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arger HHI- ABB Turboch

Operation Manual

YTR 4548/n+2 YTR 564F,/N+?,

Rolling contact bearings


Co',LtdHyundaiHeavy Industries OF ULSAN,REPUBLIC KOREA

HHf-ABB Turbocharger
remarks Preliminary 0

on lnstructions hazards safetyand

into Putting operation

and Operation maintenance



,, ,,

and Disassembly assemblY


out Taking of operation


HHI- ABB Turbocl'rarger into 2. Putting operation

Contents Page Contents

page 2-1


Lubricathg oil 1.1 Lubricating classifications oil 1.2 Lubricating quantities oil 1.3 lubricating Filling oil 2 the . Drainhg gasoutletcashg 3 water Cooling 3.1 water Cooling temperatures 4
Inspection during puttinghto operation 4.1 work of Outline inspection 4.2 Inspection before puitinginto oPeration 4.3 lnspection after putting intooperation 4.4 lnspection after hours 100service ',

2-3 2-3 2-5 2-S 2-7


into Putting operation period afterout of service 5.1 Putting operation into afteroutof service Period upto 12months 5.2 Putting operation into afterout of service Period than12moirths of more







2-9, 2-g





HHI- ABB Turbocharger

oil 1. Lubricating
oils lubricating can based or Mineral synthetic be used. and Turbine,compressor hydraulicoils are mostsuitable. recommendation manaufacturer's The engine areto be observed. for oils Engine with the usualadditives heavy are oil operation not suitable.

page 2-3

Due to the high degreeof ageing stability required, onlY - use lubricating oilswhoseviscosityremains within the ranges quoted below at 40"Candat 100C (313K and373 Kl.

oil li]nri..,ing classifications

Turbocbarger Ty7 VTR

Bcaring tJP

Lubrication systeE

ViskositY trom1sl[cst] 4 0 ' c / 3 1 3 Kl l 0 0 ' c l 3 7 3 K I


ViskositYclass ISO -VG

Vlskosity lnder VI

- rntegral lubncafion LSl/TSI Rolllng coDtact bearing - extcnded tg!6icanng oiJ system

tu - 714
al / 4<A

7,5- t2




- sdparatec[crnal lubricatrngoil sYstem LS2iTS2




7,5 16,1

68 100


HHI- ABB Turbocharger

Flg.2-l Bearing space cover

page 2-4

16011 18012 / 16013 48011 /

Ftrg.2-2 Oil level plate

HHI- ABB Turbocharge-r"

1.2 oil Lubricatirrg quantities

page 2-5
- Fill fresh lubricating throughthe openoil ingsinto both oil chambers.

the spaces rorrowins bearins ro ril both

quantities oil arerequired: of
Comprerror eld Turbbe eud

Fo'lll|: l?fil'fiil:: #l,Jif!i

mark upper


06 0t 1.0
L7 1,9 36

07 09 1,3

- Place gaskets (46014/48012) the onto the and tighten screw plugs (46013/48011) the screwplugs.



2t1 254 304

3 5.f 451 564 1tl

oJ ... 0,5

l l




3,0 ... 3,6

6,8 ... 7J t4.0 15,6



after a l ong W aminglAt com m issioning i n t e r v a l ,t h e o i l p u m P m a Y n o t e j e c t l u b eo i l . I n t h i s c a s e ,f i l l h o P P e ro f t h e oil pump with lube oil to Prov i d e c o n n e c to p e r a t i o n .

163 ... 18,0

1.3 oil lubricating Filling

Wamingl Fire risk when handlhglubricathg oil due to nakedflameor smoulder' in9cigarettes! oll Avoidspillhglubricathg Havea bucketreadyfor leakhgoil. Have suhable absobent material ready. The turtocharger must not be in f whenoll is belng illed. operation at the screw plugs(46013/48011) Remove (see 2- 1). fig. covers space the bearing

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

page 2-o


Ftg.2-3 Gasoutletcasing


page 2-7
of in The increase temperature the cooling value water serveshere a-san approximate of for the volume water flow.

Soak up spilledlubricathgoil whh material oil absorbent Used absorbentmaterialmust be collected separately as special of waste, and disposed in the Pre' scrbedusedoil contahers.

water temperature in Theincrease the cooling at values full en' mustbe set to the following in ginespeedby the installation orifices the of water outletoPenings:
.t panlld circult at rerld dreuit

Tenpcreture lacrease

5-10 8-20

2-5 lt-25 20-30

the 2. Draining gasoutletcasing

point "0" (seefig. 2-3) - Openthe draining or ifrd checkwhetherrainwater condensa' gathered the gasoutletcasing' in tion hta a - lf this is the caseor is possible, drainage stop cockmustbe fitted' iinewith

in the bearing casilgTE in tbe gesoudet casiry Totel

30C(303K) waterinlettemperature: Mhimum wateroutlettemperature: 80C{353K) ldeal wateroutlettemPerature Maximum

- at the bearing casing:

water 3. Cooling
end at space theturbine andthe Thebearing (61000) water-cooled are oi'J orift{"cliing system. cooling by theengine's


(<393K) - at thegasoutlet casing: <120C water overpreThe max. permissible ssure is 5 bars.

In orderto avoidconosionuseonly purefreshwater. softened, Ventllatethe gas outlet casingat the uppermostpoht of the water outlet line. forfig. 2-4 nd2-5 Legend tank A) Expansion spaceand the gas outletcasing The bearing or can be cooledby a parallel serialcircuit (seefig. 2- 4 and2-51.

