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Thursday, May 9, 2024

By Amalia Nurhasanah,S.Pd,M.Hum
Analyzing Home Products

1. Search 5 items/home products which contain minimum 10 English words.

2. The products can be food/drinks, cleaning devices, house hold appliances.
3. Analyse those words by asking questions of WH/H.
4. Look for dan define 3 words from Cambridge Online Dictionary taken from
some of those products.
5. Capture all those products in one frame. Submit with handwriting answer of 1-
4, scan/save Pdf, and submit through Google Drive by 4 PM today.
Number The Name of Products Ingredients How to Expired Date
(incl.price) (materials) Use/Operate
Midterm Groupwork-Project
1. Make a group of 3 students.
2. Go out from your house and search for banner/neon box/plat which contain
minimum 7 English Words (CAPTURE 7 items).
3. It could be the “words” from bakery shops, restaurants, beauty salon, mechanic
shops, and others.
4. Analyze those words in terms of: name of the product/place, specific
information/statement, incorrect spelling and grammar, aspect/s which attracts
you most.
5. Report number 2 and 4 in Power Point Presentation.
6. Be ready to present publicly (in the classroom) for max 7 minutes.

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