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3.1 Research Design
The design of this research is a survey carried out in three higher institutions
in Niger state to find out the effect (s) examination malpractice has caused on
quality of secondary education in Nigeria.
This study covers or considered the views of the researchers respondents on
the impact, damage caused by examination malpractice.
3.2 population and sampling of the study
This work covers the population study. It is covered within its scope and
limitations. Among the population (50) fifty lecturers within the scope and
limitations where used. 100 students from the schools were also sampled. This
gives a total sum of 150 population as drawn from the various categories of people
mentioned above.
3.3 Instrument of data collection
The use of questionnaire is the soul instrument for data collection in this
study. 150 questionnaire are prepared with five basic question, keys to each
questions beside. The letter and personal data designed to help the correspondents.
The optional keys to answer these questions are (S.A)strongly Agreed (A)
Agreed, (U) Undecided (D) Disagree and (SD) strongly Disagreed. These
questions are being decided into three category.
3.4 Research Procedures
The researcher was authorized by the school to collect data from students
and lecturers of the institutions mentioned. The questionnaires were given to some
selected lecturers and students.
3.5 Method Of Data Analysis

Sample percentage scope is to used for analysis data collection for the study.
The data is collected and origanized according to the research questions and
hypothesis in a tarbular form.
Example of the table for simple percentage score

Response Response Response Response Response Response Response

s% s% s% s% s% s% s%
Where SA - Strongly Agreed
A - Agreed
U - Undecided
D - Disagree
SD - Strongly Disagreed
Percentage {%} = No x 100
TR 1
Where NR = Number of Responses
TR = Total Responses

Research Questionnaire
1: parents who choose career for their children are responsible for poor
performance of students.
3: Different parental background leads to different quality of education.
4: indiscipline parent produce indiscipline students in the society
5: The high expectation of parent in student tempt some students to please their
parents .
6: Careless attitude of some parents towards their children allow this students to
engage in examination malpractice
7: Do you think as a parent examination malpractice is a shame on you. If your
child is caught.
8: Do you think strict parent produce student with good academic result.
9: parents who do not encourage their children to be serious in their academics, are
not being fair to them.
10: Examination malpractice limits learning abilities of the students.
11: Students are withdrawn from schools due to examination malpractice
12: Are student who involve in examination malpractices seen as irresponsible?
13: Students who engage in examination malpractice famish the image of their
family, school and the society.
14: student who engage in examination malpractice waste the resources of their
15: an individual engaged on examination malpractice cannot represent their
family, country at international level
16: some student who engage in examination malpractice do not improve the
quality of education.
17: the academic performance of student who engage in examination is usually low
18: examination malpractice among students promotes laziness
19: student who study hard to pass credit their examination
20: Teacher who are not punctual in class also play a part as to why student engage
in examination malpractice
21: Teachers who take bribe from student do not tell them of the dangers of
examination malpractice
22: Teachers who are not discipline cannot produce quality students in examination
23: Teachers who are reluctant to teach are responsible for low quality in education
that leads to malpractice
24: poor welfare of teachers also result to examination
25: Corrupt teachers produce corrupt students
26: Teachers who take bribe do not command respect from their student
27: Teachers who motivate student to cheat in examinations are not helping them
to be better people
28: Teacher who encourage examination malpractice are not worthy leaders
29: Any teacher who encourage examination malpractice should be punished.
When caught
30: Lazy teachers also promote examination malpractice

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