3.1 waterternpratures Cooling

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

page 2-8

Flg.24 Cooling rvater parallel circuit

Fig.2-5 waterserialcircuit Cooling

page 2-9
during 4. Inspection

preventive visual work includes Inspection and as controls, well as monitoring measureof the ment to ensure correctfunctioning the Theseserveas an aid for the turbocharger. before and during of recognition deviations putting into operationin order to prevent to damage the machine. - Control must be checks and measurement points carriedout at the listedinspection quoted below. at the intervals . - Before and during inspectionwork, the cited in chap'1 must safety instructions \ be observed.

4.1 work of Outline inspection

and symbols intervals Inspection


location lnspection point Inspection (visible the outline) in point lnspection (not visible the outline) in Inspection

Before After

values of Recording measurement

thnes for Abbreviations the inspection beforeputtinginto operation after puttinginto operation

HHI- ABB Turbocl'rarger

page 2-10

Fig.2.6 wofk Outline of inspecnion

arger HHI- ABB Turboch

page 2-1 1


Intenal inspedon 6me before putflng lnto opera6on

Ilspection polnt Oil spacesigbt glasse

Inspection, mcasurqnent and adJustncnt - Oil levcl Eustcontspood o up'pcmarting - bp up if occcssary


o o o
@ @

scc. 1.3

Gas outla casing Oil flow monitor Vibration mouiton

- chcck forcoodcosatioo and rainwatcr

w.2 Chp.3

- cbcckfuuction - cbcckfuuctioo
-cbcct fordamage - cbcck for lcaks - ltrCasure - mcasutl - mcasurebcfore and aftcr urbine and comprcssorar various coginc ryccds

Cbry.3 Chr.3

Air frltcr scEgrent after puttlnginto operadon

Gas.air and cooling watcr ducts Cbager spccd Cbagcr pessure


Cbry.3 Chry.3

4.2 Inspection before putting operation into


i, J

- Theoillevelof the oil spaces the comon pressor the turbine endsmustcorre' and of spondto the uppermarking the sight glasses. - Thegasoutlet for mustbechecked casing sec. or rainwater(see 2). condensation - Checkthat the monitoring devicesare ' functioning chap.3}. {see

chap.S) . W ith a clea n br us h and a cleaningagent c ar eful l y clean the oil sum ps in both oi l spaces fr om visible c ontam i nation. After the cleaningfit both oi l space cover s ( see chap.5)and ship the turbocharger without oil to the plant.

A f t e r t e s t r u n o n t h e e n g i n et e s t b e d

A fte r th e te st ru n d ra i n the oil at comPressor and turbine e n d ( s e e c h a P . 3 ) a n dr e m o v e both oil space covers (see

HHI- ABB Turbocl-rarger

4.3 Inspection after putting operation into
After the enginehas been started up, checkall gas,air and cooling water lines for leaks. - Measure speed, pressure the charging and temperatures beforeand after the turbocharger the compressor various and at enginespeeds. - Compare measured the values with those of the inspection report,takinginto accountthe different operation conditions.

page 2-12
removethe blindflangebelf applicable, and tweonthe airoutletcasing the chargeairline. Start up the engine end cooling water cirsystem. culation Ventilate cooling the system.

5.2 Putting operation out of into after period more service than12months of
- Replace contact (see rolling bearings chap.5). - Start up the engine and cooling water circulation system. - Ventilate cooling the system. ,\-

4"4. Inspetion after hours 100service

the hourschange After the first 100 service (see chap.3). lubricating in bothoilspaces oil

after 5. Puttingintooperation period out of service

5.1 into after Putting operation period to 12months up out of senrice

In casethe turbocharger been has out of serviceand been exposed perito vibrations an extended for od of time, the rolling contact bearings must be replaced before puttinginto operation. lf a bearing replacementis not necessary,drah the eventually existinglubricating in the bearoil ing spaces and fill both bearing spaceswith fresh lubricatingoil (seechap.3l.

HHI- ABB Turbocl'rarger

page 3- 1

and 3. Operation maintenance

Contents 1 lnspect'ton 1.1 work of 0utline insPection 1.2 25 every to 50 hours Inspection 1.3 100 every hours lnspection 1.4 logbook in Entries themachine 2 Monitoring 2.1 measurement Speed 2.2 monitoring Vibration 2.3 manometer U-tube 2.4 of Pumping turbocharger
t, "




3-3 3-3 3-5 3-5 . 3-5 3-9 3-9


3.4 and 3-21 waterspaces the Cleaning cooling air thesealing ducts 3.5 the Cleaning cilspaces 3,6 the Cleaning turbine 3.7 the Cleaning compressor 4 Mahtenance-work 4.1 work of Outline maintenance 4.2 oil the Changing lubricating 4.3 the for Intervals replacing bearings 4.4 the for Intervals replacing wheel compressor 3-25,


3-27 3-29 3-29 3-33 3-33

3-1 1 3-11


2.5 B E00189/ 3 - 1 1 system Oilflow monitoring 3 work Cleanhg 3.1 instructions safety 3.2 work of Outline cleaning 3.3 the Cleaning airfilter
3- 14 3- 14

4.5 shaft 3-34 the for Intervals replacing bladed 4,6 the for Intervals replacing Pumps 3-34

