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Temperature Rainfall


Elements of temp

1- Altitude
As we move up to high elevation areas ,temperature decreases.
2- Lattitude

Earth sun


Tropic of cancer

As we move away from equator and tropics,temperature decreases.

The places near tropics have high temperatures as compared to areas
away from them. Pakistan lies just above tropic of cancer so southern
areas are more hotter than the northern ares.

3- Cloud cover
When there are clouds,blocking sunlight so temperature
4- Maritime effect (effect of sea)
When there is sea in the surrounding, temperature tend to be
moderate all year round.
5- Continental effect
When there is no sea in the surrounding ,temp will be extreme in
both seasons.
Sources of rainfall
1- Summer monsoon (July- September)
2- Western depression (Dec- March)
3- Convectional currents/ Thunderstorms (April- June) (oct-
4- Tropical cyclones (April- June) (oct- November)

1- Summer monsoon

Mediterranean sea
Bay of

1-Temperature increases ,pressure decreases

2- Air always move from high pressure areas to low pressure area

During July- sept Indus plain gets heat up more than Bay of
Bengal. As we know high temperatures lead to low pressure, so
low pressure is developed over indus plain. This attracts
moisture laden winds from Bay of Bengal .these winds travel
across Bangladesh and india and then strike with Northern
mountains where condensation takes place and rainfall is
received by foothills. These winds continue moving towards
south but now they r devoid of moisture so very negligible rain is

2- Western depression (Dec-March)
During winters, Mediterranean a sea on the north western side of
Pakistan experiences very low temperature. Pakistan on the
other hand have high temperature. As a result high pressure is
developed over Mediterranean. we know winds always move from
high pressure area to low pressure area so winds move towards
Pakistan. they strike with north western and western mountains,
condensation takes place and rainfalls. These rains come in light

3- Thunderstorms/convection
Potowar plateau
Attock etc

4- Tropical cyclones
Coastal areas of Sindh and Balochistan

(ii) Explain why there are differences in amounts of rainfall caused by the monsoon in
different areas of Pakistan.

(a) (i) On the outline map of Pakistan Fig. 1 mark and shade two areas which experience low

annual rainfall (125 mm or less). [2]

Fig. 1

(ii) Name the crop which is mainly grown in these areas of low annual rainfall.


(iii) Explain the difficulties for people living in areas of low rainfall.







(c) (i) A. From the list below, circle one place which regularly experiences the highest

temperatures in June in Pakistan.

Quetta Karachi Jacobabad Abbottabad Larkana Zhob

B. Which range best describes the highest temperatures recorded? Put a tick in one of

the boxes below.


(ii) Explain why the place you have named in (i) is the hottest place in Pakistan.





(iii) Describe the effects on people of living in extremely hot climates.








(a) Study Fig. 1 which is a map of northern Pakistan.

(i) On the map name the following:

• Mountain range A

• City B

• River C [3]
(ii) Explain the causes of high rainfall at city B.










(a) Study Fig. 1 which shows the distribution of monthly rainfall in Karachi.
(i) A For how many months does Karachi experience less than 10 mm rainfall?


B Estimate the total rainfall in Karachi for the period July to September.


(ii) Describe briefly the climatic region in which Karachi is located.


(iii) What is the main source of rainfall in Karachi? From which direction do the rain-bearing

winds come?

Source ...............................................................................................................................

Direction ........................................................................................................................[2]

(iv) Describe the effects of tropical cyclones on cities such as Karachi.









(a) Study Fig. 7, which shows climate data for Lahore, Punjab. Lahore has a monsoon climate.
(i) What is meant by the term ‘monsoon’?



(ii) How does Fig. 7 show that the climate in Lahore is typical of a monsoon climate?




(iii) Give reasons why Lahore has more rainfall in July than in December.





(c) (i) A provincial capital city regularly has the lowest temperatures in Pakistan. Name this city.


(ii) Describe four impacts of low temperatures on people who live and work in mountain


1 ........................................................................................................................................


2 ........................................................................................................................................


3 ........................................................................................................................................


4 ........................................................................................................................................


