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Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:109


Developing a fuzzy optimization model for groundwater risk

assessment based on improved DRASTIC method
Seyedeh Mahboobeh Jafari1 · Mohammad Reza Nikoo1

Received: 4 September 2018 / Accepted: 18 January 2019 / Published online: 5 February 2019
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

Groundwater pollution is a serious threat to water resources which attracts hydrologists attention for sustainable manage-
ment. Comprehensive assessment of groundwater vulnerability, however, requires uncertainty analysis in conjunction with a
proper method to determine prone areas to contaminants. This paper provides a new fuzzy optimization methodology using
improved DRASTIC method to model groundwater vulnerability risk assessment which considers uncertainties embedded
in the input parameters, optimizes the weights and modifies the rates of the model simultaneously. To better represent hydro-
geological characteristics of an area, the rating scores of original DRASTIC method is modified using Wilcoxon test con-
sidering nitrate concentration (as the main interfering pollutant in the study area). Spearman correlation coefficient between
vulnerability indices and nitrate concentration is used as a factor to measure how well improved DRASTIC performs for
vulnerability assessment as compared to the original method. The results show that the correlation coefficient significantly
increased from 0.573 to 0.789. To address uncertainties associated with the input and output of the model, reduced fuzzy
transformation method (FTM) is empowered by genetic algorithm (GA) to consider uncertainties associated with input
parameters as well as optimizing weights of improved DRASTIC model. The results show how correlation coefficient changes
at different uncertainty levels. Considering uncertainties in the inputs, correlation coefficient changes from 0.746 to almost
0.758 at α-cut level equal to 0 in comparison with that of equal to 1. Comparison of the risk maps of improved DRASTIC
and fuzzy model at different uncertainty levels reveals that the model performs robustly under uncertainties mainly since
the vulnerability trend and more importantly the severity of vulnerability indices have not changed remarkably. Based on
these maps, east and southeastern parts of the study area are highly susceptible to contamination where intense industrial
and agricultural activities can be seen. This framework provides helpful information for decision-makers to consider risk
assessment at different uncertainty levels as it offers a continuous range of vulnerability indices rather than fixed ones. Also,
vulnerability risk assessment maps demonstrate vulnerability trend throughout the area for further controlling or remedying
actions of groundwater network.

Keywords DRASTIC · Groundwater vulnerability risk assessment · Fuzzy transformation method · Genetic algorithm


Climate change is no longer considered as a future issue,

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this so many countries worldwide are dealing with its conse-
article (https​://​5-019-8090-x) contains quence which is mainly prolonged drought events. This has
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. led to serious water crises and severe groundwater abstrac-
tion. Groundwater as an important source of water supply,
* Mohammad Reza Nikoo especially in regions suffering from lack of surface water,
is under a remarkable potential of contamination. Once
Seyedeh Mahboobeh Jafari groundwater is polluted, it is hard and costly to treat or stop
the expansion of contaminated zone. Accordingly, an effi-
School of Engineering, Department of Civil cient monitoring strategy should be applied for sustainable
and Environmental Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, management of groundwater resources.

