes five or more drinks in a row at least once every
two weeks (Newes-Adeyi, Chen, Williams, & Faden, 2007). Figure 1. Kinds of alcoholic beverages
respondents consumes?
The kinds of alcoholic beverages that the drinking-respondents (70%) consume is presented in Figure 1.
Accordingly, they mostly consume Gin (50%), followed by beer (45%), wine (35%), cocktail (34%), whiskey
(29%) with vodka as the least consumed with its’ 20% consumption. Accessibility, both in terms of the
availability and the prices of these alcoholic drinks may have influenced the choices of the respondents.

Figure 2. Effects of liquor consumption to the academic performance of the respondents

In general, on the effects of drinking on the academic performance of all the respondents, most of them,
both the drinkers and non-drinkers, stated to feel unaffected as shown in the graph. Result may have been
possible since non-drinking respondents consist of 30%. But most likely for the drinking-respondents, they
ranked the effects of alcohol intake to their school performances as follows and as presented in Figure 2:
difficulty in focusing on their studies, academic failure and being mentally absent in classes. Likewise,
chances of always being absent, dropping-out from school and finally declining grade.

The studies by (Balsa et al. [8], Bolin et al. [22], Meda et al. [23], and Meier et al.) [24] show that the GPA
of students is greatly affected by alcohol intake. It's important to comprehend the connection between teenage
alcohol consumption and high school grades, given the widespread use of alcohol among this age group and
recent research on adolescent brain development, which suggests that excessive alcohol use during this period
can have negative impacts on brain development [25[, [26].

On the other hand, studies of Ansari et al. [6], Sung et al. [9], Onyebuchukwu et al. [11], Tembo et al. 27],
Welwel et al. [28], and Patte et al. [29] found that alcohol consumption has adverse negative adverse effects
on the student’s academic performance. Those who frequently engage in binge drinking are more likely to
miss classes and fall behind in their studies [30]. Previous research has also shown that alcohol consumption
not only poses a threat to one's health but also leads to significant social harm such as alcoholism and traffic
accidents [31]. Additionally, based on these studies, alcohol abuse can lead to health problems, which can
further negatively impact academic performance. The research examines multiple potential reasons for
alcohol's negative impact on academic performance. Along with examining mediators connected to
educational attendance, it looks into how drinking affects a student's ability to concentrate and stick to their
academic goals [8].

The overall study is to assess the effects of liquor consumption to the academic performances of Grade 12
TVL students. A total of 100 respondents was requested to participate in the study through answering a pre
structured questionnaire. Based on the results in the statistical analysis of the data, the findings are
summarized below:
1.Demographic profile of TVL students
Gender- It shows the sex of the students that participated in getting the data. It is presented in percentage to
know how many are either male or female.
Age- It shows the ages of the students who participated. It is presented in percentage to know how many
students are 17,18, and 19 and above.
How many drink alcohol- It shows how many of the participants drink alcohol. It shown in percentage to
know how many drinks and how many does not.
How often do you drink alcohol- It shows how often the participants consume liquor? It is shown in percentage
how often do the participant’s drink.

A previous study investigated the impact of alcohol drinking on students' academic performance [10].
Onyebuchukwu, Sholarin, and Chico [11] conducted a study with 30 students to assess the dependability and
accuracy of the study's survey instruments. The study included 200 participants, 114 males and 86 females
ranging in age from 13 to 25 years. The study indicates that there's a strong link between alcohol consumption
and academic performance, a notable contrast in academic outcomes between drinkers and non-drinkers, and
alcohol has a significant impact on academic performance.