3-15 3-19

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

1. Inspection
includes viswork duringoperation Inspection and as ualchecks, well as monitoring measurof correctfunctioning ing in orderto ensure This servesas an aid for the turbocharger, during operation of the recognition deviations to in orderto preventdamage the machine. - Control must be checks and measurement points out on the listedinspection carried quoted the intervals below. at - The safety instructions citedin the correin chaptersmust be observed sponding work. the course allinspection of

page 3-3

1.1 work of Outline inspection

location lnspection


point lnspection (visible the outline) in point Inspection (notvisible the outline) in




values Recording measurement of

intervals f Abbreviationsor inspection hours 25-50 thl after every25-50 serv'tce hours afterevery100servbe

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

page 3-4

Inspection work

2s- so[b]

Fig.rt Outlineof inspecdon work

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

hspcOon@tab acc. to srvlcehou:

page 3-5
Irpdosrao' dirmt


to50 E/Ery2s thl Opcraicnda
-eolrrintslogbod - eg+li6 tbccascof devidicos





-.+tcL oil lcrrd wih ctgiE 4 a



1.2 every lnspection 25 to 50 hours

- T h e o p e r a t i nd a t ao f t h e e x h a u sg a s t g r m t u r b o c h a r g e r u s t b e r e c o r d e de g u l a r l ye v e r y2 5 t o 5 0 h o u sa n de n t e r e d . l k i n t h e m a i h i n eo g b o o ( s e es e c .1 . 4 ) . - lf the operation signifidata deviates in the inspection cantlyfrom the data m r e p o r tt h e c a u s e s u s tb o e s t a b l i s h e d 4. with in accordance chaP. - C a l lH H Io r A B Bi f t h e r e a s o nfso r t h e be cannot establis,hed. deviation

- Output engine of andspeed the diesel - Air intake temperature - Pressure in the air filter loss - Pressure the chargeair of after the compressor Air temperature a n dt h e a i rc o o l e r - Pressure of the air cooler loss - Cooling of waterinlettemperature the aircooler (if applicable) - Cooling of waterinlettemperature the gas outletcasing casand the bearing ing - speed the turbocharger of - Cooling of water outlet temperature and the bearing the gas outlet casing casing - Exhaust gas temperature ore the bef turbine - Exhaust temperature gas after the turbine - Pressure after the trubineor before gas the exhaust boiler values ln the ovent of measurement from the norm significantly which deviate (see specifications the engine man' of the ufacturer and chap.4), establish the cause. of overhaul the turboFollowing general a data must be rethe charger, following o a c o r d e d n dp a s s e d n t o H H l .

1.3 Inspection every100hours


- W i t h t h e e n g i n ea t sta n d sti l ch eckthe l o i l l e v e l i n th e si g h t g l a sse so f the oil e r a s p a c e s t c o m p r e s s oa n dt u r b i n e n d ' - T h e o i l l e v e li n t h e s i g h tg l a s sm u s t b e t w i t h i n t he me a su re me nri n g , i.e. between the maximum and minimum m a r k s( s e ec h a p . 2 ) . - T o p u p o i l ( s e ec h a P . 2 ) .

1.4 logbook the Entries"in machine

p M o n i t o i i n gof th e ma ch i n e l a n t p r ovides e a b o u tt h e p e r f o r m a n co f t h e information turbocharger. T h e f o l l o w i n g o p e r a t i o nd a t a a n d m e a r m s u r e m e nv a l u s e u s t b e e n t e r e d e g u l a r ' t l i n t h e m a c h i n e o g b o o ko f t h e e n g i n e ly m a n ua c t u r e r . f


HHI- ABB Turbocharger

- c o n d i t i o n f t h e d ra i n e d i l o o - q u a n t i t ya n d b r a n do f th e n e w o i l - c o n d i t i o n f t h e a i r fi l te r o - type of contamination - c on d i t i o n f t h e co o l i n g a te r sp a ce s o w - bearing hange replacement c / - oil p u m pc h a n g e - s p a r ep a r t su s e d o . re o r d e r s f s p a rep a rts a n d to o l s

page 3-o

- s ervi c eh o u r s

HHI- ABB Turbocharger


page 3-7

Fig. $2 Speedmaesurement

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

page 3-8

Fig. $3 Vlbraton monitoring

HHf- ABB Turbocharger 2, Monitoring

The f ollowing monitoringdevicesare on built in or can be supplied realready quest.

page 3-9
- Reduce engine and the to speed idling shut downcompletely - Check speed transmitter the measurement for damage rubbing or - Remove bearing the the measure di' cover, "K" mension (seechap.S) checkthat and therotoris turning freely. "K"deviates morethan05 - lf thevalue by value(seeplateon mm from the original the inside the compressor bearing of end must the end cover), compressor bearings bereplaced. - Havethe replaced bearing checked an by HHI ABB. or

2.1 measurement Speed

as speedis suitable a The turbocharger of checkvaluefor constantmonitoring t h em a c h i n e . - Electr'rcal systemwith conmeasurement

2.2 Vibration mmitoring

(see monitoring system fig. Thevibration operaallows detection unfavourable of 3-3) tion conditions an earlystage, at e.g.rotor as of: outof balance a result - deposits theturbine on blades - damage theturbine to

is cover.The frequency directly bearing proportional thespeed. to and devices the corremeasurement Soeed by aresupplied various accessories sionding from inforinations the Further manufacturers. manufacturer. engine ., ., signify: ln A rductbn s@ of a drargrcan turbine damrued
defets in the conncted cylirders(pulsogtaion


dockdgrll (pulseoperatimonly) damage the @inrfng of bearing

In the event of an alarmdurhg operatbo reducethe enginespeed inmediately and check the bearhg spacesmd the bearingE

of for Possblereasons the breakdown the indicator: speed - Damaged deviceor its speedmeasuring wiring - Advanced damage end compressor bearing of the breakdown the speed which,caUSoS devices. measurement In the event of a speedreductbn or break' as down of the speedhdicatorproceed follows:

