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Creative iMedia (J807, J817, J827)

R093/01, Pre-production skills (Level

1/2), January 2021_clone

Please note that you may see slight

differences between this paper and the
original. Duration: 75 mins

Candidates answer on the Question paper.

OCR supplied materials:

Additional resources may be supplied with
this paper.

Other materials required:

• Pencil
• Ruler (cm/mm)

Candidate Candidate
forename surname

Centre number Candidate number

• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes above. Please write clearly and in capital
• Use black ink. HB pencil may be used for graphs and diagrams only.
• Answer all the questions, unless your teacher tells you otherwise.
• Read each question carefully. Make sure you know what you have to do before starting your answer.
• Where space is provided below the question, please write your answer there.
• You may use additional paper, or a specific Answer sheet if one is provided, but you must clearly show your
candidate number, centre number
and question number(s).


. Page 1 of 19
• The quality of written communication is assessed in questions marked with either a pencil or an asterisk.
• The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
• The total number of marks for this paper is 60.
• The total number of marks may take into account some 'either/or' question choices.

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1(a). “School23” is a role playing mystery storybook by J. R. Harpley set on the moon. The story is
based in a school with human pupils called ‘Terras’ and alien pupils called ‘Others’. In the
mystery story the reader has to make decisions as they read the short chapters in the story, with
each choice leading to a different storyline developing. “School23” is now being developed into a
multimedia interactive book that can be read and used on a tablet computer.

You have been asked to develop some ideas for the interactive book and how it will look.

Identify four items that could be included on a digital mood board for the new multimedia
interactive book.


(b). The digital mood board will be shared with different members of the production team.

Identify one file format, other than PDF, that would be suitable to use for the digital mood board.

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“School23” Multimedia Interactive Book

Client Brief

World Reading Day takes place on March 6th and the multimedia interactive book will be
released on that day. This means that there are 12 months to develop the multimedia
interactive book.

The new multimedia interactive book will contain more images than in the original story
by J. R. Harpley. There will be five different animations in the multimedia interactive
book which will take six months in total to create. The company only has two animators
working for them. The animations can only be created after the small team of three
graphic artists have drawn the five main characters and the five locations on the moon
for the story. It will take two months to draw all the characters and a further two
months to draw all the locations.

• Arkle (Male Terra)
• Sarah (Female Terra)
• Nakkav (Male ‘Others’)
• Prafmix (Female ‘Others’)
• Bellater (school receptionist)

• School reception
• Science lab
• Landing pad
• Student bedroom
• Canteen

• Introduction
• ‘Terra’ solve mystery
• ‘Others’ solve mystery
• ‘Terra’ wrong decision
• ‘Others’ wrong decision

The first animation will be a “Welcome to School23” introduction to the school by

Bellater and it will explain how to use the book. This will end with the reader making
their first decision, do they read the interactive book as a “Terra” or as an “Others”
character. Then the reader will need to choose between a male or female character.
This then leads into the first part of the story which starts with the disappearance of a
rare moonstone from the science lab.

Identify three design requirements from the brief.


(b). Identify two time constraints from the brief.

. Page 4 of 19


(c). Using the information in the brief, create a work plan for the creation of the multimedia
interactive book.


(d). During the planning of the production of “School23” workflow needs to be considered.

Explain what the term workflow means.


. Page 5 of 19
3(a). “School23” is a role playing mystery storybook by J. R. Harpley set on the moon. The story is
based in a school with human pupils called ‘Terras’ and alien pupils called ‘Others’. In the mystery
story the reader has to make decisions as they read the short chapters in the story, with each
choice leading to a different storyline developing. “School23” is now being developed into a
multimedia interactive book that can be read and used on a tablet computer.

Create a visualisation diagram for the digital cover of the new “School23” multimedia interactive

Marks will be awarded for:

• content
• layout
• fitness for purpose.