2. What kinds of alcohol TVL students consume

With 70 participants who drink alcohol, we asked what kinds of alcohol they consume this are the
data gathered in percentages:
The highest with 50% of the participants consume is gin. Second, is beer with 45%. Third, is wine with 35%.
Fourth, is cocktail with 34%. Fifth, is whiskey with 29%. The least consumed is vodka 20%
3. What are the effects of alcohol consumption to the participants.
We asked the 70 participants who consume alcohol how it effects their academic performance. These are
the data gathered presented in percentages:
Out of 70 participants, Difficulty in focusing with 23% of them experiencing it. Second, is low attendance
with 14% of them who experience it. The least experienced is drop out with 6%.
As we can see even if most of them does not feel affected by alcohol consumption, there are still who feel
affected by consuming it, thus bringing this research to a success in knowing the Effects of Liquor
Consumption to Academic Performances of Grade 12 TVL Students.

Chapter 4
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
In this research, students of the Baguio City National High School, specifically under the track of
Technology Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) Grade 12 were subjected in the administration of a survey
questionnaire to determine the effect of liquor consumption to their performance at school. Most respondents
were male (58%); also, most (56%) respondents are 18 years of age representing both sexes and students
from section TVL 4 had the highest participation comprising of 34%.

Of the one-hundred (100) respondents, 70 % admitted to consuming liquor often times (weighted mean of
0.48) with Gin as the most common alcoholic drink being accessed. Looking into the perspective of the
students taking in liquor, the most common negative effect is difficulty concentrating in their studies, followed
by academic failures and being absent mentally, etc., however, on the other hand, for those who answered to
not practice taking in liquor, their performance both at school and their social life, is unaffected.

Summary of Findings
The summary of the study we’re summarized according to the statement of the problem stated in chapter 1:

1.What are the profiles of BCNHS G12 TVL Students when it comes to alcohol consumption.
The study findings reveal that the majority profile of students who consumed liquor are “Male”, as for the
“Age” students who is “18 years/old” are the one frequently consumed liquor. This study also shows that
most of the students in Baguio City National High School who are under the TVL track are consuming liquor
by answering “Yes” to the question “Do you Drink Alcohol?”. Majority of the TVL students of Baguio City
National High School drink liquor “Seldom”.

2. What are the kinds of alcoholic beverages that G12 TVL students consume
The study findings reveal that majority of the students of Baguio City National High School under the track
of Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TVL) “Gin” is the most kind of beverages that TVL students consume.
This shows that the G12 TVL respondents are mostly drinking this kind of liquor.

3.What are the effects of alcohol to the Academic performances of G12 TVL students
The findings show that most of the G12 TVL students gave the answer n/a which means no answers thus
meaning that they don’t feel affected at all. But the others students do feel affected as seen from their answers
on the questionnaire. The highest effect they feel is difficulty in focusing. This shows that although most of
the students don’t feel affected at all, there are still some who feel affected thus answering the question "what
are the effects of alcohol to your academic performance".

Summary of Conclusion
In conclusion of SOP 1, students of the BCNHS-TVL Gr 12, despite differences in their sex and ages, have
accessibility to the different kinds of alcoholic drinks in various scale of alcoholic level/proof. It was also
learned that despite knowing the effects of drinking alcoholic drinks to their performances in their studies,
students still engage in this practice, though students may vary to how frequent they do it and for what reasons
they do it.

For SOP 2, it is shown that students prefer gin, due to it being a strong liquor. It also proves that students
prefer gin because of it being cheap and is accessible to students, because they can buy this in any store in
any location.
For SOP 3, it shows that students have difficulty in focusing due to the consumption of liquor. This proves
that the study has been successful. The data proves that the academic performance of G12 TVL Students is
affected by liquor consumption.

In light of these finding, the researchers recommend to other co-students to consider drinking at a right age
as is indicated in the Philippine law, and always considering the limitation that all are still students. Drinking
never had a positive impact, it never will do good to your health. However, if uncompromised in a situation,
drinking responsibly and knowing your limitation should always come first.

Further, researches to correlate the sex and ages of the students who drink, as well as knowing the reasons
or influences for doing such actions should also be considered. This is to further understand co-
students/teenagers on why despite knowing the negative effects of drinking still engage in such actions.

In consuming liquor be mindful on what you drink, different liquor has different strengths so drink with a
limit There are many kinds of liquor out there, but most of the time we consume the kinds that we like. As
seen from the data gathered gin is the kind of liquor that the responders consume most out of all the options
given, thus the study recommends though there are many types of liquor those who consume it stick what
they like.