Legend f ig.3-3 for

1) 2l 3) 4l 5) 6) 7l 8)

Electronics rack Main Digitaloutput output Alarm Analogue / point input Check chain measuring for Electronic single Conditioner (Piezo Electric) transducer Integraler



page 3-10


Fig.}.4 U - fube rranometer

FlHl- ABB Turbodtarger

2.3 manometer U-tube
(s, The U-tubemanometer fig 3-4) measures and in the vacuum the silencer thus provides of an indication the degreeof contamination of the filtermaterial. (81050) Vibration the U-tube manometer of of by is reduced the installation felt discs.

page 3- 1 1

Actionto be taken: The oper ating safety of the tur bochar ger is no lon ger ensur ed with continuous or per iodically ecur r ingpum pi ng. r The oper ator , togethe r w i th the engine m anufactur er or HHl, must take immediate action to eliminatethe pum ping. The above componentss houl d b e e x a m i n e df o r d a m a g e a n d r eplacedin case of doubt.

Caution! The U-tube manometermust not to be exposed shockor vibration.


c P u m p i n go f t h e t u r b o c h a r g e r a n o c c u r i n c e r t a i n e n g i n eo p e r a t i n gs t a t e s , s u c h as rapid load removal or while p w m a n o e u v e r i n g ,a r t i c u l a r l y i t h h i g h e n g i n e l o a d i ng . T h e g e n e ra l d i re ction of f l o w i n t h e co mp re sso r i s th e n tem por a r i l y r e v e r s e d .A l t h o u g hp u m p i n gl e a d s tur t o i n c r e a s e dl o a d i n go f i n d i vi d u al boc h a r g e r c o mp o n e n ts,sp o ra d i c p umping p u l s e sd o n o t g e n e r a l l ya f f e c t s a f e o p E erationof the turbocharger. xtrennely b r i e f i m p e rmi ssi b l e o ve rsp e e d ing can o o c c u r ,h o w e v e r ,d e p e n d i n g n t h e i n i t i a l s p e e do f t h e t u r b o c h a r g e r .

2.4 of Pumping turbocharger

B ED system 0189/ Oilflowmonitoring

Modeof operation signal' independent and mutually Two similar (3221 the gear monitor 1/34211) ing devices pumps(36050/39050) the turbocharger of oiL (see f ig. ends. and on the compressor turbine 3-5) .

Takinginto service oil Fillboth oil spaces with new turbine (seechap.2).

T h e f o l l o w i n g co rn ponents can be damagedby continuo u s o r p e r i o d i c a l l yr e c u r r i n g pumping: - compressor wheel(vibration f r a c t u r e s ,e t c . ) - t u r b i n eb l a d e s ( c r a c k s ) - bearings(overheating) - filter silencer

Observethe instructbnsfor filllng oil (seechap.Z). the is lf the engine at a standstill, lowerred device (32211/ diode on the signaling 34211)lightsup.


HHI- ABB Turbocharger

page 3-12

360501 39050


O rto*
Fig. $5 SigDalipgdevicafor oil flow monitorirg system


HHI- ABB Turbocharger

page 3-1 3

lf the engine is at a stlllstandand the power supply cut off, the contacts of the output relay are at the "alarm" position. Despitethe fact that the engineis shut down, the turbochargerrotor still can tum due to ventilation. Thus the oil flows only dody or not at all out of the transmitter (36050/390501. (Status "Ol(", uppergreendbde lightsupl bee fig.


lights The lower,red diodd"Alarm" if: up (seef ig.3-51 - no oil is flowing - the rotor is at a standstll - the voltageis cut off or - the cablesaredefctive.

It the alarmindicatorlightsup during operation,the enghe must be lmmediatelyslowed down and the oil level checkedin order to avoid to seriousdamage the turbocharger.

HHI- ABB Turbocharger 3. Cleaning work

Cleaning work includes regularvisualchecks andwashing ensure correctfunctioning to the of the turbocharger its auxiliary and appliances. - The externalcondition and the degreeof pointslisted contamination the cleaning of below must be established by visual quoted. checks the intervals at - During cleaning all work the safetyinstructions in the respective chaptersmust be observed.

page 3-14

3.1 instructions Safety

Whenhandling detergents, solvents, acids and alkalis sureto observe respective be the safety directions the manufacturer's and on label in the operation manual. Observe alsothe infor structions the environmentally compatible collection, storage anddisposal thesesubof (see stances chap.1).

out be Cleanhgwork should carried hazards, outdoorsdue to explosion lf this is not possble, ensurethat ventilatbn. thereis adequate work h cleaning Before beginning exthgubh naked confinedspaces, due to flame {hcludhg cigarettesl} the danger exdosion. of Always wear protective clothhg lsolvent-andackl resbtant glove+ body protectbn and eye proteccleaning tionl.When usingchemical and wamagents the instructions must be ings of the manufacture observed. to The same appliesanalogously plants, Gleanhg a' decalcification gents and solventsmust collected, stored separatelyh the legallypreand contahers, dbsealable scribed, posed of in an environmentally compatblemanner.

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

3.2 work of Outlirre deaning
symbols Gleanhg fi location Cleaning

page 3-1 5


point Cleaning (visible the outline) in


point Cleaning (hidden theoutline) in

Visual check


for Abbreviations cleanhg intervals oncea week as reqd. seeeng. manuf. oncea week ir serulce as requked seeengine manufacturer

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

page 3-1 6

Cleaning work

once a week

see eng. manuf.