109 Page 2 of 16 Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:109

In this regard, Margat (1968) introduced a term in applied in Tehran-Karaj aquifer, which revealed a drawback
hydrogeology, namely vulnerability which is defined as the in the original DRASTIC method. The original DRASTIC
possibility of percolation and diffusion of pollutants into classified the low potential areas for becoming polluted as
groundwater networks. As a result of the need for an effi- moderate ones. Rezaei et al. (2013) used fuzzy DRASTIC
cient and reliable method for the assessment of groundwater to prepare vulnerability maps based on three critical cases
vulnerability, several methods are introduced. Among them, (minimum, maximum and mean annual values). Some inves-
DRASTIC is the most commonly used method which is tigate application of artificial intelligence (AI) methods with
widely applied around the world. This method takes impor- fuzzy DRASTIC (Barzegar et al. 2016) or by applying a
tant and representative parameters for groundwater vulner- supervised committee machine with artificial intelligence
ability assessment into account and assigns them different (SCMAI) to original DRASTIC (Fijani et al. 2013). Also,
rating scores and weights regarding their contribution to Nadiri et al. (2017) investigate an integration of SCFL meth-
groundwater susceptibility to contaminants. However, due ods which are Supervised Committee (SC), Machine and
to the subjectivity of input parameters and local variations Fuzzy Logic (FL) with DRASTIC method. Their results
in hydrogeological characteristics from region to region, revealed that artificial intelligence (AI) methods coupled
DRASTIC has been modified to provide a more accurate with fuzzy-based approach can better model uncertainty and
assessment. In most cases, the original DRASTIC was modi- vulnerability index based on an improvement in correlation
fied by applying Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Zhang index. Considering this literature, algorithm-based tech-
et al. 1996; Thirumalaivasan et al. 2003; Denny et al. 2007; niques have rarely been utilized as an approach for improv-
Gomezdelcampo and Dickerson 2008; Sener and Davraz ing fuzzy DRASTIC models which makes a research case
2013; Neshat et al. 2014) and or Wilcoxon test (1945; Pana- to develop a simple yet efficient framework to link fuzzi-
gopoulos et al. 2006; Huan et al. 2012; Neshat et al. 2014; ness, weight optimization and rate modification of original
Jafari and Nikoo 2016) to modify rating scores. Also, pro- DRASTIC method. To the best knowledge of authors, no
viding additional layers such as land use pattern or even studies have been dedicated to develop a fuzzy optimiza-
omitting basic layers based on expert judgment have become tion model based on an improved DRASTIC method to con-
prevalent (Bazimenyera and Zhonghua 2008; Mohammadi sider weight optimization based on hydrogeological char-
et al. 2009; Pathak and Hiratsuka 2011; Iqbal et al. 2015a; acteristics of the area which can be applied anywhere. This
Vaezihir and Tabarmayeh 2015; Arezoomand Omidi Lan- study aims to first modify the rating scores of DRASTIC
grudi et al. 2016; Nadiri et al. 2017). All the mentioned method and second to develop a new fuzzy optimization
studies concluded that the improved DRASTIC method is model to incorporate the mentioned involved uncertainties
capable of reliable assessment of groundwater vulnerabil- and optimize the weights of the improved DRASTIC model
ity. However, a major drawback to this model can be sim- (obtained from the first step) using genetic algorithm (GA)
ply about the rating scores of input parameters which are simultaneously. The proposed methodology can address the
reported as explicit and fixed sets that any variation in input mentioned gaps in the literature review by a simple and effi-
parameters will not result in the output variation. In addi- cient framework. Using GA for optimizing fuzzy DRASTIC
tion, while a reliable groundwater vulnerability assessment model leads to obtaining the maximum feasible correlation
requires a dense set of input data, it is often sparse or even index between vulnerability indices and nitrate concentra-
might be measured by low-quality technologies. tion with regard to hydrogeological characteristics of the
Therefore, if DRASTIC method is going to be known as area as well as considering uncertainty in acquiring data.
an effective tool in the realm of groundwater vulnerability In a complementary step, the outputs can be linked with
risk assessment, the following should be taken into account: ArcGIS for preparing fuzzy vulnerability maps to delineate
(a) modifying the rating scores and weights of input param- contaminant migration or prone areas to pollutants at the
eters based on hydrogeological attributes of the study area site as well as reporting spatially continuous vulnerability
and (b) considering the uncertainty and imprecision embed- index at different uncertainty degrees. This paper continues
ded in input data. Fuzzy techniques have been prevalently by presenting the proposed methodology and case study in
used to confront uncertainties in groundwater vulnerability Sect. 2. Additionally, Sects. 3 and 4 are devoted to results
modeling (Dixon 2005; Rahman 2008; Mohammadi et al. and conclusion, respectively.
2009; Moslemi Naeni and Salehipour 2011; Rezaei et al.
2013; Fijani et al. 2013; Iqbal et al. 2015a, b; Subagadis
et al. 2016; Nadiri et al. 2017). Afshar et al. (2007) used Methodology
the pseudo-trapezoidal membership function along with
Mamdani inference method and central gravity defuzzi- The fundamental concept of groundwater vulnerability
fication methods to define linguistic terms for DRASTIC assessment is preparing vulnerability maps to character-
indices. Mohammadi et al. (2009) used a fuzzy system and ize the spatial distribution of prone areas to contaminants.

Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:109 Page 3 of 16 109

For accurate vulnerability index, however, a high density characteristics, Wilcoxon rank-sum nonparametric test (Wil-
of accurate field data is required which is contrary to real- coxon 1945) as the best choice of rate modification approach
istic conditions. Therefore, this study attempts to develop a is applied. In this method, rating scores are modified using
new fuzzy optimization model to incorporate uncertainties the mean of nitrate concentration of each class reducing to
related to imprecision of input parameters. This methodol- a ten-grade scale (Panagopoulos et al. 2006). Basically, the
ogy can also determine how well the model will perform rates of DRASTIC method are on the decreasing trend with
under uncertainties associated with input parameters. Fig- respect to different ranges of a parameter, let us say soil
ure 1 shows the overall flowchart of the proposed methodol- media or topography (Table 1). Logically, a class of a param-
ogy. Details about each step are provided in the following eter contributing more to vulnerability index is associated
subsections. with higher nitrate concentration. Thus, first of all, the mean
nitrate concentration of samples lying in different classes of
Vulnerability assessment DRASTIC parameters should be calculated. Then classes
with the highest mean of nitrate concentration are given 10
DRASTIC as the rating value. Rating values of other classes can be sim-
ply modified using linear interpolation based on their mean
Based on what was mentioned before, DRASTIC method is nitrate concentration and the highest nitrate concentration
chosen for groundwater vulnerability assessment developed of a parameter. The concept behind this is paying attention
by Aller et al. (1987) for the US Environmental Protection to the fact that developer of DRASTIC method introduced
Agency (US-EPA). DRASTIC is an acronym for seven rates of different parameters in regard to his assessment and
hydrogeological parameters, namely Depth to groundwa- calibration in the US. So, as DRASTIC parameters might be
ter, Net Recharge, Aquifer media, Soil media, Topogra- differently characterized throughout the world (for instance,
phy, Impact of vadose zone and Hydraulic Conductivity. sandy type of soil might be associated with more porosity
These parameters are representative factors for hydrogeo- in Chile as compared to another part in Iran), rating scores
logical characteristics of aquifers which are easy to col- should be modified based on hydrogeological characteristics
lect. Each parameter has a predetermined weight and rating of a given area. It should be mentioned that if there are no
score, which differs from 1 to 5 and 1 to 10, respectively samples available lying in a class of a parameter, the original
(Table 1). An increase in weight and/or rate values implies rate of DRASTIC can be assigned. Accordingly, improved
that a parameter or a class of that contributes more to vulner- DRASTIC can be calculated using Eq. (1) with modified
ability index calculation. DRASTIC vulnerability index (VI) rating scores. For more information, interested readers are
can be calculated by the following equation: pointed to Jafari and Nikoo (2016).

Fuzzy optimization analysis
VI = (wi ri ), (1)
While the aim of vulnerability assessment is to provide help-
where w is the weight and r is the rating score assigned to ful information on susceptible areas to contaminants, it lacks
the ith parameter. It should be noted that in the present study, incorporating uncertainties involved with input parameters.
Piscopo method is used to evaluate the net recharge index by Based on fuzzy logic (Zadeh 1965), each imprecise or fuzzy-
the following equation (Piscopo 2001): property parameter is potential to be described by a member-
ship function. In this regard, two different Fuzzy Transforma-
Net recharge index = Slope(%) + Rainfall (%)
tion Methods (FTM), namely reduced and general FTM, can
+ Soil permeability index. (2) be applied based on the nature of the problem that whether it
is monotonic or not, respectively (Hanss 2003). In this study,
Piscopo rating scores and the final recharge indices can
based on the results of monotonicity of the problem, only the
be found in Table 2.
reduced FTM is explained. The reduced form of FTM can
reduce the computational costs to a great extent but requires a
Improved DRASTIC
condition (monotonicity of problem) to be fulfilled. In detail,
the reduced FTM requires the output of fuzzy-parameterized
As the literature survey shows, modifications of rating scores
model to be monotonic with regard to all uncertain parameters.
can lead to a better correlation index between vulnerabil-
In the reduced FTM, only different combination of lower and
ity indices and nitrate concentration (known as a common
upper values of uncertain parameters is considered for further
indicator pollutant). Following a previous study (Jafari and
analysis. However, in the original FTM, all the values in the
Nikoo 2016) in which different methods of modifications
range of lower and upper limit are considered since the prob-
are considered over the area with similar hydrogeological
lem is not monotone (Hanss 2003).

109 Page 4 of 16 Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:109


Preparing input raw data for DRASTIC method STEP 1

D R A S T I C NO -3

Calculating original DRASTIC vulnerability index using Eq. 1 STEP 2

Measuring correlation coefficient between

Is it
vulnerability indices and nitrates
satisfactory1? Yes
concentration to determine the efficiency of
the method No

Objective 1: Improving DRASTIC method STEP 3

Choose another method

Application of a method for modifying rating scores (Wilcoxon test is used here )

Calculating improved DRASTIC vulnerability index based on modified rating scores

Measuring correlation coefficient between Is it

vulnerability indices and nitrates satisfactory3? No
concentration Yes

Objective 2: Fuzzy optimization analysis STEP 4

Determining the most uncertain input parameter using one-parameter-at-a-time sensitivity analysis

Calculating upper and lower bound of uncertain parameters at different α–cut levels

Integrating reduced fuzzy transformation method (FTM) with genetic algorithm (GA) optimization
model for obtaining optimized weights at different α–cut levels