Consuming liquor affects you differently with other people, you may not feel affected but it is not the case
for everyone. So be responsible and matured in drinking alcohol, and it is still best to avoid alcohol and focus
on your studies.


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for the identification of risk consumption and disorders due to the use of alcohol in women. Primary Care 36:


Validated Survey Questionnaires
The Effect of Liquor Consumption to Academic Performances of Grade 12 TVL

Dear respondents,
Good day! We are student’s researchers from 12 TVL 2 conducting research on “ The Effect of Liquor
Consumption to Academic Performances of Grade 12 TVL Students”. In accordance of the said topic, we
would like to ask for your consent in answering this questionnaire. Thank you for your cooperation.

Name: _________________________________
Grade/Section: __________________
*Please read the statement and answer the following by checking and encircling the answers that is
applicable to you:
1.What are the profiles of BCNHS G12 TVL Students when it comes to alcohol consumption?
1.A. Sex

2.B. Age
a. 17 y/o c. 19 y/o and above
b. 18 y/o
3.C. Do you drink alcohol?
a. Yes
b. No
If yes, proceed to question # 4, if no please do not answer the next questions.

4.How often do you drink alcohol?

a. Always c. Seldom
b. Often d. Rarely
2.What are the kinds of alcoholic beverages that you prefer?
Gin Wine
Beer Whisky
Cocktail Vodka

3.What are the effects of alcohol to your academic performance?

Academic failure Declining grades
Low attendance Drop out
Difficulty in focusing Mentally absent

Validation of Research Findings

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Baguio City
Baguio City National High School
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City

January 06,2023
Ortez D. Gabol
SHS- Head Teacher-in-Charge
Senior High School

We, the Grade 12 students of Baguio City National High School are conducting research on
“Effects of Liquor Consumption to Academic Performances of TVL Grade 12 Students “. In line with this,
our aim is to determine the percentage of students that are addicted to liquor and their performance in
school. We would like to conduct a survey to the Grade 12 TVL Students that may have been addicted to

This survey will be done on January 09,2023 through the use of questionnaires that will be distributed
and be given to each class of grade 12 TVL. We are hoping for your approval. Thank you very much.

Attached is a copy of the questionnaire that will be handed to each Grade 12 TVL classes.

Sincerely yours,

Regua, Shekinah G. Serapion, Lean B.

Lamsis, Divine Joy A. Murillo, Sharlyn Mae Joy T.

Sauyen, Ethan Jurich B. Relles, Vincent Royce B.

Jucutan, Maria Cris Axle B. Ignacio, Aprilyn O.

Approved: Noted:

Joyce Bacayan Ortez D. Gabol

Practical Research 2 Teacher SHS- Head Teacher-in-Charge Senior High
Respondents letter

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Baguio City
Baguio City National High School
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City

Dear Respondents,

We, the Grade 12 Students of Baguio City National High School- Senior High from Technical
Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Strand are conducting research entitled, “Effects of Liquor Consumption to
Academic Performances of TVL Grade 12 Students”. In this regard, may we ask for your participation by
being our respondents in our survey.

Rest assured that your identity will be strictly observed and will be treated with strict confidentiality.
Moreover, all the data that will be collected will be considered and reported as a whole. In addition, all
your answers to the questions will only be used for this research.

Furthermore, if you feel uncomfortable with the questions asked and wish to withdraw at any point
during the conduct of the study, feel free to tell of any of the researchers.

Thank you very much for your time. God bless!!

Sincerely yours,

Regua, Shekinah G. Serapion, Lean B.

Lamsis, Divine Joy A. Murillo, Sharlyn Mae Joy T.

Sauyen, Ethan Jurich B. 17 Relles, Vincent Royce B.

Jucutan, Maria Cris Axle B. Ignacio, Aprilyn O.

