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Sundberg 1

Could you imagine how you would feel if there was no humor in the world? Your mood
from day to day would drastically change for the worse. Humor is very important to me because
if there weren't laughs being shared throughout the day my days would be boring and
unenjoyable. Telling jokes also improves my friendships because humor makes bonds. My life
consists of a bunch of humor and jokes and yours should too! Humor makes things that I would
never want to do, do-able. Without humor this world is dark and bland.
First off, humor is really important for your mood and your quality life as a whole. It is
proven that when you aren't sharing laughs and making jokes that your days are worse. Humor is
an absolute necessity in my day to day conversations and friendships. It is just simply more fun
interacting with others through inside jokes and other kinds of humor. An article about why
laughing is absolutely crucial to live as a whole says, ¨Laughter is the best medicine.¨ When I am
playing baseball and things are not going my way, I like to stay positive by using humor in my
conversations instead of negative talk about what happened in the game. One time during a game
when I wasn’t playing well, I started to get heated and very uptight, but when someone told a
joke it lightened my mood and made me play better and that’s when I realized how important
humor was in my life. Laughing my way through the hard times is a great way to use humor, not
in life but in anything whether it is during work or in school. When we are children we tend to
laugh more and find the fun in life, but as we grow up and turn into adulthood we tend to laugh
less because life is more serious. Consequently, this makes children happier than adults on
Furthermore, humor creates relationships and brings people together and without humor
life is bland, boring and dull. Humor is not tasteless, dull, or undesirable. Moreover, jokes can
spice up a conversation and make every day to day interaction less boring and establish bonds
with other people. On a day to day basis, the more jokes that are told can improve that specific
day so much. On top of that, when I am telling jokes and being told jokes, the people around me
are proven to be in better moods than they were before using jokes. Having fun and telling jokes
will always find the best in every situation. Furthermore, when other people are not having a
good day you can cheer them up by simply telling a harmless joke. Cheering people up will also
make them like you more which will strengthen your bond with that person. When you have
more friends it will brighten your day and give you more people to share your amazing humor
with. It doesn't have to be a good thing that you like doing but as long as you learn to have fun
with it will all be good.
Humor is a light in a world of darkness. The bottom line is that humor is a very positive
thing to have in your life no matter the circumstances, it will improve relationships always keep
things loose and more relaxed. The way I act and how I feel is mainly based on humor and
having fun. Without humor life is boring and bland. Using jokes and humor is good for you, so
use it!
Sundberg 2

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