Objective 3: Developing vulnerability maps

Preparing spatial distribution of prone areas to contaminants at different α–cut levels

: Based on interpretation of different values of
correlation coefficient (refer to section 2.2) End
: Please refer to section 2.1.2
: Higher correlation value as compared to one in
step 2

Fig. 1  Flowchart of the proposed methodology for developing a fuzzy optimization model for groundwater vulnerability assessment

Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:109 Page 5 of 16 109

Table 1  Rating and weight DRASTIC parameters Range/type Rating scores Weight
scores of original DRASTIC
(Adapted from Aller et al. 1987) Depth to groundwater (m) > 30.4 1 5
22.8–30.4 2
15.2–22.8 3
9.1–15.2 5
4.6–9.1 7
1.5–4.6 9
0–1.5 10
Net recharge See Table 2 See Table 2 4
Aquifer media Massive shale 2 3
Metamorphic/igneous 3
Weathered metamorphic igneous 4
Glacial till 5
Bedded sandstone, limestone 6
Massive sandstone 6
Massive limestone 8
Sand and gravel 8
Basalt 9
Karst limestone 10
Soil media No shrinking clay 1 2
Muck 2
Clay loam 3
Silt loam 4
Loam 5
Sandy loam 6
Shrinking clay 7
Peat 8
Sand 9
Gravel 10
Thin or absent 10
Topographic slope (%) > 18 1 1
12–18 3
6–12 5
2–6 9
0–2 10
Impact of vadose zone Confining layer 1 5
Silt/clay 3
Shale 3
Limestone 3
Sandstone 6
Bedded limestone, sandstone 6
Sand and gravel with silt and clay 6
Sand and gravel 8
Basalt 9
Karst limestone 10
Hydraulic conductivity (m/d) 0.4–4.1 1 3
4.1–12.3 2
12.3–28.7 4
28.7–41 6
41–82 8
> 82 10

109 Page 6 of 16 Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:109

Table 2  Recharge rating scores Slope (%) Rainfall (mm) Permeability index Recharge index
based on Piscopo method
(Piscopo 2001) Range Rate Range Rate Range Rate Range Rate

> 33 1 < 500 1 Low 2 3–5 1

10–33 2 500–700 2 Moderate 3 5–7 3
2–10 3 700–850 3 Moderate to high 4 7–9 5
<2 4 > 850 4 High 5 9–11 8

In an FTM, each fuzzy parameter can be denoted as The decomposed and transformed form of the outputs O ̃ can
Pi (i = 1, 2, 3, … , n) and each can be decomposed to a set be represented by the arrays 𝛿̂(j) (j = 0, 1, 2, … , m − 1) where
Pi of m + 1 intervals Φi (j = 1, 2, 3, … , m) known as α-cut
its kth element is
(Hanss 2003). Therefore, each fuzzy parameter is as follows:
{ } k ̂(j)
(j) (j)
= F (k Ẑ 1 , k Ẑ 2 , … , k Ẑ n(j) ), (9)
Pi = Φ(0) i
, Φ(1)
, … , Φ(m)
i = 1, 2, … , n, (3)
where the kth element of array Φi is k Ẑ i . Finally, the
(j) (j)