Flg.}'6 Outline of cleaning work

arger ABB Turboch I.IHI_

Ou'rine of cleaningwork

page 3-17

ning intr Item

Cleaning point

Cleaning measures

ts requircd


Cleaning agent


- remove filter


- Air filter

- washing

- felt discs

- diesel - turpentine - soapsuds - dry clean


- Cooling water sPaces - Sealing ducts air - Gasket grooves - TE andCE washing oil spaces
- washing

- openupper wateroutlet

sec. 3.4

- drain oil . washing

- remove bearing cover sPace

- diesel

sec. 3.5

- Compressor

- washing

- engine normal at operation - highcompressor speed

- purewater


- wt

cleaning - Turbine

- reduced engine loadif ma,x. gastemperature before - pure water turbine 430 oC(703K), is oC in no way under200 (473K) - no reduction in speed


'dry cleaning

- dry granulate

sec. 3.6

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

page 3-18
Fig.},7 Air trlter segments on the silencer


Fig.39 Fitting lilter nats

HHI- ABB Turbocharger


page 3-1 9

the Cleaning air filter

agents Cleaning agents filter mats: for Cleaning - diesel - turpentine - soapsuds

Do not bum out the fiher. Burning out destroysthe filter. - Bathethe air filter segment (81ZSO in a ) ( bath of sodasolution seefig. g- 7 and 3-8). - Allow the segmentto drip dry over the bath. Replachg f iltermats the (81250)enclose Severalair filter segments (see the silencer fig.3-7). - Fit in filter mats (81257) and cut to the correctsize(see fig.3-9). Cleanhg sllencer the discs

atd discs(811501 fehed Silencer (811011 maYonly be end funnels (see dry-cleaned f ig.3-71. - Remove with rags,a soft brush, or dirt aircompressed - Heavily felt fillings or contaminated loose bYHHL be should replaced

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

page 3-20


Fig.3-10 Overview of the ditlerent channels and the sealing bushes

HHf- ABB Turbocharger

3.4 and waterspaces the cooling ebqr$ng.the alr seamg oucrs

page 3-21

the to Becareful observe safetyin' cleaning when handling structions (see 11. agents chap.

Cleaningintervals in accordance with the information provided by the plantoperator. lf necessary, have the cooling water spaces cleaned by HHI or \ ABB.

- lf necessary, from detach turbocharger the theengine(see chap.5). - Dismantle turbocharger chap.5). (see the - Depending the typeandthe, extentof on procthe repeat cle6ning deposits, calcium in waterspaces the ess untilthe cooling gascasings freeof calcium. are - Replace casing gaskets-including the all gaskets. hole cover core

When mountingthe core holecovers make sure that the covers are correctly positbnedon the casing (seechap.7l.

Inspection - Check bushes that the sealing manually (51014/760021 the gas inlet casing in (76000) (51000) in the airinletcasing and firmly. aresitting - Replace sealing loose bushes. - Check the gasket grooves the sealin that and are ingbushes undamaged freeof dirt.

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

page 3-22

Fig.3-11 Overview of the dilferent channels

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

channels Checkwhetherthe compensation (76000) well as as (y)-inttte air inletcasing (X anO in the gasinletcasing clean are (Z) (see figs.3- 10).

page 3-23

aftor cleaning the turbocharger Assemble (see chap.5). to the Reconnect turbocharger the engine (see chap.5). (see oil Fillin lubricating in both oil spaces chap.2). coolingwater circula' Start up the engine tionsystem. system. the Ventilate cooling

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

page 3-24

CE oll space Fig.3-12 Oll spaces

TE oil space

Fig.3-13 Oil injection holesin the oil cenfiifuge

arger HHI- ABB Turboch


page 3-25
3.6 the Cleaning turbine
General T h e b u r n i n g o f r e s i d u a lf u e l s i n d i e s e l e n g i n e sc a u s e s f o u l i n g o f t h e t u r b i n e T o b l a d e sa n d n o z z l e r i n g s f H H I - A B B u r b o c h a r g e r sa n d c a n a l s o b l o c k p r o t e c tion gr ids fitted to the engine.T hi s c an r e s u l t i n r e d u c e d t u r b i n e e ff i c i e n c y . lower engine performance,increased e x h a u s t g a s t e m p e r a t u r e sa n d i n f o u r s t r o k e e n g i n e sh i g h e r b o o s t a n d f i r i n g pressures. Operating experience has shown that turbine side contamination c a n b e r e d u c e d b y r e g u l a r c l e a n i n gi n service.1f carried out correctly this p r o c e d u r ec a n l e n g t h e nt h e p e r i o d sb e t w e e n o v e r h a u la n d p r o l o n g t h e t i m e a turbocharger can remain in service without the need for dismantlin g. l I n c a s e s w h e r e s e q u e n t i at u r b o c h a r g i ng is used, par ticular lyafter pe r i ods of low load operation, care should be taken to regularly clean both turbochargers" cleaning are methods of Two availabel:wet cleaning{ water was hi ng) and dr y cleaning ( solid par tic l e i nj ec t i o n ) . W h i c h o f t h e t w o m e t h o d sh a s t o be adopted will depend pr im ari l yon the engine load and exhaust temperature beforethe turbine.

the b'tEuning oilspaces

and on Theoilspaces the turbine compressor everv ;;Jji;;;-iig, s-12) mustbe cleaned are iimettrebeaiings changed.