(b) (i) Study Fig. 1.2 (Insert). Describe the main features of the desert area shown in the







(ii) Explain the challenges of living in a desert area, such as that shown in Fig. 1.2. You

should develop your answer.









(iii) Study Fig. 1.3 (Insert). State two features of the climate typical of the environment shown
in the photograph.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ....................................................................................................................................[2]

(c) Suggest two ways in which latitude affects the climate of Pakistan.





2059/02/O/N/18 no question


(c) (i) Complete the passage below about monsoon rainfall in Pakistan. Choose the correct

words from the list and place them in the spaces provided.

Autumn continent ocean spring

Summer winds winter [2]

(ii) Describe the causes of the south west monsoon.





..................................................................................................................................... [3]

© UCLES 2019 2059/02/M/J/19

(iii) Explain two impacts of a heavy monsoon. You should develop your answer.








..................................................................................................................................... [4]

(d) Rivers are an important resource for human settlement and economic activity, but flooding is

an increasing problem which can hinder development. Read the following two views about

ways to manage flooding in Pakistan:

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and refer to

examples you have studied. You should consider View A and View B in your answer.


















............................................................................................................................................. [6]

7 © UCLES 2020 0448/02/M/J/20 [Turn over 2 (a) (i) Study Fig. 2.1, a map of Pakistan. Arabian Sea Key:
international boundary province-level boundary disputed boundary JAMMU AND KASHMIR disputed
territory N 0 100 200 km 300 JAMMU AND KASHMIR A B 36°N 32°N 28°N Fig. 2.1 Name the two cities
labelled A and B on Fig. 2.1. A ..................................................................
B .................................................................. [2] 8 © UCLES 2020 0448/02/M/J/20 (ii) Study Fig. 2.2,
climate graphs showing rainfall and temperature for cities A and B. 0 10 20 30 40 temperature (°C)
rainfall (mm) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 10 20 30 40 temperature (°C) rainfall (mm) 0 50 100 150
200 J F M A M J months months J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D City A – 2167m above sea level, 34°N
City B – 1600m above sea level, 30°N Fig. 2.2 Complete the climate graph for city B using the information
below. month temperature (°C) July 28 [2] 9 © UCLES 2020 0448/02/M/J/20 [Turn over (iii) Using Fig.
2.2 only, compare the rainfall and temperature for city A and city
B. ........................................................................................................................................... ........................
................................................................................................................... ....................................................
....................................................................................... ................................................................................
........................................................... ............................................................................................................
............................... .....................................................................................................................................
[3] (b) Explain how the following factors affect temperature in cities A and B. You should develop your
altitude ...................................................................................................................................... ....................
............................................................................................................................... ........................................
........................................................................................................... ............................................................
latitude ...................................................................................................................................... ....................
............................................................................................................................... ........................................
........................................................................................................... ............................................................
....................................................................................... [4] (c) (i) Which three statements about
thunderstorms in Pakistan are correct? Tick (✓) three boxes below. Thunderstorms are most likely to
occur: Tick (✓) during the pre-monsoon season during the post-monsoon season in northern and north
western areas in southern and south western areas in the summer in the winter [3] 10 © UCLES 2020
0448/02/M/J/20 (ii) Thunderstorms are one source of rainfall. State three other sources of rainfall in
Pakistan. 1 ......................................................................................
2 ......................................................................................
3 ...................................................................................... [3] (iii) Other than flooding, describe two
problems experienced by people as a result of
thunderstorms. ........................................................................................................................................... ..
......................................................................................................................................... ..............................
............................................................................................................. ..........................................................
........................................................................... [2] 11 © UCLES 2020 0448/02/M/J/20 [Turn over (d)
Floods are a normal occurrence in Pakistan. However, every seven to eight years there are severe floods.
Assess the extent to which the problems of severe flooding can be managed in Pakistan. Give reasons to
support your judgement and refer to examples you have studied. You should consider different points of
view in your
answer. ................................................................................................................................................... .......
............................................................................................................................................ ...........................
........................................................................................................................ ...............................................
.................................................................................................... ...................................................................
................................................................................ .......................................................................................
............................................................ ...........................................................................................................
........................................ ...............................................................................................................................
.................... ...................................................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................................................... ....................
............................................................................................................................... ........................................
........................................................................................................... ............................................................
....................................................................................... ................................................................................
................................................................... ....................................................................................................
............................................... ........................................................................................................................
........................... ............................................................................................................................................
....... ............................................................................................................................................. [6]

2059/02/O/N/19 no question


2 (a) (i) Study Fig. 2.1, a map of Pakistan.

international boundary 36° N
province-level boundary
disputed boundary JAMMU AND
disputed territory

A 32° N

28° N

0 100 200 300

Arabian Sea

Fig. 2.1
Name the two cities labelled A and B on Fig. 2.1.

