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Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University

Sher-e-Bangla nagar, Dhaka 1207

Phone: +88024481 4020, Fax: +88024481 4003

Flecord illumber: 37.01 .2605. Date. 06 ti'ay 2024

Office 0rder
This is to notify lhat the Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU) has granted Ex-Bangladesh
ieave (Earned Leave with full pay) in favoui' of N/d. il/aksudur Rahman, Senior Pesh Iman':, Staff
Quarter Jame N/osque, Sher-e-Bangia Agricuitural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh for a period
of 36 (thirty six) days" i.e. from 24lttlay,2A24io 28 June, 2A24 or 36 (thirly six) days from the actual
date of travel to stay in Saudi Arabia for Holy Hajj undei'the following Terms & conditions:

a. Ail expenses and charges related to this visit wili be borne by nimself and there wiil oe no
financral involvement of government of Bairgladesh or University in this regard;
b. le will dralv hrs us.rai pa;r anC allowances in iocai currency:
c. After visii he wiil loiri his respectir;e office.
This has the concurrence cf tne '/ice-Charrceiior of Sher-e-Bangia Agricultural University.

Sheikh Rezaul Karim
reg istrar@ sau. eci u. bd

Distributed to:
rv1d. il/aksudur Rahnrarr. Senior Pesh inram. Staff QuarterJame Vlosque, SAU, Dhaka.

Hecord l.lumber: 37.C1 .26C5. 1 (1 1) Date: 06 f,t1ay 2424

Copy tor Kind intorrnation and Necessary Acli*n:

1 . Controller. Foreign Exchange Divlsion, Banglaoesh Bank, Dhaka;

2. High Commissionr'Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Dhaka, Bangladesh;

3, Bangladesh f-iigh CommissicniEr-nbassy af Saudi Arabia;
4. Director. Staff Quarter Jame lvlosque, SAU, Dhaka;
5. Director iFlnance and Accounts). SAU. Dhaka:
€lDirector llCT Cell), SAU, Dhaka (for kind website upload);
7. immigration Officer, Hazral Shahjalai (R.) lnternational Airport. Dhaka, Bangiadesh:
8. Deputy Registrar (Admin.)-A, SAU, Dhaka;
9. PS to VC, Office of tne Vice Chancellor, SAU, Dhaka (for VC's kind information):
10. PA to Hegistrar, SAU, Dhaka (for kind inforrnaticn) and
"11 Office copyr tulaster copy.

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