[ ] decomposed form of fuzzy-valued result can be obtained

(j) (j) (j)
Φi = a i , b i ,
a i ⩽ bi
j = 0, 1, 2, … , m. considering the following forms:
(4) [ ]
(j) (j)
Each Φi can be transformed to a specific number of arrays
(j) 𝛿 (j) = a1 , b1 j = 0, 1, … , m, (10)
for each level of membership function 𝜇j (j = 0, 1, … , m). In
fuzzy logic, a membership function is expressed as a degree {
a(j) = min(a(j+1) , k 𝛿̂(j) )
of an appurtenance to a system which is mostly triangular k
j = 0, 1, … , m − 1, (11)
membership function. For each parameter as the value of Pi b(j) = max(b(j+1) , k 𝛿̂(j) )
increases, the degree of membership increases from 0 to 1 and
then decreases from 1 to 0. However, regardless of the type of
membership function, a form of array Φi for reduced FTM
(j) a(m) = min(k 𝛿̂(m) ) = max(k 𝛿̂(m) ) = b(m) . (12)
k k
can be presented as follows:
Current transformation contains all possible combination of
⎛ 2i−1 pairs ⎞ lower and upper bounds of fuzzy parameters. For more details
⎜⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⏞⎟ and applications of reduced and general FTM, refer to Hanss
= ⎜𝛼i , 𝛽i 𝛼i , 𝛽i , … , 𝛼i , 𝛽i ⎟,
(j) (j) (j) (j) (j) (j) (j)
Φi (5) and Klimke (2004), Alizadeh et al. (2017) and Pourshahabi
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ et al. (2018).
⎝ ⎠ To calculate VI, the fuzzy concept is utilized in an optimi-
zation framework using GA. For each α-cut level, different
possible scenarios of combinations of lower and upper values
⎛ ⎞ of uncertain parameters are considered to be fed into the opti-
⎜ (j) (j) ⎟
𝛼i = ⎜ai , … , ai ⎟, (6) mization model to find the optimized weights of improved
⎜⏟⏞⏞⏞⏟⏞⏞⏞⏟⎟ DRASTIC model. In simple terms, the objective function
⎝ 2n−i elements ⎠
of the model is to find the optimized weights of improved
DRASTIC model while considering uncertainties of four input
⎛ ⎞ parameters and maximizing the correlation index between VIs
(j) ⎜ (j) (j) ⎟ and nitrate concentration.
and, 𝛽i = ⎜bi , … , bi ⎟, (7)
⎜⏟⏞⏞⏞⏟⏞⏞⏞⏟⎟ Maximize C = correlation (VI, Ni)
⎝ 2n−i elements ⎠
Subject to ∶ 1 ⩽ wj ⩽ 5, j = 1, 2, … , 7,
where ai and bi are the lower and upper values of the
(j) (j)

interval at each α-cut level of 𝜇j for the ith fuzzy parameter, ∑N

respectively. Arguably, the fuzzy-parameterized optimiza- 6 d2
C = 1−
i=1 i
, (14)
tion model can be defined as follows which is separately n (n2 − 1)
solved for each P̃ i:
̃ = F ( P̃ 1 , P̃ 2 , ..., P̃ n ).
O (8) di2 = RVIi − RNii , (15)

Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:109 Page 7 of 16 109

where C and w are objective function and the weights of Study area
improved DRASTIC model, respectively. It should be noted
that Spearman correlation coefficient is used rather than the The case study for this research is Shiraz plain where
commonly used Pearson correlation factor mainly since it groundwater supplies almost 80% of the city of Shiraz’s
is not restrained by conditions such as having normally dis- domestic water demand. Shiraz plain is located in Fars
tributed parameters. This type of correlation factor consid- province in the southwestern part of Iran. This plain is a
ers the differences in the statistical rank of two given vari- part of Maharloo Lake basin, which lies between longi-
ables which is represented by d . Consequently, RVI , RNi and tude 52°29ʹ to 52°36ʹE and altitude 29°33ʹ to 29°36ʹN.
n denote the rank of VI, nitrate concentration sorted from The availability of valuable natural resources in this plain
the lowest to the highest values and the number of samples, has attracted many industrial and agricultural activities so
respectively. Moreover, the efficiency of the original and far. In this regard, aquifers of this area are highly prone to
improved DRASTIC models is evaluated based on Spearman contamination while they provide potable water demands.
correlation coefficient between modified/DRASTIC VI and Shiraz plain has an area about 300 km2 and is surrounded
nitrate concentration (known as the main interfering pollut- by Baba-koohi and Kaftarak mountains in the north and by
ant in the area). Correlation values range from − 1 to 1 which Maharloo Lake in the south. The average height of this area
means ideal high negative and positive association, respec- is 1540 m above the sea level and the topographic slope
tively. Therefore, if the correlation coefficient reaches a is from northwest to southeast. Average annual precipita-
value closer to 1 or − 1, one can judge how well the applied tion is measured around 365 mm, which mostly falls during
method is performing as compared to the original DRAS- Decembers and Februarys. As a result, surface runoff is at
TIC method. An accepted guideline for the interpretation the highest level during this period. In a geological view, the
of correlation coefficient is as follows (Ratner 2009): (a) plain consists of clay layers, alluvial sediments and Asmari
0 indicates no relationship between the variables, (b) the formations (Baghapour et al. 2016). Nitrate is selected as an
range of 0 to 0.3 indicates a weak positive association, (c) indicator pollutant for calibration of DRASTIC model due
a value between 0.3 and 0.7 indicates moderate association to its dangerous nature and as the most interfering pollutant
and (d) values between 0.7 and 1 imply a strong relationship. throughout the study area. Analysis and sampling of DRAS-
This interpretation can be applied to negative ranges as well. TIC parameters and nitrate concentration are measured in 30
However, the association is in the negative form. monitoring wells within the area. Figure 2 shows the study
area and location of sampling points as well.

