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2) Commute: to make the same journey regularly between work and home

3) Affluent: Rich, having a lot of money

4) Trash: garbage
5) Produce: food or other substance or material that is grown or obtained through
6) Recycling plant : a facility or factory recycle and process various waste.
7) Mass-transit: a system of public transport in a city
8) Agricultural operation: include activities such as the raising and harvesting of
crops from soil, the raising of fowl or animals, logging, and forestry operations.
9) Crops: a plant such a grain, vegetable, or fruit grown in large amounts on a farm
10) Cultivate: to prepare land and grow crops on it .
11) Livelihood: the money people need to pay for food , place to live , clothing,..
12) Posts: jobs
13) Secure: not likely to fail or be lost
14) Self- confidence : feeling sure about yourself or your abilities
15) Upgrade:to lift level sth
16) Keep up with : to do whatever is necessary stay lever or equal with so or oth
17) Distract: to make so stop giving their attention to sth
18) Drawback: bad side or disadvantages
19) Leisure: the time when you are free from work , or other duties and can relax.
20) Globalization: a term used to describe how trade and technology have made the
word into a more connected and interdependent place.
21) Flexible : able to change or be changed easily according situation
22) Rigid: not permitting any change
23) Workaholism: a condition that makes so work a lot of the time and find it difficult
not to work.
24) Depict : describe something in a picture or movie,..
25) Mosques : what happens in mosques: Islamic religious activity and worship.
A building for Islamic religious

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