(b). Identify one suitable file format for the digital cover of “School23” to be used as an online

. Page 6 of 19
(c). Identify one suitable file format for the final “School23” multimedia interactive book.

4(a). “School23” is a role playing mystery storybook by J. R. Harpley set on the moon. The story is
based in a school with human pupils called ‘Terras’ and alien pupils called ‘Others’. In the mystery
story the reader has to make decisions as they read the short chapters in the story, with each
choice leading to a different storyline developing. “School23” is now being developed into a
multimedia interactive book that can be read and used on a tablet computer.

In background Cook is getting lunch ready banging oven doors.
Prafmix moves waste container away from wall.


She bends and puts her hand into a small hole in panel wall.

Have here an object do I.

Prafmix stands up and looks at object in her hand and shows it to Bellater.

Well done, you have found the moonstone.

Silence then takes over the canteen (Air conditioning in background).

Who did put it here though?

Prafmix starts walking away into corridor passing a teacher in the doorway.



Prafmix presses a panel on the wall.
It opens to show a bag with three other objects in.

Saw Qeetass I did, putting bag in wall and by the waste container at first meal also.

(looking out of window portal)
We must find Qeetass fast.


A small pod took off with Qeetass at the controls.

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i. Identify two sound effects from the script.


ii. Identify two locations from the script.

iii. Identify one non-speaking character from the script.


(b). Explain why the lack of camera angles on the script makes it difficult to create the animation.


5(a). “School23” is a role playing mystery storybook by J. R. Harpley set on the moon. The story is
based in a school with human pupils called ‘Terras’ and alien pupils called ‘Others’. In the
mystery story the reader has to make decisions as they read the short chapters in the story, with
each choice leading to a different storyline developing. “School23” is now being developed into a
multimedia interactive book that can be read and used on a tablet computer.

The script for the final scene needs to be converted into a storyboard before it can be given to
the animators to create the animation for the multimedia interactive book.

Explain the purpose of the storyboard for the animators.


(b). Explain the purpose of scene numbers on a storyboard.


6(a). “School23” is a role playing mystery storybook by J. R. Harpley set on the moon. The story is
based in a school with human pupils called ‘Terras’ and alien pupils called ‘Others’. In the

. Page 8 of 19
mystery story the reader has to make decisions as they read the short chapters in the story, with
each choice leading to a different storyline developing. “School23” is now being developed into a
multimedia interactive book that can be read and used on a tablet computer.

A podcast containing an actor reading the introduction to the story will be created to advertise
the new multimedia interactive book.

Identify one suitable file format for the final podcast.


(b). Explain the term lossless compression.


7. “School23” is a role playing mystery storybook by J. R. Harpley set on the moon. The story is
based in a school with human pupils called ‘Terras’ and alien pupils called ‘Others’. In the mystery
story the reader has to make decisions as they read the short chapters in the story, with each
choice leading to a different storyline developing. “School23” is now being developed into a
multimedia interactive book that can be read and used on a tablet computer.

When creating the multimedia interactive book there are legal issues that need to be considered.

Draw a line to match each definition to the correct legal issue.

. Page 9 of 19
8. “School23” is a role playing mystery storybook by J. R. Harpley set on the moon. The story is
based in a school with human pupils called ‘Terras’ and alien pupils called ‘Others’. In the mystery
story the reader has to make decisions as they read the short chapters in the story, with each
choice leading to a different storyline developing. “School23” is now being developed into a
multimedia interactive book that can be read and used on a tablet computer.

Fig. 1 is a mind map created during a planning meeting. The mind map will be given to the content
editor of the book to create the interactive aspect of the book.

Fig. 1

Discuss the suitability of the content and layout of the mind map in Fig. 1 for the content editor.
You should include any areas for improvement.

* The quality of written communication will be assessed in your answer to this question .

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Mark scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

Up to four marks for one from e.g.