Approved by: Noted by:

Joyce Bacayan Ortez D. Gabol

Practical Research 2 Teacher SHS- Head Teacher-in-Charge Senior
High School

Letter of Request for Statistical Validation

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Baguio City
Baguio City National High School
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City

April 2, 2023

Hello and good day!

We are the Group 4 Batch 2 researchers from Grade 12 TVL 2. We are researching the “Effects of
Liquor Consumption to Academic Performances of TVL Grade 12 Students.”

We humbly ask your permission to guide us by validating our Chapter 3: Results and Discussion
and Chapter 4: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation. We would appreciate any comments and
suggestions you would give for improving our researchers.

We genuinely value your time and consideration. We highly appreciate your positive responsible
on this matter.

Thank you very much, and God bless you.

Respectfully Yours,

Regua, Shekinah G. Serapion, Lean B.

Researcher Researcher
Lamsis, Divine Joy A. Murillo, Sharlyn Mae Joy T.
Researcher Researcher

Sauyen, Ethan Jurich B. Relles, Vincent Royce B.

Researcher Researcher

Jucutan, Maria Cris Axle B. Ignacio, Aprilyn O.

Researcher Researcher

Approved by: Noted by:

Tumada, Gerardo Zeus M. Pang-ot, Zosima L

Math Teacher in BCNHS Subject Teacher

English Critique

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Baguio City
Baguio City National High School
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City

April 2, 2023

Hello and good day!

We are the Group 4 Batch 2 researchers from Grade 12 TVL 2. We are researching the “Effects of
Liquor Consumption to Academic Performances of TVL Grade 12 Students.”

We humbly ask your permission to guide us by validating our Chapter 3: Results and Discussion
and Chapter 4: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation. We would appreciate any comments and
suggestions you would give for improving our researchers.

We genuinely value your time and consideration. We highly appreciate your positive responsible
on this matter.

Thank you very much, and God bless you.

Respectfully Yours,

Regua, Shekinah G. Serapion, Lean B.

Researcher Researcher

Lamsis, Divine Joy A. Murillo, Sharlyn Mae Joy T.
Researcher Researcher

Sauyen, Ethan Jurich B. Relles, Vincent Royce B.

Researcher Researcher

Jucutan, Maria Cris Axle B. Ignacio, Aprilyn O.

Researcher Researcher

Approved by: Noted by:

Drury B. Gama Pang-ot, Zosima L.

English Teacher in BCNHS Subject Teacher

City Library Thesis and Dissertation Photos



Permanent Address: 117 BGH Compound, Baguio City Philippines

Date of Birth: April 28, 2005
Place of Birth: Baguio City
Parents: Ruben H. Ignacio
Nursing Attendant
Gina O. Ignacio
Civil Status: Single
Contact Number: 09514970257
Email Address:

Educational Background:

Secondary: 2022-2023
Senior Highschool
BPP- Bread and Pastry Production and FBS- Food and Beverage
Baguio City National High School, Baguio City Philippines

2021 - 2022
Junior Highschool
Cookery (Online) (Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Strand)
Baguio City National High School, Baguio City Philippines

2017 – 2021
Grade 7-10

Baguio City National High School, Baguio City Philippines

Primary: 2008 – 2017
Pre-School – Grade 6
Mabini Elementary school, Baguio City Philippines


Achievements Received/ Trainings/ Seminars Attended:

2018-2023 Certificate of Recognition

2023 Health Seminar on Food handling for Health Certificate

Signiture over printed name

Maria Cris Axl Banania Jucutan

Permanent Address: #46 M. Roxas Teachers Camp Baguio City

Date of Birth: December 16, 2004
Place of Birth: Baguio city
Parents: Kristina Jucutan
Civil Status: Single
School Address: Baguio City National High School Government Pack Road, Baguio City
Contact: 09333295233
E-mail Address:


Secondary: Baguio City National High School – Junior High (2020-2021)

Baguio City National High School – Senior High (Currently Enrolled)

Elementary: Mabini Elementary School (2011-2016)


Signiture over printed name


Permanent Address : # 39 Lower Balacbac Rd.

