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TAHUN AJARAN 2023-2024

Sekolah Dasar Negeri Polehan 4
JL. Werkudoro 437 Malang, Tlp. (0341) 343645

MAPEL : Bahasa Inggris N a m a :………………….............

KELAS : 6 ( Enam ) Waktu : 90 Menit

A. Choose the right answer by crossing the a, b, c or d!

1. this restaurant a week ago.
a. Ate c. eating
b. Eaten d. eat
2. this sofa last night.
a. Sleeping c. slept
b. Sleep d. sleped
3. We... to each other 2 years ago.
a. Talk c. Are talk
b. Be talking d. talked
4. ...he study last night?
a. Do c. done
b. Did d. are
5. My brother...this novel yesterday.
a. Buying c. buy
b. Buys d. bought
Read the text below! It’s for no 6-7!
Yesterday I went to the beach. It called Blue Sky beach. There was wonderful. I
went there with Dad, Mom, Aunt Marry and Suzan. Mom listened to the radio. She sat
under a palm tree. Dad and Aunt Marry played in the sand. I went swimming with Suzan.
The weather was good. It was sunny and windy. Then we went to a restaurant. We had
lunch. We ate fish, chips, sausages, rice and barbeque. Before we went home, we bought
some souvenirs. Aunt Mary bought a blanket. I bought a cap and a jacket. Suzan bought a
sweater and nice shoes.
6. The writer’s go to the beach with ....
a. Dad and mom c. Mom and aunt
b. Dad, mom, aunt, and Suzan d. Dad, aunt and Suzan
7. What did Suzan buy?
a. sweater and shoes c. blanket
b. shoes and hat d. cap and jacket
8. Mrs. Tuti... the Headmaster of my school in 2010.
a. Is c.were
b. Was d. are
9. He... a soccer player before he retired.
a. Am c. was
b. Are d. were
10. Stacy feels ... when her grandmother passed away.
a. loving c. tired
b. happy d. sad
11. Thank you for helping me. I am so ... that you are here.
a. Angry c. glad
b. Tired d. disappointed
12. He is so ... after cleaning the house. He is sleeping right now.
a. Loving c. scared
b. Tired d. jealous
13. Lukas feels ... after watching horror movie.
a. Happy c. jealous
b. Scared d. sad
14. Sita feels ... when she speaks in front of many people.
a. Jealous c. nervous
b. Disappointed d. sleepy
15. Arrange the words below!
Night – I – cooked – rice – fried - last
a. I cooked fried rice last night.
b. I cooked fried last night rice
c. Last night I cooked rice fried
d. Last night fried rice I cooked
Read the text! It’s for number 16-20
Made Visited his Grandmother
Made went to Jakarta last week. He visited his grandmother. He got there by train
in the morning. He brought a basket of fruits and a bunch of flowers for his grandmother.
The trip took a long time. He arrived at grandmother’s house in the next morning. He was
very tired, but everything changed when he met his grandmother. His grandmother was
very happy to see him.
16. Who went to Jakarta last week?
a. Made c. Made and father
b. His mother d. his father
17. How did he go to Jakarta?
a. By motorcycle c. By train
b. By bus d. by plane
18. What did he bring for his grandmother?
a. A basket of fruits c. A basket of fruits and a bunch of flowers
b. A bunch of flowers d. a loaf of bread and a bunch of flowers
19. Did he arrive at his grandmother’s house in the next morning?
a. Yes, he did c. No, he didn’t
b. Yes, he is d. no, he did
20. How did his grandmother feel?
a. Very sad c. Very happy
b. Very nervous d. very angry

B. Answer the question correctly!

Read the text below to answer 21-25

Vacation at the beach

Last holiday, I with my family went to the beach. We were there by car. The
weather was sunny. I was very happy to see the view of the beach. There were some
children playing kites. There were adults playing beach volleyball. There were many
vendors selling around. Me, my father, my mother and my little sister bought ice cream.
It tastes good and fresh. What a pleasant experience.

21. What did the writer do during holiday? ___________________________

22. What did some children do at the beach? __________________________
23. What did some adults do at the beach? ____________________________
24. How was the weather there? ____________________________________
25. What did the writer buy there? __________________________________

Read the text below to answer 26-30

Aisyah visited the library

Hello, my name is Aisyah. I have a best friend. Her name is Cici. Yesterday, we
went to the school library. We were there after school. We borrowed some books there.
Then, we read the books. I read a science book and Cici read a comic book. We were in
the library for two hours. We went home at 12.00. We were very happy.

26. Who is Aisyah’s best friend? __________________________________

27. Where did they go? _________________________________________
28. When did they go to the library? _______________________________
29. What did they borrow? ______________________________________
30. What did Aisyah read? _____________________________________

C. Answer the questions correctly!

Read the text below to answer no 31

Hi, my name is Juan, and like you, I feel emotions all time. When I want to eat, I feel
hungry. I feel sad when I watch sad movie. Also, I feel excited when I go to my friend’s
house, but I feel bored when I play football. And when I visit my grandparents I feel happy.

31. Mentions the Juan’s feeling all the time! ________________________


32. Make a simple sentence based on the picture!



33. Translate into Indonesia!

Joshua and his friends played football at the school yard yesterday.
34. Correct the sentences!
Last holiday, Khansa go to the museum with her family.
35. Mr Brown : Hello Jim, how are you?
Jim : Hello Mr Brow, I'm fine thanks. How are you?
Mr Brown : I'm good. Now, tell me. What did you find yesterday?
Jim : Yesterday, I found a treasure chest.
Mr Brown : Where did you find it?
Jim : I and my friend Tom played baseball. Tom hit the ball so hard. Then the
ball entered an old church. I tried to find it but I couldn't. Tom came and helped me. After
almost a half and hour we found something behind the cupboard. It wasn't my ball. It was
a treasure chest.
Mr Brown : Interesting! What was in that treasure chest?
Jim : Well, I didn't know. I and Tom called my father. Then Jim's father called
the police. They said there were rings, bracelets and some gold coins in that chest.
Mr Brown : It was fantastic. Were you happy?
Jim : Actually no. I didn't find my ball yet.
Put tick (√) the correct statements based on the dialogue!
a) Jim found a treasure
chest yesterday.

b) He found the treasure in

the church yesterday.

c) He was happy after find

the treasure.

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