 Animations (1)
Low-Demand question
 Annotations/Text/Words/Labels/
This is an initial planning document,
Subtitles (1)
so the answers do not need to be in
 Audio/Music/ Sounds (1)
context but can be.
 Colours/Colour Scheme/ House 4(3xL1P
It is DIGITAL mood board so textiles
1 a style (1) ,
and fabrics CANNOT be included
 Fonts (1) 1xL1M)
Allow MAX 2 for examples of a bullet
 Graphic/Icon/Logo/Sprite (1)
 Image/Photo/drawing/sketch (1)
Layout is NOT acceptable - not an
 Title (1)
 Videos (1)
 Other suitable response

One marks for suitable point e.g.

Targeted at Level 1 Distinction as
 GIF (1) PDF is removed as an option.
 HTML5 (1) This question refers to file type NOT
 JPEG (1) software used to create mood board
b 1(L1P)
 Mp4 (1) File size is not considered as
 PNG (1) question does not mention emailing
 TIFF (1) Mood board cannot be software
 Other suitable response dependant to view

Total 5

2 a Three from e.g. 3 This is a low demand question that

(2xL1P, looks for requirements in the
 5 different animations (1) 1xL1M) provided brief.
 5 locations (1) Question is about DESIGN so do not
 5 main characters / 2 males and accept anything to do with time
2 females (& Receptionist) (1) issues.
 Based on the moon (1)
 Can be Terra or Others (1)  Characters TV
 First animation has Bellator  Locations TV
talking (1)  Animations TV
 First animation is a welcome (1)
 More images that original story Answer must include number of (5)
(1) OR what the character, location,
 Readers must select character animation is.
(1) Candidates may list the different
 Other suitable response from locations, characters, and
the brief animations.

. Page 12 of 19
Locations Animations

School • welcome
• recepti to school
on ‘Terra’
• Arkle
Scienc • solve
• Sarah •
e lab mystery
• Landin ‘Others’
v •
g pad • solve
Prafmi mystery
• Studen
t ‘Terra’
Bellat •
• bedroo • wrong
er m decision
Cantee ‘Others’

n • wrong

Two from e.g.

 Release for 6th March/World

Reading day(1)
 12 months for development (1)
 2 months to draw all characters
 2 months to draw all
locations/backgrounds (1) Low demand question taken straight
 4 months to draw graphics 2(2xL1P from the brief.
(characters & locations) (1) ) Must be stated clearly i.e. 6 months
 6 months to create animations is TV
 Animations cannot be done
before drawings completed (1)
 2 months for
testing/proofreading (1)
 Other suitable response from
the brief

c Marks awarded for: 8(2xL1P Locations = Backgrounds

(1) Project Length /Publish Task (1) , L1M,
(2) 12 Months/March publish date (1) L1D, Marks are awarded for the 8 points
(3) Characters and Locations and L2D, in the list
Animations tasks (1) L2M, Point (2) can be either marked as
(4) 2 months for Characters and 2 2xL2D) shown OR colour far right box
months Locations (1) (March)
(5) 6 months of animation (1) If Task is incorrect do not give time
(6) Testing and/or Proofreading task (1) scale mark
(7) 2 months for testing/proofreading Order of tasks is not assessed
(8) No overlapping (1)

. Page 13 of 19
Two marks for a full explanation e.g.
Read whole answer and mark to the
 The order that activities/tasks candidates advantage.
are completed in (1) so that you
are not waiting for a previous This is a high demand question
d activity/task to be completed (1) testing knowledge of how a work
 When something needs to be plan is constructed and the aspect
completed (1) before something that needs to be considered.
else can be started (1) This does not need to be answered
 Other suitable response in context to be awarded full marks.

