Script - Introduction To Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

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Module 1: Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


The chemistry of nanomaterials is highly relevant as far nanoscience and

nanotechnology is concerned. You all familiar with nanotechnology. The nanotechnology is a
technology based on size. Whenever we are frankly speaking about nanomaterials, these
materials are obtained from bulk materials. Bulk materials when converted to nanomaterials,
we can observe sudden variation in its physical as well as chemical properties. Nanoscience
and nanotechnology is a contemporary but most important area of research in science. The
nanomaterial science offers some interdisciplinary aspects also. That is nanotechnology has its
roots in science, its application in different areas of science. Thus, the selected MOOC course
chemistry of nanomaterials is a highly relevant course. The first module is intended to provide
an introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology. We are focus some introductory aspects,
some historical aspects of nanotechnology. Moreover, we have to clearly differentiate
nanoscience from nanotechnology. We can directly move on to the first module.

First of all, the prefix nano. The prefix ‘nano’ is derived from the Greek word for dwarf.
One nanometer (nm) is equal to one-billionth of a meter. 1 nm = 10-9 m. For what purpose the
matric prefixes are used? According to System International, there are matric prefixes. There
are two sets of matric prefixes. The first set is used to represent small quantities and these
include deci, centi, milli, micro, nano, pico femto and atto.

The next set of matric prefixes are used to represent bigger quantities. These prefixes
include, deca, hector, kilo, mega, giga, tera peta and exa.
What is nanotechnology? It is a field of applied science and technology. The main
feature of it is the control of matter on a nanoscale. Nanoparticles have dimensions from 1-100
nm. The fabrication of particles in this range and study of the properties. It is a highly
multidisciplinary field. Nanotechnologies include “nanoscale designing, characterizing, and
producing structures, devices and systems by controlling shape and size for their applications
in various fields”.


Nanoscience is the study of processes and manipulation of materials at atomic or

molecular scale, such that the properties vary considerably than at larger scales. Nanoscience
is “interdisciplinary” since it includes concepts of multiple disciplines such as chemistry,
physics, biology, etc. What will be the size of a nanoparticle? Better comparison is with human
hair. How much thick is your hair? Approximate size of a nanoparticle. Normal hair diameter
is 0.06 - 0.08 mm, Thus, average single hair diameter is 0.07 mm = 0.07 x10-3 m= 7 x 10-5 m.
A nanoparticle with 7 nm size = 7 x 10-9 m. Thus, average diameter of hair divided by average
size of nanoparticle = 10 thousand.

History of Nanotechnology

Credit of inspiring Nanotechnology goes to Richard Feynman, a brilliant physicist.

Nobel Prize in physics (1965) - "fundamental work in quantum electrodynamics”. R. Feynman
suggested the chance to build machines small enough to manufacture objects with atomic
precision. Feynman's talk "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom," on an American Physical
Society meeting at Caltech on December 29, 1959, laid foundation stone to Nanotechnology.
The term "nano-technology”. The Japanese Professor and Researcher Norio Taniguchi was
first to use the term "nano-technology" in 1974. According to Norio Taniguchi “Nano-
technology mainly consists of the processing of, separation, consolidation, and deformation of
materials by one atom or one molecule”. But not in the correct sense as we use that term today.
In 1986, Drexler used the term "nanotechnology" in his book Engines of Creation This book
deals with molecular manufacturing approach.

Medicinal Preparations with Nanogold

Preparations Containing Nanogold in Traditional Medicine. Use of gold in medicinal

preparations is not new. Gold is used in many traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicines.

Saraswatharishtam- It is a medicine prescribed for memory enhancement.

Swarna Bhasma - It is a therapeutic agent for several disorders such as rheumatoid

arthritis, diabetes mellitus, nervous disorders etc.

Swarna Bindu Prashana (SBP)- A metallic medicinal preparation widely used in

Ayurveda pediatrics as immune booster. The main ingredients are Swarna Prashan (gold
nanoparticle), cow ghee, honey etc.

Medicinal preparations for babies- Gold containing medicinal preparations enhance

mental capability in babies

Faraday’s Divided Metal

Faraday’s divided metal represents ruby coloured colloidal gold.


NaAuCl4 (yellow solution) is treated with a reducing solution (phosphorous in CS2).

During reaction, yellow colour changed to ruby red. Faraday concluded that the ruby fluid is
very finely divided metallic gold dispersed in a liquid. He called it as divided metal.

Lycurgus Cup

The Lycurgus cup is one Roman vessel made up of a glass. It represents the outstanding
achievements of ancient glass industry (4th Century). The openwork decoration of the Lycurgus
cup depicts the legend of King Lycurgus. It is made up of dichroic glass, dichroic effect is
achieved by gold and silver nanoparticles. The cup appears to be green in reflected light (light
source outside). The cup appears to be ruby red in transmitted light (light source inside). The
colour difference due to the dichroic glass. The dichroism is due to the presence of nanogold
(40 ppm) and nanosilver (300 ppm). The composition of the cup is not much differed from
modern glass. Composition is shown
Stained Glass

Stained glass artists were early adopters of nanotechnology; however, they were not
aware of the science that underpinned their work. The ruby red colour of some stained glass is
due to gold nanoparticles and deep yellow colour is due to silver nanoparticles. The size of the
metal nanoparticles produced these colour variations.

Properties of Nanomaterials

Nanoparticles are particles in the average size range of 1 to 100 nm. Properties of
matter changes rapidly when considered it in the nano level. This remarkable change in
properties prompted the researchers to define nanotechnology as a “Technology Based on Size”.
The physical & chemical properties of substances change abnormally when changed to the
nano level. The nanomaterials have unusual mechanical, electrical, optical and magnetic

For instance,

➢ Opaque substances become transparent (copper)

➢ Stable materials turn combustible (aluminum)
➢ Solids turn into liquids at room temperature (gold)
➢ Insulators become conductors (silicon)
➢ Materials such as gold, which is chemically inert, can serve as catalysts at nano

Size Dependent Properties of Nanomaterials

The overall behaviour of bulk crystalline materials changes when the dimensions are
reduced to the nanoscale. The properties of the nanomaterials is mainly due to the quantum
confinement effect and large surface to volume ratio.
Importance of Nanotechnology

Nanoscience and nanotechnology are being envisioned as the science and technology
of the future. The multifarious applications of nanotechnology reside on the remarkable
features of the nanomaterials compared to bulk materials. Nanotechnology is predicted to
revolutionize every aspect of human life. Nanotechnology is helping to considerably improve
many technology and industry sectors such as; IT, homeland security, medicine, transportation,
energy, food safety, environmental science etc.

In the coming modules, we can swift through the interventions of the nanoscience and
nanotechnology in different fields

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