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Experiment_4: Exploring Arithmetic Operators, Input/Output, and Compound

Goals in Prolog

This experiment investigates how Prolog handles arithmetic operations, interacts with the user,
and combines goals for complex problem-solving.


● Utilize built-in arithmetic operators in Prolog to perform calculations within rules and queries.
● Implement simple input/output functionalities to interact with the user during program
● Construct compound goals using logical operators (and, or, not) to achieve more intricate
● Evaluate the capabilities and limitations of Prolog for numerical computations and user


● A Prolog interpreter (e.g., SWI-Prolog, YAP Prolog)

● Text editor for writing Prolog code


1. Arithmetic Operators:
○ Write Prolog code using basic arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /) within predicates.
○ Formulate queries involving arithmetic expressions and observe how Prolog evaluates
○ Explore built-in functions for advanced math operations (e.g., sin, sqrt).
2. Input/Output:
○ Utilize the write predicate to display messages and results to the user.
○ Introduce the read predicate to accept user input as variables within the program.
○ Design a simple program that prompts the user for input, performs calculations, and
displays the outcome.
3. Compound Goals:
○ Define predicates with multiple subgoals connected by logical operators (comma (,) for
and, ; for or).
○ Write rules that use these compound goals to achieve more complex tasks based on
multiple conditions.
○ Experiment with the not operator (\+) to express negation within goals.
4. Analysis and Discussion:
○ Discuss the strengths of using arithmetic operators for numerical computations within
○ Evaluate the limitations of Prolog for complex mathematical problems compared to
dedicated numerical languages.
○ Analyze the effectiveness of write and read for basic user interaction.
○ Explore alternative approaches for more sophisticated input/output functionalities.
○ Discuss the power of compound goals for combining smaller tasks into complex problem-
solving steps.
○ Consider scenarios where compound goals with different logical operators are

Expected Outcomes:

● Gain proficiency in using arithmetic operators and built-in functions for numerical
computations in Prolog.
● Develop basic skills for user interaction through simple input/output functionalities.
● Understand how to construct compound goals using logical operators for more intricate
● Recognize the trade-off between Prolog's symbolic reasoning and specialized languages for
complex math or extensive user interfaces.

Possible Extensions:

● Design a program that calculates the area and perimeter of shapes based on user input.
● Develop a simple game that involves user interaction and decision-making based on
● Explore advanced libraries for richer input/output functionalities in Prolog.
● Investigate alternative logic programming languages that offer more powerful numerical

This experiment equips you with essential tools for working with numbers, interacting with
users, and tackling problems with multiple steps in Prolog. By combining arithmetic operations,
input/output, and compound goals, you'll be able to write more versatile and user-friendly Prolog

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