Naskah Drama Bahasa Inggris Kel 1

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"Drama Script Kelompok 1”

"The Colored Lake"


Drama Characters: 1-8 actor

Prabu Suwartalaya: Delvin Junior Moto
Queen Purbamanah: Salsya
Aizen/Prince: M.Fathyan Eka Putra
Narrator: Ogi Nugraha
Blacksmith: Raden N
Citizens: Dimas Satya,M.Akmal
Advisor: Heksan Oseana Arkan

Narrator: Once upon a time, in West Java, there was a kingdom called the
Kutatanggeuhan kingdom, led by a wise and sagacious king, Prabu
Suwartalaya, and Queen Purbamanah. The people lived peacefully,
prosperously, and harmoniously. Unfortunately, Prabu Suwartalaya and Queen
Purbamanah had not been blessed with a child. This became a source of worry
for both of them.

Scene 1
Queen Purbamanah: (looking melancholic and tearful)

Prabu Suwartalaya: Please, my dear. Don't be so sorrowful and keep crying. If

you continue like this, I will also be engulfed in sorrow.
Queen Purbamanah: How can I not be sad, my love? We've been married for
years, yet we haven't been blessed with a child.

Advisor: Your Majesty, perhaps to alleviate Queen Purbamanah's sadness, we

could consider adopting a child. It might ease her pain.

Queen Purbamanah: No! I don't want to adopt a child!

King Suwartalaya: Yes, advisor. I also disagree with adopting a child. For us, a
biological child is preferable to an adopted one."

Narrator: Queen Purbamanah kept on crying.

Prabu Suwartalaya: Stop crying, dear. I will try again. I will go to the forest to
meditate so that we may be blessed with a child soon.

Queen Purbamanah: Alright then. If you must go to the forest to meditate, then
go ahead, dear. I will also pray along with you. Be careful.

Narrator: Prabu went to the forest to meditate. In the forest, the prince continued
to pray to be blessed with a child. Several months later, their wish came true.
Queen Purbamanah became pregnant. The whole kingdom was delighted. They
flooded the palace with gifts. Nine months later, Queen Purbamanah gave birth
to a daughter.

Scene 2:
Queen Purbamanah: (carrying a baby)
King Suwartalaya: Our son is very handsome, isn’t he, dear? And he looks so
Queen Purbamanah: Yes, my dear. We should be grateful that we have been
blessed with a child at last.
King Suwartalaya: Indeed, dear. Our son is also sweet and very lovable!
Therefore, what if we name him Aizen? What do you think, dear?

Queen Purbamanah: I agree, my dear.

Narrator: For a moment, the king and queen were happy, when suddenly the
royal advisor arrived...

Advisor: Your Majesty, pardon me. This is from the people, sending various
gifts for Your Highness’s son. They share in the joy and congratulate Your
Highness on the birth of the Prince.

King Suwartalaya: Thank you, Advisor.

Narrator: Not only the royal family was happy, but the people also rejoiced
upon hearing the news.
Unfortunately, Aizen was not raised well by King Suwartalaya and Queen
Purbamanah. Aizen grew up to be a spoiled prince with unfavorable traits. He
didn’t hesitate to speak rudely to get what he wanted. Nevertheless, both King
Suwartalaya, Queen Purbamanah, and the people loved him dearly. As time
passed, the Prince grew up to be the most handsome young man in the entire
In a few days, the prince would turn 18. Therefore, the residents of the kingdom
went to the palace. They brought various beautiful gifts. The King collected
these abundant gifts and stored them in a palace room. He could use them for
the benefit of the people when needed.
Scene 3:
King Suwartalaya: Sir, please craft a sword that is exceptionally beautiful and of
the highest quality.

Blacksmith: With pleasure, Your Majesty.

Narrator: The blacksmith then worked diligently, with all his heart. He aimed to
create the finest sword in the world, as requested by His Majesty.

The day of the birthday arrived. The people of the kingdom gathered in the
palace square. When King Suwartalaya and Queen Purbamanah arrived, they
were greeted with joy. The warmth of the welcome intensified as the handsome
prince appeared before everyone. Everyone admired his beauty.

Morale Message
Scene 4:

Citizens: (shouting and clapping) Hooray!! Hooray!! Hooray!! The King and
Queen have arrived!

Citizen 1: Wow, he’s really handsome, the son of King Suwartalaya.

Citizen 2: Yes. I envy him.

Narrator: Then, the King presented the sword of honor. He held a high-quality
sword in his hand. Then...

King Suwartalaya: My beloved son Aizen, today is your birthday. I give you
this sword. This sword of honor is a token of my love for you. I love you very
much, my son. I present this gift because I am delighted to see you grow into
adulthood. Use this sword for the good of our kingdom, for the future.

Narrator: The Prince accepted the sword. Then he glanced at the sword.
Confidently, the Prince then stabbed his own father and seized his crown.

Aizen: Hahaha!! This crown!, is mine!, Hahaha!!.

Citizens: Haaahhhh??? The king was killed just like that by the prince. We
never expected the prince to do such a thing to his father.

Narrator: The purity of the king’s gift sword was now tarnished. All the citizens
present were shocked. No one spoke. Silence fell.
Suddenly, Queen Purbamanah cried at the sight of her son’s behavior. The sky
turned cloudy, and thunder accompanied it. Rain poured down heavily, the
water slowly rose and began to flood the kingdom.

Queen Purbamanah: (crying)

Narrator: The water inundated the entire kingdom.

Citizen 1: Haaahh?? There’s water! Water! Water!

Citizen 2: Hahhh? Suddenly, this water forms a small pond!

Citizen 1: Oh my goodness, a flood! Flood! Flood!

Narrator: After the incident, the citizens screamed in confusion, panic, and
fear... Suddenly, the palace was filled with water like a lake. Then the lake grew
larger and submerged the palace. Then..., a beautiful lake was created. The lake
is now known as the “Telaga Warna” (Colorful Lake).
Narrator (Morale Message): the meaning of this story is that as children, we
should never disobey our parents because they are our parents who have raised
us and brought us into this world.

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