A ..................................................................

B ..................................................................

[2] (ii) Study Fig. 2.2, climate graphs showing rainfall and temperature for cities A and B.

City A – 2167 m above sea level, 34° N



City B – 1600 m above sea level, 30° N



Fig. 2.2

Complete the climate graph for city B using the information below.

month temperature (°C)

July 28

[2] (iii) Using Fig. 2.2 only, compare the rainfall and temperature for city A and city B.






..................................................................................................................................... [3]

(b) Explain how the following factors affect temperature in cities A and B. You should
develop your answer.

altitude ......................................................................................................................................


................................................................................................................................................... ..................
latitude ......................................................................................................................................





(c) (i) Which three statements about thunderstorms in Pakistan are correct?
Tick (✓) three boxes below.

Thunderstorms are most likely to occur: Tick (✓)

during the pre-monsoon season

during the post-monsoon season

in northern and north western areas

in southern and south western areas

in the summer

in the winter

[3] (ii) Thunderstorms are one source of rainfall. State three other sources of rainfall in Pakistan.

1 ......................................................................................

2 ......................................................................................

3 ......................................................................................


(iii) Other than flooding, describe two problems experienced by people as a result of




..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(d) Floods are a normal occurrence in Pakistan. However, every seven to eight years there
are severe floods.

Assess the extent to which the problems of severe flooding can be managed in Pakistan. Give reasons
to support your judgement and refer to examples you have studied. You should consider different
points of view in your answer.


















............................................................................................................................................. [6]

2059/02/O/N/20 no question

2059/02/M/J/21 no question

2 (a) Study Fig. 2.1, a map showing annual rainfall in southern and western Pakistan.

N Key
rainfall in mm
over 500
0 100 200300
international boundary


Arabian Sea

Fig. 2.1

(i) Complete Fig. 2.1 by shading area Y using the information below and the key.

Y = 126–250 mm of annual rainfall

[1] (ii) Study Fig. 2.2, a map showing temperature regions of southern and western
N Key
temperature regions
hot summer, mild winter
warm summer, mild winter
0 100 200300 warm summer, cool winter
warm/cold summer,
km cool/cold winter
international boundary


Arabian Sea

Fig. 2.2

Identify temperature region Z shown on Fig. 2.2.



(iii) Using information from Figs. 2.1 and 2.2 only, complete the passage describing the relationship
between annual rainfall and temperature regions. Choose the correct words from the list and place
them in the spaces provided.

cold cool high hot low mild strong warm weak

There is a ............. relationship between the pattern of annual rainfall and temperature regions. The
majority of the areas with 0–125 mm of rainfall experience .............. summers and ………….. winters,
whereas areas of

………….. rainfall experience cooler summers and winters.

[3] (b) (i) Describe how the Western Depressions affect the pattern of rainfall in western





..................................................................................................................................... [3]

(ii) Explain two factors that affect temperature in Pakistan. You should develop your

1 .................................................................................................................................




2 .................................................................................................................................





(c) (i) Define ‘drought’.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State two effects of drought on the natural environment of Pakistan.

1 .................................................................................................................................

2 .................................................................................................................................

[2] (iii) Describe the benefits and problems of cold climates for people in Pakistan.
benefits ..............................................................................................................................


........................................................................................................................................... ..........................
problems ...........................................................................................................................




(d) Pakistan experiences extremes of climate which can have many effects on people’s lives.
Read the following two views:

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and refer to examples you
have studied. You should consider View A and View B in your answer.

















............................................................................................................................................. [6]

[Total: 25]

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