Total 15

3 a 9(3xL1P This covers the full range of marks

, 2xL1M, Art skills are not assessed so the
Suitable layout for
2XL1D, diagram could be a series of
the visualisation
L1P, wireframes annotated to help create
diagram with wholly
L1M) the final version
relevant content for
Looking for a suitable diagram that
the context.
shows knowledge of what a digital
book cover could include, together
with technical knowledge of how to
Level 3 scheme is shown
communicate the information to the
7- 9 marks and appropriate to
artists who will create the final book
the context.
Ask yourself the following questions:
The visualisation
diagram is wholly
 Is it a visualisation diagram?
suitable for purpose
 Is it a book cover or
of a digital book
something else?
 Does it fit the
Level 2 Layout is mostly space/interactive context?
4- 6 marks suitable although  Is there enough
there may be information/detail to create
weaknesses in its the digital book cover? – is it
structure. an effective diagram to
develop the product from
Content is mostly
relevant to the Marks are award for the visualisation
context and/or diagram considering the following
digital book cover. points:

Fitness for purpose  Layout relevant to a

of the visualisation multimedia interactive book
diagram may not be cover e.g.
o Use of white space

. Page 14 of 19
o Suitability of layout
fully clear for a o Location of elements
digital book cover. for context
 Content relevant to a
Layout is simplistic
multimedia interactive book
in structure and may
cover e.g.
be limited/not
o Title
suitable for use as a
o Images
digital book cover.
o Author
o Use/Inclusion of
Content has limited
images and relevant
Level 1 relevance to context
1 – 3 marks and/or digital book
 Fitness for purpose as
visualisation diagram
o Colour schemes
The visualisation
reflecting location and
diagram will be
weak in its fitness
o Fonts (sizes, types)
for purpose of the
o Annotations to aid
digital book cover.
final development
No work worthy of
0 marks
credit The diagram should be viewed as a
whole, then graded appropriately.

One from:

 GIF (1)
Low demand question
 JPEG (1)
b 1(L1P) These are the only answers allowed
 PDF(1)
Book is online so file size matters
 PNG (1)
 SVG (1)

One from e.g.

 AZW(1)
 ePub(1) Mid to high level demand question
 Folio (1) Key point is that the book
 Hpub (1) interactive which is key to the
 HTML/HTML5(1) choice of file format
c 1(L2M)
 LIT(1)
 Mobi(1) Other suitable response can include
 ODF(1) different web format such as PHP,
 SWF (1)
 Other suitable response

Total 11

4 a i Two from: 2(2xL2P This is a low demand question

) requiring the candidate to read
 (Oven) Door banging (1) script in the paper and pick out the
 Silence takes over (1) relevant points.
 Air conditioning (1) These are the ONLY possible

. Page 15 of 19
answers from the script
 Click -pressing the panel (1)
Closed list
‘Gasp’ is dialogue not sound effect

Two from:

Accept INT/ EXT once unless

 Canteen (1) 2(L1P,
ii expanded on Corridor is not a
 Student (bed)room (1) L1M)
location in the scripted scene
 Landing pad (1)

One from:

 Cook (1)
iii 1(L1D) Closed list
 Teacher (1)
 Queetass (1)

Two marks for suitable point and

expansion e.g.

 Do not know from which position

the view is (1) so cannot include
all the necessary content (1) Mid to high demand question -
 Need to make up how the scene context of animation is key aspect
looks (1) so may be not what the not the use of a camera crew
authors want (1) 2 (L2M, Looking for understanding of
 Animator will not know (1) L2D*) creating correct scene viewpoint
which objects/people to focus
on (1) Read whole answer and mark to the
 Do not know where to position candidates advantage.
the virtual camera (1) to get the
characters to move correctly
related to objects (1)
 Any other suitable response

Total 7

5 a Two marks for suitable point and 2(L2D, High demand question as it its
expansion e.g. L2D*) focuses on the ANIMATORS not film
crews in general.
 Allows them to see whole scene This will affect line of acceptable
sequence view (1) so they know answers
what to create (1) It is also about a sequence of scenes
 Allows animators to see how
scenes develop into each other Read whole answer and mark to the
(1) so that they can morph the candidates advantage.
characters into movement (1)
 Animators need know how long
scene will last (1) so they use
the correct number of
frames/frame rate (1)
 To show the content/ angles of a

. Page 16 of 19
scene (1) when part of a
sequence (1)
 To plan (1) the visual sequence
 Any other suitable response

Two marks for suitable point and

expansion e.g.