Alluyon Village Baguio City
Date of Birth : July 25, 2004
Place of Birth : Baguio City
Parents : Andrew Noel Loloy Lamsis
: Florence Lamsis
Civil Status : Single
School Address :GovernorPackRoad,
Contact Number : 09272307715
E-mail Address :





Signiture over printed name


Permanent Address: A1 Dominican Hill Mirador Baguio City
Date of Birth: August 17,2003
Place of Birth: Gapan City
Parents: Norberto Serapiplon
Florie Serapion
Civil Status: Single
Contact Number: 09758781843
Email Address:

Educational Background:

Secondary: 2022-2023
Senior Highschool
BPP- Bread and Pastry Production and FBS- Food and
Baguio City National High School, Baguio City Philippines

2021 - 2022
Junior Highschool
Cookery (Online) (Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Strand)
Baguio City National High School, Baguio City Philippines

2017 – 2021
Grade 7-10

Baguio City National High School, Baguio City Philippines

Primary: 2008 – 2017

Pre-School – Grade 6
Baguio Central elementary school , Baguio City Philippines

Achievements Received/ Trainings/ Seminars Attended:

2018-2023 Certificate of Recognition

2023 Health Seminar on Food handling for Health Certificate

Signature over Printed Name

Curriculum Vitae


Permanent Address: Bakakeng Sur, Baguio City

Date of Birth: April 30, 2005
Place of Birth: Dagupan, Pangasinan
Parents: Merlinda B. Relles
Retired Nurse
: Leoncio Lowel O. Relles
Aircraft Mechanic
Civil Status: Single
Institutional Affiliation: Baguio City National Highschool
Address: Governor pack rd. Baguio City
Contact Number: 09615925503
E-mail Address:


S.Y. 2021 – Present: Senior Highschool

Baguio City National Highschool
Strand: Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL)
Home Economics (HE)
Governor pack rd. Baguio City

S.Y. 2017 – 2021: Junior Highschool

Saint Louise University Laboratory Highschool
Navy Base Baguio City

S.Y. 2011 – 2017: Elementary School

Saint Louise University Laboratory Elementary School
General Luna rd. Baguio City



Permanent Address : 64 Purok 8 Bakakeng Norte, Baguio City 2600
Date of Birth : March 12, 2005
Place of Birth : Baguio City
Parents : Rapunzel G. Regua
:Noel C. Regua Civil
Status : Single
Contact Number : 0910 462 0334
E-mail Address :

Educational Secondary
Background S.Y. 2021-Present Baguio City National High School-Senior High School (Technical
Vocational Livelihood-Home Economics)
Governor Pack Rd, Baguio City
S.Y. 2017-2021 Baguio City National High School-Junior High
School Governor Pack Rd, Baguio City

S.Y. 2010-2017 Bakakeng Elementary School

(2nd Semester) Food and Beverage
Consistent Of being an Honor Student 2022-2023 Service
2022-2023 Food Handler’s Seminar
(1st Semester) Bread and Pastry
2021-2022 Cookery (Online Learning)
Signature over Printed Name



Permanent Address : Purok 5 Kias, Baguio City 2600

Date of Birth : March 9, 2005
Place of Birth : Baguio City
Parents : Davis Sauyen
Linda B. Sauyen

Civil Status : Single Contact Number : 09953620329

E-mail Address :

Educational Secondary
Background S.Y. 2021- Baguio City National High School-Senior High
Present School (Technical
Vocational Livelihood-Home Economics)
Governor Pack Rd, Baguio City
S.Y. 2017-2021 Baguio City National High School-Junior High
School Governor Pack Rd, Baguio City

S.Y. 2010-2017 Kias Elementary School
Purok 7 Kias, Baguio City

2022- (2nd Semester) Food and Beverage Service

Achievements Food Handler’s Seminar
(1st Semester) Bread and Pastry Production
Received 2022-2023
Cookery (Online Learning)
Signature over Printed Name


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