Fig. 2  Location of Shiraz plain and sampling points

109 Page 8 of 16 Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:109

Results and discussion modifier is taken into account. Table 3 presents the mean
of nitrate concentration and its relevant modified rating
Vulnerability assessment score for each class of DRASTIC parameters. The correla-
tion coefficient between improved DRASTIC VI calculated
As a first step toward addressing uncertainties, DRASTIC with modified rating scores and nitrate concentration reveals
VI should be calculated for each well based on Table 1 and a remarkable increase from 0.573 to 0.789. The Spearman
Eq. (1). The spatial distribution of original rating scores correlation plots between original and improved DRASTIC
(based on Table 1) of different DRASTIC parameters models and nitrate concentration considering 30 monitoring
throughout the study area is presented in Fig. S1 of supple- wells are presented in Fig. 3.
mentary material. As mentioned before, the Spearman corre- Figure 4 shows the graphical differences between VIs
lation coefficient between nitrate concentration and original calculated by original and improved DRASTIC model
DRASTIC is considered as a criterion for evaluating the associated with each monitoring well in the study area in
efficiency of the model using Eq. 14. The measured correla- correspondence with its nitrate concentration. In the first
tion coefficient (0.573), however, shows a poor assessment look, it might seem that the improved DRASTIC model
of groundwater vulnerability in aquifers of Shiraz plain. To overestimates the vulnerability indices, but as can be seen,
increase the reliability of the model, the rating scores should the trend of improved DRASTIC is much more similar to the
be modified regarding hydrogeological characteristics of the trend of nitrate concentration than the original DRASTIC.
area. To this end, Wilcoxon test as a strong method of rate For instance, based on nitrate concentration in well number

Table 3  Modified DRASTIC DRASTIC parameter Range Mean of nitrate Original rate Modified rate
rating scores after application of concentration
Wilcoxon test (1945) (mg/L)

Depth to groundwater (m) > 30 24.46 1 4.2

22–30 29.15 2 5.71
15–22 51.06 3 10
9–15 33.55 5 6.57
4.5-9 27.70 7 5.42
1.5–4.5 41.01 9 8.03
0–1.5 45.31 10 8.87
Net Recharge 7–9 26–71 5 3.92
>9 66.69 7 10
Aquifer media Clay 25.14 1 6.26
Clay, gypsum 21.79 2 5.43
Sand, clay 40.13 3 10
Gravel, clay 30.02 4 7.48
Sand, clay, gravel 39.48 5 9.83
Soil media Clay loam 59.12 3 10
Sandy loam 24.34 6 4.12
Thin or absent 52.03 10 8.80
Topographic slope (%) 6–12 60.96 5 10
2–6 59.80 9 9.81
0–2 29.13 10 4.78
Impact of vadose zone Clay 24.85 1 5.27
Clay, silt 35.49 2 7.52
Gravel, sand, clay 47.16 4 10
Hydraulic conductivity (m/day) > 100 54.67 10 8.92
50–100 34.30 8 5.60
35–50 60.96 6 9.95
15–35 61.26 4 10
5–15 30.48 2 4.98
>5 24.33 1 3.97

Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:109 Page 9 of 16 109

Fig. 3  Spearman correlation plot between (a) original and (b) improved DRASTIC model and nitrate concentration

Modified DRASTIC Standard DRASTIC Nitrates concentration

250 140


Nitrates concentration (mg/L)

Vulnerability index




0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Well number

Fig. 4  Vulnerability indices calculated by original (Standard) and improved DRASTIC model and nitrate concentration for each monitoring well
of Shiraz plain

27, improved DRASTIC evaluates vulnerability closer to vulnerable areas are in agreement with where the industrial
reality than original DRASTIC since high nitrate concen- and/or agricultural activities can be densely found. In other
tration implies more vulnerable land. In other words, nitrate words, the eastern and southeastern parts of the study area,
concentration is measured as the highest among monitor- where host city sewage and industrial plants, are highly
ing wells which should result in the highest VI. However, possible to be contaminated by pollutants. In contrast, the
original DRASTIC fails to present such outcome while the northern part of Shiraz plain is not contributing to ground-
improved model is capable of providing VIs in agreement water contamination mainly since these parts are regarded
with nitrate concentration. Based on what has been men- as residential areas.
tioned, Wilcoxon test can be concluded as a proper method
for adjusting the rating scores. Fuzzy optimization DRASTIC model
Figure 5 is prepared to map the spatial distribution of
prone areas detected based on improved DRASTIC model As noted before, uncertainty is associated with the input
using Kriging method by ArcGIS. This figure provides proof parameters and consequently with the model output. First,
for the rationality of using Wilcoxon test as the detected the most uncertain parameters should be defined. Based on