 To know which scene follows

which (1) so there is no
This is a low to mid demand question
confusion (1)
Looking for an understanding of why
 To know which scene has been
need the numbers
made (1) so they don’t make one 2(L1P,
b Does not need to be in context
twice (1) L2P)
 Allows the sequence of
Read whole answer and mark to the
storyboard (1) to be followed
candidates advantage.
correctly (1)
 To show the order (1) of the
scenes (1)
 Any other suitable response

Total 4

One from:

 ACC (1)
 FLAC (1)
 M4A (1)
 MP3 (1) Low demand question with correct
6 a 1(L1P)
 MP4(1) answers only
 MPEG-4 (1)
 OGG (1)
 WAV (1)
 WMA (1)

Two marks for suitable point and High demand question where
expansion e.g. technical knowledge is being
 Reduced file size (1) with no Does not need to be answered in
loss of data (1) context.
 Data takes up less storage 2(L2M, Looking for understanding of file size
space (1) but keeps the audio L2D*) being reduced but the audio quality
quality (1) is not affected unlike in lossy
 Quality of audio is kept (1) but compression
takes up less storage space (1) Do not accept answers related to
 Any other suitable response sending/transfer file quicker- lossy
does as well

Total 3

7 One (1) mark for each correct line. 3(3xL1P Correct answers only
If more than 1 line is drawn from a

. Page 17 of 19
definition = TV and move to next

Total 3

8 12(3xL1 The mind map is provided to guide

P, L1M, the CONTENT EDITOR about aspects
Candidates will
L1D, that they need to consider when
provide an excellent
2xL2P, developing the interactive aspect of
understanding of the
L1M, the book.
question with clear
2xL2D, L3 The candidate has EXPLAINED
explanation of the
2xL2D*) how useful the mind map is for the
suitability of the
CONTENT EDITOR and how to make
mind map for use by
it more useful
its target audience
L2 The candidate has DESCRIBED
(content editor).
the mind map with no linking it to
the correct audience – this is what
The strengths and
the mind map is missing etc
weaknesses of the
L1 The candidate just says
mind map are
(IDENTIFIED) about how the content
considered in equal
is nice for the book and the kids
Level 3 weighting.
reading it
9- 12 marks
The suggested
Answers may include reference to:
improvements will
be well thought
 Central theme
through and
 Clarity of thoughts/ideas
explained in
 Colours
 Confusion
 Fitness for purpose
Subject specific
 Font type & styles
terminology will be
 Interactivity
used correctly and
 Layout
there will be few, if
 Nodes
any, errors in
 Shapes/buttons
spelling and
 Structure
 Sub nodes
Level 2 Candidates will  Suitability for target audience
5- 8 marks provide a good (content editor)
understanding of the
question with Subject specific terminology covers
strengths and/or both terminologies related to the
weaknesses of mind creation of mind map as well as that
map being related to multimedia interactive
described. This may book.
be one sided. NB.
If answer is incorrect, 1 mark can
Some improvements still be awarded for quality of written
may be suggested communication.
but they will not be

. Page 18 of 19
wholly suitable.

At the top end of the

Level 2 the answer
will be presented in
the context of
creating the
interactive book.

There may be errors

in spelling,
punctuation and
grammar which may
not be intrusive.

understanding of the
use a mind map.

Answers will be
vague and not
necessarily linked to
the context of the
Level 1
0-4 marks
Answers may be
presented as a list
rather than a
structured piece of
writing. There may
be errors in spelling,
punctuation and
grammar which may
be intrusive.

Total 12

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