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An opinion essay about the advantages or disadvantages

of being independent

For example for open

There is an irrefutable fact that…..
It is believed that ...... has its/ their own advantages and
This essay will discuss some merits and drawbacks of …

For example for body

...has some noteworthy positive aspects/ strong
points/merits/ benefits
Despite these aforementioned benefit, several negative
aspects/ weak points/ drawbacks/ downsides do exist
One of the major/significant merits/ drawbacks of… is
Another/ an additional merit/ drawback of…would be
One of the pivotal benefits is that
One major concern

For example for end

a. Mở bài (Introduction)

Paraphrase đề bài: viết lại yêu cầu đề bài bằng cách khác

Thesis statement (câu luận điểm): giới thiệu những ưu điểm và nhược điểm của vấn đề sẽ
được trình bày ở phần thân bài.

b. Thân bài (Body)

Đoạn thứ nhất:

Câu chủ đề của đoạn

Ý hỗ trợ thứ nhất cho câu chủ đề

Ví dụ hoặc giải thích cho ý trên

Ý hỗ trợ thứ hai cho câu chủ đề

Ví dụ hoặc giải thích cho ý trên

Đoạn thứ hai:

Câu chủ đề của đoạn

Ý hỗ trợ thứ nhất cho câu chủ đề

Ví dụ hoặc giải thích cho ý trên

Ý hỗ trợ thứ hai cho câu chủ đề

Ví dụ hoặc giải thích cho ý trên

c. Kết bài (Conclusion): tóm tắt các ý chính trong phần thân bài.

American culture and many Western countries promote independence, so

children usually move out at the age of 18 or after graduating from
college. Obviously, it is believed that being independent has its
advantages for a child. Therefore, I think that being independent has
three benefits.

First of all, one of the benefits that independence brings is personal development.
When you are independent, you are more likely to take risks, try new things, and
push yourself out of their comfort zones, so you will have lots of unique
opportunities to grow yourself. For example, a college student who is
independent may choose to study abroad for a semester, immersing themselves
in a new culture and pushing themselves to adapt to unfamiliar surroundings.
This experience can lead to personal growth and a broader perspective on the
world around them. Ultimately, this student's independence allows them to take
advantage of unique opportunities for growth and development that may not
have been possible if they were reliant on others for support. Secondly, another
of the benefits is that it carries confidence. Because if you are an independent
person, you will be confident in your mind, your decision, or your solution. For
example, a student who is independent in their studies will have the confidence to
tackle difficult assignments without constantly seeking help from teachers or
classmates. Thirdly, the final benefit is that independence's personality can also
lead to financial independence. Because if you possess independence's
personality, you will want to work after you turn 18 or graduate college to earn
money. You just want to gain financial independence, and you don't want to use
money's parents.

In conclusion, there are three advantages to independence. All of it still brings

benefits to ourselves. This is an important quality that everybody must have in
order to secure a successful and fulfilling future. Developing independence not
only benefits individuals but also contributes to a healthier and more resilient
society as a whole.

American culture and many Western countries promote independent, so

children usually move out home at the age of 18 or after graduating from college.
Obviously, it is believed that being independent has its advantage for a young
person. Therefore, I think that being independent has three benefits.

First of all, one of the benefit that independence brings is personal development.
When you are independent, you will more likely to take risks, try new things,
and push yourself out of your comfort zones, so you will have lots of unique
opportunities to grow yourself. For example, a college student who is
independent may choose to study abroad for a semester, immersing in a new
culture, pushing themselves to adapt to unfamiliar surroundings. This
experience can lead to personal growth and broader perspective on the world
around them. Ultimately, this student’s independence allow them to take
advantage of unique opportunities for growth and development. Secondly,
another of the benefits is that it carries confidence. Because if you are
independent, you will be confident in your mind, your decision, and you solution.
For example, a student who is independent in their studies will have the
confidence to tackle difficult assignments without constantly seeking help from
teachers or classmate. Thirdly, the final benefits is that independence’s
personality can lead to financial personality. Because if you possess a
independence’s personality, you will want to work after you turn 18. You just
want to gain financial independence, you don’t want to use money’s parent.

In conclusion, there are three advantages to independence. All of it still brings

benefits to ourselves. This is an important quality that everybody must have to
secure a successful and fulfilling future. Developing independence not only
benefits individuals but also contributes to a healthier and more resilient society
as a whole.
An opinion essay about the qualities of a good
In life, everyone always has a close friend. I don't know why they
can see each other among a thousand people. They become listeners and
sharers with each other. Perhaps they have good qualities for a
lasting relationship. Therefore, I think that there are two qualities
that a good friend should have to build a lasting friendship.

Firstly, a good friend have kind qu. In times of trouble or hardship, a kind friend is
someone you can count on to be there for you.

Firstly, a good friend has kind quality.

They are always offering their support and encouragement. They are also trustworthy
and always have your best interests at heart. For example, when you are going
through a difficult time in your life, a kind friend will be there to listen and provide
comfort without judgment. They will offer their help and support without expecting
anything in return, showing that they truly care about your well-being. Secondly, a
good friend is also fun and positive, always bringing light and laughter into your life.
Their positivity is infectious, lifting your spirits and reminding you to see the bright
side of every situation. In their presence, you feel energised and uplifted, grateful to
have such a joyful and optimistic person in your life. For example, a true friend who
is fun and positive might suggest going on a spontaneous road trip to explore new
places, turning a boring weekend into an adventure filled with laughter and new
memories. They may also organise a game night with friends, creating a lively and
enjoyable atmosphere where everyone can bond and have a great time together.

In conclusion, a good friend will have kind, fun, and positive qualities. They make
your life more interesting and meaningful. It’s lucky when we have a good friend in
our lives.

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