109 Page 10 of 16 Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:109

Table 4  Results of one-parameter-at-a-time (OAT) sensitivity anal-

ysis to determine the most contributing uncertain parameters in
groundwater vulnerability assessment

OAT sensitivity analysis (%)

Parameter associated Mean SD* CV**
with a change

D 22.63 5.58 24.65

R 13.25 3.47 26.26
A 17.25 3.73 21.67
S 7.57 2.12 28.06
T 3.79 1.17 30.93
I 24.51 4.91 20.04
C 10.97 3.25 29.70

*Standard deviation
**Coefficient of variation

as input data with α percent confidence level to develop a

Fig. 5  Groundwater vulnerability map of Shiraz plain based on fuzzy optimization DRASTIC model. Figure 7 presents the
improved DRASTIC model fuzzy membership function of uncertain input parameters in
different monitoring wells.
Due to the mentioned monotony, the reduced form of
the one-parameter-at-a-time (OAT) sensitivity analysis, the FTM can be applied. Thus, the lower and upper values at
values of one input parameter change while other parameters each α-cut level can be calculated considering “Fuzzy opti-
are considered constant. The sensitivity is then calculated mization analysis”. Since there are 4 fuzzy parameters, 16
by dividing the percentage of change in the output to the (= 24) and 4 (= 14) combinations of upper and lower val-
input. The results of OAT analysis are detailed in Table 4. ues can be generated for α-cut levels equal to 0–0.75 and 1,
As can be seen, the most sensitive parameters are as fol- respectively. In this study, GA optimization model is inte-
lows: I > D > A > R > C > S > T. Taking expert judgment into grated with reduced fuzzy transformation approach which
account along with the aforementioned result, net recharge, results in optimal weights for the improved DRASTIC
aquifer media, impact of vadose zone and hydraulic conduc- model to reliably monitor VI throughout the study area in
tivity are selected as the most contributing uncertain param- conjunction with embedded uncertainties. By running GA,
eters in VI calculation. It should be noted that as we can optimized weights of the model are computed for each α-cut
have a relatively accurate measure of depth to groundwater level. Arguably, there are 64 (= 16 × 4) weights for each
in the monitoring wells, this parameter is not considered as parameter and 64 VIs for each well. These generated weights
an uncertain parameter. differ significantly from the original weights introduced by
Second, the monotony of objective function (correlation Aller (1987) since this approach determines the important
coefficient) over the considered uncertainty intervals for parameters in VI calculation by maximizing the correlation
input parameters should be tested as a key part of utiliz- coefficient between DRASTIC indices and nitrate concentra-
ing reduced FTM. In this study, the fuzzy interval of each tion and consequently assigning higher weights to them. In
uncertain parameter at α-cut level equal to zero is divided other words, by optimizing weights using this approach, the
into six scenarios to be checked out for the monotony of model is modified further regarding hydrogeological aspects
objective function. As can be seen in Fig. 6, the reduced of area for more accuracy of vulnerability determination.
FTM can be applied due to the monotonous correlation For instance, aquifer media and impact of vadose zone
coefficient over the six scenarios of all fuzzy parameters. were assigned higher and lower weights as compared to their
Therefore, five α-cut levels of 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 are initial weights, respectively. The maximum, minimum and
considered for fuzzy membership function of each individual mean of optimized weights at each α-cut level are presented
uncertain parameter. An α-cut level is regarded as a range in Table 5. For instance, the membership functions of VIs
of values (known also as fuzzy intervals) to be considered

Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:109 Page 11 of 16 109

a 0.792 b 0.794


Correlation coefficient
Correlation coeffiecient

0.79 0.791


0.788 0.788


0.786 0.785
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Scenario Scenario

c 0.798 d 0.792

0.795 0.791

Correlation coefficient
Correlation coefficient

0.792 0.79

0.789 0.789

0.786 0.788

0.783 0.787

0.78 0.786
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Scenario Scenario

