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Informacin Importante

Your book must include photos/pictures on every page. ***DO NOT USE ORIGINALS THAT YOU HAVE TO HAVE BACK!! Every page must have color. There must be AT LEAST 2 lines of sentences on every page. Every sentence must have a correct subject and verb, and all adjectives must follow the noun and agree with the noun in Singular, Plural, Masculine, and Feminine. The sentences must be typed or neatly written. There must be a COVER/TITLE PAGE with the title of the story and your name. The main focus on this project is on the grammar. BE SURE TO KEEP IT SIMPLE. The text MUST BE CHECKED FOR GRAMMAR ERRORS AHEAD OF TIME. DON'T WAIT TILL THE LAST MINUTE. IF YOU USE A TRANSLATOR (meaning if there are grammar constructions and lots of vocabulary you would not normally know), THE GRADE WILL BE DROPPED. I want this to be your work, not the work of the Spanish computer translator.

El Libro de ________ (The Book Of _______)

Your book will need to include the following information: I. All about me a. My name is b. I am ___ old c. I am from. d. How am I? (minimum 10 descriptions) e. How do I feel? f. 5 Things that I do II. School a. My school is called b. What I study at what time (p.e. Estudio arte a las dos.) c. What my professors names are and 2 descriptions of each teacher d. My class likes and dislikes III. Friends and Fun a. Name 5 friends b. Describe each of them (min. 2 descriptions) c. What do I like/like to do (minimum 5 activities/3 objects) d. Where I go and how I get there in the city (minimum 4 places and 3 ways of transportation) e. Describe your favorite restaurant and your favorite meal there. IV. My family: pick 10 members of your family and describe: a. How they are related to you b. What they are like (min. 2 ser and 1 estar descriptions each/1 le gusta per person) c. Illustrate a family tree d. Tell me 5 statements about what you do together

Extra Credit worth 10%--you can record the book on a CD or digital file.

Content. (10 puntos) 4 3 2 0 exceeds minimum length story/information is unique with many details story is minimum length story/information lacks many interesting details story is less than minimum length story/information is ho..hum, lacking creativity or interest Incomplete

Language (20 puntos) 4 3 2 0 use of rich, varied vocabulary found outside of textbook, few or insignificant grammar errors varied vocabulary, use of common words, sticks only to textbook vocabulary, grammar errors quite frequent repetition of same words, grammar errors may impede comprehension Incomplete

Visuals. (10 puntos) 4 3 2 0 Interesting, unique cover, word processed or written neatly, few or no errors, illustrations unique and related to story Attractive, neat cover, hand written, but not with extreme neatness, illustrations are related to story Ordinary cover, lacks visual interest, hard to read, may contain many errors, illustrations are lacking or not appropriate to story Incomplete Total: ___________

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