Beforebeghnhgwork take note of in the safetf instructions soc.3. 1"

- Drain theoil(see 4.2) sec. off - Check for coarse oil Particles.

lf coarse metal particles are present, informHHI - Remove bearing space Gover (46000/ 48000)(seechaP.5)'

To prevent corrosbn do not use petrol. gearpumpandcentrithe Clean oil spaces, in fugewith ragssoaked diesel.

the Do not disassemble gearPumP anycircumstances. under - Replace pumps completely. damaged - After cleaning checkthat the oil injection to leading the in the oil centrifuge holes (see are bearing unobstructed fig.3- 13). - Mount the bearingcover (46000/48000) ( s e ec h a p . 5 ) - Fillwith lubricating (seechap'2)' oil

cleanhgof the turblnedurRegular ing operatbn prevents or retards formatbn of deposits. excessive

to which Turbochargers are contaminated a in be cannot cleaned thiswav. high degree

HHI- ABB Turbodrarger

(see. In thiscasethe rotor hasto be removed chap.S) cleaned HHI or ABB. and by This cleaning operation does not substitute theusual maintenance for whichthe turwork mustbe completely bocharger dismantled.

page 3-26
- Cleaning not beginuntila constant should hasbeenreached. speed - Sprayin enough waterf or 5 or 10 minutes before so that it does not all evaporate the turbine. whenapprox. is The idealvolume reached the flow through drain' can 0,1 liters/min. "0' in the 9as outletcas i ng ing openings chap.2) . { see - Engines quipped ith more than one w e t u r b o c h a r g e rc o n n e c t e dt o t h e s a m e air reciever may the turbochargers T s u r g e d u r i n g c l e a n i n g . h i s s h o u l db e e a v o i d e db y r e d u c i n g n g i n el o a d .

procedure oncea week(if necessary). The two procedure must not be carriedout simultaneously"

Wet cleaning
T h e t u r b o c h a r g e r a n b e c l e a n e dd u r i n j c o p e r a t i o nb y s p r a y i n gi n w a t e r . Wet cleaning should be carried out e v e r y . 4 8 - 5 0 0 h o u r s o f o p e r a t i o n .T h e i n t e r v a lb e t w e e n c l e a n i n gb e i n g d e p e n dent upon the extent of contamination i a n d t h e i n c r e a s e n e x h a u s tg a s t e m p e r ature after the turbine. The cleaning s h o u l d b e r e p e a te d w h e n th e g a s te m p e r a t u r ea f t e r t h e t u r b i n e i n c r e a s e s o t ( 2 9 3 K ) a b o ve th e a ve rage zO"C a temparature t full load.

Dry cleaning
D r y s o l i d p a r t i c l e sa r e b l o w n b y c o m pressedair into the exhaust lines before the turbocharger. T h i s m e t h o d o f c l e a n i n gs h o u l db e c a r r i e d o u t e v e r y 2 4 - 4 8 h o u r so f f u l l l o a d o p e r a t i o n .T h e i n t e r v a l b e t w e e n c l e a n i n g b e i n g d e p e n d e n tu p o n t h e e x t e n t o f c o n t a m i n a t i o n n d t h e i n c r e a s ei n e x a h a u s t g a s t e m p e r a t u r e a ft e r t h e t u r b i n e " T h e c l e a n i n gs h o u l d b e r e p e a t e d w h e n t h e g a s t e m p e r a t u r e a ft e r t h e t u r b i n e i n c r e a s e s o 2 0 " C ( 2 9 3 K )a b o v e t t h e a v e r a g e t e m p a r e t u r ea t f u l l l o a d . For a turbocharger ith rnorethen one w gas inlet,clean the turbochargers ne o gas inlet after then other. On engines w i t h s e v e r a l t u r b o c h a r g e r sc l e a n o n e turbochargeafter the other. r O n a c c o u n t o f t h e i r h a r d n e s sg r a n u l a t , ed mater ialssr .lch soft blast med i a or as activated charcoal particles have all b e e nu s e dw i t h s u c c e s s . The averagegrain sixe is 1,2-2,0mm diameter

O n l y c l e a n ,f r e s h w a t e r i s r e c ommended for wet cleaning with no additives r solvents. o

Take care to ovserve the ins t r u c t i o n so f t h e e n g i n em a n u f a c t u r e rf o r w e t c l e a n i n g . whencleaning The best effect is achieved l o is c a r r i e d u t a t l o w e n g i n e o a d (a p pr ox. 25o/o load). F o r t h e s p e c i f i c e n g i n e ,t h e e x h a u s t g a s t e m p e r a t u r eb e f o r e t u r b i n e m u s t b e f o l l o w e d e n g i n e b u i l d e r ' sr e c o m mendation.

Part of the solids blasted in c a n e r n e r g es m o u l d e r i n g r o m f the flue. Take care to observe the ins t r u c t i o n so f t h e e n g i n em a n u f a c t u r e rf o r d r y c l e a n i n g .

