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1he Poly Cur'aan has 86 Makkl Surahs (AfLer MlgraLlon) and 28 Madnl Surahs (8efore

1asmlyah ls Lhe flrsL verse of Lhe Poly Cur'aan
1here are 6666 verses ln Lhe Poly Cur'aan
1he Loplc/concenLraLlon of Lhe Poly Cur'aan ls Lhe manklnd/human belngs
1here are 3 challenges LhaL Lhe Poly Cur'aan has puL forward
1 lan (1adabbur)
2 1hlnk (1afakkur)
3 undersLand (1a'akkul)

ect and 1op|c of the no|y r'aan
Je can dlvlde Lhe sub[ecL and Loplc of Cur'aan wlLh 2 references le
1 J|th reference to reve|at|on ln Lhls caLegory we can dlvlde Cur'aan as follows
l) Makkl Surahs ln Makkl Surahs mosLly baslc bellefs of lslam have been dlscussed
eg Lauheed rlsalaL akhlraL and hell Makkl Surahs alm aL lnculcaLlng Lhe sense of
accounLablllLy among Lhe Musllms Moreover some lncldenLs from Lhe pasL have
also been explalned
ll) Madnl Surahs Madnl Surahs dlscussed 3 dlfferenL buL corelaLed Lhemes
Cne ChazawaL/ !lhad 8ules of war prlsoner rlghLs and booLy
1wo Jorshlps/lbadaaL ueLalled laws abouL prayer fasLlng and zaka have been narraLed
1hree Soclal laws ln Lhls porLlon Madnl Surahs have dlscussed almosL every sphere of
soclal laws lL has glven [udlclal economlc admlnlsLraLlve crlmlnal maLrlmonlal and
educaLlonal laws
|rr|yah Jhere Sahaba had been senL lnsLead of ropheL SAJ hlmself golng Lo Lhe baLLle
2 J|th reference to ect
l) 8ellefs
ll) ommandmenLs
lll) lncldenLs
lv) xamples
1he Poly Cur'aan Lalks abouL Lhe baslc bellefs of lslam such as lslamlc ln[uncLlons abouL ldol
worshlppers hrlsLlans !ews eLc Cur'aan says
#Ier||y A||aah does not ||ke the pagans"
1he Poly Cur'aan glves commandmenLs abouL Lhe rlghLs of Allaah as well as rlghLs of people
Slmllarly Cur'aan glves commandmenLs abouL Lrade economy lnherlLance wlll morallLy
banklng educaLlon eLc Cur'aan also declares lLs commandmenLs ln clear words abouL nlkah
1alaaq and !lhad Clsas (lncldence) 1he Cur'aan Lalks abouL Lwo Lypes of lncldence le of pasL
and of fuLure eg lncldenLs abouL Lhe llves of Lhe ropheLs hakeem Luqman Mallka Sabah
Zulqarnaln Caroon eLc belong Lo Lhe pasL Jhereas Lhe fuLure lncldenLs are relaLed Lo
doomsday hell heaven eLc 1he Poly Cur'aan glves examples Lo faclllLaLe Lhe learnlng process
1he Cur'aan compares human belngs and human acLs/deeds wlLh LhaL of naLure
Narrat|ve ty|e of 1he no|y r'aan
1he Cur'aanlc sLyle ls sald Lo be Lhe besL narraLlve sLyle ln Lhe world lL has no maLch as Lhe
sLyle ls very lucld fluenL meanlngful and comprehendlble
D|st|nct|ve qa||t|es of r'aan|c Narrat|ve ty|e
l) arallel harmonlous effecL 1he Cur'aan does noL follow any llLerary laws yeL lL glves
as very harmonlous effecL whlch enchanLs lLs readers or llsLeners lLs lmpacL ls
unbellevable and Lo someone unnarraLable
ll) ls lL a verse or prose? LlngulsLs sLlll face confuslon as Lo classlfylng Lhe Poly Cur'aan
as a prose or as a verse lL ls dlfflculL Lo say exacLly LhaL whaL Cur'aan ls robably lL
ls boLh
lll) 8lend of all narraLlve sLyles 1here are Lhree LradlLlonal narraLlve sLyles le oraLory
llLerary and academlc 8uL Cur'aan employs all Lhese Lhree sLyles so sklllfully LhaL
whlle followlng one Cur'aan does noL lnfrlnge Lhe oLher
lv) 8epeLlLlon of Sub[ecL normally repeLlLlon of anyLhlng has a borlng effecL on human
belng buL Cur'aan has unlque feaLures LhaL lL repeaLs lLs commandmenLs Llme and
agaln ?eL we do noL feel bored
v) uellcaLe and honored SLyle 1he Cur'aan ls very dellcaLe Lo lLs conLenL buL aL Lhe
same Llme lL malnLalns lLs auLhorlLaLlve Lone whlch as a convlnclng effecL on Lhe
llsLeners or Lhe readers
vl) 8eauLlful and leasanL SLyle 1he Cur'aan ls noL a book of [okes lL dlscusses very
serlous and LhoughL provoklng Loplcs 8uL Cur'aanlc sLyle ls so pleasanL LhaL one
does noL feels bored lor example lnherlLance ls a very serlous sub[ecL buL lL ls a
mlracle of Cur'aan LhaL Lhe whole lnherlLance laws are belng narraLed ln a very
pleasanL and consumlng manner beauLlfully
vll) ompacLness and omprehenslveness 1he Cur'aan has small and compacL verses
buL Lhelr meanlngs are very deep and peneLraLlng
vlll) undersLandable for ducaLed as well as llllLeraLe persons 1he Poly Cur'aan ls
unlque ln a sense LhaL lL has someLhlng Lo offer for boLh ducaLed as well as
llllLeraLe person An llllLeraLe person can seek knowledge from Cur'aan llke a scholar
can llke a scholar can 1hough Lhere wlll be dlfference ln level of comprehenslon buL
Cur'aan has someLhlng Lo offer for boLh
lx) lnLerconnecLlvlLy of verses ApparenLly Lhere ls no conLenL llsL of Cur'aan buL
verses are so well knlLLed LhaL a person feels connecLlvlLy among Lhe verses 1haL ls
why Cur'aan becomes a well organlzed book ln Lhe eyes of even a new reader
x) SLyle of Makkl Surahs Makkl Surahs have small verses whlch are moLlvaLlng and
encouraglng 1hey normally avold long and perplexlng verses
xl) SLyle of Madnl Surahs Madnl Surahs have long verses capable of explalnlng Lhe
Lechnlcal concepLs lor example economlc lnherlLance and maLrlmonlal laws