Fig. 6  The monotonous objective function over six scenarios of the fuzzy parameters a net recharge, b aquifer media, c impact of vadose zone
and d hydraulic conductivity

for the well numbers 1, 7, 19 and 30 are illustrated in Fig. 8, Summary and conclusion
which shows how intervals of vulnerability indices change
in correspondence to α-cut levels. For example, the derived In this paper, an integrated framework is developed to assess
interval varies between 88.63 and 129.67 at α = 0 in well groundwater vulnerability in conjunction with fuzzy analy-
number 7. Figure 9 indicates the trend of aquifer vulnerabil- sis regarding uncertainties associated with input parameters.
ity to contaminants and shows how vulnerability differs over The proposed methodology is able to consider groundwater
different α-cut levels. In addition, the membership function vulnerability risk assessment utilizing the most commonly
of correlation index is represented in Fig. 10. As can be used method in the world, namely DRASTIC. Based on the
seen in Fig. 10, the correlation index varies between 0.746 literature review, this method is highly subjective to hydro-
and 0.758 at α = 0 and it is 0.753 at α = 1. Increase in the geological characteristics of area that should be modified for
degree of membership causes smaller interval and it implies reliable assessment. In this regard, Wilcoxon test is applied
lower uncertainties too. By comparing this correlation index to original DRASTIC to modify rate scores with respect to
(0.753) to the correlation index of improved DRASTIC nitrate concentration in monitoring wells. Nitrate concentra-
(0.789), robustness of the model can be concluded even tion is known as the most interfering pollutant in the study
under uncertainties. Therefore, this modification is proper area due to its dangerous nature and the type of industrial
to evaluate groundwater vulnerability reliably in reality. and agricultural activities taking place in Shiraz plain. The

109 Page 12 of 16 Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:109

a b
Well # 1 Well #7 Well # 19 Well # 30 Well # 1 Well #7 Well # 19 Well # 30

1 1

0.75 0.75

Fuzzy degree
Fuzzy degree

0.5 0.5

0.25 0.25

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Net recharge Impact of vadose zone

c d
Well # 1 Well #7 Well # 19 Well # 30 Well # 1 Well #7 Well # 19 Well # 30

1 1

0.75 0.75
Fuzzy degree

Fuzzy degree
0.5 0.5

0.25 0.25

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Hydraulic conductivity Aquifer media

Fig. 7  Fuzzy membership function for fuzzy input parameters a net recharge, b impact of vadose zone, c hydraulic conductivity and d aquifer

correlation coefficient between original/improved DRASTIC also coupled with ArcGIS to generate risk maps of prone
and nitrate concentration shows that this approach is effec- areas to contaminants in continuous spatial form in each
tive to take a step forward in more accurate groundwater risk level of fuzziness for more accurate decision-making rather
assessment (by an increase from 0.573 to 0.789). than relying on crisp-based outputs. These maps reveal that
On the other hand, uncertainties are an unavoidable part the east and southeastern parts of Shiraz plain are remark-
of a research when it comes to human judgment or assess- ably susceptible to contaminants as these parts are associ-
ment tools. Therefore, by taking fuzziness into considera- ated with intense industrial and agricultural activities. The
tion, the results can more efficiently reflect the fuzzy nature proposed methodology can be used for any case across the
of groundwater vulnerability assessment and the effects of world as it has the ability to take the fuzzy nature of the
hydrogeological parameters. This methodology links an groundwater into account for reliable vulnerability risk
optimization engine (GA) to the fuzzy analysis (reduced assessment using improved DRASTIC method.
FTM) to meet two objectives including modifying weights
of improved DRASTIC parameters and considering uncer-
tainties of input parameters simultaneously. The output is

Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:109 Page 13 of 16 109

Table 5  Minimum, average and DRASTIC parameter α-Cut levels

maximum of generated weights
by optimization of fuzzy model α=0 α = 0.25 α = 0.5 α = 0.75 α=1
at different α-cut levels
Min 1.76 1.05 1.18 1.41 3.58
Ave 3.28 3.57 3.02 3.51
Max 4.92 4.86 4.73 4.96
Min 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99
Ave 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99
Max 5.00 4.99 4.99 4.99
Min 1.61 1.66 1.71 1.77 1.83
Ave 1.85 1.84 1.83 1.83
Max 2.14 2.02 1.96 1.90
Min 1.33 1.35 1.38 1.09 4.27
Ave 3.29 3.38 2.87 3.53
Max 4.97 4.92 4.83 4.79
Min 1.39 1.82 1.11 1.41 3.97
Ave 2.82 3.36 2.94 3.04
Max 4.92 4.87 4.12 4.97
Min 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Ave 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Max 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Min 2.88 2.91 2.93 2.95 2.98
Ave 3.04 3.02 3.02 3.02
Max 4.03 3.78 3.77 4.96

Fig. 8  The membership func- 1

tion of vulnerability indices for
well numbers 1, 7, 19 and 30 0.8
Fuzzy degree

Well #1
Well #7
Well #30
Well #19

70 90 110 130 150 170
Vulnerability index

109 Page 14 of 16 Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:109

Fig. 9  Groundwater vulnerability maps for different α-cut levels a α = 0, b α = 0.5 and c α = 1

Environmental Earth Sciences (2019) 78:109 Page 15 of 16 109

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