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

- T o p r e v e n t a h i g hr a t e o f b u r n o f f o f m d r y c l e a n i n g e d i u mp r i o r t o t h e t u r g a s i n l e t te mp e ra tu rebefor e b i r i e ,t h e the turbineshouldnot exceed 580590r (853-863dK). - S i n c e i t i s n o t P o s s i b l et o r e m o v e t h i c k d e p osi ts w i th re l a ti ve l y small am o u n t s o f so i l d p a rti cl e s th i s method h a s t o b e u s e dm o r e f r e q u e n t l y . - f n j e c t i o n o f g r a n u l a t e dd r Y c l e a n i n g i m e d i u mn t o th e tu rb i n e i s b e st car r ied o u t a t a h i g h t u r b o c h a r e rs p e e d t o l e n s u r ee f f e c t i v e m e c h a n i c ac l e a n i n g .

page 3-27

the Cleaning compressor


it effect, cleaning optimum ln orderto achieve iJ imbortant that the whole volumeof the 4in is watei' sprayed within 10 seconds' - Cleanthe compressor only with a dosing (see 3- 14) (27000) fig. vessel

to aPPIY The following guidelines the cleaning of the comPressor with water, insofaras this is Permanufacturer. mittedby the engine

the should no l"lnder circumstances to pipe be connected a large spray tink' 6r- a water suPPlYlhe bY of means a tap as this couldallow volumesof water to uncontrolled penetratethe chargerand the enghe. the consult is vessel present, lf no dosing manufacturer. engine

Thus,in orderto Preventcorrosion, only fresh water should be used, andneverseawater! The water shouldnot containany cooling in whichcouldform deposits water additives the compressor.

vessel that the dosing It is essential 's mounted correctly: at least 1 metre below the axis of the turbocharger.

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

page 3-28

o o o

Cleaning the compr.<sor with dming vessel

arger HHI_ ABB Turboch

procedure Cleaning
(3) of the 1. Release screwby means handle (1)and the cover(2). lift from the vessel (1) of 2. Fillthe vessel with the volume water as set out in the table.

page 3-29
work 4. Maintenance
work includesinspectionand Maintenance function checks of wearing parts with or parts or processmaterials, without chanEing out lt modules. musf be carried in accordance of as with the intervals set out in the Outline work. Maintenance

Volume waterrequired: of
















Failuroto carry out the mahte' nance work within the Prescribed htervals can lead to damageand hoperationof the turbocharger. The safety hstructions in the respective chapters must be ob' work. for served allmahtenance parts which cottld impair Darnaged function must be replaced. correct Screw fastenings rnust be tightened with a torque wrench (see chap.5l. lf retighteningis no longerpossble, the replace screwfastenings. Keeplubrbationand processmaterialsready.

In orderto prevent corrosion, only fresh water shouldbe use4 and never waterl sea
3. Replacethe cover Ql and tighten the (3). screwwith the handle (4) 4. Press plunger and.hold down for the it 10 seconds untilall of the water hasbeen sprayed. I ,

The plunger(4) opens a valve. This allows to comoressedair from the turbocharger the entei the vessel(1) through line(5),The an the air compressed presses waterthrough (2)into the line(6)and operiduct in the cover from thereinto the compressor.

4.1 work of Outline maintenan@

symbols Mahtenance

point Maintenance (visiblo the outline) in point Maintenance (notvisible the outline) in Oilchange

After cleanhg, the exhaust gas temperaturesand the valuse for presthe charghg or scavenging suremust returnto normal. (values cleaning In the event of unsuccessful after 10 not normalized) repeat the earliest at minutes. gas f lf the values or the exhaust temperature pressure do or and the charging scavenging cleanafter the repeated not returnto normal must be established the ing process, reasons (see 4). chap. the has After the compressor beencleaned, to should allowed runfor at least5 be engine at minutes full load.




work f or Abbreviations maintenance seeeng. seeengine manufacturer manuf. rationg Plate a/or. plate and/or hours service afterevery16"000 16'0oothl


HHI- ABB Turbocharger

Maintenance work
seeeng. manuf. a/o r. plate

paEe 3-30


16'000 [h]

Outline of maintcnancework

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

\_lntcrvrl [bl
Iten Melnteuenec poht Mdnteuence Eetsurcs

page 3-31



o o
@ @

Oil pumps Ro[ing coutact barings TEaod CE oil spaccs Conpcsscufrccl Turbinc.

- rcplacc - replaccconpl. - chagc thc oil - nplacc - rcplacc

x x x x x

s.4.5 scc.4.3

s.4.4 scc.4.5


Fo r th e l i st o f s p a r e p a r t s pleaserefer to chapt.S:

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

page 3-32

F8 3,16 cover Bearingspace


\ - t6010/18010 a6009/ t8009


Fig.3-I7 Oil level plate

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

4.2 oil the Changing lubr'cating
Changehrtervals The pil must be changed according to the following table. The increase of the neutralization factor must not exceed 2 mgKOH/S and the increaseof the viscosity at 40'C(104'F) must not exceed 2tol.
Mmoil temPsaturo b('F) C@ling watd Ntlst tmpsaturc b("F) Air inlet trnpraturo b('F) lnttrval of oil changs Hours 10@

page 3-33
oil the Draining lubricating
- Shutdowntheturbocharger. - Place oil container the beneath screw an ends. plugs thecompressor turbine and at - Remove screwplugs(46009, 46013/ the 'drain oil off the used and 48011) +eOOg. (see 3- 16). fig. - Replace screw plugs(46009/48009) the (46010/48010) tight' and withthegaskets en.

< 11 0 ( 2 3 0 ) < 120(248) < 130(265)

< 9 0( 1 9 4 ) < 100(212) < 11 0 ( 2 3 0 )


1 1 < s s ( 3)

5m 2W

f After the first 100 ssvice hours change, the lubricating oil in both oil spaces.

Store used ol h the legalVPI9' of and Jcrbedcontainers dispose it compatble h an environmentallY manner.

lubricat' when'hardlhg Waming! Firehazard or lKthted flame hg ol from naked



oil luhftnting Fillirrg

to of Thequantitios oil necessary. fill the oil ends and on space's the cornpressor turbine 2. aresetoutin chaP. (46013/4801 - Remove screw plugs 1). the
Have suitalbecontahersreadYfor oil dralned Have suitableabsorbentmaterials ready. gloves. Wearoil-resistant oil' Avokl spillhg lubricatlng Soak materiup spilleioilwith absorbent al.