1he texta| content of the no|y r'aan
rah A|8aqarah (1he ne|per]1he Cow) 1he verse 282 of Surah Al8aqarah ls Lhe longesL
verse of Lhe Poly Cur'aan 284286 ls whaL we'll dlscuss ln our classes
rah A|8aqarah
Ierse 284 1o Allaah belong all LhaL ls ln Lhe heavens and all LhaL ls on Lhe earLh And wheLher
you dlsclose whaL ls ln your own selves or conceal lL Allaah wlll call you Lo accounL for lL 1hen
he forglves whom Pe wllls and punlshes whom Pe wllls And Allaah ls able Lo do all Lhlngs"
Ierse 28S 1he Messenger (Muhammad SAJ) belleves ln whaL has been senL down Lo hlm
from hls Lord and so do Lhe bellevers ach one belleves ln Allaah wlLh angels Pls books and Pls
messengers Je make no dlsLlncLlon beLween one and oLher of Pls messengers And Lhey say
Je hear and we obey Je seek your forglveness our Lord And Lo you ls Lhe reLurn of all"

8|ography of 1he no|y rophet (AJ)
Ancestors PazraL lbrahlm (AS) PazraL lsmall (AS) llP8 Cussal (ra|sh) Pashlm
(grandson of Cussal) Shlaba/Abdul MuLLallb (slave of MuLLallb) Abdullaah nazrat
Mhammad AJ
nazrat Ad| Mtta|| 1 ulalogue wlLh Abraha
2 8esLoraLlon of Lhe well zam zam
3 upbrlnglng of Lhe Poly ropheL SAJ
Cond|t|ons of Ara|a at the t|me of rophet's 8|rth (Age of Ignorance)
8|rth and Upr|ng|ng of the no|y rophet (AJ)
1he ropheL SAJ was born on 371 Au (1he year of lephanL)

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