- Fillfreshlubricating (seechap.2) into oil in theopenings bothoilspaces. - Fillthe tubricating in accordance the to oil up oil level plate(46015/48013) to the glass fig. mark(see 3- 17). siglit upper (4601 - Place gaskets ontothe 4/48012) the insert the ptugs(46013/480111' screw plugs tighten. and screw

4.3 the for hi[eruals replming bearings

must be repl-aced contactbearings Therolling after a standstillperiod of the ii Oamaged, iurbochirgerin excessof 12 months,or at the latestafter 5 Years. inteivalsare give by the engine Reblacement mJnuiicturerand/orthe ratingplate(s.chap. 0). S e e c h a p . 5 f o r r e m o v i n ga n d i n s t a l l a tion of the bear ings.

ner. take noteof beginningwork Before inchap.1. the safety instructions

HHf- ABB Turboch arger

4.4 the conpressor Intervals for replacing
whed Thecompressor be replaced damaged must if to or at the latestin accordance the instructionsof the engine manufacturer andlorthe (see plate 0). rating chap. and of Seechap. for removing installation 5 thecompressor.

page 3-34

4.5 Inleruds replacing bladed the for sf'aft

The bladed shaft must be replaced damif aged at the latestin accordance theinor to structions the engine of manufacturer and/or (see plate therating chap. 0). Seechap. for removing installation , 5 and of thebladed shaft.

4.6 Intenrds replacing pumps the for

Theoil pumps mustbe replaced damaged if after16,000 hours. or at thelatest operation Seechap.5 for removing installatiqn and of thepumps

HHI- ABB Turbocharger 4. Troubleshooting

Contents 1 Troubles remedies causes, Page

page 4-1



page 4-3

1 Thoubles remedies causes,

Trouble Locafion Crutc - adts iD injcction En$co - lack ofair, c.g. filtcr blockcd by dirt - comprssor / turbinc conaminatcd - Exhaustgasb6ct plcssurctoo higb Erhaust gas teEPeraturetoo hlgb, englrc pcrforueuce and speeduneltcred Cherge-eir cooler - turbilc bfadr danaged or erodcd - covcr ring croded - dirt io the coolcr - insufEsieot cooling water - cooling ualcr idet tcGpcraftrc too higb - insufficicat veatilation Englae - lcat in the air rpceivcr - lcak in thc gasduct bctwcencoginc adnrbiae - injcctiou inconcctly adjtstcd Rcmedy - qair or colsttlt cnginc nnufadnr -clco -clco -clean cnpahboilcr - replacctbc rotor - rplace - clca - 8oP uP - cncck/ cleao cooliag sYsten - improvc ncatilation Cap.5 Ch4.5

Englne Turbochrrger

cbtF.3 Chap.3

Ctarge elr presntre too low, eugine performanceand speed uudtered; eir intake normd

- EaaoEetc,rindication dcfcctive - lrks in thc line to thc mrnometer - dirt in the air filtcr causiag, p,ressure loss cx,cessive - dirt iD the comp,ressornrbinc / - labrinth t64l dameged - turbiae / compressor bladcs danaged -lroz)e ring danagcd - cover ring crodcd - cxhaustgasbackprcssrc too higb

- nphcemaoomacr - rcpair lcak - clcan - cleo - consilt scn'ice station for rqlaccmcnt - replaccthc rotor - r4lace - rcplacc - claboilcr silcocq or rsba[st gas
Cbap.3 Chrp.3

Cbp. E rbgf.5 Gap.5 Ch'p.5

HHI- ABB Turbocharger

page 4-4






Englne Cterge elr pressure blgb, too englae performerceend spced uldtered Turbocharger

- manomacr indication incsrrect - nozzlcring dirty orpctly obstrTctcd - rotorunbalaoce -foovlmdclcao, ducto bcary contaoi!3tio! of cooptssor / t[rbiDc call rcwicc cation - tuftiac blads or daupingwirc daoagcd - bearing dcfcct - replace rotor - rcpbcebcatiag scc& possiblc

Cbtp.5 chrF. 5 ehrF.5

Turbe cbrrger

Noises on running qowD, firne too sholtl reluctqnt stard1g

CbT.5 ta"p. t Ch'p.3 Chap.8

Turbocharger Lcaks in the casing

- cncks due to thecroaltensiou insufEcicnt vcotilatiot insufEcicnt coolFg wata

- nplacc castng - provi<lcbcttcr ventilafiou - chcck and to'pup -clca Cbap.3 Chap.3 Cbap.3

Loss of lubrication oll

dirt in cooling watr sp6cc - scatingbushcs(51014| 76002) danagcd - conpcDsationdugtsX aad Z obstncted - gaskct ofbcaring spacccovcr lcaking

clcan clca rcplacc valvcs clcan

Constant pumping the of turbocharger


- inocascdflowrcsisaaceducto: - dirt in thc chargeair coolcr or silencer - hcary dcposits dirt in the of cooprcssor turbinc / Gap.3 Chap.3


- dcfcstive valvcsin c;heck twostrokccogiacs - cfihaust presurcincrcascd aftcr 8ss theturbbc, bccausc boilcr or thc gas tbs xhaust sileaccr dirty are - gid dirty


rvicestetionor representedve Cdl the se ifthe cruseof the pumpingcennotbre detected.


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